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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - July 2018

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste • Pinch of freshly ground

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt DIRECTIONS 1. Heat

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves DIRECTIONS 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with P

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - April 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Salt • Parmesan cheese DIRECTIONS 1. Cook the pasta according to pac

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell June 2018

4 cup soy sauce • 1 lime, halved • Extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pep

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - August 2018

2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste D

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - October 2018

4 inch thick • Toothpicks for skewering DIRECTIONS 1. Core apples and cut each into 8 wedges. Remove

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - January 2019

Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - January 2019 January 2019 815-726-9999 | THEBKMS

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - February 2019

Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - February 2019 February 2019 815-726-9999 | THEBKM

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Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - July 2018

July 2018 815-726-9999 | THEBKMS BULLETIN

The Power of Freedom How Do We Celebrate Our Independence?

What do your Fourth of July plans look like? These days, my daughters are usually off at camp, so my wife and I have a more low-key day that usually ends with us watching the county fireworks from some farm road. I enjoy the quality time we have together. It’s a big change of pace from my childhood Fourth of July traditions. As a kid, my family hosted a big pig roast at our house. It felt like a hundred people would come to celebrate, though my memories of the crowd my be a bit exaggerated. We spent the day swimming and eating, and after sunset, we broke out the fireworks — and by fireworks, I do mean the ones you weren’t supposed to have in Illinois. One year, during our celebration, my dad lit the roof of our house on fire with a stray firework. Fortunately, we grabbed the garden hose and put it out before it got out of hand. The house was barely singed, and everyone thought it was really fun — everyone but my mom, of course. Fireworks and cookouts are a lot of fun, but it’s important to take some time and remember what we are celebrating on July 4. There are freedoms we enjoy in this nation that don’t exist in other parts of the world. Countless men and women have

died for those freedoms, and it’s important that we both remember their sacrifices and recognize that the fight to protect our freedoms is still going on. In 1776, we were fighting for freedom against a tyrannical monarchy controlling our nation with no consideration for the people living here. Today, we have a similar fight for

and see who’s funding their campaign. It’s important you know who you are putting into office. This is a major election year across the nation, and we owe it to those who died for our rights not just to vote for a little letter beside a candidate’s name on the ballot. It doesn’t matter who you vote for or what side of the aisle they’ll sit on — what matters is whether or not you believe they are really going to represent your values and interests. This Fourth of July, I want to recognize the men and women who fight for our freedoms and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect them. Here’s to doing what we can to make sure the people in power do their part to remember those sacrifices and continue protecting our freedoms.

our freedom going on, only this one is against private corporations filling the pockets of greedy politicians. We have individuals who represent corporations writing laws about how those corporations will behave, and the citizens are always the ones who suffer the most. Fortunately,


thanks to the freedoms we won during the Revolutionary War, we have the ability to fight back with our power to vote. Our right to vote in the United States is a foundation all of our other freedoms are built on. It’s a right we should practice, but also one we should value. In order to make sure you aren’t electing politicians who are in the pockets of private corporations, you need to do your research. Listen to what the candidates are saying, looking at their past actions,

–Brya n Shell

815-726-9999 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro •

To many people, summer is all about heading outside to enjoy the weather. But getting too much sun can be dangerous. To have a fun-filled summer with your family this year, remember that it’s essential to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. COVER UP How Much Sunshine Is Too Much? Keep Your Family Safe

What’s the best way to step out of the sun for a few minutes? Wearing sunscreen and protective clothing are great ways to shield yourself from UV rays, but it’s important to avoid being in direct sunlight for long periods. Taking a break from the sun gives your body the time it needs to recuperate and helps prevent sunburn and heatstroke. COMMON MYTHS ABOUT SUN EXPOSURE Many people think that a tan is better than a sunburn, but the result of tanning is still sun damage. When your skin tone changes due to the sun, regardless of whether it tans or turns red, it’s a result of the epidermis reacting to damage caused by UV rays. Both are symptoms of harmed skin.

