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Brooks & Crowley April 2018

2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Instructions 1. Combine all of the marinade ingredients in a

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Brooks & Crowley - April 2021

4 tsp pepper directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F. 4. Remove pan from oven and use a spatula to

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Brooks & Crowley April 2019

Brooks & Crowley April 2019 Review Brooks & Crowley April 2019 781-277-7321

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Brooks & Crowley - May 2020

2 tsp black pepper 1. Take rib roast out of the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to grilling. 2. Season

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Brooks & Crowley - August 2020

2 cup water or apple juice directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 2. In a large pan over medium heat,

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Brooks & Crowley - April 2022

RedSox Cheer on your Boston Red Sox at home as they play the Toronto Blue Jays. There’s nothing like

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Brooks & Crowley - November 2020

4 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar 1. In a medium saucepan, heat the orange juice, water, and sugar to a boil.

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Brooks & Crowley - July 2020

4-inch slices. 5. Using a melon-baller, scoop out the center of each cucumber slice but leave the bo

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Brooks & Crowley - April 2020

Review Brooks & Crowley

April 2020


439 Washington Street Dedham, MA 02026

*Services Throughout Massachusetts

AN EMPOWERING EXPERIENCE Taking My Daughters to the SheBelieves Cup

of the year. As a soccer coach, I was like the new teacher who’s barely a chapter ahead of the students until I was lucky enough to connect with Dave Wainwright. He taught me all I know about soccer and made me into a fan. Now I see kids I coached when they were 7 years old driving cars around the neighborhood, and I just shake my head. Boy, does time fly. Over the years as both a coach and father, it’s been a joy to watch my girls grow to become accomplished athletes and empowered women in their own right. Watching the USWNT live was an electrifying experience the three of us won’t soon forget. At a time where we’ll all be cooped up inside for the foreseeable future, having a bright source of inspiration is more important than ever.

the World Cup in 2015. Their victory drew some rather sexist criticism by those who thought the players were “showboating” and “over- celebrating” their newfound world champion status. Thus, the tournament became a way to show girls it’s okay to be unapologetically proud of their accomplishments. Naturally, as a parent, I want to inspire my kids and give them positive role models, making this an ideal event. My girls got to see their favorite star players; though sadly, they couldn’t sign autographs due to coronavirus concerns. But they received placards for the event — Katie now has hers hung up in her room. All in all, it was an empowering event for my daughters. Plus, with some of the best women’s soccer teams in the world playing at this tournament, I have to admit that I had a great time myself! I was never really a soccer fan growing up, although I played a little pickup soccer along with whatever other sport was in season. Diane and I signed our girls up for soccer when they were 3 or 4 years old because it’s practically the only sport kids that age can play. Katie was shy and didn’t want to go on the field for the first game. Someone told me a trick where parents would go on the field the first week or two to make their child comfortable. I tried this the first week, and it worked. Now, she’s a two-time high school captain and her league’s most valuable player. Lily, who’s two years younger, also plays varsity soccer. After that first week at soccer, I found out I had been volunteered to be an assistant coach. This somehow blossomed into a 10-year basketball and soccer coaching gig, working 40 weeks out

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family in good health. At the time of writing, the spread of the coronavirus has shut down much of the country, making the trip I took with my daughters last month all the more special. At the time we were getting out to watch some soccer games, we didn’t know it would be the last time we’d be able to go out in public. Of course, getting to see the U.S. women’s national team (USWNT) play was always going to be a special experience for our girls, especially our senior, Katie. She’s been following the movements of the national team for some time now, and whenever they play a game remotely close to Boston, she asks if we can make the trip. So when the SheBelieves Cup brought the world champions to Red Bull Arena in New Jersey, I knew we had to make the drive. For those who are unaware, the SheBelieves Cup is an invitational soccer tournament put on to inspire young women. U.S. Soccer’s website says the USWNT inspired the tournament during

Best wishes to you and yours,

–Neil Crowley


Published by The Newsletter Pro •

The Oldest Libraries in America

A Story of Many Firsts


Anglican Church. Not surprisingly, most of the libraries’ holdings were theological.

What’s the oldest library in America? It’s an easy question to ask, but it has an unexpectedly complicated answer. Before the Industrial Revolution generated greater interest in public services, a library’s function and purpose varied widely. Several libraries in the United States claim to be the country’s “first,” but for different reasons.

In 1833, just as the Industrial Revolution was picking up steam, the Peterborough Town Library was founded in Peterborough, New Hampshire, at a town meeting. It was the first tax-supported free public library in the United States and in the world. Not long after that, the Boston Public Library, known as the “palace for the people,” became the first municipal public library in the country. The Boston Public Library was also the first library to have a space specifically for children. Out of all the “first” libraries in the country, these are the most probable progenitors of most libraries today — even if they weren’t exactly “first.”


