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Broker Expo 2020 Spex Pack

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Broker Expo 2020 Spex Pack





Welcome to Insurance Age’s flagship event, Broker Expo – the event is the leading knowledge and exchange platform dedicated to UK insurance brokers. Known as the best event in the broking calendar to meet new clients and secure existing relationships, this year we are building on our successes to offer you even more opportunities in 2020. Our agenda reflects the most pressing issues and opportunities within the insurance market. We offer meaningful, relevant and quality content to our exhibitors and attendees, as we know your time away from the office is precious. So, what have our years of experience taught us? That we can guarantee you leave Broker Expo with more than you came with. We invest in you.



93% of our attendees have purchasing authority. 85%

For networking opportunities “The facility is an excellent way to meet people you normally only speak to over the phone or by email.”

It’s important to their job/role “Great event! Been

both in 2018 and 2019 and found it extremely useful.”

of our attendees believe that Broker Expo is important to their job/role. 95% of attendees rated the value they got for investing their time as good or excellent, scoring above the industry benchmark.

Everything is under one roof “Can meet a lot of insurers/ providers in one day.”

It’s good value “Excellent value, very beneficial as more potential markets can now be considered.”

WHAT OUR EXHIBITORS CAN EXPECT FROM BROKER EXPO Last year we surveyed our attendees to glean insights in to how they spend their time with us at Broker Expo. Our attendees want to procure products and services. That’s why we have companies coming back to exhibit year after year. We put the right audience in front of you.

On average, our attendees met with 11 exhibitors while at Broker Expo 2019.

13% 7% 22% 32% 18%

20+ exhibitors 16-20 exhibitors 11-15 exhibitors 7-10 exhibitors 4-6 exhibitors 0-3 exhibitors

78% met new providers they wouldn’t have otherwise met.

21% are considering purchasing solutions/placing orders they wouldn’t have otherwise considered.



We provide the platform for you to meet the right people, not only on your stand but through our Meeting Service app. Making meaningful meetings with attendees who are relevant to you is the reason why Broker Expo is the go-to event within the insurance industry. We recognise this importance and we want to make this as easy as possible and add value to your experience through an exclusive match making program.

Over half of our attendees used the meeting service app, with close to 300 meetings taking place throughout the day at Broker Expo 2019.

Users have benefited from using the service to: Find potential clients Broaden their network

Locate business opportunities

Share and exchange knowledge

Forge lucrative partnerships

WHY SPEND YOUR BUDGET ON LIVE EVENTS? Events are a great investment as they attract professionals with purchasing power, who spend more, talk more and recommend. *Research conducted by Cog Research on behalf of FaceTime

28% of visitors who encountered exhibitors at live events think that the brand/ product/service is 28%more innovative than they did before they attended.

69% of visitors surveyed two weeks after attending live events said they had already recommended or would be recommending brands they had seen at the event. +21% Perception of the quality and value of your brand,

-5% The perception of a brand that is not represented at an event deteriorates by 5%. This is true even for extremely well-known global brands.

+100% Before an event, 37% of people thought they would make new contacts and 38% through attending the event would make buying easier. This doubled to 75% and 76% respectively following the event.

76% of visitors at B2B and B2C exhibitions make new purchasing decisions and have existing ones reinforced.

5.5 HRS The average visitor spends 5.5 hours at a live event. This equates to watching or listening to 660 broadcast adverts.

product or service is improved by 21% after visitors experience you at a show.

LIVE EVENTS BEAT OTHER FORMS OF MARKETING 2x more powerful than TV ads 3x more effective than print media

4x more effective than radio

*Research conducted by Cog Research on behalf of FaceTime

50% of our exhibitors have exhibited more than 5 times

35% of our exhibitors have exhibited between 1-4 times.


Feedback from our exhibitors

Our satisfaction score from our exhibitors ranks in the top 10% of events in the industry! The importance of their attendance at Broker Expo is above the industry benchmark. The main objectives of our exhibitors: 84% to increase brand awareness – satisfaction met 73% meet/sell to current customers – satisfaction met 80% to generate new business leads – satisfaction met 76% maintain company profile and brand position – satisfaction met

Professional event, with so much to be gained.

Great to meet brokers and build on relationships. An ideal opportunity to meet existing clients and new clients alike.

Great event and quality attendees.

Good place to catch up with insurers all in one place and be able to meet with brokers and other insurance contacts.

It’s the place to be.

80% of exhibitors expect to generate some business from the event with the median value of sales in 2019: £50,000 – £100,000

15% were new to the event in 2019



VIDEO goes here

On behalf of ‘Team Sparta’ I would like to express our appreciation to the Broker Expo team for all the help and wonderful support in the weeks leading up to the show and on the day itself. Sparta had a tremendous exhibition, we were blessed with an overwhelming array of visitors, acquaintances old and new and our team went away filled with a sense of euphoria, which was so much more than we could have hoped for.” Lloyd Hanks, Distribution Director, Tempcover Ltd

Excellent day, well organised! Thoroughly enjoyed the networking aspect. Steve Bennett, CEO, Sparta

VIDEO goes here

We’ve been exhibiting at Broker Expo for a number of years. We’re booking a bigger stand next time round as the event provides us with so many new opportunities. For me, the quality of attendee is unparalleled, and we always come away with plenty of leads. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next Expo brings and immersing ourselves in the great energy that day provides. Lee Turner, National Head of Schemes, Hiscox

A timely reminder as to why insurance remains an integral part of UK plc. Ian Tyler, Business Manager, Boston Insurance Brokers

VIDEO goes here


A level playing field All exhibitors have the option to take a single (3m x 2m) or double (6m x 2m) exhibition stand, which means your exhibition stand will not be dwarfed by being situated to a giant competitor next door. A business focused event Brokers attend the Expo to do business. In 2019, 82% of the brokers that attended said that they did business on the day. Meet 1000+ brokers Meet with existing clients and pre-arrange meetings with new contacts using our match making app generate and secure new business leads and take the opportunity to raise your profile all in one place! A broker only audience A strict approval process at the registration phase means only registered insurance brokers can gain access to Broker Expo.


Single stand Stand number

Double stand Stand number

3x2m Shell Scheme stand

6x2m Shell Scheme stand

2 x delegate passes

4 x delegate passes

Delegate list sent across (job title, company name and name) Logo and company profile within the event guide Logo and company profile on event website £6,350 (+VAT)

Delegate list sent across (job title, company name and name) Logo and company profile within the event guide Logo and company profile on event website £12,700 (+VAT)



VIP lounge

Business Zone

Catering Zones

Scheme Zone

Delegate badge

Specialist line Zone

Delegate bags

InsurTech Zone

Workshop sessions

There are many ways in which you can participate in the event. We have options that can meet the needs and budget of all sponsors, with opportunities including

branding-based sponsorship: lanyards, water bottles, charging stations

beverage/catering based options: smoothie stations, coffee bars, lunch or cocktail sponsorship

digital sponsorship: app and interactive polling facility


138 Sponsors

1,600 Delegates

4 Events

Insurance Age is the top broker title in the UK. The expert team consistently deliver insightful, exclusive content for our readership on the web and in our monthly magazine. This links to our events which bring together the top broking talent in the country and offer an excellent platform for them to do business.

Insurance Age has been serving the UK regional broker community for over 30 years. Through exclusive news stories, analysis, interviews and features it offers the market intelligence brokers need to improve their business. Delivering in-depth insight into the main issues affecting their profession, product reviews, management expertise and advice, Insurance Age caters for brokers at all stages in their career sourcing the best market comment and providing them with a platform for their opinions to be heard.

Siân Barton, editor, Insurance Age

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