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Biola Broadcaster - 1953-11

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Biola Broadcaster - 1968-05

pAopherjf and the HolyLand by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary A S WE CONSI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1968-10


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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12 THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR Biola BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-10

2000th of an ounce of radium, was acci­ dentally dropped and broken on a hardwood floor. With a came

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11 CONTENTS LEAVES ................................... 3 JOHN 3:16 ........

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Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

New Mexico KARA 1,310 Aztec, New Mexico KNOE 1340 7:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 AAA.MTWTF Billings, Montana K

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Biola Broadcaster - 1972-03

or by remem­ bering Bioia in your WILL. Please send coupon for further information concerning Wills,

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Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07

p things other members of the family have overlooked; Dad grumbles about his inconsiderate boss and

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Biola Broadcaster - 1973-10

- 6 ill we say that,we have feUowshi'pAvith Him and yet walk in the darkness, we blie and cdo not pr

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Biola Broadcaster - 1954-08

) Reno- KAT0-1340 Orel(on Albany - KWIL - 1240 Ashland - KWIN - 1400 Astarla - KAST - 1370 Bend- KBN

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Biola Broadcaster - 1953-11

There's a coolness in the morning. There's a crispness in the air, Since the days are growing shorter And the blrds have gone elsewhere. But it spts my mind to thinking That the time is shorter, too, Till the coming of my Saviour– And the laborers are few. For God's harvest is not gathered, Many souls are lost in sin. Can we idly wait for Jesus When the harvest is not in? ~··~~ .-- · ~ -. ~v -- -- r::::u6'1iJ


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DR. TALBOT SAILS FOR AFRICA A plane will soon be soaring toward the land of Aus– tralia, carrying our own Dr. Louis T Talbot, who is anticipating a two months' rest in his native land. Around the first of the new year, he will meet the Reverend Oran H. Smith and alumnus, Bob Smith, in Cairo, Egypt, where they will. begin their journey into the heart of the continent of Africa, in photographing the work of BIOLA missionaries in the field. A farewell was bid Dr. Talbot at a recent BIOLA Sunday afternoon rally, as many of his friends were on hand to send him off with their best wishes and prayers. Upon Dr. Talbot's return home, the films will · be pre–

pared for showings in the churches of the homeland, that hearts might be challenged to help in the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ into the whitened har– vest field. _Won't you join us in praying that the Lord will provide him the needed strength and He might use these men to be wit– ·nesses of His grace and power? BIOLA RADIO MINISTRY "BIBLE. INSTITUTE HOUR" 8:30 a.m. M.W.F. (MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK) • • • For Southern Calif. Listener11 MQ_NDAY THROUGH FRIDAY "Verse By Verse" .... 11 :00 a.m., KFVD With Dr. Chester Padgett "Through the Bible" .... 12 Noon, KGER With Dr. J. Vernon McGee SATURDAY "Accent On Youth" .. 4:30 p.m., KGER; 7:15 p.m., KXLA (also HCJB; DZAS) (Student Alumni Production) "Adventure in Books" 7 :45 a.m., KPOL (Sponsored by BIOLA Bookroom) SOON TO BE RELEASED: "CROSSROADS OF DESTINY" Dramatic Portrayals of Life

CALEND.4H ANSWER SllEETS For the past months on the Bible Institl.lte Hour, we have been answering questions

from the 1953 Biola Calendar. Each month, listeners have been invited to write for answer sheets for the cur– rent month. Some of you have missed several of them, and so we have packaged the twelve answer sheets to– gether and now, offer them free to those who were not able to write previously. When you write, be sure to ask for the 12 answer sheets.

It's Here ••• Our 1954 Calendar Culminating many months of planning and prelimin– ary sketches, the much talked about 1954 Biola Calendar has now come off the press and is receiving wide appreci– ation from all parts of the country. Below you see Pres– ident Sutherland and Radio Director Sanders reviewing the efforts of the past months. Artist Fred Bailey of Anaheim who spent the long hours of work was not available for the picture. Combining the missionary and prayer themes, readers will find a twelve-month reminder of the need of the hour in which we live and the constant love and grace of God. At the bottom of the page, you will find out how you may secure your free copy.

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If you are on our regular mailing list, you will receive shortly a copy of our new 1954 Calendcir. Because of its outstanding beauty and deep spiritual significance, you will no doubt desire extra copies for your friends and neighbors, as they make excellent gifts for those far away. You are invited to write for as many as you can profit– ably use. While they cost us about eight cents apiece, we offer them free of charge just as long as the supply lasts.

~''''''''c'''''''''' { 1)~ '1//1/'Pttt!rA '~ '~ < "' ' ' '-"' ,, (. ,, ' ' (. "' '"' ' No one has ever found the hour that was lost.

What we are is God's gift to us Him is our gift to God.

