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Board Converting News, April 19, 2021

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Board Converting News, July 19, 2021

Embossed Rigid Box cat- egory for its production of the Lancôme Absolue set box. McLean’s de- signer

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Board Converting News, April 5, 2021

out- side printing, customization, variability and a wider color pallet. And then there is the oppor

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Board Converting News, April 12, 2021

21 2:13 PM Kolbus Hycorr understands that quality is a reflection of the great care that takes place

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Board Converting News, April 26, 2021

Orfeó Català 13-15 · 08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona) telf: +34 93 846 01 06 · [email protected] WWW.AL

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Board Converting News, October 19, 2020

Orfeó Català 13-15 · 08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona) telf: +34 93 846 01 06 · [email protected] WWW.AL

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Board Converting News, April 6, 2020

350 Hp and larger have additional diagnostic features including built-in protection devices. The Pow

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Board Converting News, April 18, 2022

WA-OR US Aver. 200# 275# $62.26 $72.05 $62.69 $82.80 $85.35 119.54 $73.13 101.29 97.32 99.89 90.86 1

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Board Converting News, April 13, 2020

AICC (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1 ) ident of AICC. “Thank you for caring enough about our In- dustry. We are

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April 27, 2020 Board Converting News

Aerators • Maintenance Plans • Replacement Parts • Safety and Device Audits WWW.INSPIREAUTOMATION.CO

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Board Converting News, April 4, 2022

boxes . Gene Marino, left, and Joe Morelli speak with John Bird on the latest episode of the Breakin

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Board Converting News, April 19, 2021

BoardConverting Serving the North American Corrugated and Folding Carton Industries for 37 years April 19, 2021 VOL. 37, NO. 16

Cyber Security: Fighting Fraud In A Digital World BY PHILLIP M. PERRY

Welch Packaging Featured On FOX Business News Elkhart, Indiana based Welch Packaging was featured on a FOX Business News segment that was aired on April 8. FOX business reporter Jeff Flock visited Welch’s production facility and spoke with Welch Vice President Andy Reith, who ex- plained how roll stock was transformed into corrugated board on its Fosber corrugator. “We’re operating three shifts, full time, and we run about eight million square feet every day,” Reith said in response to Flock’s ques- tion about how Welch Packaging can keep up with the incredible demand for corrugated packaging products. Flock noted that in 2020 alone, the indus- try produced more than 407 billion square- feet of corrugated material due to heightened demand, much of it driven by pandemic-relat- ed forces – enough to completely cover the states of Connecticut and New Jersey. The coronavirus pandemic caused a huge boom in online shopping, particularly from digital retail giant Amazon, whose 2020 third-quar- ter earnings reached a record high of $96.1 billion in sales, a 37 percent increase over the same period in 2019.

When the controller of a California business received an email from the CEO requesting an immediate wire transfer to a vendor, the transaction seemed routine. Only after the money was sent was it discovered that the vendor was not due such a payment. And worse, the funds had not been received.

An investigation revealed that the sender of the request had been a thief using an email address misleadingly similar to the targeted com- pany’s top executive. The supplied banking credentials were actually those of the crook’s account in China. Acting quickly, the controller called the overseas bank to see if the payment could be canceled. What he heard allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief: Because the funds had arrived on a Chinese bank holiday they had not yet been credited to the thief’s account. The company was able to recover its funds. Costly Fraud While our opening story has a happy ending, most businesses tar- geted by so-called Business Email Compromise (BEC) fraud are not so lucky. Of the 11 percent of respondents in a recent survey from con- sulting firm AP Now reported losing money to such fraud, only 3.2 per- cent recovered all the stolen funds. The fraud is increasing rapidly as thieves have learned to cleverly disguise C-level executives’ identities. CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Reports from the FBI, IRS and other agencies show that cyber fraud poses a growing threat to businesses.


WHAT’S INSIDE 6 FTA Confirms Expansion Of Fall Conference 2021 12 TAPPI Corrugated Packaging Division Calls For Nominations 14 Former Chick-fil-A CMO To Speak At AICC Spring Meeting 36 PMMI Poll: Industry Ready For In-Person Trade Shows


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Our Training team consists of three corrugated industry exper ts with nearly 100 years of combined experience. Their backgrounds are in both integrated and independent companies with roles ranging from Machine Operator to Director of Operations. Making them more than qual i f ied to tackle any machine and training issue. Cal l today to learn how your team can benef it from the industry ’s premier training program.

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April 19, 2021

C u r r e n t O p e r a t o r E x p e r i e n c e

S T E P 1

M a c h i n e t y p e G o a l s / E x p e c t a t i o n s

I s s u e s


P l a n 2 d a y s w i t h i n y o u r s c h e d u l e

S T E P 2

1 d a y c l a s s r o o m a n d 1 d a y a t m a c h i n e


1 - B o x S e t u p C a l i b r a t i o n T o o l i n g

S T E P 3


T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g

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April 19, 2021

AVERAGE CONTAINERBOARD PRICES The average prices reported are tabulated from prices PAID by various sources throughout the United States the week previous to issue. Prices in some areas of the country may be higher or lower than the tabulated average. The prices tabulated here are intended only for purposes of reference. They do not connote any commitment to sell any material at the indicated average. Transactions may be completed at any time at a price agreed upon by seller and purchaser.

REGION E. Coast Midwest Southeast Southwest

42# Kraft liner $955.00-960.00 $970.00-980.00 $970.00-980.00 $970.00-980.00 $1000.00-1010.00 $973.00-982.00

26# Semi-Chem. Medium

Short Ton Del. Short Ton Del. Short Ton Del. Short Ton Del. Short Ton Del. Short Ton Del.

$890.00-940.00 $905.00-925.00 $905.00-925.00 $905.00-925.00 $925.00-945.00 $908.00-928.00

West Coast U.S. Average

SHEET PRICES BY REGION (AVERAGE) Per 1MSF, local delivery included, 50MSF single item order, truckload delivery. Sheets

E. Coast Midwest South-SW S. CA N.CA/WA-OR US Aver.

200# 275#



$62.69 $82.80

$85.35 119.54

$73.13 101.29












107.46 118.45

114.69 129.32

116.54 137.25 117.82 145.56

141.08 148.46

122.76 131.80

CANADIAN SHEET PRICES (AVERAGE) In Canadian Dollars, per 1MSF, local delivery included, under 50MSF single item order, truckload delivery. 200# 275# Oyster UC 275#DW 350#DW $78.56 $99.18 $9.00 $96.32 $105.83 CANADIAN LINERBOARD & MEDIUM The average prices reported are tabulated from prices PAID by various sources throughout Canada. Prices may be higher or lower in various areas of the country. The prices tabulated here are intended only for purposes of reference. They do not connote any commitment to sell any material at the indicated average. Transactions may be completed at any time at a price agreed upon by seller and purchaser. Prices are Canadian $ and per metric ton.

42# Kraft Liner 26#

Semi-Chem Medium

East West


$960.00 $995.00


Welch Packaging Featured (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1 )

Reith explained to Flock that due to the continued strong demand for corrugated there is a “bottleneck” hold- ing back box production, which can be traced to the mills where the paper is made. “There has been a tremendous backlog,” he said. “We used to be able to get paper in a week. Now it’s taking six to eight weeks to get roll stock.” Welch Packaging and VP Andy Reith, second from right, wel- comed FOX Business reporter Jeff Flock, second from left, and his news crew to Welch’s Elkhard, Indiana, corrugator plant.


April 19, 2021

FTA Confirms Expansion Of Fall Conference 2021

The Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) has con- firmed the details of an expanded Fall Conference 2021. This year’s technical conference will include an opening night social reception and awards banquet, and feature a larger and expanded exhibition under the INFOFLEX brand name. John Gleich of ‘We Are Alexander’ will chair the event, which takes place October 3-6 in Frisco, Texas. Themed ‘Evolve or Die,’ this year’s Fall Conference will focus on every part of a flexographic workflow, modern solutions to printing problems and a clear path toward the future. Eight technical sessions and an INFOFLEX filled with next-gen- eration solutions will reinforce that agenda. “Change is tough and we’ve all had to deal with a lot of it over this past year,” said Gleich. “It leaves us with two choices, summed up in Fall Conference 2021’s theme, ‘Evolve, or die.’ I’m excited to head to the great state of Texas to chair a program with technical presentations and a robust exhibit focused on showing how to evolve in this busy industry during unprecedented times.” Converters can take advantage of savings that include registration for Fall Conference 2021 and FTA’s upcoming FORUM 2021. Visit for more information and to register for the events.