Covering your skin is one of the best ways to avoid skin damage. Wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants or skirts can protect your skin from direct exposure to UV rays. While this tactic protects you from the sun, it offers poor defense against the heat. So, if you opt for cooler attire, it’s important to cover all exposed skin with a copious amount of sunscreen. Be sure to reapply every two hours for maximum skin protection. SPEND LESS TIME IN THE SUN If you’re planning to spend a significant amount of time in the sun, consider your environment. Will there be plenty of shade? Will you have to bring your own?

While vitamin D is important, the sun does not contribute to its creation as much as you might think. Doris Day, a New York City dermatologist, explains that if your skin were to constantly produce vitamin D from being in the sun, it would reach toxic levels. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that your body can produce on its own, through a common form of cholesterol or 7-dehydrocholesterol. Spending time in the sun does help vitamin D form, but you need far less exposure than you think. Knowing how to protect yourself from UV rays is the first step to having a safe, fun-filled summer!

ON THE CASE! Fictional Lawyers We Would Totally Hire

We have to take everything we see in movies and TV shows with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to the legal process. No one yells “Objection!” in every case. But there are rare opportunities when pop culture gets it right. Here are a few fictional lawyers we’d love to have on the team. ATTICUS FINCH (‘TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD’) Let’s start out with the obvious: Atticus Finch is by far the greatest fictional lawyer ever created. In Harper Lee’s classic novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Finch is assigned to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who has been falsely accused of rape. Set in the Deep South in the 1930s, Finch faces an impossible challenge, but he doesn’t give up. At one point, Finch puts his life in danger to protect his client from a lynch mob. Ultimately, Finch is able to prove Robinson’s innocence, though the biased jury convicts Robinson anyway. Despite ending in tragedy, Finch’s sharp intellect and strong moral compass, both in his personal and professional life, have inspired generations of real-life attorneys. JACK MCCOY (‘LAW & ORDER’) While Atticus Finch is a character with a strong emotional connection to his work, Jack McCoy, fan favorite of the TV show “Law & Order,” never let emotions interfere with the facts

of any case. Here’s an attorney you want on your side, because this ruthless prosecutor always went after the hardest sentence possible.

McCoy didn’t care if he was dealing with a common crook or a respected senator; we’re all the same in the eyes of the law. JENNIFER WALTERS (MARVEL COMICS) The most obscure character on this list, Jennifer Walters, comes from the pages of Marvel comic books. But don’t let her big, green She-Hulk superhero persona fool you — Walters is a highly intelligent attorney with an excellent track record. Since “specialty” isn’t a word comic book writers know, Walters has been defender and prosecutor for superheroes, supervillains, and regular citizens, handling cases ranging from slander to sexual assault. Now that’s a super lawyer. The attorneys at Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell might not be superheroes or literary icons, but they are a team of capable attorneys ready to fight for justice.


A Scary Situation Contact One of Our Animal Attack Attorneys

After generations of loyal companionship, dogs have earned the title of man’s best friend. But there are some situations where things get scary and a dog attacks. While some dogs may attack in self-defense if threatened, if the attack was unprovoked, you may be entitled to receive compensation from the dog’s owner. Here’s what you need to do if you are bitten by a dog.

addresses of any witnesses to help paint a clear picture of what happened at the time of the attack. REPORT THE INCIDENT You are not “overreacting” by calling the police or animal control after a dog bite. For one, you will need an official report in order to successfully pursue a personal injury claim to help pay for your medical bills. Additionally, reporting a dog bite can help prevent future bites from occurring. CONTACT ONE OF OUR ANIMAL ATTACK ATTORNEYS Some people worry a dog may be put down if they pursue legal action after a bite, but euthanasia is only ordered when a dog is deemed a public safety threat. Regardless of what will happen to the dog, you will need help paying for medical bills, lost wages, and potential plastic surgery. You can only do that if you take legal action and contact a personal injury lawyer with dog bite experience in order to see your case through. Dog bites are a scary, complicated situation, especially if the dog is owned by someone you know. The experienced animal attack lawyers at Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell can help you navigate the unpleasant experience. If you’ve been bitten by a dog, give them a call at 815-726-9999 and learn what to do next.

SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION Dog bites can easily become infected due to the bacteria in a dog’s mouth, so put your health first. Wash the wound with soap and warm water, add pressure to stop the bleeding, apply antibiotic cream, and wrap it in a sterile bandage. If you are losing a lot of blood, call an ambulance immediately. Even if a bite doesn’t seem serious, you should still see a doctor, which can help protect your health and your case. DOCUMENT THE ATTACK Gather as much information about the attack as possible. Take photos of the bite and get the contact and insurance information of the dog’s owner as well as the person in charge of the dog when it bit you. You also want to get the names and




• 2 pounds fully cooked smoked kielbasa • 2 large onions • 2 green bell peppers

• 3 red bell peppers • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1/4 cup olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Heat grill to medium. 2. In a small bowl, combine oil, garlic, and a pinch of salt and pepper. 3. Cut pepper, onion, and kielbasa into 1-inch chunks. 4. Thread onto skewers, alternating ingredients. 5. Brush with oil mixture and grill, covered, 10–12 minutes. [NOTE: If using bamboo skewers, soak in water for 30 minutes before threading to prevent burning.] Inspired by Good Housekeeping

Independence Day Barbecue Freedom America

Parade Fireworks Colonial July USA Congress

Washington Revolution

815-726-9999 3

19 W. Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432



Music is always changing, but one thing’s for certain: There will always be a “song of the summer” when the heat starts rolling in. To be crowned the true song of the season, a track must be everywhere, stuck in everyone’s heads — whether they like it or not — and have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes it part and parcel of the warmer months. Here are two summer slammers (and three contemporary options) that typify this vital trend. 1963: THE BEACH BOYS, ‘I GET AROUND’ There’s a good reason that when Brian Wilson was asked whether there were any great summer songs that he didn’t write, he answered “No, not really.” Though there are certainly better jams from the Beach Boys’ tangled, complicated career, “I Get Around,” “Fun Fun Fun,” and their other hits from the early ’60s virtually wrote the blueprint for future songs of the summer. They’re sunny, annoyingly catchy, and filled with youthful exuberance. 2003: BEYONCÉ, ‘CRAZY IN LOVE’ Even before she led Destiny’s Child to international success and branched out on her own to become the de facto world queen of pop, it seemed Beyoncé was destined to change the musical landscape. Though she’d secured numerous smash hits before, 1. What Does Independent Mean to You? 2. Battling the Summer Sun! Pop Culture’s Best Lawyers 3. Bitten by a Dog? Here’s What to Do Kielbasa Kabobs 4. Songs of the Summer in History Songs of the Summer INSIDE

Dominant Jams of the Warmer Months

“Crazy in Love” was, to many, the calling shot that signaled her eventual ascent to the throne. With her thrilling, powerful vocals backed by enormous horn samples and undeniable hypeman Jay-Z, it’s arguably the apex of contemporary pop. NME even goes so far as to call it “the best song of the millennium.” TODAY’S CONTENDERS This year’s contenders seem to be slow out of the gate, making it difficult to declare the victor just yet, but there are some promising options. First, we have Drake’s “Nice for What,” which is riding high on the Billboard charts but isn’t quite as sing- along friendly as others. Though his “One Dance” dominated the summer of 2016. Other options include rap dynamo Cardi B’s spicy “I Like It” — the perfect song to play at a summer cookout — or the boilerplate EDM uplift “The Middle” by Zedd, Maren Morris, and Grey — the perfect song to play over the loud speakers at Target.


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