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pAopherjf and the HolyLand by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary A S WE CONSI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12 THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR Biola BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-10

2000th of an ounce of radium, was acci­ dentally dropped and broken on a hardwood floor. With a came

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11 CONTENTS LEAVES ................................... 3 JOHN 3:16 ........

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Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

New Mexico KARA 1,310 Aztec, New Mexico KNOE 1340 7:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 AAA.MTWTF Billings, Montana K

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Biola Broadcaster - 1972-03

or by remem­ bering Bioia in your WILL. Please send coupon for further information concerning Wills,

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Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07

p things other members of the family have overlooked; Dad grumbles about his inconsiderate boss and

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- 6 ill we say that,we have feUowshi'pAvith Him and yet walk in the darkness, we blie and cdo not pr

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Biola Broadcaster - 1970-06

JUNE, 1970 / Volum 10 / Number 6


president .............................. managing editor ............... design .................................... printing ................................ biota hour h o st ..................

Arroyo Grande - San Luis Obispo KOAG


1280 10:00 A.M . M TW TF

Biker,field • Wasco KAFY

4 :00 A.M . Sun. 9:30 A.M . M TW TF 7:00 A.M . Sun. 8:00 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 P.M . M TW TF 8:00 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 A.M . M TW TF 9:00 A.M . M TW TF

550 1050 1500




Chico - Paridi*. KEWQ Fromo - Dinub. KUDU Lodi - Stockton KCVR Lo. Angolo. KBBI






107.5 (FM)



Lo. Angel., - Long Buch KGER

1390 11:00 A.M . M TW TF 9 :30 P.M . M TW TF 1390


3:30 P.M . Sun.


MISSIONS .........


Oxnard - Vantura - Santa Barbara KOXR 910 Redding - Red Bluff KQMS San Bernardino - Riverside RACE 1570 1400

8:00 A.M . M TW TF

J. Oswald Smith PANEL DISCUSSIONS .... 11 MISSIONARY PANEL DISCUSSIONS .......................... 15 MISSIONARY INTERVIEWS .... 18 THE UNITY OF THE WORD OF GOD ........................ 26 Lloyd T. Anderson

8:30 A.M . Sun.

9:30 A.M . M TW TF 7:30 A.M . Sun.

KFXM Santa Crux KSCO San Mago KSCO


8:30 A.M . Sun. 8:30 A.M . Sun.


99.1 (FM)

8:00 A.M . M TW TF 9:30 P.M . M TW TF 4:00 P.M . Sun. 8:00 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 A.M . M TW TF

KBBW 102.9 (FM)


910 860

San Francisco KFAX Santa Mari. KCOY


1440 10:30 P.M . Sun. OREGON

Albany - Eugen. KWIL Ashland - Medford KWIN Coquille - Coos Bay KWRO KWIL

8:00 A.M . M TW TF 3:00 A.M . M TW TF

790 790


580 11:10 A.M . M TW TF 7:00 A.M . Sun.

8:30 A.M . MWF


Fortland KPDQ KPDQ

800 11:30 A.M . M TW TF 11:30 A.M . M TW TF

Meditation and prayer are important aspects of college life at Biola as stu­ dents seek God’s direction for their lives. Pictured is Debbie Small.

93.7 (FM)


Blaine - Vancouver, B.C. KARI Saattla 550

8:30 A.M . M TW TF 4:30 P.M . M TW TF 4:30 P.M . M TW TF 8:00 P.M . M TW TF 12:30 A.M . M TW TF



102.5 (FM)

Saattla- Tacoma KGDN Spokana KCFA Walla Walla

630 11:30 A.M . M TW TF 1330 11:30 A.M . M TW TF

Second Claes postage paid in La Mii-ada, C alif . Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.


8:00 A.M . MWF

1490 1390

9:30 A.M . M TW TF Continued on Page 85

farm houses, then valleys and moun­ tains in the distance. Finally, I could look down upon the entire island of Jamaica, lying like a huge jewel in the bosom of the Carribbean. No doubt, if I could have gone high enough, all the islands of the West Indies would be visible at a single glance. God, from His vantage point, can look down upon the entire world. He knows every need, and wants us to share His view. Too often we have the mistaken idea that we’re more important than any of the other peo­ ples of the world. Traveling through­ out the United States, I hear this on every side. It’s clearly evident in actions and reactions, too. Years ago, I was in the Dutch East Indies, now known as Indo­ nesia. There are 110 million people there. I traveled through the very heart of the islands, preaching to inlanders, savages, and others. When I came to the island of Java, I dis­ covered I could cross it in my car, from north to south, in four hours. Yet it’s one of the most densely populated areas on the whole face of the earth. There are no less than 60 million people the re . If our God is interested in numbers, He must be more concerned about Java than He is about my country of Canada. We have fewer people. But if God is interested in numbers, He must be more interested in the Unit­ ed States with 220 million or Russia with 250 million or in India with 500 million, or in China with 800 million people. Every fourth baby born into the world is Chinese. “Lift up your eyes” ! See a world for which Jesus Christ gave His life on Calvary. 3