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April 19, 2021

40 ft of paper travel from preheater to hot plates 3 seconds of heat, glue and bonding 1 chance to get it right! the ZONE

Design & Production

Chicago Electric offers 10 technology solutions to control ‘the Zone’ CORRUGATOR Sectoral preheating plate

Our sectoral preheating plates provide direct heat by means of a double steam circuit, allowing for efficient heating in hard-to-access locations, as well as to act as a steam shower to open the paper’s fibre, making it receptive to absorbing the heat and the glue.

This translates into increased speed and improved quality of the cardboard sheet finish.

The system’s main advantages are as follows:

• The plate may only be used to heat, only to humidify, or both options at the same time. • The plate is sectored, which allows for applying humidity to the sections. • It provides temperature in previously inaccessible locations and near the location needed. • It compensates the loss of temperature dissipated due to distance, speed or limitations of the exiting preheaters. • Quick transferring of heat to the paper. • The combination of the hot plate and steam shower allows for providing heat even to the hardest papers to heat. • Does not dry out the paper. • Possibility of operating as a humidifier and pre-conditioner. • Maintains and improves the fibre’s elasticity. • Acts according to the operator’s needs. • Facilitates the paper’s hygroscopy to absorb the glue and improve rubberising.


1. Wrap Arm - Position & Temperature 2. Preheater Direct Drive


3. Steam Plate 4. Contact Roll 5. Glue Machine Direct Drive Touch Productivity Issue—Glue Unit Many glue units run with a rider roll or a guiding bar system. The rider roll with paper gap allows a precise glue application, but requires frequent Contact Roll


C/ Orfeó Català 13-15 · 08440 Cardedeu (Barcelona) telf: +34 93 846 01 06 · [email protected] WWW.AL-GAR.COM


calibrations and settings. Bar systems avoid this, but compensate this with the risk of exces- sive glue application. The system contains many wearing parts. Solution The contact roll combines the ad antage of both systems and ensures minimum contact between board and applicator roll. The system uses small pneumatic cylinders in order to achieve a “soft touch.”

6. Gap Control 7. Curved Plate 8. Roller Shoe Press When it comes to a short-term increas of web tension, spring loaded systems with shoes or airpressure activated system have problems in compensating these. The system is lifted for a short time. This may result in de-lamination and in the ‘double kiss’ effect. Solution For a defined and exact bonding point of the web fiv weight rollers will be installed usually over the first flat hotplate of the heating section. The rolls are mounted into a frame, which is actuated by means of two pneumatic cylinders. P oductivity Issu —Double Kiss Bonding




Roller Shoe


9. Thin Wall Hot Plates 10. Pressure System Benefits —Exact glue application due to defined contact of applicator roll to web. Web is in contact to less flute tips compared to bar systems. • High precision glue application • Less moisture applied to web —No wear of shoes and springs —No adjustment of shoes or paper gap —Uniform glue application over entire working width for all flutes by use of pneumatic cylinders instead of springs — Less contamination by paper dust and glue remains —No jam of board because of web breaks caused by splice joints going through 630-784-0800 Benefits —Rollers secure exact defined first point of contact of liner and single-faced board - No double kiss —Frame design avoids unintended lifting of roller shoe (compared to spring or air loaded systems) - No double kiss —Pressure can be increased or released for special grades or products 490 Tower Blvd., Carol Stream, IL Contact Chicago Electric to GET IT RIGHT 630-784-0800 [email protected] Solution The ProPress system ensures an optimum heat transfer to the board. It offers a wide range of set- tings. The loadi g pressure can be varied, the number of shoes can be lifted in accordance t the line speed. The outer shoes can be lifted in accordance to the paper width. The shoe bars will be delivered pre-assembled for a short installation time. —Liftable for easy paper infeed and for cleaning of the machine —Position adjustable in paper direction to avoid grooves in hotplate Press Productivity Issue—Poor Heat Transfer Rollers are usually limiting the heat transfer, since they often have contact mainly on the edges of the plates due to wear or bent plates. They also cause often loss of caliper and bearing need to be replaced frequently. Airpressure actuated systems can only supply a limited pressure and have com- pared to shoe systems a closed surface. Pressure Shoe

Plate vity Issue—Poor Heat Control l hotplates are slow to react to pressure due to high steam volume and massive y also have high heat radiation and heat profile. Worn plates can damage crease edge crush.

Thin-Wall Hot Plates

t by peripheral drilled hot plates. anufactured out of special wear and nt steel, through which a continuous is drilled, with one inlet and one outlet. ecured by a massive steel frame.

ance from steam to paper surface results in fast heat flow

John Forrey, Former Box Maker, Joins AICC As JHF Capital, LLC AICC recently welcomed new associate member JHF Cap- ital, LLC, which was founded by John Forrey, formerly the President of Red Lion, Pennsylvania based Specialty In-

Box Shipments ( U.S. Corrugated Product Shipments) Industry Shipments In Billions of Square Feet Month December 2020



Percent Change Avg Week Percent Change

2020 2019

34.916 31.332


8.729 7.833


Industry Total

dustries and a member of the AICC Executive Board as recently as 2018. After the sale of Specialty, Forrey was not ready to retire and decided to utilize his strong financial back- ground to start his own company in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. JHF Capital provides alternative funding options to traditional bank lending. Types of financing solutions

Year-to Date

December 2020



Percent Change Avg Week Percent Change

2020 2019

406.776 393.483


8.071 7.838


Industry Total

Containerboard Consumption (Thousands of Tons)



Percent Change Year-to-Date Percent Change

2020 2019

2.7727 2.5660


33.0739 32.3005


John Forrey

Container Board Inventory - Corrugator Plants (Thousands of Tons)

include Accounts Receivable and Asset Based Lines of Credit, Equipment Leasing, Inventory Financing, Unse- cured Business Lines of Credit, SBA Loans, Commercial Real Estate Financing, Purchase Order Financing and Large Project Financing. Additionally, JHF Capital has re- lationships to reduce expenses in both the Merchant Ser- vices and Telecommunications cost centers. Forrey is looking forward to reconnecting with his AICC colleagues. Contact him when having challenges with pri- mary bank lending institutions. Call (302) 386-9994, email [email protected] or visit .

Corrugator Plants Only


Percent Change Weeks of Supply

Percent Change

Dec. Nov.

1.8921 1.7912


2.7 2.5


Shipping Days




2020 2019

20 20

252 251

SOURCE: Fibre Box Association


April 19, 2021


Whether you need to design and build a new corrugator steam system or a perfectly matched retrofit, turn to Boiler & Steam Performance for the most efficient process and reliable solution. We also offer specialized expertise to solve complex challenges and practical support to help you maintain peak performance. BACKED BY A 30 YEAR HERITAGE OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE.


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Kolbus Appoints Clark New Technical Sales Manager

beyond the equipment we sell and service.” “I look forward to working with our customers on the amazing breadth of equipment and services that Kolbus offers,” said Clark. “My goal is to be a trusted resource for our customers who need help successfully navigating the evolving manufacturing landscape.” Kolbus has also added two CSR staff members to its customer service department. Jim Monte is based in the corporate office in Cleveland, Ohio, and Stephanie Kosiba is based at the Kolbus Hycorr manufacturing facility in Ka- lamazoo. “One of our primary goals as a manufacturer is to be a reliable resource for our customers. As we continue to invest in this area, Stephanie and Jim are two great ad- ditions to our customer service team” added Dietz. For over 200 years, Kolbus has been delivering ad- vanced equipment solutions for the print and packaging industries. With the acquisitions of Hycorr and Autobox, Kolbus has invested in the further development of prov- en technologies that service the corrugated packaging industry. The Kolbus Hycorr family of flexo rotary die-cut- ters continue to be manufactured in the USA. With the in- troduction of the Kolbus RD Servo flexo rotary die cutters and automated Boxline for rigid box production, Kolbus shows that Kolbus Hycorr was a pioneer and continues to be a leader in the development of top print technology. All Kolbus equipment is supported by a large network of North American based service personnel, along with a lo- cal parts inventory.

Kalamazoo, Michigan based Kolbus America, Inc, a man- ufacturer of printing and converting equipment for pa- per-based packaging, is strengthening its sales and ser-

vice departments with the addition of Ryan Clark as its new technical sales manager for the Mid-Atlantic & Northeast region. Clark begins his new position on April 19 and will report to Jeff Dietz, President of Kol- bus America. Clark comes to Kolbus from AG

Ryan Clark

Stacker, an innovator in the design and custom manu- facturing of industrial machinery for corrugated material stacking operations, where he held the position of Region- al Sales Manager for more than four years. Clark graduat- ed from the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) with a degree in economics and business. He served in the military for nearly five years as an ordnance officer and ended his ser- vice as a captain with an honorable discharge. “We welcome Ryan to our team in a very pivotal role,” said Dietz. “He will be positioned to work directly with our customers, providing consultative and solutions-oriented support. Bringing Ryan on board is another important step as we expand our focus on creating value for our partners,

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April 19, 2021

Money making machine

Domino X630i digital aqueous inkjet corrugated press

…MORE PROFIT per job. …MORE CAPACITY in a given day. …MORE CORRUGATED out the door faster. …MORE MONEY in your pocket sooner.

