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Body Gears: Take the Next Step to Treat Your Arthritis Pain

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Kinetic: Take The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

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Your Next Steps To Treat Arthritis Pain

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Body Gears: Take the Next Step to Treat Your Arthritis Pain

DR. BAILEE MCGRATH, PT , DPT , WOMEN'S HEALTH SPECIALIST NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Getting To Know The Body Gears Physical Therapy Team ®

Bailee McGrath earned her Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science degree and her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Utah. Her special interests include postpartum and pelvic pain therapy and she has completed training with Herman and Wallace for treatment of pelvic floor and women’s health conditions.

® Bailee enjoys treating all types of patients but also has an interest in working with golfers on their swing mechanics. Bailee is certified in Functional Dry Needling Level 1 and also has experience with visceral mobilization. Find Bailee at our West Loop and Lincoln Park clinics.


NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Do your joints hate cold weather? Are you blaming your age on lower back, hip and knee pain? These are typical signs of arthritis but it's not the painful life sentence you think it is. Every year, the Centers for Disease Control reports roughly 54.4 million North Americans are diagnosed with some form of arthritis and it's the leading cause of ongoing disability. In light of those numbers, a plethora of research has been conducted on effective treatment for arthritis, especially non-invasive options. So, can you completely get rid of arthritis symptoms without surgery? Established back at the turn of the century and still being reinforced to this day, the answer is a resounding yes! Remind me, what is arthritis exactly? The term 'arthritis' comes from the Latin 'arthr-' meaning joint and '-itis' meaning inflammation. While inflammation is a great mechanism your body uses to heal itself, chronic inflammation means getting stuck in that healing phase without reaching resolution.There are a lot of reasons why your joints might be stuck in a chronic inflammation cycle and the Arthritis Foundation lists over 100 different types of arthritis.  What are a few common causes of lower back, hip, and knee arthritis? You'renot just getting old!First, let's differentiateacause from aperpetuator. Frequently, an old injury is what causes the cascade of events leading to arthritis. However, it's often poor movement mechanics or even a lack of movement from pain avoidance that perpetuates the arthritis cycle. You can't go back and erase that old injury, but you can choose to start moving better. Other causes of arthritis, like immune system dysfunction, abnormal metabolism, and genetic factors can be difficult to circumvent. On the other hand, you have the ability to control the strength and coordination with which you move.  No problem, I'll just get my joint replaced. Surgery is not a quick fix or something to be taken lightly. On top of being extremelycostly, thereareriskswithgeneralanesthesia,risksof infectionand TO TREAT YOUR ARTHRITIS PAIN Take The Next Step INSIDE: • 6 Tips To Help Your Arthritis Pain • Healthy Recipe

• Exercise of the Month • Patient Success Spotlight

® The overall goal is to change the way you load your joints so you can get back to doing the things you love, pain-free. When it comes to loading joints, the direction of the force and how well the force is spread are the two main focusesof treatment.  Ananalogyfor theeffectofforcedirection is to imagine pinching a spring (like the small ones found in pens). You could pinch the spring inaway thatmakes itbuckleor inaway thatmakes thecoilscompress. When it comes to your joints, you don't want any buckling, you want forces passing straight through to the next joint. Spreading forces across multiple joints decreases the stress each joint has to sustain individually, helping to reduce your pain.  At Body Gears, we achieve this by: - Eliminating any joint and soft tissue restrictions with manual therapy to restore the normal motions and resting positions your body should have - Strengthening muscles that hold your joints in optimal positions  - Making sure the right muscles fire at the right time during any activity you do so that your joints are being loaded in a way that promotes healing instead of injury If you or a loved one suffers from arthritis pain, contact us today to learn more about tailored treatment options. Let age mean more experiences, not more pain.  blood clots, and the risk that you'll need another revision surgery somewhere down the line. Also, you're going to need a long course of physical therapy after surgery anyway, so why not try physical therapy first? If surgery ends up being necessary, a lot of surgeons are also starting to see faster and better recovery among people who do 'prehab' aka physical therapy to prep for surgery. Creating a larger reserve of strength and stamina before surgery, especially in the joints above and below, means you can 'hit the ground running' with your recovery so to speak, instead of starting fromground zero.  What can physical therapy actually do?


6 Tips To Help Your Arthritis Pain

1. Motion is lotion, not corrosion.  Because inefficient movement mechanics is what's painful and often the perpetrator of arthritis, people can end up fearing movement. However, it's better to keep moving through the pain you can tolerate than to avoid every painful movement. Not moving will make you stiffen up like a tin man while movement will keep your joints lubricated and your muscles strong so they can support your joints.  2. Try gravity-free exercise. Your muscles start to atrophy after 2 weeks or sooner of inactivity. Exercising with arthritis maintains the strength and function of your muscles but can also be painful. The best place to exercise if you have arthritis is in a pool to remove the compressive force of gravity from your joints. If you don't have access to a pool or a space station, try doing exercises where your limb moves horizontally across gravity instead of against gravity. Ask your therapist for specific exercise ideas.  3. Life is too short for uncomfortable shoes.  Every time your foot hits the ground when you walk, it sends forces up your legs and spine that if not well distributed, can contribute to your arthritis pain. To minimize those forces, make sure you have well-cushioned shoes that support your foot in a neutral position. Look at the wear on the treads of your shoes to determine when they need replacing. A good rule of thumb is at least once a year.  4. Less weight, less pain.  You may notice a theme developing that managing arthritis is all about managing the forces that pass through your joints. In another attempt to reduce excess forces, you can reduce the amount of weight you're carrying. This could mean roller bags instead of shoulder bags and losing excess body weight. Ask your therapist for