C hapter O ne T here are some very familiar words in Ezekiel 3:17-19 which, I believe, have a direct bearing on the missionary testimony. Allow me to change the words only slightly that we might understand this bet­ ter for our own day. “Christian worker, I have made thee a watch­ man. Therefore hear the word of my mouth and give warning for me. When I say unto the lost, Thou shall surely die, and thou givest him not warning, nor speak to warn the lost of his godless way to save his life, the same heathen man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet, if thou warn the lost, and he turn not from his foolish state, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. His blood will I not require at thine hand.” I believe that, “The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world.” It’s sad to realize that so few pastors teach this fact, and so few Christians are really concerned for the whitened harvest fields. Who is it, according to John 3:16, that God loves? The answer is clearly “the world!” God wants us to have a world-wide vision. He is not satisfied with anything less. Too many are only local in their outlook. We must see beyond the boundaries of the area in which we happen to live. Why is it that we only see our own church, our own denomi­ nation, our own community? Is it be­ cause we’re so nearsighted that we don’t have a world vision? When I was leaving Jamaica I stepped into a large plane. At first all I saw was the local surroundings. Rising higher, I could see fields and

ed there 41 years ago, we were in debt. The people didn’t know which way to turn. I prayed, “Lord, I’ve been wanting to find out for a long time whether or not a certain pas­ sage in Thy Word is true from a practical standpoint.” I was refer­ ring to “Seek ye first, the kingdom of God [the extension of God’s king­ dom worldwide] and all these things [the home necessities] shall be added unto you.” That morning I preached a missionary sermon. It was my first message to the people. I did the same that evening. Then I asked the people to come back every night that week. They came and got the same challenge for missions. The second Sunday came. I can remember it as though it were yesterday. At the morning service, I announced, “We are going to hold three services to­ day and in each take up a mission­ ary offering. Every cent will go to the foreign fields.” Some people stared in amazement. But God was working. Even though we were in debt, nothing was said of the home needs. The people became so inter­ ested, aroused, and awakened, that they came in ever-increasing num­ bers. Souls were saved, and every seat was taken. They gave as they had never done before. In a relative­ ly few weeks, every debt was paid. We discovered that when a church puts first things first, God works in a miraculous way. God’s program never fails. The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. I refer to the whole church, not merely some department of it. We’ve never had a women’s missionary so­ ciety in the Peoples church. I’m not against it; I’m for it. Sometimes the only missionary light shining is that from such a faithful and dedicated group. But we want all of our people involved, not just one group. Mis­ sions is for everyone! In a sense, every man in my church is a mem­ ber of a women’s missionary soci

The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. You businessmen, where do you spend most of your service money? Which is the most important department? Isn’t it the one you want to develop which carries the most need? Do we put most of our money into that most important department of our Christian outreach, namely missions ? Nothing is nearer to the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ than world evan­ gelization. We must put missions first; everything else comes second. Some years ago, I was able to go to my treasurer at the Peoples Church in Toronto and ask two questions. First, how much do we spend on ourselves here in the home­ land over the course of a year? My second question, “How much did we send to the foreign mission fields of the world last year?” There must be a balance. Last year we had $65,000 for the home work while there was $329,000.00 for work in the regions beyond. Our people have caught a vision. Do you have it? Are you put­ ting first things first? C hapter T wo I N THE work of missions at the Peoples Church of Toronto, Cana­ da, the Lord has greatly blessed. We try to give at least five times as much in our foreign work as we do for the home field. Last year, at our conference we had about 150 mis­ sionaries present with 30 or 40 new recruits who had been accepted for various fields by different mission boards. The people gave $400,000.00 exactly for missions. We now have 403 missionaries serving under 41 accredited faith missionary societies, on 66 fields throughout the world. We don’t have a wealthy church. Most of the people are of the work­ ing class who don’t have vast month­ ly salaries. Yet they have a vision, and are putting first things first. Any church can do it. When I start- 4

ety. I see to it, as far as possible, that every one of my 240 elders par­ ticipate in world evangelization. Every boy and every girl in our Sun­ day school makes out his own “faith promise” offering envelope for mis­ sions. We seek to get total participa­ tion. It’s amazing what God is able to do. When a child becomes seven years of age, we carefully instruct him how to make out his own offer­ ing envelope. We want him to do so that he may give as an individual. Thus, when they grow to be men and women, they know how to give. Last year, our Sunday school gave $211,- 000.00 to our foreign missionary work. What wonderful co-operation! This work is far too important to hand over to any one organization. Everyone must catch the missionary spirit and do something. Our gifts come from a multitude of ordinary people. At one time, an official of the foreign mission board of a large de­ nomination in Canada came to me for the secret. I told him there was no real appeal in a cold, statistical budget. Get it to the hearts of the people where they can see the need. People will never give you a budget; they must have inspiration. Put the missionaries on the platform. Let the people become acquainted with them. Only then will they co-operate in the great work of world evangelization. Never forget, as my motto reminds me repeatedly, “The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world!” C hapter T hree I ’ m impressed by Matthew 9:35-38 which tells us among other things that “Jesus went about all the cities and villages.” He didn’t settle down in any one community. He was con­ tinually on the go. He was moved with compassion. Compassion isn’t pity or sympathy, but love in action. You don’t show compassion until you act. Christ said to His disciples,

“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.” This is the same problem we have today. There aren’t enough workers. The solution is that we should pray. Years ago, I went through the Bi­ ble to see if I could stay in Canada and still obey God. I wondered if I could enjoy a pastorate and still carry on my Lord’s missionary com­ mands. I found such expressions as “All nations, all the world, every creature, every kindred and tongue and people and nation, and the utter­ most part of the earth.” The message of redemption was for the entire world. Wycliffe Bible Translators tell us there are still some 2,000 tribes which never once have heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not one single missionary is working with them. Yet nearly two thousand years have gone by since Christ told us to give His gospel to the entire world. If one nation lives beyond the boundaries of Canada, and I call my­ self a Christian, I’m duty-bound to cross my country’s boundaries and preach the gospel to the nation. Why spend a lifetime settling for sub­ stitutes? I must carry out the post­ resurrection commands of Christ. What about you? Either you must go yourself, or you must send some­ body else in your place. Woe be to you if you do nothing! God’s orders must be obeyed and His commands carried out. When I was only 18 years of age, I went to the Indians of British Columbia. I lived in a little shack all alone near Alaska. It was be­ tween three and four thousand miles from home. I was there over a year. Realizing I needed more education to prepare for my life’s work, I re­ turned to civilization. Finally, being ordained to the ministry, I then applied to the missionary board of my denomination, asking to be sent out to India. My case was very care­ fully considered. At last a decision 5

beyond. I asked God for 400 mission­ aries. I didn’t dream that my prayer would be answered in my own life­ time. I’m a missionary first and a hymnwriter-author second. I believe God has used me in a greater way by raising up substitutes and support, sending others in my place. I’m try­ ing to put first things first. God has not failed me and I know He won’t fail you or your church. As you trust Him, God will prosper you as never before. You’ll have a ministry which will thrill your heart as you do your part to get the message of salvation to those who've never heard before. C hapter F our I T is interesting to observe the personal habits of prayer prac­ ticed by our Lord. The disciples searched for Him in the early hours of the morning. Finally they found Him on top of a mountain, engaged in prayer. Impatiently they reasoned, “Master, the crowds are waiting for You! There are many more sick to be healed. Come back and finish Your work.” He replied, looking out over the valleys and mountains, “I must preach in the next towns for there­ unto am I sent.” Christ was always thinking of the next town where He had never yet ministered. They, too, needed to hear the Gospel. There were so many “other sheep.” Paul had the same vision. There were the regions beyond in unoccu­ pied areas. He was concerned about Spain and Rome. The Gospel had to be taken to all the world. At one time all of North Africa was evan­ gelized. H undreds of C h ris tian churches dotted the landscape. Some of our greatest theologians came from this area in the early centuries after Christ. Then, the area was swept by Mohammedanism. The light of faith burned lower and lower un­ til at last it went out. The reason for this was that the religious lead­ ers and theologians got into contro

was reached and I was definitely and finally rejected. The board felt I would be valueless on any field. I went into the pastorate, but still not satisfied, knowing I had to do some­ thing. Finally, I struck out on my own, going to Europe to preach the Gospel, all over Latvia, and Poland, winning many souls to Christ. Final­ ly, I became worn out and one day I fainted. Because of ill health, I had to leave the field. I returned to my church in Toronto, continuing my travels all over the United States and Canada, trying to challenge oth­ ers. Then I attempted to go again. This time it was Spain. Again ill health forced me to return. God en­ abled me to found the Peoples Church in Toronto in 1928. Four years later, the m ission a ry urge came again in force and I left for Africa. By horseback, I penetrated back into the interior. Finally, I collapsed in the long grass of Africa. After a very serious illness lasting for many weeks, I found myself at the coast, where I could return to civilization. By now I believed that the mission board hadn’t made a mistake. Yet I had seen the vision. Still that wasn’t the end. In 1938, I went once again, this time to the far Pacific. I travelled by steamer for a month and found myself preaching to the cannibals and the savages of the Solomon Islands. Be­ fore long, I contracted malarial fev­ er which lasted for three years. I was placed on a boat to be returned home. I thank the Lord that He’s allowed me to work in 70 different countries. Last year I went to Aus­ tralia for nationwide campaigns. This year it will be Sweden. Next year, the Lord willing, I plan to go to New Zealand. I must obey my Lord’s commands until I see my Mas­ ter face to face. Today our church has an army of workers on 66 dif­ ferent fields serving under 41 ac­ credited missionaries societies. These are our substitutes in the regions 6

versy with one another. Instead of preaching the Gospel and evangeliz­ ing the lost, they argued over Chris­ tian doctrine. They should have gone to “the next towns” instead. If they had, within a very short time they could have reached the southern tip of Africa, covering the entire con­ tinent with the salvation’s message. It might have been that Africa would have sent missionaries to Europe and America instead of the reverse. But take heed, it could, and in some areas, it is happening here. If the Church of Jesus Christ doesn’t awak­ en, giving the Gospel to the whole world, spiritual darkness may com­ pletely envelope our land. People will always comment: “Why go, with so much to be done here at home?” Ask why David Liv­ ingstone left Scotland, heading for Africa before everyone in his home­ land had become a Christian. There are still thousands in Scotland who care nothing for Christ. Why did William Carey leave England for In­ dia when there was so much to be done in the British Isles? Why did Adoniram Judson leave America for Burma when the needs here were so great? Why did Paul leave Palestine, his own homeland, and head for Eu­ rope, to evangelize our forefathers? There is only one answer to these questions: “The field is the world.” You’ve never heard of a farmer working in one little corner of his field, leaving the rest to the ravages of nature. We’re not called to spend our lifetimes in a little fenced area. God wants us to look over the fence and do something positive on the oth­ er side. We’re to reach the rest of the world. The entire world must be our field. It's never been God’s will that we should remain at home until the work is finished here. To dis­ agree with this is to say that Paul made a mistake. It would have been better had he stayed home in Israel. When the Lord Jesus fed the 5,000, He had them sit down in rows. The

