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chalkfest. 5530 Fairview Drive Eau Claire, WI 54701 If the Northern Wisconsin State Fair wasn’t enou

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Bright Star Care - July 2018


JULY 2018


WHAT THE 4TH OF JULY MEANS TO US Independence in Everything

F resh watermelon, sweet corn, and apple pie—growing up in a rural area, this was my version of the Fourth of July. There wasn’t much traffic out in the rural areas where I’m from, so we’d head into town and set up a farm stand with all our fresh produce. We’d have delicious fruits and veggies, but the best part was interacting with the community.

and watching the fireworks carry an increased sense of meaning: identity, unity, and freedom.

The Fourth of July was a big deal inmy family because it gave my grandmother the opportunity to be active with

those closest to her. She struggled with Alzheimer's and dementia, and keeping her engaged during the Fourth was part of our family tradition. Sometimes an individual is wrongfully treated like their medical condition instead of like a person. My grandmother was a person, just as our home-care clients are people who need extra attention to overcome health obstacles. As her ailment progressed, her mind began to gravitate toward things we didn’t understand. But we made accommodations for her condition while maintaining the respect and love for her she deserved. Sometimes that called for us to help Grandma in strange little ways, like by putting belts on the fridge to prevent her from taking all the Popsicles to her room tomelt. But the nature of her condition didn’t mean she should be treated as anything less than a treasuredmatriarch. Firsthand experiences formulate us, and holidays where my grandma anticipated the sweet taste of a watermelon Popsicle, just like me, played a big part in who I am today. My grandmother has since passed, but we keep those family traditions alive. We always go to the parade. My son is a Boy Scout, and they have a featured section in the parade most years. After that, our friend hosts a big barbecue where everyone can have some delicious food and catch up with each other. Once we’re stuffed, we pack up and go to the summer carnival. I like to sit on the hillside in the park and relax while the kids run around with sparklers or get sticky from snow cones and ice cream. Once it gets dark, we sit as a family and watch the fireworks. My daughter loves the ones that change color. When the first firework lights up the night sky green, and then turns to blue, you can see her face light up right along with it. My son is your typical boy, so the biggest and loudest boom is his favorite. Celebrating independence can take onmany forms, but for us, it’s somuchmore than the holiday itself. It’s about the people you spend it with. My fondest memories aren’t born from the days when I’m running around trying to squeeze in errands. They come from the time I spend with family in the free-flowing exchange of love. I’mproud to have a day to celebrate independence and evenmore proud to share it with the ones I care about the most.

No one wants to feel held down or confined in their life. That’s why the nationwide celebration of independence on July Fourth is a good reminder of just how important it is to celebrate individual freedoms and independence. The people

with disabilities in DuPage County thrive during this holiday because our community actively engages them in local celebrations and events. Our caregivers give their clients the same opportunity to pursue their freedoms, even if it’s in the smallest of ways. If we can't get them to the parade, then we’ll make sure to set up a spot on their porch and give them a flag to wave. There’s somuch upheaval for individuals whose multiple medical conditions interfere with daily life that participating in community events, chatting with the neighbors,

630.260.5300 1


Given all the new and innovative technology available today, it can be easy to get lost in the abyss. There are apps. There’s a TV with apps. There are even apps for your apps. In many cases, the dizzying array of options isn’t a selling point. In fact, the sheer number of

that are both innovative and easy to use.

PANDORA The radio isn’t quite what it used to be, but with new technology, you’re not limited by whatever the two stations you enjoy are playing. With Pandora, you can create your very own customized radio station and play it from your smart device at any time. Maybe you like Frank Sinatra but can’t find a station that plays his music. Try Pandora. You’ll be able to personalize everything so you hear only the artists you want to hear. PILLBOXIE Remembering to take medication can be a significant burden on many seniors. This app sets reminders and ensures you never miss another dosage. Have more than one pill? You can customize every prescription so you know exactly what you need when you need it.

Success Story "We were very happy with the service BrightStar provided. We needed a 24-hour companion on short notice. BrightStar responded right away and provided a very personable and professional 24-hour caregiver for my mom. I would highly recommend them!" —Carolyn B. "[BrightStar's Care Team] did such a great job caring for my mom and dad when I did not have the time to do it myself. It was comforting to know there were qualified and loving people taking care of my mom right after her stroke. It put my mind at ease as well as my dad's. It made such a big difference in our lives to have that kind of help when it was needed. I know we will be using your services again." —Jean V. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE THE SAME QUALITY, 24-HOUR CARE, GIVE US A CALL AT 630-260-5300 AND SPEAK WITH ONE OF OUR PROFESSIONALS.

Have You Heard the Good News?

Psalm 33:12 — "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."

2 Corinthians 3:17 — "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Isaiah 61:1 — "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners."



3 Simple Ways

VOICE READING Sometimes reading the small print on emails or text messages can be tough, especially in dim light conditions or on smaller screens. With Voice Reading, you can choose whatever language you need, and the app will read the text back to you. It’s not just limited to small excerpts, either. You

to Wind Down

can have a full book read back to you if you’re looking for the perfect way to relax. Technology doesn’t have to be intimidating. It can even enrich your life. Give these three apps a try, and if you find yourself wanting more, reach out to a family member or caregiver today for other options.

Do you ever feel like you’re a pinball in life’s arcade? In some cases, stressors can evolve into overwhelming burdens for us to carry, and this is understandably so. Given all the standards of what’s expected from modern society, it can be a challenge to understand what is a practical use of time and what isn’t. If we don’t find a healthy balance, the subsequent anxiety can push us to the brink. For every stressful and hard-fought life moment, we need a counterpunch to bring harmony. That’s why we’ve provided three simple ways for everyone to wind down and relax. BOARD GAMES Board games have come a long way since the Monopoly marathons of our youth. You might try Settlers of Catan , a village building game based on drawn resource cards and dice rolls; Splendor , a tactical gem-collecting board game; or Rewordable , a card game for crossword puzzle enthusiasts. There are plenty of board games that can provide a fun twist to end a stressful day. It’s not just the aspect of playing a game, either. Games can provide a platform for engaging in meaningful communication with friends and family. RELAXING TV Sometimes after a long day, there’s nothing more rewarding than turning the brain off to find some serenity. Watching a peaceful television show is a great way to let your brain recharge. Programs like “Planet Earth” or “The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes” are excellent examples of shows that will take your mind to a soothing place of tranquility. AUDIO BOOKS There are instances when television shows or board games may be too stimulating, especially when your brain has already been working overtime. In that event, tuning into a podcast or pressing play on an audiobook is a great way to let your brain sit back and digest. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, you’ll find that the lack of extraneous stimuli wraps you in a cocoon of calmness. Our minds and bodies were not made to be on a knife edge of stress for extended periods of time. Taking moments to reset is not lazy; it’s a necessity. Try these three tactics and see how your overall health is impacted. TAKE THE EDGE OFF AFTER A LONG DAY


Inspired by Bon Appetit magazine

No matter where you stand on the great ketchup versus mustard debate, you’ll love these spicy, tangy, easy-to- make buffalo dogs. They’re the perfect way to elevate your Fourth of July cookout.


1 bottle Frank’s RedHot sauce

1 package of your favorite hot dogs

4 ounces crumbled blue cheese

1 package hot dog buns

For Celery Slaw

• •

1 teaspoon olive oil Celery salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

4 celery stalks, very thinly sliced

½ teaspoon lemon zest

2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice


1. For slaw, toss all ingredients together and season with celery salt and pepper. 2. Grill hot dogs and toast buns. 3. Assemble hot dogs, douse with hot sauce, and top with celery slaw. 4. Top with blue cheese, add another splash of hot sauce if you’re feeling extra spicy, and serve.

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Farmstands, Corn, and Apple Pie 1 Technology Article to Show Your Patients Client Success Story 2 Blue Cheese Buffalo Dogs 3 Ways to Take the Edge Off 3

The Benefits of Mall Walking 4

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THESE MALLS WERE MADE FOR WALKING The Exercise Venue That Will Keep You Cool and Fit

If you’re young at heart and looking to stay (or get) in shape this summer, consider taking a trip to the mall. No, not to pick up some hot new exercise product or dietary supplement, but to walk a few laps. Safe and convenient, “mall walking” has become one of the biggest trends in senior fitness.

more convenient. Replete with bathrooms, cool drinking water, and plenty of benches, the mall lets you focus on exercising and removes all of the “what ifs” that come with aging. Most malls are also outfitted with EMT kits in the event of a medical emergency.

Cool in the Summer, Warm in the Winter

Squeeze in Some Shopping

This time of year, heatstroke can be a real concern when exercising outside. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a homebody. Because malls are spacious and climate-controlled, they make great year-round walking venues, especially when summer temperatures spike. You don’t even need to put on sunscreen!

It is still a mall, after all. Why not check a few items off your shopping list or reward yourself with a new pair of sneakers? Getting things done as you exercise makes the experience that much more rewarding. Just remember not to overdo it. Carrying too many shopping bags can place undue stress on your back — and your wallet.

YouWon't Be Alone

Today, malls are the second-most popular places to walk in America, after neighborhoods. Mall walking has become so big that many communities and senior living centers have put together official groups to stride together. Your local mall may already open early to accommodate walkers. So if you’re looking to make friends in an active, fun-loving community, do some research. Chances are there’s a mall-walking club near you!

Rest Stops Abound

While the average American shopping center isn’t as scenic as the Appalachian Trail, they are far

