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Body Gears PT: Relieving Your Neck Pain & Headaches

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PT Link: Relieving Neck Pain & Headaches

866.312.0054 F: 866.268.5006 CHECK OUT OUR NEW SITE! Getting To KnowThe PT Link PT Staff! RANDY RICH

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Balanced Body PT: Relieving Neck Pain

Balanced Body PT: Relieving Neck Pain HEALTH &WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring F

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PhysioWorks. Relieving Neck Pain & Headaches

4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 red onion, diced • 4 garlic cloves, minced • 2 medium carrots, dice

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Priority: Relieving Neck Pain & Headaches

2 lb whole grain spaghetti DIRECTIONS Preheat broiler on high for 5 minutes. Combine all meatball in

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Canyon: Relieving Neck Pain & Headaches

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Body Gears PT: Live Without Fear: Heal Your Hip Pain

bowel function also support sexual function) Are you able to use a tampon or does it seem to just sl

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Balanced Body PT. Relief For Radiating Neck Pain & Headaches

4 tsp wasabi powder (optional) • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients (ex

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Body Gears: Stand up to Your Sciatica & Back Pain

2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce

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Pinnacle: Relieving Your Neck Pain

4 teaspoon ground black pepper INGREDIENTS • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 1 teaspoon honey • 1 t

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Body Gears: May Issue

Body Gears: May Issue ® ® NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Achie

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Body Gears PT: Relieving Your Neck Pain & Headaches

BRAD MURISON, PHYSICAL THERAPIST, CFMT NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Getting To Know The Body Gears Physical Therapy Team ®

® rigorous examination in August of last year, Brad can now proudly call himself a Certified Functional Manual Therapist. Brad’s work ethic was fostered under renowned teacher and mentor Ken Olsen, PT, DHSc. Brad says, "I love working with my hands and creating immediate improvements for patients in each visit. From taking postgraduate continuing education courses, my eyes are open to the fact that improving function through manual work is the most effective treatment I know." He enjoys spending his weekends with his friends and family, especially his two young nieces. Brad is a football fanatic who lives and dies with the Chicago Bears and Florida Gators. As a 3-sport high school athlete at West Chicago Community High School (captain for the football team, captain for the wrestling team, and track and field athlete), he knows the hardship that the body undergoes to stay healthy while playing sports. Find Brad at our Wheaton clinic.

Brad earned his Masters of Physical Therapy from Northern Illinois University where he achieved a number of accolades: Dean’s List, Fall 2008 – Fall 2011, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Tau Sigma National Honor Society, and the Golden Key International Honor Society. Brad was excited to join Body Gears to work alongside some of the country’s top Certified Functional Manual Therapists (CFMTs) in a collaborative atmosphere to improve his own manual therapy skills. After completing all 7 CFMT courses and a week- long intensive review session followed by a


NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


RELIEVING NECK PAIN & HEADACHES Look Forward To A Happy &Pain-Free Life!

Do you suffer from frequent neck pain and headaches? Some people live on acetaminophen or ibuprofen for years because they can't seem to shake their nagging headaches. Despite mollifying the pain with medications, many people who suffer from frequent headaches fear they might have an underlying neck problem that could get worse. A Common Theme With Headaches There are several different types of headaches and while the mechanisms behind them are not all well understood, they can have common triggers. Whether it's stress and anxiety causing a headache or they're the result of headaches interfering with responsibilities, these feelings tend to go hand-in-hand with tight neck and scalp muscles. Whether or not this muscle tightness is causing your headache, it's certainly not helping and could lead to symptoms in your upper back, shoulder, and arm. Finding Lasting Relief Many people will seek frequent massages to relieve their neck and back muscle tightness. While massages can provide temporary relief and help to reduce stress, they only address one piece of the puzzle. There could be an underlying vertebral joint issue or issues with your work, driving, and sleep postures contributing to your neck pain and headaches. It's also important to make sure your movement mechanics aren't contributing to the problem, especially if you're carrying any objects during your daily activities. Physical therapists can not only perform soft tissue manual therapy to release your tight muscles, but they can also assess and address any of those other issues that make up the rest of the puzzle. The key to lasting relief for a pain-free life is to care for the whole picture. ®


• How To Take Care Of Your Neck • Healthy Recipe

• Exercise of the Month • Patient Success Spotlight



® Strengthen Your Neck Muscles Working on the strength and endurance of your neck muscles can help reduce feelings of tightness, make it easier to find efficient postures, and help you better withstand sudden jerking motions. More specifically, you want to target your deep neck flexor muscles, the muscles you would use to give yourself a double chin. An easy way to work on both strength and endurance is to lie on your stomach on your bed with your head hanging off the edge and hold that double chin position for 30 seconds. Take a break if your chin starts to fall towards the floor and start again with shorter holds. Instead of intensely squeezing your muscles trying to create as many chins as possible, you're simply creating a straight line from your thoracic spine through your head and you should feel the back of your neck lengthening. Adjust Your Environment To You The goal of ergonomics is to fit the task to the person for increased efficiency and comfort and reduced risk of injury. Whether it's altering the demands of the task, the equipment used, or the task environment, all these things should be adapting to you, not the other way around. To take good care of your neck, pay particular attention to things you spend long periods looking at. Whether it's a computer screen, cell phone, book, or cutting board, you want to ensure you're not straining your neck just to see. You can either raise the object (by lifting it or by using a higher surface) or you can lower your whole body so that the object is in line with your resting gaze. As much as possible, you want to avoid spending prolonged periods looking down with your neck bending forward. It's okay to look down occasionally, but the majority of your day should be spent in a more neutral position. For help with these tips or to learn even more ways to take better care of your neck, reach out to your physical therapist or give us a call!

The average adult human head weighs around 10 lbs. If your head is not resting on the pedestal that is your spinal column, your muscles have to actively hold up your head. Just like carrying 10 lbs of groceries, they will feel light to start with but will feel progressively heavier as time goes on. You are of course supposed to move your head around as much as you want because even staying rigidly over your spinal column can have undesired outcomes. Staying in any single position for long enough that your head starts to feel even heavier because your muscles are fatiguing can be a source of neck pain and headaches. Know How to Come Back to Neutral

Especially if you sit for long periods during the day, it's important to know how to find a neutral resting position that can be your "home base" you come back to if you're starting to feel any muscle tension. Try a wall sit with your head resting on the wall, your palms facing forward, and your lower back/tailbone relaxed. Take note of what this feels like in your neck, upper back, and shoulders. Try to replicate this feeling while sitting in your chair. For some people, tightness in their pec muscles prevents them from comfortably resting the backs of their

hands on the wall or a rounded thoracic spine prevents them from resting their head on the wall. A physical therapist can quickly and easily help you with both of these to make neutral sitting your most comfortable posture.

Exercise of theMonth Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

Red Snapper Arugula Salad

• 4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tsp grated lemon • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1/2 tsp minced garlic • 3/4 tsp kosher salt • 6 (6-ounce) red snapper fillets • 1/4 tsp black pepper • 5 ounces baby arugula • 1/4 cup sliced red onion • 2 ounces pecorino Romano cheese • 6 lemon wedges

Pivot Prone

Prone on Elbows with Thoracic Rotation 2 x 10 each side. Lie on your stomach with your

elbows bent under your shoulders and forearms on the ground. Place a pillow under your stomach if your lower back is uncomfortable. Imagine your spine pressing through your breastbone and your shoulder blades sliding down into your opposite back pockets. Keep your chin tucked with the back of your neck long and alternate rotating side to side to look at your feet. Try to feel your thoracic spine and shoulder blade moving with you.

Combine 3 tablespoons oil, rind, juice, and garlic in a large bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon salt. Sprinkle fish with remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add 3 fillets, skin side down; reduce heat to medium, and cook 5 minutes or until skin is golden and crisp. Turn fillets; cook 3 minutes or until done. Remove fish from pan; keep warm. Wipe pan clean; repeat procedure with remaining oil and remaining 3 fillets. Add arugula to dressing; toss. Top with onion and cheese. Serve salad with fillets and lemon wedges.

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Patient Success Spotlight

Body Gears News

Congratulations to Bob LeBeau! Bob, PT and clinic manager of our Oak Brook location earned his Doctor of Science Degree (ScD) from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock Texas last month. His education thesis project was titled “Management of Mechanical and Movement Dysfunction for Nonarthritic Hip Pain." The project focused on designing a curriculum and measuring learning outcomes from a

professional continuing education course. Bob is excited to continue sharing his knowledge of hip pain management with the rest of the Body Gears team. Congratulations, Dr. LeBeau!