loaves and the fishes were blessed and given to His disciples to distrib­ ute. They saw to it that everyone was fed. They didn’t keep passing the food to the front rows, neglecting those who were farther away. Any­ thing else wouldn’t have been fair. Why should anybody hear the Gos­ pel twice, before everyone has heard it once? Inc iden ta lly , I’ve never known a minister to have any trou­ ble with the back rows. The problem is that the front rows are overfed so that they have developed spiritual indigestion. If a minister had any sense, he’d leave the front rows for awhile and let them get hungry for once in their lives. The back rows should have food, too. I’ve been with the back rows where countless mil­ lions are famished for the Bread of Life. Is it right? We should be training the front rows to share what they have with others, reach­ ing them with the Gospel. The greatest thing a church can do for itself is to send its pastor to one of the foreign mission fields. There’s no vacation like it. He’ll come back a new man. No one can see the need of the world and ever be the same again. Dr. Alexander Duff was a great veteran missionary to India. He had returned to Scotland to die. He was invited to speak before the General Assembly of th e P re sb y te ria n Church to tell them of his work. He made a strong appeal but there was no response. He was so grieved that he fainted and had to be carried off the platform. When he was revived, doctors told him to lie still for he had sustained a heart attack. He would not hear of it, for he felt he must press home his appeal for the spiritual needs of India. In spite of the physician’s protest, the old white- haired warrior struggled to his feet. With the doctor on one side and the moderator of the Assembly on the other, he again mounted the pulpit. The entire assembly rose to do him 7

bound to go abroad. I go as a mis­ sionary not that I may follow the dictates of common sense, but that I may obey that command of Christ. Apart altogether from choice, my reason for going forth is a matter of obedience to a plain command. In place of seeking to find a reason for going abroad, I’d prefer to say that I’ve failed to discover any reason why I should stay at home.” What a testimony! What an heroic deci­ sion! Charles T. Stubbs gave away a fortune of $145,000.00. He could have lived at home in great luxury but chose rather to give away all he had and go to China as a missionary. Strange as it may seem, it was a statement of an atheist that started him on his way. The words were, “If I firmly believed, as mission­ aries say they do, that the knowledge and the practice of religion in this life influenced destiny in another, re­ ligion would mean everything to me. I’d cast away earthly enjoyment as dross, earthly cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as van­ ity. Religion would be my first wak­ ing thought and my last image be­ fore sleep sank me into unconscious­ ness. I would take thought for the morrow of eternity only. I would esteem one soul gained for heaven worth a life of suffering. Earth, its joys and griefs, would occupy no mo­ ment in my thoughts. I would strive to look upon eternity alone and on the immortal souls around me. My text would be, ‘What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ ” Think of an unbeliever looking this way at our Christian ministry. Men are dying all about us. You have the message of life to give them. Will you withhold it from them? Do you feel that you have the nec­ essary qualifications to take the Gos­ pel to the lost? There’s the language to be learned. Can you master it? Are you young enough, or is it al

honor. When they were seated, Dr. Duff spoke firmly, “When Queen Victoria calls for volunteers for her Indian forces, hundreds of young men respond. Why is it when Jesus calls, no one goes? Is it true that the fathers and mothers of Scotland have no more sons to give for In­ dia?” There was silence with no re­ sponse. The elderly man of God con­ cluded, “Very well, then aged though I am, I’ll go back there where I can lie down on the banks of the Ganges to die. At least thereby I can let the people of India know that there is one man in Scotland who loves them enough to give his life for them.” In a moment, young men all over the Assembly sprang to their feet crying out, “I’ll go! I’ll go!” ' And although Dr. Duff never saw that beloved land of his missionary conquest again, there were many others who took his place and stood in the gap. Will you go? Has God spoken to your heart? Have you heard His call? Will you answer, “Lord, here am I, send me?” And if you cannot go, will you send a substitute? It’s for you to decided. Why should any­ one hear the gospel twice before everyone has heard it once? service is concerned? James Gilmore was following God’s will when he went to Mongolia. He reasoned, “Is the kingdom a harvest field? Then I thought it reasonable that I should seek to work where the need was most abundant and workers fewest. To me the soul of an Mongol seemed as precious as the soul of an English­ man. The Gospel was as much for the Chinese as for the Europeans. As the band of missionaries was few compared to the company of minis­ ters at home, it seemed I was duty 8 C hapter F ive H ave you ever wondered what constitutes a call as far as God’s

ready too late? How about your health? Can you endure the rigors of difficult climates? Education both secular and theological is imperative. Obstacles and hindrances will be overcome or taken away if God wants you to go for Him. To me, the call is that divine urge that makes it impossible for one to resist. For me, I'm like a hunter’s dog on a leash, straining to get away. It’s that ir­ resistible “must” ! I see constantly the distant fields. I feel that, come what may, I have no choice but to go. I’m not satisfied to settle down where I am. That urge I followed and I’ve never been disappointed. Stir me Lord, I care not how, But stir my heart In passion for the world. Stir me to give To go But most, to pray. Stir me to give Heathen darkness, lie or deserts Where no Cross is lifted high. If you really want to hear God’s voice, if you really want to do His will, I can tell you how you can find out whether or not He has called you to the foreign field. First, start praying about your life’s work every day. Set aside a time to wait on God about it. Ask, “Lord, what wouldst Thou have me to do ?” Second, as you pray, read missionary biographies. When I was a student, I purchased a whole shelf of biographies and read two or three chapters each day. In this 20th century, we’re living in a difficult atmosphere. Put yourself in a frame of mind so that you can hear His voice. Before long you’ll be burdened for some particular field. That is the way many missionaries have heard God’s call. If you dis­ obey, you’ll do so at your own peril. You’ll never be happy except in the center of God’s will. Satan may seek to turn the members of your own Is unfurled o’er lands That still in darkness,