Why DOMINO? • 40+ years of inkjet technology experience • Financially strong and stable • Heavily invested in digital technology • 1,000 industrial inkjet installations • Service & Support,Trusted Business Partner • Small footprint (10’H x 38’W x 21’D) • Change SKUs & print jobs on the fly • NO PLATES to make, mount, or inventory • Less downtime, MORE UPTIME • Print SPEED up to 246 fpm • AQ95 aqueous ink, POLYMER-based • Prints on COATED & UNCOATED stocks • Swiss Ordinance & Nestle COMPLIANT • Environmentally FRIENDLY • LOWER Total Cost of Ownership Why X630i?

Contact us today for X630i print samples, product brochure, and more information on the press engineered and built to transform your business. Digital Printing for everyday corrugated box production that MAXIMIZES productivity & efficiency, while MINIMIZING cost & consumption. Experience the DOMINO dierence

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TAPPI Corrugated Packaging Division Announces Call For Nominations TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division is seeking nomina- tions to fill three elected positions on its Corrugated Pack- aging Council (CPC). Each position is for a three-year term. Nominees must be currently employed in the corrugated industry and TAPPI members. Nominations will be accepted until May 21, 2021. Ap- plications are available on the Corrugated Packaging Di- vision page of the TAPPI website at . The call for Nominations will be sent to all members of TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division and the election results will be announced prior to the 2021 TAPPI/AICC SuperCorrExpo event, August 8-12, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Completed appli- cations and questions should be submitted to Kristi Led- better, TAPPI Corrugated Division Manager at kledbetter@ As the governing body of TAPPI’s Corrugated Packag- ing Division, the CPC’s primary purpose is to develop stra- tegic planning and product development. The current CPC includes appointed members from International Paper, Menasha Packaging, WestRock, Packaging Corporation of America, Pratt Industries, Arvco Container, Advance Pack- aging and Greif. The elected positions include members from SUN Automation, The Haire Group and BW Paper-

systems. The Chairs of the Corrugated Division Technical Committees, the YP Division Liaison to Corrugated and the Supplier Advisory Committee complete the council. TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division focuses on the manufacture and use of corrugated containers and asso- ciated packaging materials and products. It serves as a forum for knowledge sharing in the corrugated packaging industry.

Chicago Electric Moves To New, Larger Facility

Chicago Electric Sales Inc. announced that it has moved to a larger facility to support the growth of business. The 46,000-square-foot building in Hanover Park, Illinois, is three times the size of its old location and will support new initiatives in robotics and logistics, as well as its traditional business of corrugating industry upgrades and automation systems. The facility serves as a Center of Excellence and in- cludes a training center, a logistics and robotics demon- stration area and a technology development laboratory. The new building is a shared resource with the parent company of Chicago Electric, BHS Corrugated. “The new facility supports our corrugated upgrade products and provides a platform for continued growth with BHS Intralogistics and Robotic Automation solutions,” said Chris Clark, President of Chicago Electric Sales, Inc.

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April 19, 2021

Steve Robinson, Former CMO For Chick-fil-A, To Keynote At AICC Spring Meeting In FL Building a valued brand requires vision and determination. During the upcoming AICC Spring Meeting, being held April 26-28 in Amelia Is- land, Florida, Steve Robinson, the former Chief Marketing Officer for

Chick-fil-A, will discuss in his Keynote Address how he helped in building the fast-food chain into an instantly recog- nizable brand. Robinson’s career with Chick-fil-A spanned 34 years, and he was in- tegrally involved in the company’s growth — from 184 stores and $100 million in annual sales in 1981 to more than 2,100 stores and more than $6.8 billion in annual sales in 2015. He was involved in the creation of the Chick- fil-A corporate purpose and the forma- tion and management of the now-icon- ic “Eat Mor Chikin” cow campaign. In his presentation, Robinson will