Undeniably better!

Understanding the Story of Your Headache: Founder April Oury and Clinical Director Rebecca Johnson team up to discuss what physical therapy can do for people experiencing headaches as well as the four things they always check for on the first visit. If you're looking for an alternative to stretching and massage to treat sore and tight neck muscles, check out our podcast. Find us on Sound Cloud @BodyGearsPT

“I have been seen by one of the therapists for about a month and I have noticed a significant change in my pain - much fewer headaches, which prior to my treatment were daily. I admit I was skeptical about how much treatment was really going to improve things, but the difference is undeniably much better!” - Rachel (Body Gears Graduate!)

I never imagined being pain-free!

“All my life I dealt with daily headaches. After 6 weeks I had no daily headaches, my neck tightness and pain was completely gone. I ran a 5k and was in no pain at all. They not only solved my pain issues, they taught me exercises to stay pain-free. I would absolutely recommend Body Gears for anyone looking for PTand especially for migraine sufferers, I never imagined being pain-free!” - Annette P. (Body Gears Graduate!)



Request AComplimentary Screening


Schedule Your Discovery Session | 877-709-1090 VISITOURWEBSITEORGIVEUS ACALL: Whether you’re recovering from an injury, training for a competition, or you’re striving for health, wellness and freedom of movement, Body Gears can help improve your physical health. This 20-minute appointment will allow you to meet a physical therapist, share your story, and complete a mini-assessment. The purpose of this screening is to answer two questions: 1. Which techniques will help you change your story? 2. How can Body Gears help you achieve your functional goals? Our physical therapists will be able to quickly provide you the information you need to take the next step. We hope it's with us! ®



Body Gears Founder, April Oury, was featured last month in an article by the Associated Press . They reached out to half a dozen entrepreneurs in a variety of industries, including technology, finance, and marketing about business lessons they’ve learned. April was lucky enough to be the headliner and the only one with a photo. In the wake of leading the article with Physical Therapy, we hope a diverse audience will become more educated about the professionalism required in our field. The article has since been picked up by the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, St. Louis

Post Dispatch, and numerous other news outlets. Anyone who knows April will know, one of her passions is to get PT out in the open as one of the best interventions that people can choose to treat many different issues. Most of the people who come to us don’t even know what PT is, let alone what good PT is. Being on the brink of obtaining full direct access in Illinois and in the midst of a nation-wide opioid crisis means getting PT into the mainstream consciousness has never been more important. At Body Gears, we’re proud to be led by a female business owner and have seen tremendous growth over the past 14 years. Flourishing from a single clinic

with one therapist to 8 clinics across 3 states with over 80 employees has been a journey made possible by the patients who love us. Thank you! To all those who spread the word to their family, friends, and anyone who will listen, we couldn’t have done it without you! As we continue to grow, our mission at Body Gears will always be to help those in need get back to the things they care about most. Whether it’s recovering from an injury or childbirth, or striving for superior athletic performance, we resolve to always be your source for answers, reassurance, and results. Body Gears exists to enhance human mechanics, movement, and performance, promoting a healthier quality of life and elevating you to your optimum self. Helping you discover a better life by redefining Physical Therapy.