family against you. I can’t tell you how many have come to me in middle life saying, "Dr. Smith, God called me to be a missionary, but I married a man who didn’t want to. Now we have a family and it’s too late. I’ve missed God’s best.” If God's called you, you have no right to keep com­ pany with anyone who is not trav­ elling in your direction. Faithfully follow these suggestions and God will lead you into the most glorious work ever committed to man. You’ll be­ come a missionary and your- life will be invested in a worthwhile work. Conscious of the leading of the Lord, you’ll never be disappointed. John G. Paton argued, “I clearly saw that all at home had free access to the Bible and the means of grace. Gospel light was shining all around them. The poor heathen were perishing without even the chance to learn of God’s love and mercy.” He left the homeland, made the sacrifice, and labored for the Lord Jesus Christ, accomplishing a work which will en­ dure through all the countless ages of eternity. Have you heard the call? Are you praying about your life’s work? Have you laid that life of yours on the altar for the Lord Jesus Christ? Again, there’s no place of happiness in this world except in the very cen­ ter of the will of God. Make yourself available to God. Will you then listen to His voice? years ago. There are still pioneer fields where heroism is demanded and persecution rages. We have won­ derful examples from men like David Brainard who testified, “Here am I, Lord, send me. Send me to the rough savage pagans of the wilder­ ness. Send me from all that’s called comfort on earth.” Would to God we could see such dedication today! 9 C hapter S ix M issionary work today is very different from what it was 50

weak, scarcely able to turn m my bed, I’m by His abounding grace kept in perfect peace, refreshed with a sense of my Saviour’s love and an assurance that all is wisely and mercifully appointed.” God had sent His messenger to proclaim the Gos­ pel to those who had great spiritual need. It’s a fact that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. A glorious harvest will always fol­ low. Someone has to pioneer and God has those who will select His best. Why is it we have so few pio­ neers today? There are 2,000 tribes that have never received the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone must become a pioneer if these tribes are going to be evangelized. Why not you? I pray that God will speak to your heart. There isn’t any great­ er work in all the world; there’s no greater call. There’s no other way you can invest your life more ac­ ceptably. Offer yourself to some so­ ciety working in pioneer territory. Do what David Livingstone and oth­ ers before you have done. Some of us are too old to go. We can pray and give so that others can go. My challenge is directly to you. Will you ask God about it? He’ll lead you un­ erringly you may be sure. He wants you to be in the very center of His will. Lay that life of yours on the altar for Him. Make yourself avail­ able. Let me tell you something. God will never lead, guide, nor direct you until you first of all make yourself available to Him. Listen to hear His voice, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” You’ll become a pioneer having the unspeakable joy of giving an en­ tire tribe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Will you do it? May God help you to see the need and respond. God had one Son without sin, but never one without suffering. It is where a man spends his money that shows where his heart lies. —Edwin Keigwin

C. E. Studd has set the example. He said, “If Jesus Christ be God, and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” David Livingstone exclaimed, “Death is a glorious event for one going to Jesus!” When William Carey plan­ ned to go to India, he met great opposition. The directors of the East India Company opposed his work and presented a resolution to Parliament. In the blindness of prejudice and un­ belief they declared, “The sending out of missionaries into eastern possessions is the maddest, most ex­ travagant, most costly, most inde­ fensible project which has ever been suggested by a moonstruck fanatic. Such a scheme is pernicious, impru­ dent, useless, harmful, dangerous and profitless. It strikes against all reason and sound policy. It brings the peace and safety of our posses­ sions into peril.” How foolish was such a vain statement! Carey, in the midst of his deepest trials, was able to write, “Why is my soul disquiet­ ed within me? Things may turn out better than I expected. Everything is known to God, and God cares.” What courage he had! He believed the command, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea­ ture.” Never a man faced the task of world evangelism under more un­ favorable conditions. He stood the test and became the father of mod­ ern missions. David Livingstone and the martyred James Chalmers died at their posts. All those whose lives I’ve studied have been inspiring. Yet none has touch my heart like Adoni- ram Judson of Burma. He suffered unbelievable pain. That awful night­ mare in the Burmese prison could never be forgotten. Anguish was be­ yond the power of human words to describe. In spite of his awful pre­ dicament, he w rote as follows, “Blessed be my Heavenly Father for the many mercies I enjoyed, a com­ fortable bed, no pain or even crav­ ings of hunger. Though excessively 10