Cosmo DeNicola Chairman, Amtech Software

Steve Robinson

reference his book, entitled “Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A”, which ana- lyzes the company’s core beliefs, its ability to attract top talent and its enormous growth over the years. Each AICC Spring Meeting attendee will receive a copy of Robinson’s book. Board Converting New s spoke exclusively with Robinson about his book, his tenure with Chick-fil-A and what AICC attendees could expect from his presentation. Q: You mention that a Corporate Purpose was the framework for the Chick-fil-A brand. Is it too late for a company that has achieved suc- cess to develop a Corporate Purpose? Why or why not? A: Not at all. With growth, new people and customers are brought into the brand. With size brings a potential loss of historical context for what was/is important to owners/leaders and how that influenced decision making. A clear, written purpose helps to bring the past into the future and an anchor reference point on why the organization exists and how that purpose influences decisions, talent selection and branding. Q: Chick-fil-A’s founder Truett Cathy, who died in 2014 at age 93, had a sincere desire to honor God and have a positive influence on ev- eryone who comes in contact with his brand. How do feel that his religious beliefs contributed to the success of Chick-fil-A? A: Truett never siloed his faith from any aspect of his life, including the business. He saw the CFA sandwich business as a gift from God, and as such, he felt a deep conviction to steward every aspect of the business well. Additionally, he saw everyone associated with CFA as an extension of his reputation, which clearly helped shape the values and experienc- es created by CFA. So, it should be no surprise that he would close on Sundays to give everyone a day off, or tithe their business, invest heavily in scholarships and development programs, or place a high value on personal hospitality. I unpack this issue in depth in my book. Q: Without giving away too much of the message of your presentation and your book, what can you tell a roomful of successful box makers

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April 19, 2021




Get Answers-Be Proactive. • There’s a board increase or decrease? • My volume goes up or down? • I lost my largest customer? • My MIX changed ? • I bought a new machine? • I sold more sheets? • My labor costs go up 5%? • I added OT or another shift?

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Steve Robinson (CONT’D FROM PAGE 14)

shaped my life, just as it did Truett’s. I don’t dwell on it, but because of this common grace-based faith that Truett and I shared, it made my work more fulfilling and easier. Because I had a pretty good understanding of what was important to him and most of those principles and val- ues are important to me, too. Q: Do you believe the idea of ‘character over qualifi- cations’, as expressed in your book, would work for all companies, no matter the market they served? A: Yes! Any business will be more innovative and success- ful if it is comprised of people who trust each other’s judg- ment and integrity. These will be folks who can be trusted and, therefore, empowered to make important decisions closer to the customer. Q: In your book, you mentioned your $2 million mistake. How important are mistakes in the growth of a company, using them as learning opportunities? A: CRUCIAL. People must feel the freedom to try new things. The real art is having a process for testing and de- velopment of ideas that help determine unforeseen risks and maximizes insights before a business wide rollout. Q: Several AICC members are also members of fami- ly-owned, multi-generational companies facing transi- tions to next-generation leadership. What can you share

and suppliers about the three Rs: Relationships, Reputa- tion and Relevance? A: All three grow out of a value that personal connections are more important than just transactions. Relationships are a priority because whether customer, supplier or mem- ber of the business family, every relationship is important to developing loyalty, brand clarity and sustained business. Reputation is the brand. Every customer contact either adds to the brand reputation or depletes it. There are no neutral business touch point. So you better select the right people that will contribute to the reputation you want and they in turn will create not just transactions, but brand ad- vocates. Relevance is fundamentally keeping the customer the most important constituent in the business. Not owners or stockholders, not employees, but customers. In turn, you will be an aggressive listener to customers, in a systematic way, in order to know how to keep your business offerings, experience and brand messaging relevant. If you lose rel- evance with customers, you will not be all you can be. Q: You write of your own Christian faith and its impor- tance to your life and your work? How do you address this in your presentation? A: I simply share my story of realizing the truth of God’s grace through his son. It was a milestone that dramatically


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Steve Robinson (CONT’D FROM PAGE 16)

AIR CONVEYING CORPORATION is a recognized leader in the industry of Pneumatic Conveying Systems and has been in business since 1968. As an equipment manufacturer rather than simply a sales organization, we have complete control over the quality of material and products which make up your proposed system. Our equipment is found in Printing, Folding Carton and Corrugated plants throughout the country and the world.