NEW YORK (AP) — April Oury started her physical therapy practice 14 years ago wanting togiveallaspectsofherbusiness thesame focusandattention todetailshe gave patients — even when it came to choosing paint colors or an internet provider. She wouldn’t do it that way again. “There was not enough time in the day or the workweek toput thatkindofeffort intoeverysingle thing,”saysOury,ownerofeight Body Gears physical therapy centers in the Chicago area, San Diego and Clayton, Missouri. Probably every small business owner would handlesome things differently thenext time. Learning from experience is part of starting and running a business, and the list of things owners wish they could do over is likely endless. Oury gave up her drive for ultra-perfection when she realized it prevented her from getting thingsdone.Whileshefixatedon thedetailsofamarketingbrochure, “Imissed all those opportunities to pass out a brochure because I didn’t have it in my hands.” Andy Curry came up with what he thought was a unique name, WallaZoom, for an apphecreatedoverayearago tohelpshoppersfind local retailers.Whenhewent to trademark it fourmonthsago,he learned itwas in theprocessofbeing trademarked by someone else. He hadn’t checked beforehand. “Ididn’t think therewouldbeachanceofanyoneelseusing thatname in the trademark categoryofadvertisingandmarketing,”saysCurry,who’s located inColoradoSprings, Colorado. He still hopes to get the name, but also has backups in case he can’t. Levi King’s problem was a name no one could spell or pronounce. Six years ago, he andpartnerCatonHanson foundedCreditera,whichhelpsbusinessesget loansand other credit. Soon after, the Draper, Utah-based company was being called names like “Credit Tiara” and frequently misspelled. “Something as important as a brand and we took so little time to check it out — we should have run it by other people,” King says. Eventually, he and Hanson found another name, Nav, referring to how the company assists businesses navigating credit applications. Hope & Harmony Farms, a brand of peanuts, started out as Royal Oak Peanuts in 2002.Salesdidn’t takeoff thewayco-ownerStephaniePopeandherpartnershoped. When they did an informal survey, “one close friend even said the name almost sounded like a cemetery,” she recalls. The Drewryville, Virginia, company’s owners came up with Hope & Harmony Farms in 2012, and sales are up 50 percent since then. SELLING THEMSELVES SHORT “I learned the hard way that low pricing is not the way to get quality business.” - Jill Caren, owner of 2 Dogs Media. Jill Caren charged her web design clients a flat fee of $1,500 no matter how much work she did or how complex it was. She ended up working too many hours and not making enough money. “I learned the hard way that low pricing is not the way to get quality business,” says Caren,ownerof2DogsMedia,based inMarlboro,NewJersey.Her lowprices tended to attract clients who were difficult and disrespectful. When she started charging based on what each job required, she got to spend more time with her family and got clients who appreciated her more. YungiChu thoughthe’dsellmoreheadsetsandmakemoremoneybyofferingcheaper models and undercutting competitors. Six months after starting What others would change if they had the chance: WHAT’S IN A NAME?

(APPhoto/CharlesRexArbogast) ByJOYCEM.ROSENBERG,AP BusinessWriter May.16,2018

in 2003, he found he had very little profit: $2 a headset, and often just $100 a week. He decided to raise prices and sell well-known brands. Sales picked up quickly. “I found customers don’t mind paying more for better service, better products,” says Chu, who’s based in Redwood City, California. TAKING FEW RISKS “I would spend the money faster.” - Vladimir Gendelman, who worried about funding when he started Company Folders. VladimirGendelmanworriedabout runningoutofmoneywhenhestartedhisprinting business in2003.Hehad$50,000 incredit,butforfiveyearshebuiltCompanyFolders veryslowly.Revenuewasunder$20,000 thefirst twoyears. Itacceleratedgradually and by 2008 reached $525,000. “If I could do it all again, I would spend the money faster so that I could create a better baseline to generate revenue sooner,” says Gendelman, whose company is based inPontiac,Michigan. “Thismeanseverything frombuildingmywebsite faster to hiring my first employee, which is something I waited five years to do instead of making that hire right away.” NickGlassettspentabouthalfof2017 inwhathecalls “paralysisbyanalysis.”Glassett, who runs a website called Origin Leadership that aims to teach management skills, says he wasted time tinkering with details and second-guessing himself. “It was scary to be trying something new, but I let that fear get to me,” says Glassett, who lives in New Orleans. Whenhefinallydecided toget thesiteupand running, ithad150dailyvisitorswithin two months. WHO IS YOUR CUSTOMER?, which helps people carry out background checks, didn’t do any market research or come up with a plan to target specific customers. Its marketing campaigns advertised the website’s features, not how it could benefit users. Over the first two years, it had barely any revenue, co-founder Ross Cohen says. “You end up marketing this broad message and we found we were really talking to nobody,”saysCohen,whosecompany isbased began explaining how it could help users, the company went from annual revenue of a few hundred thousand dollars to $15 million in two years. When Logan Soya began marketing Aquicore, software that monitors buildings’ energy usage, he and his sales staff made their pitches to property managers and building engineers who said, “‘Great, but I don’t have the budget for this. I have to wait for next year,’” Soya says. It took more than a year of these responses for Soya, whose company is based in Washington, D.C., to realize he should be selling to building owners who set the budgets.

“Once we understood the problem, it was not that heavy a lift,” he says.