Q. Granada Hills, Calif. — “I ’ve al­ ways wanted to dedicate my life to God’s work, but don’t know how to go about it. Must missionaries be under 85. I ’m 36 and work to support my wife and four children.” A. Ordinarily mission boards don’t like to take those over 35. Through years of experience they’ve discov­ ered it's so much harder in many ways, such as learning the language, adjusting to rigors of foreign life, being set in their ways. Still, in more recent years we have seen the effectiveness of short-term programs. It may be a doctor, nurse, electrician or one of almost any trade or pro­ fession who will go for six months to a year or two years accomplish­ ing invaluable service for Christ. A person with children must give first consideration to them. It may be that the Lord would have you serve right here in your own home and community. The first thing is to dedicate your life to Christ and be available to follow His leading. Ask for wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit as you face the future. Q. Fortuna, Calif. — “I grew up in Los Angeles and was a Presbyterian which Biola, I believe, originally was. Yet, there’s no significance between beliefs and that of the denomina­ tion!s. I am now a Seventh-day Ad­ ventist. A. Biola has never been affiliated with any specific denomination. Some

of our early founders were members of Presbyterian churches; however, the denomination has changed great­ ly in the more than six decades. At the same time we aren't antidenomi- national. God has allowed the church to be gathered together into different groups. We are interdenominational, seeking to have harmonious fellow­ ship together as far as those funda­ mental, orthodox, conservative de­ nominations are concerned. We do not agree with those who hold to the keeping of the law as a necessity to Salvation. This is not taught in Scripture (Eph. 2:8, 9). The keep­ ing of the Sabbath was a sign be­ tween God and His chosen people Israel. Christians, in this dispense tion, emphasize the first day of the week which is the memorial of the resurrection of our Lord. There is a significant difference between our Biola Schools and any group that keeps the seventh day. Some of these groups also teach annihilation, con­ ditional immortality and are not al­ ways clear on the deity of our Lord. Q, San Leandro, Calif. — “I heard a rumor that liberalism is creeping in­ to your school. While I don’t believe it perhaps you could clarify this so I can stop the report when I hear it again. Also, I ’d like to ask if the Apostle Paul had died before he went on the road to Damascus, would he have been saved?” A. We know of no way that liberal­ ism is creeping into Biola. We know 11

stand against the^Revised Standard) ^ Version when it was first published. We don’t believe it's a trustworthy translation at all. We do endorseTT Tr. however, the New American Stand-JiT** ard Versioji. Please mark the differ­ ence to avoid confusion. This is the outgrowth of the 1901 publication. Those who have worked on the latter translation are scholars who thor­ oughly believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. This, after all, is the very key/Many of those made the Revised Standard Version had ) an unfortunately low view of Jesus_/ Christ. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “I can’t believe God still loves me after what I ’ve done. My family has disowned me and with good reason. I ’ve ruined their name and can never go back to the city where I was bom. Is there a chance to win back God’s love?" A. Never forget this fact that God loves us in spite of ourselves. Other­ wise our sins of omission and com­ mission would absolutely cancel out any love of an ordinary god. Our infinite Lord was motivated by love and holiness. These two marvelous attributes met at Calvary. Don’t judge God by the reaction of your family. The Saviour doesn’t disown anyone. If you have never accepted Him by faith, you can do so this mo­ ment, confessing your sin, and open­ ing your heart to salvation. The way you were born into your own family was through a physical birth. The way to get into God’s family is to be born of God’s Spirit. Read very carefully the third chapter of John’s gospel. You don’t need to win back God’s love. He already loves you and has proven that by sending His Son to die for you (John 3:16). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” You’ll have a new life, not only with relation to your family, but also eternally through Christ.

that Satan is everlastingly trying to discredit the work of the Lord. Whenever we find any problems com­ ing in, we deal with them immediate­ ly. It has been necessary for us through the years to dismiss those who may not measure up to our conservative evangelical stand a rd s . They will seek to hurt the school by unfortunate and u n tru e repo rts . They will have to answer to the Lord for it. We can assure you that Biola stands exactly where we have always stood. Our doctrinal position is no different from what it was when the school was founded in 1908. As to the question on Paul, the an­ swer is that Paul would not have been saved because at that point he had not accepted Christ as his Sav­ iour. Q. Glendale, Calif. — f l feel we’re living in the last days to be sure. Can we expect to see a worldwide harvest?” A. These are the last days of the church age while Israel’s brightest future is still ahead. The ingather­ ing always depends upon the Holy Spirit. The harvest is certainly ripe, but the laborers are few. We know God is sovereign and can do all things. Two trends will continue to the end of this age. That will be the fact that certain numbers will be saved, although we’re not given to understand that there will be an in­ ternational global revival. The call­ ing out you see, will be followed by the calling up of the body of Christ. The fact is that we can expect a worldwide defec tion and “falling away.” Q. Altadena, Calif. — "Is Biola trying to get away from the usage of the King James Version of the Bible? Do you favor the Revised Standard Version?” A. Absolutely not! Biola took its 12

Q. Wichita, Kans. — " If a person wanted to be an agricultural special­ ist on the mission field, would he need Bible training?” A. Yes, you should have it regard­ less of your trade or profession. Everything that a missionary does on the field has but one goal and that is to witness to the saving and keeping power of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can go without this training but you’ll not be anywhere near as effective. Q. Kansas City, Mo. — "I’ve been saved for a number of years, but I’m frank to tell you that I ’ve been troubled by blasphemous thoughts concerning God. I ’ve resisted these, but they keep coming back. I need some help. Do you think I’ve com­ mitted the unpardonable sin?” A. As to your last question, the an­ swer is an absolute “no!” It is good to realize your need. This is the best place to seek help. What you have found is indicated in I John 1:8, 10. No one in all the universe has done for man what God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have done. The devil won’t ever for­ get it. It’s his tactic to sow doubt in your mind. As Augustine said, “We can’t keep the birds from flying over our heads, but we don’t have to let them make nests in our hair.” None of us are sinlessly perfect. God wants us to depend upon Him. Scripture urges us, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Pray for the overshadow ing protection of the Lord. Fill your mind with things that honor the Lord. Begin to read the Gospels and get a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ. Go through the Epistles for an indication of the way your life should be as a believer. Q. Portland, Ore. — “How can I know God forgives me for sin?”