During the 1700s, a few more “first” libraries were established. In 1731, Ben Franklin and a few others started the first subscription library in the United States. Members of subscription libraries could pay to buy books or borrow them for free. In 1757, 60 men founded the Library Company of Burlington in New Jersey, and Thomas Rodman received a charter from King George II to operate the business in 1758. The library still operates under that charter today. The Library of Burlington was the first library to operate out of its own building after a prominent resident donated the land in 1789.


Some believe Harvard University hosted the first library in the United States. Harvard was the first university in the United States, founded in 1636, and clergyman John Harvard seeded the library with a 400-book collection. Soon after, however, Thomas Bray, another clergyman, began establishing the first free lending libraries throughout the colonies to encourage the spread of the

Workers’ Compensation and the Coronavirus What You Need to Know


lost wages, medical expenses, loss of function benefits, and more. Should your employer’s insurance deny your claim, you have the right to appeal this decision through the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA). Generally, the burden will be on you (and your lawyer) to prove that your injuries or illnesses were caused by your work.

Due to recent events, protecting your rights as a worker has become critically important. A debilitating injury or illness suffered through the course of your employment can be financially destructive in the best of times; undergoing such an event now could be catastrophic. That’s why it’s important to recognize when you might have a workers’ compensation claim and hold your employer accountable to your injuries.

We’ve mentioned illness several times in this article, but with the recent pandemic, it deserves a closer look. If you believe you contracted the coronavirus through the course of your employment (being made to work in a crowded space, for example) you may be eligible for compensation. However, because of the widespread nature of the virus, there is a high burden of proof you’ll need to provide in order to convince the insurance company you contracted the illness due to your job rather than during your day-to-day life. Unsure if you can make a workers’ compensation claim? Give us a call at 781-277-7321. Our firm would be happy to listen to your story and answer any questions you might have.


WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BASICS Under Massachusetts law, almost all employees are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, including

Due to recent events, a great many Americans have been working from home. What these employees may not know is that they are still afforded all the same protections from workers’ compensation insurance as they would have on a job site. So long as you can prove the injury or illness arose out of and in the course of your employment, you may be eligible for benefits.

undocumented laborers. If you are injured or made ill because of the nature of your job, you may be eligible for benefits, including


Published by The Newsletter Pro •

‘Start With Why’ And Better Business Will Follow

problem were you trying to solve, and why was it important to you to solve it? Look outward by asking those around you why they spend time with you or why a customer buys from you. You can learn why people are drawn to you and your business this way. Look inward by identifying a bigger vision that you wish to contribute to. What do you believe in? What really matters to you?

action from others in a way that discussing the “what” can’t. Talking about the “why” engages emotions; analyzing the “what” is purely logical. When you try to sell something to people based on “what,” you rely on specific manipulations like price and product details. But if you help people understand why you do what you do by revealing the real purpose and intention behind your reasons, you build a sense of trust. This trust leads to loyalty, and loyalty means that person comes back to do business with you and also refers your business to others. This is how businesses grow! Figuring out your “why” is a process of discovery, not invention. In order to discover it, you can turn to three key strategies.

“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: You can manipulate it, or you can inspire it.” –Simon Sinek It can often be hard to clearly articulate what you do for a living. That means it can be difficult to explain your vision to potential clients and customers, which then makes it harder to convince them to purchase your product or services. In “Start With Why,” author Simon Sinek illustrates the importance of explaining to others why you do the business you do rather than explaining what you do or how you do it.

“Start With Why” teaches readers how to go about discovering their “why,” then instructs them on how to effectively use that information to help their business. It also helps them unleash their business’s vast potential that has remained untapped until now.

Look backward at the original motivation for starting your business. What specific

Sinek argues that when people start figuring out the “why” in what they do, it inspires


Sesame Zucchini Noodles


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3 tbsp pure sesame oil 3/4 tsp fresh ginger, grated 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 3 scallions, thinly sliced 1/4 cup chopped almonds

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4 medium zucchini

Salt, to taste

3 medjool dates, pitted and softened in warm water for 5 minutes

3 1/2 tbsp creamy, unsweetened almond butter

3 tbsp coconut aminos


1. If you have a spiralizer, use it to cut zucchini into noodles. Otherwise, use a peeler. Salt zucchini. Allow zucchini to “sweat” out water for 1 hour, wrap in a paper towel, and squeeze the water out. 2. In a food processor, blend dates with almond butter and aminos until smooth. 3. Add sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and vinegar and pulse until sauce is smooth. 4. In a pan, sauté zucchini noodles until heated and slightly softened. 5. Toss zucchini noodles with prepared sauce and top with scallions and almonds.

Inspired by


Published by The Newsletter Pro •


439 Washington Street Dedham, MA 02026 Inside This Issue


Celebrating the SheBelieves Cup

The History of Libraries in America


Workers’ Compensation and the Coronavirus


The Most Important Question You Can Ask

Sesame Zucchini Noodles


5G Made Simple

So, What Is 5G? A New Horizon in Wireless Technology

megabits per second, which is roughly 100 times faster than 4G. While it can take a 4G network upward of 15 seconds to download a simple 5-megabyte music file, a 5G network will be able to download an entire movie in less than two seconds.

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