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HR Electronic CV for Brad Barker

2016 3.0 - Doing Job Well Source 2017 Performance & Development Year- End Review (CM & Above) 2016 P

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Brad Sokol

Brad Sokol

Brad Sokol Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

As a yeshiva boy growing up in Miami Beach attending Hebrew Academy through 9th grade, I was surrounded by all things Jewish and insulated from the realities of the secular Jewish world. This was until I attended Miami Beach Senior High School and then the University of Florida, where I met my wife Lauren, a Miami native and an unaffiliated Jew. It was at this point that I began to understand the breadth of Judaism and the different ways people expressed their Jewish identity.

Brad Sokol

As I entered adulthood and watched many of my peers disappear from the Jewish scene, I chose to stay connected through my children. The Dave and Mary Alper JCC preschool, Temple Samuel Or Olam Religious School and Temple Beth Am Day School and Religious School inspired me and my wife to continue instilling in our children strong family Jewish traditions and values. In high school and college, they participated in the March of the Living and Birthright Israel, which they found extremely meaningful and life-changing.

My involvement in Jewish communal work began at Temple Beth Am, where I served for eight years on the executive committee as Treasurer, Vice President of Administration and Vice President of Membership. Here I saw, first-hand, the passion and deep commitment of Jewish lay leaders. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with

and learn from some of the finest Jewish souls. For that, I will always be grateful. My experience at Temple Beth Am gave me the experience and confidence to assume the role of Board Chair at the University of Florida Hillel. Here at my alma mater, the school

Sokol Family

where I met my beautiful wife and best friend, and educated two of my three children, I would have the opportunity to reach over 8,000 young Jewish students trying to find or connect to their Judaism. It was at this point that I met Norman Lipoff, who would become my close friend and mentor. Norman has enriched my life in the most meaningful ways. His continuous involvement in Jewish causes inspires me every day to do my part. His love for all things Israel is contagious. His commitment to our local Jewish community and Jewish communities around the world is unparalleled. I strive to live up to the example that he has set.

Through Norman’s guidance and leadership, I began to understand the role of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and its impact on my Jewish identity. The Federation has touched so many aspects of my Jewish life, from my Hebrew Academy days, coaching Maccabi Girls soccer for eight years, to my present day involvement in our local Jewish community and to my continued commitment to Israel. Now as I reflect on the importance of l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, my legacy gifts to Temple Beth Am, Greater Miami Jewish Federation and University of Florida Hillel allow me to fulfill my Jewish responsibility and pay tribute to those who have mentored me in this ongoing process. By following in their footsteps, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Brad and Lauren Sokol with friends and mentors, Norman and Nancy Lipoff

Brad’s first trip to Israel in 2009. Brad and Lauren with Morris Futernickand Norman Lipoff

Temple Beth Am AND Rambam Day School

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation