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Bladon House School Prospectus 20202021 Updated October 20

college environment Orchard End, Herefordshire • • To access community - based services and activiti

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Bladon House School Prospectus 2019 2020 Updated August 2019

college environment Orchard End, Herefordshire   To access community-based services and activities

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Rowden House School Prospectus 2021 2022 updated Jan 2022

college environment To access community - based services and activities During a period of transitio

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Junior School Prospectus 2021


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Rowden House School Prospectus 2018 2019

pupil >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 1

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policies Complaints procedure and >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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carers and associated professionals. The progress and needs of the students are constantly assessed

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pupil >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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Rowden House School Prospectus 2020 2021 updated September …

college environment • Aran Hall School, Gwynedd Age 11 - 19, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Orchar

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Bladon House School Prospectus 2021 2022 2

Prospectus 2020/2021



Welcome to Bladon House School




Living at Bladon


Specialist Support




Meet the Team


Referrals and Assessments


How to Find Us


The Local Community


Term Dates





General Information


Welcome to Bladon House School

Bladon House School is an inspiring school for children and young people aged 5 to 19 years. We are at the forefront in our field of ex- pertise of autism, communication disorders, moderate to severe learn- ing difficulties and associated behavioural difficulties. Through our work we have also developed skills in achieving significant pro- gress and successful outcomes for children and young people with Prader Willi Syndrome.

Our Ethos & Aims At Bladon House School we believe that every child has a right to live a fulfilling life and develop their full potential educationally, emotionally and physically through:

Establishing a safe and stable environment

• Providing a firm foundation for ongoing social and educational

As an independent special school we are registered and inspected by Ofsted and are able to offer flexible day and residential placements ranging from 38 to 52 weeks. Children and young people are placed with us from across the UK. We are also able to consider young people from overseas.


• Ensuring consistency and continuity across both educational

We are able to offer a range of placement options including:

and residential areas

Day Placements

• Individualising programmes to suit the child’s needs and

• 52 weeks residential – Full residential care; our sites are registered children ’ s homes • 38 week residential – Part time residential care • 39 to 51 week residential – where there is a need to provide additional residential support to meet the needs of the young person and their family

ensuring progression

Developing communication through an ‘inclusive

communication’ approach

We have an Inter - Disciplinary approach which ensures that individual needs are met and programmes developed to ensure that students are encouraged to attain to the very best of their ability.

Self – evaluating progress on a continuous basis

The only way to be sure about which school is right for your child is to visit yourself. Please contact us to arrange a visit or to ask any questions.

Shally Saleri - Palmer Head Teacher

‘Senior leaders use information contained within pupils’ education, health and care plans well, to plan for pupils’ learning and development. The regular review meetings that they host enable all present, including parents, representatives from local authorities and the pupil, to reflect on pupils progress. These reviews ensure that the support pupils receive caters for their current needs,

interests and aspirations.’ Ofsted Education 2019



‘Pupils make outstanding progress in their personal development due to the effective support that they receive, particularly in managing their own additional needs’

Ofsted Education 2019




Learning for Life

‘The subject based curriculum is highly effective in ensuring that pupils study a broad range of subjects and can make good progress, including in English and Mathematics.’ Ofsted Education 2019

Class sizes are small with between 5 and 8 students in each of the 9 classes. , including 1 primary age class. Students are grouped according to their age and ability. Our curriculum offer is designed to meet the needs of modern British Society, providing: the language of learning through literacy; the means with which to order the world through maths; enquiry through science and the skills to participate in the world effectively through PSHE.

Students follow individualised curriculum pathways with agreed outcomes and an emphasis on preparation for life after Bladon House School.

The curriculum offer is rich. Alongside the core subjects there is the opportunity for all students to access: computing, cooking, PE, outdoor education, horticulture and land based studies. These are taught by subject specialist teachers and instructors. In addition, a range of activities are offered by external providers, both on and off - site including: music production, dance, graffiti art, adult craft classes. Art and drama therapy are also offered where appropriate. All accreditation is through AIM Awards. The Personal and Social Development qualification is achieved through completing components from a range of subjects of Maths, English, IT and PSHE, at Entry level 1 through to Level 1. All students entered last year achieved an Extended Award and are now working towards the Extended Certificate. Students accessing this pathway are also encouraged to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. Students with severe leaning difficulties in key stage 3 to 5 follow the EQUALS Semi formal curriculum. This is a non subject specific curriculum which aims to develop specific area of need for individual students through personalised Learning Intentions, closely linked to their Education, Health and Care plan outcomes, focussing on the process rather than the product.