A. The answer is given assuredly in I John 1:9. To doubt this promise is calling God a liar. Feelings don’t enter in ; it’s based wholly on the Word of God. Q. Portland, Ore. — "What can you do with anger and bitterness that well up when cutting, downgrading, cruel remarks are made to a wife who is a Christian? Also, could you explain I Corinthians lh:88?” A. To act in such a manner certainly isn’t Christian. There shouldn’t be this bemeaning attitude. Satan tries to make Christians unimportant. It won’t help to be bitter for this will work like vinegar in your veins. If you can, avoid those who carry on such activities if they aren’t mem­ bers of your family. If you can’t avoid them, seek to talk the matter out as Christians. To avoid creating a greater resentment, do it with a deep dependence upon the Lord. You might also want to discuss this with a dependable spiritual counselor, or your godly pastor. I Corinthians 14:38 is in the con­ text of how spiritual gifts are to be conducted. This chapter, as all others of the Bible, was inspired of God. Paul felt that the peace and tran­ quility of the church body was more important than anything else. If someone is willfully ignorant, let him remain that way. There is no point in argument if he is absolute­ ly determined to be opposed to the truth. Q. San Diego, Calif. — “ I ’m a diabetic and have only one leg. Can I go to the mission field?” A. This is refreshing when there are those who should be volunteering since they have no deficiencies. You might check with some m ission boards to get their advice on “short­ term” missionary service. If you’re willing, be available, and should the 13

recently killed himself. This has dis­ turbed us all.” A. People should become exercised about the suicide rate. The Word of God is the only thing in the world that can make a person have any kind of sensitivity for others. The rate of suicide is exceedingly high. There must be a tremendous amount of imbalance in a person physiolog­ ically to make him sick physically and emotionally. There is some kind of a drive to do away with self, and give up the urge to live. While it would affect the church it should also serve as a lesson that there are those all about us who need our help and guidance. Our background should call for the very highest respect for older people and those with a real need. It is possible that a Christian may commit suicide. The act doesn’t necessarily indicate whether an in­ dividual really trusted Christ or not. The mentally sick are not respon­ sible.

Lord desire it, He’ll make a way available. You might seek the ad­ vice of a Christian physician if one is available, who could give you valu­ able counsel. Q. Yakima, Wash. — "Is it wrong to have a temper? I don’t mean an or­ dinary temper, where one becomes irritated at the least little thing. But is it wrong to get disgusted when innocent people are wrong?" A. Yes, it is wrong to get disgusted when innocent people are wrong. A temper can be very dangerous if not held in proper check. It needs to be kept under control. We should try to help people who have been wronged. We can get angry at world conditions and the way sin is running rampant in all parts of society. This is really righteous indignation. Q. San Francisco, Calif. — "I’m con­ cerned about suicide. One of the members of our church, a godly man,

Dr. George Cowan of Wydiffe Bible Translators received an honorary degree at Biota's Commencement exercises. Dr. J. Richard Chase (left) and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (right) make the presentation for Biota. 14

country making it very difficult. Yet, the Lord’s working in a wonderful manner, especially among some of the more remote tribes. I would con­ cur with the statement that “There are more people open and ready to come to Christ today than at any time in the history of this world!” M r . C ook : One of the problems missionaries face is training local leadership. One practical answer is through the extension seminary. This is accomplished by not socially dis­ locating people to bring them into a resident seminary or school for train­ ing, but rather preparing them right where they are. They use program textbooks, multi-level in s tru c tio n , and itinerant professors who spend several hours a week with the stu­ dents. Then, they’re brought in for two days a month to the resident school. Some of these drastic changes have to be made for there just aren’t enough people to fill all of the needs at our present rate of preparation. M r . B uker : We are seeking to put all of the available personnel into areas where people are “winable” before it’s too late. We are seeing a “cross-fertilization” of nationals, such as Orientals going from one Asian country to another. The white man is sometimes looked upon with suspicion and considered imperialis­ tic. Asians should learn to do the job themselves. They like the idea, too. We have seen this happen in Pakis­ tan with a team coming from Indo­ nesia to minister. As a result of the Congress on Evangelism in Singa­ pore, a committee has been set up to coordinate evangelistic activities all over Asia. The harvest time is usual­ ly a short period. We must do what we can before the seed falls to the ground and rots. If we don’t win these people they’ll turn to other re­ ligions. We estimate that there are 150 million people who will be or who are open and ready for the Gos­ pel now. This won’t be true forever! Some missionaries believe that un- 15


(Special guests: Prof. Clyde Cook, Director of Biola College Missions Department, and Mr. Ray Buker, Jr., missionary to Pakistan for 15 years with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missions Society.) Q. Tulsa, Okla. — "What are some of the bright spots in missions today?” M r . C ook : Certainly the Holy Spirit is working as we are seeing many people turning to the Lord, and churches being planted throughout the world. In Indonesia since 1965 there have been thousands, and some estimate as many as millions, who have turned to the Lord Jesus Christ. One missionary visiting Biola told of baptizing 2,000 in one day with 10,000 waiting for baptism after completing a required class. Political changes often given opportunities for the Gospel. Another bright spot is Africa especially south of the Sahara. A re­ cent TIME magazine told of the great Christian growth down there. In 1900 there were only 4,000,000 Christians in Africa which was about three percent of the population. Pro­ jected at the present rate of increase by the year 2,000 there’ll be 51 mil­ lion Christians. This would be about 46 percent of the population. In Latin America, too, we’re seeing many turn to the Saviour. In Guatemala the rate of church growth is far exceed­ ing the population growth. In just 20 years 50 percent of Guatemala can be considered evangelical. The same will be true in Chile in 30 years and Brazil in 40 years. M r . B uker : Pakistan is a Muslim