® 6. Don't let arthritis define you. No matter what you want to do that's causing you pain, find a creative way to still join in. Try large cushions and alternating half kneeling for gardening or kneeling with a thick cushion between your calves and bottom to play with grandkids on the floor. Talk to your physical therapist about how you can get back to doing the activities you love. a referral to a Registered Dietitian. Not only can dietitians help with weight loss, but there are certain foods like sugary snacks that increase inflammation, while others like cherries reduce inflammation. 5. Heat and ice. Many people find the heat of a warm bath, hot pack, or steam room eases arthritis pain. Others though might find relief with cold packs. It's also possible to find relief with alternating the two. It comes down to personal preference and what eases your pain not just in the moment, but in the hours afterward as well. 

Exercise of theMonth

Salmon Burgers

• 1 cup finely chopped red onion • 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh basil • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper • 1 pound salmon fillet, cooked/ shredded • 1 tbsp hot pepper sauce • 1 large egg white • Cooking spray • 8 slices focaccia, toasted

Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. Combine hot pepper sauce and egg white in a small bowl; add egg white mixture to salmon mixture, stirring well to combine. Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions, shaping each into a 1/2-inch-thick patty. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium- high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add salmon patties, and cook 3 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Serve patties on toasted focaccia.

Aerobic walking can be just as effective as home-based knee strengthening exercises for reducing pain and disability from knee arthritis. Getting in the habit of taking an after-dinner walk is great for digestion, great for the soul, and great for your joints.

Roddy, E., Zhang, W., & Doherty, M. (2005). Aerobic walking or strengthening exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee? A systematic review. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 64(4), 544-548.

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Patient Success Spotlight

Body Gears News

The Winnetka clinic has moved to a temporary location.

Our current location just isn't big enough to provide the kind of service our patients deserve. We have moved to a temporary location at 574 Lincoln Ave while we work on building out our final new home. Thank you to our Winnetka patients who have welcomed us into the community. Your continued support makes growing to this next phase possible. Pilates Around the World: Body Gears Founder April Oury and Body Balancing Pilates Founder Sondra Karman join together to discuss the many benefits of Pilates and how it compliments physical therapy. Sondra was diagnosed with hip arthritis when she was 19 years old and has been doing Pilates to help manager her symptoms ever since. Check out our podcast to hear Sondra's success story and how it has shaped her Pilates instruction philosophy.. Find us on Sound Cloud @BodyGearsPT

I no longer limp and hunch!

"I am older and have had arthritis for a while.  It has gotten bad enough for me to see a specialist and the doc's answer to my problem was that "your not going to get any younger."  But she did recommend physical therapy.  I have had therapy in the past and know that all therapists are not the same.  If my body was a car, my mechanics would put me into the "totaled" category.  But they are fixing me.  That's the highest praise I can make.  I no longer limp and hunch.  I no longer develop back pain in the middle of the day.  I can stand and talk longer during networking events. I am more mobile, and can do a better job of keeping up during family walks.  I feel much, much better." - Nick F. (Body Gears Graduate)


Request AComplimentary Screening


Schedule Your Discovery Session | 877-709-1090 VISITOURWEBSITEORGIVEUS ACALL: Whether you’re recovering from an injury, training for a competition, or you’re striving for health, wellness and freedom of movement, Body Gears can help improve your physical health. This 20-minute appointment will allow you to meet a physical therapist, share your story, and complete a mini-assessment. The purpose of this screening is to answer two questions: 1. Which techniques will help you change your story? 2. How can Body Gears help you achieve your functional goals? Our physical therapists will be able to quickly provide you the information you need to take the next step. We hope it's with us! ®



Not sure if you’re part of the club or not? We’ve all heard what ‘waiting for it to get better’ sounds like: It’s not that bad… I’ll take care of it later… It’ll get better on its own… It’s just the weather… I just need to stretch more… If you’re a ‘wait and see’ kind of person, the rule of thumb to determine whether something is likely to go away on its own is the 3-Day Rule: if your pain is the same or worse after 3 days, you should consult with a healthcare professional like a physical therapist. If your pain is much better after 3 days but after 2 weeks you’re still waiting for it go away, then it’s also time to get a professional assessment to prevent chronic pain, movement compensations, or other complications. Remember, it’s not normal to endure pain during your usual daily activities, which means you shouldn’t have to! Also, any problem is easier and cheaper to take care of in the early stages when it’s still a little problem. Waiting for it to turn into a big problem might help you mentally justify seeking help but it’ll end up costing you more in dollars and time.

No clinician should ever disparage a patient for seeking help for any amount of pain. In fact, at Body Gears, we encourage our community members to seek help before they even get pain! Optimizing postures and movement mechanics for everything from sports to household chores will help you prevent pain from coming on in the first place. The whole reason we offer Free Discovery Sessions is so you can find out why you’re experiencing pain and what your options are to do something about it. You could be given self-management strategies and recommended to give it more time, you could be referred to the appropriate health discipline, or you could be recommended to start treatment for what’s causing your pain and working on any compensation patterns you’ve developed. Our Discovery Sessions are free so no one ever feels like they have to wait until they have a big problem before seeking help. If you’re still waiting for your pain to go away or you know someone who is, get your healing story started with us!