Outdoor Education

Outdoor education can be simply defined as learning in, for, or about the outdoors. The term 'outdoor education ’ is used broad- ly to refer to a range of organized and safe activities that take place in a variety of ways in outdoor environments. What Outdoor Education provides for our students? • Outdoor education, training and recreation promote active learning through direct personal experience and offer excitement, fun and adventure within a framework of safety • A challenging experience outdoors impacts powerfully upon a young person ’ s intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and moral development • Provides recognised qualifications and Awards such as BCU Star awards, the Duke of Edinburgh and John Muir awards • Builds self - confidence and self - esteem • Allows students to connect with nature and the environment, allowing a break from academic or home life stress • Allows practical application of educational subjects such as maths, science and geography Outdoor Education unique to Bladon House School The provision of an Outdoor Education programme within the curriculum is a new initiative at Bladon House School. Every student is given the opportunity to access an outdoor education session every week with their class groups that is tailored to their individual needs. Forest School Forest School is an approach to outdoor education which originated in Scandinavia, where outdoor living and learning are totally embedded in society. In Scandinavia there is a strong belief that nature and movement are essential to a young person ’ s overall development and well - being. Bladon House has a new Forest School programme which runs throughout the year, with a classroom based on - site and at a local forestry centre. Activities The following Outdoor Education activities are planned throughout the academic year: Bush Craft – autumn and winter Archery – year round Orienteering – year round Rock Climbing – spring and summer Canoeing – spring and summer

“ Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature ’ s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away for you like the leaves of autumn. ” - John Muir



Outdoor Education continued …..

Awards Throughout the academic year, students are given the opportunity to complete various awards as part of the Outdoor Education programme. The Duke of Edinburgh award is well known around the world and provides personal development through an award system focusing on self - reliance and action in the community. Students work towards the Bronze Level award by learning a skill, taking part in a physical activity, volunteering in the community and taking part in an expedition that they have helped plan. Duke of Edinburgh sessions take part all year with the expedition taking place in the spring term. The John Muir Award encourages young people to discover a wild place, explore it, help with its conservation and share their experiences with others. The John Muir Award has 3 levels, Discovery, Explorer and Conserver. All students are given the opportunity to complete the Discovery Award which takes place during the winter term.

“ Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, its cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself ” Edward Abbey

Students are also given the opportunity to complete National Navigation Awards, Climbing Awards and British Canoe Union Star Awards.

Residential Trips During the summer term, students are given the opportunity to take part in residential trips which help build self - reliance and confidence. Residential trips range from overnight wild camping to multi activity trips in Wales where students will have the opportunity to take part in activities such as gorge walking and mountain biking.



Land Based Studies

The Land Based studies team teach a wide range of subjects which cover animal care through to recycling and the environment. We have sheep, ducks, pigs and goats at the school. Our newly built polytunnel and farm building allow us to extend the seasons for growing and outdoor learning activities. We also have a small workshop which allows students to demonstrate health and safety, whilst learning to use tools for woodworking.

We offer many different practical activities to enhance the learning needs of our young people.



Enrichment Programme

The Enrichment Programme aims to broaden the experiences of the young people. Members of the staff team offer their vast skills and unique talents to allow young people explore, develop and nurture new and existing interests. Our dedicated Enrichment Coordinators work closely with class and care teams to identify young people that would benefit from these additional learning experiences, ensuring that individual young people have a personalised enrichment timetable that supports their engagement in learning and their overall development.

Activities currently include: •

African Drumming Bangra Dancing

• • • • • • • • • • •

Circus Skills







Trampolining Computing Sensory Play



Living at Bladon ‘Children make significant progress towards reaching their potential. Individualised and aspirational goals are agree with each child. These are broken down into smaller realistic steps that children work towards. The goals are understood by all the staff, and progress against the individual goals is regularly reviewed. This enable children to fulfil their full potential.’ Ofsted Care 2021

Living at Bladon House School is all about becoming the person you want to be!

Our care teams create safe and nurturing homes to help you become more independent, develop your communication skills and life skills and make sure you have fun!