about transitions in leadership from your experience with Chick-fil-A? A: First, each generation must pay attention to purpose and values; thus, building and managing the culture is that family’s number one responsibility. Strategy stands on cul-

ture. Second, proper non-fami- ly talent is huge. If you do not have all the skill sets within the family (highly unlikely), you better get it and empower them. Third, annual and long- term multi-generation person- al development plans (family members and management). Fourth, proper financial and estate planning. And fifth, how do you compensate non-family

in a way that incentivizes great performance and loyalty. And, maybe most important of all, try to run the business with the same commitment to excellence and stewardship as you would if you were public. Q: What’s the best way to ensure the next generation of a company or organization has the historical context of the way decisions were made by previous leaders?

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April 19, 2021

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Steve Robinson (CONT’D FROM PAGE 18)

Q: Anything else you may want to add that might help convince those who may not have considered hearing your talk to invest the time to hear your message at the AICC meeting? A: Great brands or businesses only survive in great cultural soil, but only if leaders cultivate that soil. This is the head- line for my presentation, I unpack it in great detail in my presentation, with relevant Chick-fil-A illustrations. DS Smith Appoints Emma Budzisz Director Of Marketing NA Packaging Atlanta, Georgia based DS Smith has announced that Emma Budzisz joined the company as Director of Market- ing for North America Packaging. Prior, Budzisz was with The Coca-Cola Company, where she focused on the de- velopment of brand vision and consumer and commercial marketing plans rooted in consumer and shopper insights for traditional and digital/social media campaigns at local, regional, and international levels. Budzisz brings extensive experience from additional senior marketing roles in consumer, retail and e-commerce marketing across various portfolios of well-established and start-ups brands. She will lead the development of mar- keting and E-commerce objectives, supporting sales and growth initiatives for DS Smith Packaging in North Amer- ica, and develop marketing and E-commerce strategies.

BCN(US)202002(o)(出血5mm).pdf 1 2021/2/6 上午 09:19:31 Q: Can you address the ways in which Chick-fil-A pivoted during COVID, making sure that the company’s mantra of customer service (“My pleasure!”) remained intact? A: They already had the protocols for second mile service via drive thru. But they beefed up capital investments in outdoor additions like hand washing stations, more per- manent weather protection covers, and more commercial grade wifi capacity. They also ramped up their systems and standards with third party delivery companies, and gave operators the tools to try their own delivery services. And making the Chick-fil-A One app more functional to support preordered curbside pickups, delivery and preor- der for drive-thru. A: Constantly tell the stories. Document milestone events and decisions in writing, videos and talent development programs, reference key historical learnings or decisions as new decisions are made and explained. Q: As businesses begin reopening in the coming months, are there lessons from the experience with COVID that business owners and operators can use to better build their companies for the future? A: Listen to customers via research to determine how their future purchase and usage patterns will permanently change. Adapt and innovate accordingly.










April 19, 2021

Fujifilm Canada Announces Agreement With Spicers

Mississauga, Ontario based Fujifilm Canada Inc. has an- nounced a national distributor agreement with Spicers Canada, a fifth generation family-owned distribution com- pany of commercial print and business papers, specialty products, graphic solutions, sign & display media, and industrial packaging products based in Vaughan, Ontar- io. Under the terms of the agreement, Spicers will act as nationwide distributor for the Graphics Division of Fujifilm Canada Inc., including its CTP (computer-to-plate) plates. Fujifilm continues to focus on the evolving Canadian printing landscape with the overall goal to meet the in- creasing market demand for consumables and techno- logical upgrades. Adding Spicers Canada as a national distributor will provide Fujifilm Canada supplementary full national coverage with the ability to leverage Spicers Can- ada’s extensive network of over 600 employees and 25 regional centers. “We at Fujifilm are excited about the addition of this new distributor for us in the Canadian market,” said Stephane Blais, Vice President, Graphic Systems and Technical Ser- vices divisions, Fujifilm Canada Inc. “Spicers strong sales and logistic capabilities made it a logical choice as a part- ner with whom to expand and amplify Fujifilm’s product offerings in Canada.”

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April 19, 2021




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Cyber Security (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1 )



“Crooks know it’s very, very easy for people to miss slight changes in email addresses,” says Mary S. Schaeffer, AP Now’s President ( Reports from the FBI, the IRS and other agencies show that cyber fraud poses a growing threat to businesses. While many thieves want money, others want >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40

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