. what we do for

Ask yourself: What kind of a church would ours be, if every member was just like me? • • • • A himself makes a

"If I could only live my life over ogoin " These were the words of o recent visitor who come into our office. They seem to be those of mony others who have olreody lived the best yeors of

their lives ond now seemingly feel that their lives have been somewhat of a failure. I have thought o greot deol obout this desire to relive one's life, ond I have concluded that there is a way. Why does he not invest his pro y er f u I support ond his money in the sending forth of a young ma.n or woman whose desire is to proclaim

the unsearchable truths of the Ward at God7 We have young people of this very colibre who ore now preparing to carry the blessed message of Salva– tion ta those who have never heord it. Would not you feel thot you were in o woy reliving your life if you had o port in one of these going out to serve our Lord Jesus Christ7 Your money can help in the troining of these men and women. And above all, your prayers are most necessory to uphold these as they battle O!lainst Satan's power in his attempts to threaten their proclaiming the blessed redemption story. You can live your life over through your proyers and the giving of your money in the sending forth of these young people into His service. ~ ~~~~~~@:ii~~~~~~~~~~~ FREE MATERIAL OFFERED For the past months of this year we have offered booklets to the members of our radio

audience. In checking our mailing department, we find we still have available a few copies of the following: "Radio Questions Answered'', "Blessed Assurances", by Dr. Talbot; "Prophecies of Centuries Fulfilled in a Day'', and sample copies of the King's Business, the magazine dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home. Send today for any of these free booklets.

It isn't what you have In your pocket that makes you thankful • • • but what you have in your heart• • • • A thief broke into the modest dwelling of Matthew Henry, the celebrated scholar, and stole his purse. But the busy, cheerful, old gentleman, far from being cast down, turned to his diary and indited this optimistic observation: "Let me be thankful: First, because I was never robbed before; second, because although he took my purse, he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed." "Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. His mercy endureth FOREVER." • • • • • Remember, running people down is bad business, whether you're a motorist or a gossip. • • I thank Thee, Lord, that Thy malll}a falls Daily to feed and strengthen me. I thank Thee, Lord, for Thy living springs, A well of water flowing for me. I thank Thee, Lord, for my daily bread, Bread of Thy body, broken for me. I thank Thee, Lord, for the wine of life, Wine of Thy blood, which was spilled for me. -MARTHA SNELL NICHOLSON • • • Prayer must mean something to us, if it Is to mean any· thing to God. • • • * FACTS FOR CHURCH MEMBERS know that: • .... Did you 5 per cent ··························-···-························· Do not exist 10 per cent ........................................ Never attend church 40 per cent .................................. Never give to any cause 50 per cent .............................. Never go to Sunday School 60 per cent ............ Never go to Church on Sunday night 70 per cent .................................... Never give to missions 75 per cent ........ Never engage in any church activities 80 per cent ............................ Never have family worship 95 per cent .......... NEVER WIN A SOUL TO CHRIST Christ died for you ... what are you doing for Him?




"The Bible ln•titute Hour'~ ..,.: BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES


·' Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 A.M.

· ..'

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

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Chico-KXOC-1060 El Centro - KXO -1230 Fresno - KYNO - 1300 Los Angeles - KHJ - 930 Marysvllle-KMYC-1410 Merced - KYOS - 1480 Paso Robles - KPRL - 1230


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Albany - KWIL - 1240 Ashland - KWIN - 1400 Astoria-KAST-1370 Bend - KBND - 1110 Coos Bay - KOOS - 1230

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.: ·--~i Sacramento - KCRA- 1320 Grants Pass - KUIN - 1340 Salinas - KSBW - 1380 Portland - KWJJ - 1080 San Bern?rdlna - KFXM - 590 Roseburg.- KRXL - 1240 -~·· ..·. ·.. · San Luis Obispa-KVEC-920 Aberdeen-KXR0-1320 Santa Barbora - KDB - 1490 B Ir ha _ KPUG _ 1170 San Diego - KGB - 1360 .: San Fr~ncls~o- KFRC -610 Salem - KSLM - 1390 Wasldn"ton · :





'lQ. }.! •• \\ ..): ·1!,J.·

Stockton - KXOB - 1280 Tulare_ KCOK _ 1270 Ventura_ KVEN _ 1450 _ KWSO _ 1050 W

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Centralia - KELA- 1470 Ever-:tt - KRKO - 1380 Longview - KWLK - 1400 Olympia - KGY - 1240 Seattle - KVI - 570 Spokane - KNEW - 790


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' · .' Coeur d'Alene-KVNl-1240 Walla Walla - KUJ - 1420 ·. ,;.· Lewiston - KRLC - 1350 Wenatchee - KWNW - 1340 Wallace- KWAL-620 Yakima - KYAK - 1400 :L

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