We have six mixed gender homes that offer an environment where young people can relax and have friends over to visit. Each home has between three and seven bedrooms, a communal lounge and kitchen. Some of the rooms have en - suite bathroom facilities. Young people are encouraged to personalise their rooms and will be consulted in all aspects of the running of the house. Each young person will have a Key Worker that helps then to write their care plan. This plan will be person centred around the young persons needs so that we can help them find a way of life that suits them. The Key Worker will have be an important link with families and will encouraged the young person to attend reviews to discuss their achievements and progress. We encourage young people to develop interests and take part in hobbies and activities that their enjoy. Each home has a Manager and three Team Leaders, who are supported by the Senior Care Leadership team. We work in partnership with other professionals in the school to ensure that individual learning and therapy programmes are supported through a 24 hour curriculum. This team is know as the Team Around the Child (TAC). For those young people who benefit from the oversight of a Psychiatrist we have a service level agreement with the local CAHMS service and a Consultant Psychiatrist holds a clinic in the school on a monthly basis. Psychotherapy is also available.

‘Children are encouraged to make their own choices and to develop the independence needed for adulthood. One child recently decided to change his barber. Although it was further away, staff supported his choice. He has learnt how to book his appointment online and is learning how to get there by public transport. This demonstrates excellent progress for this child.’ Ofsted Care 2021

‘ Children make excellent progress in developing their life skills. Staff recognise and celebrate small, but significant, achievements for children, for example, a child learning to brush their teeth. Some children ’ s progress fluctuates, but staff quickly identify this and adjust the support to the child to get them on trach to make progress. This helps children make small but continuous progress. ’ Ofsted Care 2021



‘Children are busy at home and out in the community. Individual interests are encouraged and are developed. These often link to children’s aspirational goals. One child wants to go to a theme park overseas. Working with staff he has built a series of activities that will help him achieve this. Other children work towards increasing their independence in the community.’

Ofsted Care 2021



Specialist Support

The specialist team of onsite Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Speech and Language Therapists provide a wrap - around Therapy service to young people and their families. Our key values are to develop a young person ’ s:

Behaviour Support The school has adopted the principles and practice of NAPPI (Non Abusive Psychological and Physical Intervention) and we have our own team of trainers. A Consultant Psychotherapist visits the school once a fortnight and a visiting team of Educational Psychologists are in the school once a week.

Communication Functional skills

Social participation Emotional wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing The health and wellbeing needs of the young people are met by The Hub Team. A Healthcare Assistant and Education Health Assistant, overseen by the Safeguarding and Health Manager support young people through offering a child centred approach in meeting their emotional, mental and physical health needs. All young people are registered with our local General Practitioner Surgery who provide us with an enhanced service including annual health checks and a weekly surgery at the School. Dental and Optical needs are met by local services who we have built relationships with and who understand the challenges and needs of our children and young people. We have a Consultant Psychiatrist who attends the School throughout the year. Parents and Guardians are involved in the review process as well as the young person ’ s education, therapy, and care teams.

Therapy Programmes are individual to the young person but are shared and delivered by the team around them. Therapists work in the school and supporting in the residential homes during evenings and school holidays. Therapists will support families through regular phone/ email contact and home visits can be arranged. Art, music and drama therapy is provided as an additional service.

A wide range of therapy activities and resources are available on site for young people, including:

Multi gym Trikes Trampoline Sensory room

Young people are also supported to access community facilities with Therapist support –Hydrotherapy, Horse Riding, residential holidays. It is important for us that our input is responsive and flexible in meeting needs of young people, their families and support staff.




The school makes great use of its own beautiful grounds, as well as the leisure and social activities offered by Burton and the surrounding area. As a result our young peoples have the opportunity to develop a variety of physical skills and hobbies. We encourage our young peoples to take part in structured activities during evenings and at weekends. These activities take place both on site and in the community. Community activities range from local shopping and leisure activities to a variety of youth facilities such as Scouts, Guides, Army Cadets and Youth Clubs. On site young people have access to computers, the gym, soft play sensory room, and our own youth club facilities. At weekends young people undertake activities further afield.

‘Pupils receive regular opportunities to undertake enrichment and extracurricular activities, including in

the local community’ Ofsted Education 2019




Education Team

Senior Leaders

Shally Saleri - Palmer HEAD TEACHER





House Teams

Specialist Teams

Senior Leaders



Matt Cousins HEAD OF CARE






Enquiry Please call us for more information and to talk through your child's needs. We will arrange for you to visit the school and let your local authority contact know that you would like your child to attend the School

Referrals and Assessments

Young people are admitted in line with our Criteria for Admission. This is Specific Speech and Language Difficulties, Associated Behavioural Difficulties, Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties and Autistic Spectrum conditions. Formal referrals are usually made by the Local Authority and supported with referral documentation. We also welcome private referrals, although an assessment must take place before Bladon House School can be named on a child ’ s statement.

Referral If your Local Authority supports your request for a placement they will send us your child ’ s referral papers.