lutely vital that we keep in close communion with the Lord. We dare not contradict what we say by the life we live. P rof . C ook : There is also cross- cultural communication which is high on the list of missionary problems. We are seeking to reach people of a completely different background. Preaching the Gospel is one thing, but there’s more, too, as we endeavor to get them to act and react to the message of salvation. As an example, I should certainly be able to preach in the language of the people and with as much of their native accent as possible. I should be thinking and speaking with their thought pat­ terns. Q. “I f a person feels called to the mission field, but is no t f ul l y equipped as far as training and sup­ port, what should be done?” M r . B uker : Both of these, of course, are absolute essentials. Life is complicated enough, but on the field things are even more pressured. We feel that people should be thorough­ ly prepared for the job ahead of them. They should have maturity of thinking with a breadth of insight. This will make all the difference. Re­ member that the Lord trained Moses for 40 years before he went out to serve. Quality is always much better than quantity. Then, it costs money to go to the field. Sometimes young people see the tremendous mountain of money necessary and the apathy of church members in so many areas that they become discouraged. Yet, God is still on the throne! He’s the One who ultimately will touch peo­ ple’s hearts. It would help if minis­ ters more effectively preached the call of God, clearly spelling out the way in which a young person should yield himself to the call. P rof . C ook : There has always been a problem of personnel needs. Our Lord Himself referred to it.

less the Lord returns, at the most, we may have 35 years to do the job for the cause of Christ. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. — “Why is so much missionary effort tied up in institutional work since this seems to produce so little actual conver­ sion?” M r . CoOKi It's true that as much as two thirds of our personnel and finances are tied up in institutional work. There are real needs for this, such as in the field of medicine. We must be able to help these potential converts where they are to give them the Gospel. I t’s also true that deal­ ing with the spiritual problems of the people is much harder than deal­ ing with their physical, social and emotional problems. It’s not enough to preach only to proclaim the Gos­ pel. We must do it in such a way that people act and decide for Christ. We then want to make disciples of them so that they, in turn, can reach others. On the surface it may seem that much of the missionary dollar is poured into hospitals, schools and other tangible things, and yet we have found that this is the best way of reaching them. The Lord very dis­ tinctly tells us that our ministry is a spiritual one. We’re here to tell the world about Christ, winning them to the Saviour, organizing them into fellowships and churches where they can be a blessing to themselves as well as to others. We must be mobile and direct our efforts into things that will be most productive in reach­ ing these goals as rapidly as possible. Q. Riverside, Calif. — “What is the missionary’s biggest problem to­ day?” M r . B uker : In one word, “him­ self.” Our own spiritual states should be our biggest concern.. With un­ usual customs and culture, coupled with the pressures of life, it’s abso- 16

“The labo re rs are few.” When was the last time we prayed for volunteers ? There are tremendous opportunities around the world. Right now we could use 8,000 mis­ sionaries of all kinds. We need 4,000 new missionaries every year just to keep up with the present rate of en­ deavor and growth. One of the rea­ sons is disobedience. Many aren’t heeding, the call of God. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded that we make disciples, baptizing and teach­ ing them. We must follow and obey the teachings of the Word of God. Q. Could you develop the concept of short-term missionary service?” M r . B uker : Conditions on many mission fields are different today. Medicine and housing, as an example, are better so that we can take peo­ ple who are older and may not have all the previous health qualifications. We have a “MAC” program which means Missionary Assistance Cor­ poration. We had a man come out to Pakistan who was 67 years old. He had never left the shores of this country. He helped us build a hos­ pital there while his wife became the grandmother to our children in the missionary boarding school. God used them in a wonderful way. There are many things people can do to relieve regular missionaries for evangelistic work. There are other opportunities for such individuals on week-ends, through interpreters or with other missionaries, to go on team outreach, sharing their testimony for Christ. On many fields especially in bigger cities the people speak English. In this way, people from this country can be very effective. P rop . C ook : I think of John Dun­ lap who went out at 74. The doctor had told him not to go as he was on heart medicine. He was graduated from BIOLA in 1918, spending 20 years in the Philippines. Then he came back to serve as a chaplain in

one of our prisons. After his wife died, he felt he should go back to the Philippines. He's done a marvelous job there. He’s done translation work, gotten a Christian newspaper going, and many of his former stu­ dents are now in high government places. I heard last week of a middle- aged couple who went because they saw John Dunlap’s picture. God has really multiplied his life. To be sure there are opportunities overseas. If at all possible, in their 20’s they should get a good education, and nat­ urally we would highly recommend Biola. For his biggest, dirtiest jobs, Satan dresses in white. Were all the world one chrysolite, The sun a golden ball, And diamonds all the stars of night, The Bible’s worth them all! If you are concerned about doing the will of God, how much more concerned He is that you know His will. Not by works of righteousness, but according to His mercy He saved us.. . . Meditation is not just reading the Bi­ ble but reading it with a purpose. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. There are moments when the faith of one man is contagious, and the strength of one man becomes the strength of many. I change, He changes not, The Christ can never die; His truth, not mine, The resting place, His love, not mine, the tie. A little truth goes a long way — if it isn’t stretched. The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. —Samuel Johnson 17