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Brooks & Crowley May 2019

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Brooks & Crowley May 2018

2 lemon • • 6 slices bacon, cut into squares 2 cloves garlic, crushed Kosher salt and fresh ground

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Brooks & Crowley - May 2020

2 tsp black pepper 1. Take rib roast out of the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to grilling. 2. Season

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Brooks & Crowley - May 2022

reports to request your free copy! 1 3 Published by Newsletter Pro • PRST STD

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Brooks & Crowley - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce directions 1. First, make toasted rice powder: In a frying pan 3. In a medium fryi

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Brooks & Crowley August 2019

2 tsp turmeric Crushed red pepper flakes, to taste 1 large red onion, peeled and quartered 2 tbsp fr

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Brooks & Crowley September 2019

Museum-Day-2019 to print off your free ticket for all participating museums. Sept. 21 is Museum Day.

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Brooks & Crowley February 2019

Traveling around the world is a valuable pastime, and the Travel &Adventure show can help you prepar

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Brooks & Crowley March 2019

kitchen Jennifer Hanway is an expert in holistic nutrition and wellness, and this is the perfect cha

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Brooks & Crowley June 2019

2–3 hours. 3. Let meat rest for 15 minutes. If desired, serve alongside grilled veggies. Inspired by

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Brooks & Crowley July 2019

TrainingCamp. 4 Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Brooks & Crowley May 2019

Review Brooks & Crowley

May 2019


439 Washington Street Dedham, MA 02026

*Services Throughout Massachusetts

the “Rocky” movies. You know the ones I’m talking about, where months of hard work are distilled into a few sweeping images, all set to music? Now imagine that, but with the lives of your loved ones. That’s how I felt in that moment. You think back to all the memories and all the important life events that these pictures encapsulate. I remember when some of these kids graduated from the small table at cookouts to the big one. At restaurants, the kids can sit at their own table with the grownups at another. On a trip to Jamaica a few weeks ago, two of my high school senior nieces were old enough to legally drink alcohol! That was an eye-opener. Drinking age is one instance where you definitely don’t want to assume the plus-two rule will work. I’m very excited to celebrate the graduates this year, even if their upcoming accomplishments sneaked up on me. We’re determined to get them all down to the Cape for at least one more photo in the lifeguard chair. I guess we’ll also have to come up with a song to play while we all look at the mural and marvel at the passage of time. I don’t think “Eye of the Tiger” would be appropriate in this case. I hope you have the chance to create some summer memories with your loved ones this year. Cherish them while you can, because those little ones will have college degrees before you know it. –Neil Crowley "Whatever grade I assume the kid is in, I add two to it. Almost always, that plus-two number is closer to accurate than my original guess. Turns out, time does move faster than we think."

SOMETIMES IT TAKES A MONTAGE To Remind You How the Time Has Passed

daughter drive off gives me some anxiety. That being said, she is an awesome driver, and part of being a parent is letting yourself be scared at the new responsibilities your kids take on. I think the moment that really emphasized just how much the kids have grown was watching my wife assemble a mural in tribute to this year’s grads. Every year, we have our family members take a photo in a lifeguard chair at the beach near our family house on the Cape. It’s a bit like the photographic version of height marks on a wall. Some of the kids have well over 15 photos in the same location, serving as a wonderful time capsule. Some of the kids weren’t born when we started taking the pictures and are propped up by their cousins in the first few they were around for. Watching these photos be assembled into a massive, era-spanning mural felt like living inside one of those training montages from

Do you ever make the mistake of trying to guess how old a friend’s kids are after you haven’t seen them for a while? I’ve done this time and again, so I’ve developed a little rule to help me from being too far off base. I call it the “plus-two grades” system. Whatever grade I assume a kid is in, I add two to it. Almost always, that plus-two number is closer to accurate than my original guess. Turns out, time does move faster than we think. I had that wake-up call big time this spring when I found out that five of my nieces and nephews will be graduating from either high school or college this year. It still boggles my mind that these kids are no longer kids anymore. I guess I better be ready, though, because my daughter is going off to college in the fall of 2020. She recently got her license, which is another one of those milestones that makes you realize just how grown-up a child is becoming. As a personal injury attorney, you can imagine that seeing my


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The World’s Best Exercise

However, the more time you invest in walking, the more you will get out of it. If you slowly increase your distance and speed, you’ll end up burning more calories and strengthening your legs over time. The great thing about walking is that it’s not particularly taxing on the knees, and you can move at your own pace. It doesn’t get any better than that! To get the most out of walking, schedule your walks for after mealtimes, especially the ones that come later in the day, like lunch and dinner. It’s a great way to aid digestion and burn calories — which can’t hurt your waistline!

at bay, such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition to these physical benefits, walking daily can improve your mood and overall mental health. As simple and straightforward as walking is, it can be difficult for many people to find the time. Most experts agree that you need 30–60 minutes of physical activity per day, but the good news is that you can split those minutes up throughout your day. For example, you can take a brisk 20-minute walk in the morning before work, followed by another one at lunch and one more after dinner. Those 60 minutes also don’t have to be strenuous; they just need to happen.

Not all exercises are created equal. In fact, there is one form of exercise that is better than many others: walking. Harvard Medical School took a look at various exercises and concluded that walking is up there with swimming and tai chi in terms of health benefits. Regular walking can help maintain good cholesterol and blood pressure levels and keep your bones strong and healthy. One study showed that 40 minutes of walking every day helped people reduce blood pressure from hypertension to prehypertension, and then eventually to normal over several months. Walking can even keep many different kinds of diseases

Safe Driving Tips for Summer How to Limit Your Chances of an Accident

area, as is often the case when vacationing, err on the side of being a slowpoke.

If you’ve lived in the Boston area long enough, you’re well aware that traffic patterns change during the summer. On a Friday evening, you can expect Route 3 South to be jammed with folks heading to the Cape for the weekend. Everyone wants to jumpstart their getaways and get to their cabins as quickly as possible, but it’s important to keep safety in mind when traveling during the summer months. Don’t let your excitement for a trip to the beach cause you to ignore the basic rules of the road.

PUT THE PHONE AWAY There’s no need to alert folks via text that you’re 30 minutes away when you’re behind the wheel. If you need to communicate while en route, either have your co-pilot handle it or safely pull over. When the roads are busy and drivers are frantic, you need to be fully aware of what’s going on around you. NEVER, EVER DRINK AND DRIVE We all know cops are out in full force to catch intoxicated drivers during the busiest weekends of summer. Even without the threat of arrest, there is simply no reason to drive after you’ve had a drink. Call an Uber, use a DD, or find another way to get home safely.


DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT It’s roughly 55 miles from the heart of Boston to the Sagamore Bridge. If you drive 20 mph over the speed limit, which you certainly should not, you’ll only save about

Once you’re off the highway, you need to be prepared for an increased number of pedestrians and bicyclists. It’s always prudent to exercise caution in residential areas, but that’s doubly true when people are outside en masse. You don’t want

15 minutes of travel time. Is that quarter of an hour really worth risking a ticket, a serious injury, or a totaled vehicle? In our eyes, the answer is pretty obvious.

to speed around a corner, only to see a bunch of kids playing whiffle ball in the middle of the street. When you don’t know the


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Genealogy Sites and the Warming of Cold Cases The Revolution in Forensic Science Continues to Captivate the Masses

apprehension of Joseph James DeAngelo, otherwise known as the Golden State Killer. After 13 murders and dozens of assaults, he was finally brought to justice after investigators matched his DNA to the evidence found at the crime scenes. They gained access to his DNA from the personal genomics site GEDmatch. Although access to the >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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