Assessment A member of our senior team will arrange to visit your child either in their current school or at home.

Visit We welcome parents and professionals to visit the school and meet staff.

We are able to arrange free, no obligation assessments.

Following the assessment we will produce a clear written report. If we can meet the needs of the child or young person we will also send a fully costed proposal.

Placement Offer After the assessment has taken place we report our findings to the local authority and parents, confirming if we feel a placement at the school would be suitable. If we are to offer a placement we will give details of the needs identified

Prior to admission we will plan the young person ’ s transition with parents and professionals to ensure this is as smooth as possible.

To make a referral please contact: Caroline Parker, Group Referrals Manager Tel: 01332 378 840 Email: [email protected]

Transition Prior to admission we will plan the young person ’ s transition with parents and pro- fessionals to ensure this is as smooth as possible.



How to find us

From M1 South Leave the M1 at Junction 24 (signed A50, Derby & Stoke). Join the A50 and remain on it for 13 miles until the junction with the A38 to the North of Burton Upon Trent. Follow directions below "From A50" FromA50 Leave the A50 at the junction 4 signposted A38 and Derby. Join the A38 southbound towards Burton Upon Trent and Lichfield. Leave the A38 junction with the A5132, signed Willington. Join the A5132 (Castleway Lane) and continue to the roundabout junction with the B5008. Turn right at the roundabout, joining the B5008 (Repton Road). Turn right at the next roundabout in the village of Repton, remaining on the B5008. Bladon House School is located on the left approximately 1 mile after the Newton Park Hotel. Approximately 200 yards before the school entrance there is a children crossing sign. Caution: the entrance to school is a sharp left turn please approach with care. From M6 North Leave the M6 at junction 15. Join the A500 signposted Stoke and follow the A50 towards Uttoxeter/Derby. Leave the A50 at junction 4 and follow directions above. From M5 South Leave the M5 at junction 4A and join the M42 at junction 1. Leave the M42 at junction 11 and take the A444 towards Burton On Trent. Follow signs for the B5008. At Burton bridge turn left following signs for Newton Solney. Bladon House School is located approximately 1.5 miles on the right, shortly after a child crossing warning sign. By Train Burton Upon Trent is on the main line route from Birmingham to Derby. It is also served by trains from Loughborough and Leicester. Central Trains ( operates rail services that link Burton upon Trent (called Burton - on - Trent on train network maps) to London, Liverpool and beyond. Trains also directly service Birmingham, Nottingham and lots of smaller towns. By Coach National Express coaches ( offer services nationwide from a stop on Burton's central High St.



The Local Community

The Bubble Inn, Stenson We are a family owned and run business, nestled on the ‘ Trent & Mersey Canal ’ in South Derbyshire. With recently built accommodation situated next to our well - established pub & restaurant in the picturesque, rural village of Stenson. Holiday Inn Express, Burton on Trent Enjoy a convenient location at the friendly Holiday Inn Express Burton upon Trent hotel, close to the A38 and A50. Travel Lodge, Burton on Trent Our Burton - upon - Trent Central hotel is right in the heart of vibrant Burton - on - Trent, Britain's brewing capital. It's in a well - connected spot close to the A38, 16.5 miles from East Midlands Airport and just a stone's throw from the station.. The Dragon at Willington The Cottage, Bed & Breakfast, in Willington, has just been renovated and refurbished, to a very high standard, and now offers luxurious bed and breakfast accommodation, in an idyllic location, just by the Trent and Mersey Canal. The Cottage is situated only a stones throw from the award winning Dragon gastro pub which offers a superb selection of classic and contemporary dishes, freshly prepared from fresh local ingredients. (Breakfast for residents is served in The Dragon)

Newton Solney Newton Solney is a small picturesque village which is situated 2 miles North East of Burton on Trent in the Trent Valley. Close by is the village of Repton, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mercia and home to the world famous Repton School. A writer in the 1950s described Newton Solney as ‘ A village planted out in a garden, and half its population seem to be gardeners ’. Although the village has grown in size since then it still maintains its immaculate image and has won countless Best Kept Village in Derbyshire competitions. Burton on Trent Burton on Trent is renowned for its brewing industry; however brewing no longer dominates the local economy. Food, engineering and distribution all now play a role. Burton has excellent communication networks and is easily accessible from the motorway and other major road routes. Apart from shopping Burton has its own Art Centre as well as a multiplex cinema and a leisure centre.

Places to Stay

The Unicorn The unicorn is situated in the centre of the village. It has eight self contained rooms. 2 twin, six double and 2 family rooms. All have en - suite and drinks facilities. For more information please visit their website www.unicorn - The Newton Park The Newton Park Burton hotel is set in an Italiante - style manor in eight acres of manicured grounds. It is situated just outside of Newton Solney Village approximately ½ mile from Bladon House School. The hotel has 50 rooms offering various levels of accommodation.



Term Dates

Summer Term 2023

Spring Term 2022

School in Session: Monday 17th April Half-Term: Depart Friday 26th May – return Monday 12th June End of Term: Friday 28th July

School in Session: Tuesday 4th January Half-Term: Depart Tuesday 15th February – return Monday 28th February End of Term: Friday 8th April

Inset Day: Monday 31st July

Inset days: 16th, 17th and 18th February

Summer Term 2022

School in Session: Wednesday 25th April Half-Term: Depart Friday 27th May – return Monday 13th June End of Term: Thursday 28th July

Inset Day: Friday 29th July

Autumn Term 2022

School in Session: Friday 2nd September Half-Term: Depart Friday 21st October – return Monday 7th November End of Term: Thursday 22nd December

Inset Day: Thursday 1st September

Spring Term 2023

School in Session: Wednesday 4th January Half-Term: Depart Tuesday 14th February – return Monday 27th February End of Term: Friday 31st March

Inset Day: Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16 & Friday 17th February




The following information/documents are available on request from the School Office or on the school website,

• Complaints procedure and information regarding complaints received for the preceding school year

Particulars of staffing numbers and summary of staff qualifications

• Pupil performance and leaver destinations for the preceding school year

Admission, Discipline and Exclusion

• Education and Welfare Provision for pupils for whom English is an additional language


Prevention of Bullying

Behaviour Management

Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety on Educational Visits

Policy to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Pupils at the School

Equality and Diversity

Disability Access Plan



Shally Saleri - Palmer

Responsible Individual: Dr Mark Flynn, Chief Operations Officer Provider: Mr Richard Atkinson Chief Executive Officer

Head Teacher:

Bladon House School



Newton Solney

1 St George ’ s House

Burton on Trent

Vernon Gate



DE15 0TA


01332 378 840


01283 563 787


Matt Cousins

Registered Manager:

DfE No. 830/6024 Ofsted Registration Number SC372504

A full outline of staff and line management is available from the school.



Supported Living

Schools & Post 16 Provision

Transition Services

Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form, Derbyshire Age 5 - 20, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Asperger's Syndrome, HFA and communication difficulties. Tel: (01629) 822586 Email: [email protected] Pegasus School, Derbyshire Age 8 - 19, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Challenging behaviour, severe/complex communication and learning difficulties. Tel: (01283) 761352 Email: [email protected] Bladon House School, Derbyshire/Staffs border Age 5 - 19, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Autism, communication difficulties and moderate to severe learning difficulties. Prader Willi Syndrome. Tel: (01283) 563787 Email: [email protected]

OneNineFive, Staffordshire A transitional home for young adults requiring specialised care and support.

SENAD Community Our community support team is experienced in providing high quality support and personal care to people of all ages. With a person - centred approach, they create a team that works with the individual to formulate a plan to enable them to achieve their goals and maximise their potential. This includes (but is not limited to) one to one support and direct care for young people and adults who have: • Learning disabilities • Physical disability and/or sensory impairment • Complex health needs • Rehabilitation needs (post - operative or acquired brain injury

SENAD Community Support Services

Adult Provision

Ecclesbourne Lodge, Derbyshire

Winslow Court, Herefordshire

Cedar Lodge, Herefordshire

Park House, Herefordshire

Fairfield House, Herefordshire/Shropshire border

Aran Hall School, Gwynedd Age 11 - 19, day and 38 to 52 wk residential.

Support can be provided: •

Learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders with severe challenging behaviour including sexually harmful behaviour. Tel: (01341) 450641 Email: [email protected] Rowden House School, Herefordshire (part of the West Midlands Learning Campus) Age 11 - 19, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Severe learning difficulties and challenging behaviour. Tel: (01885) 488096 Email: [email protected] Maple View School, Derby Age 7 - 16, day and 38 to 52 wk residential. Autism, communication difficulties and moderate to severe learning difficulties. Prader Willi Syndrome. Tel: (01332) 404888 Email: [email protected]

In the person ’ s home environment In the person ’ s school/college environment

Orchard End, Herefordshire



community - based

services and activities

During a period of transition

To make a referral at any of the homes above please contact: Caroline Parker Group Referrals Manager Tel: 01332 378840

For more information about SENAD Community call: Tel: (01332) 200300