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Calapooia Dental - January 2020

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Calapooia Dental - April 2020

2 tsp ground mustard • Salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper, to taste • 12 large eggs, hard-boil

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2 inches. He jumped right into the world record for “highest bar jump cleared by a llama.” “He’s a c

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Calapooia Dental - January 2020

Sleep Before You’re Dead! COMMITTING TO MYSELF IN 2020!

Brian R. Summers DMD, PhD Patrick V. Hagerty, DMD

Happy New Year! I want to thank you for trusting our team at Calapooia Family Dental in 2019, and I already cannot wait to see what is in store for 2020 — much less this new decade. This past year was full of growth and change at our practice, and that is in no small part thanks to all of you and the trust you put in us. As we look ahead to 2020, I’m excited about what we’re setting out to accomplish. Personally, I have some goals I’m looking forward to tackling, too! It’s one of the most common New Year’s resolutions out there, but I’m going to try to live a little healthier in 2020. This year, I’m committing to improving my life in each of the three pillars of health: diet, exercise, and sleep. Yes, sleep! When people think about health and wellness, sleep is often something that’s forgotten and pushed aside. But how much you sleep and the quality of it matters just as much to your body as the food you consume and the way you move your body. You can improve your cognitive function, memory, digestion, weight, and mood — all just by lying still and getting rest! It’s your body’s time to repair itself and when you deprive it of that, you’re depriving yourself of some of the greatest health benefits. When I hear the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” I can’t help but cringe. Sleep is vital to your well-being, and if you haven’t checked in on your sleeping habits recently, I’d recommend doing so! (Check out our article on Page 3 of this newsletter to learn more about a common sleep disorder that may be limiting the amount of ZZZ’s you catch!) But sleep is just one leg of the three-legged stool of health. For the other two, I also have a few plans in place. I want to improve my entire family’s diet by ensuring my kids eat more vegetables this year. I have no doubt that shifting their habits and providing healthy, whole foods for them will not only instill good habits but will help myself as well. For my exercise goal, I want to focus on the winter months. As a runner, I often find it difficult to maintain my running habit during these colder months. It’s not so much the cold and snow that slows me down; it’s the shortened days! I don’t want to run at night, so

Calapooia Courier January 2020


I have to find other ways this winter to stay active. I’m looking forward to incorporating more regimens into my exercise routine, and hopefully, come spring, I’ll be stronger than in the past. Tackling a 6-mile run won’t feel like running a marathon. I recently experienced this after returning from vacation, but I still made it! For every goal that I set, I’m reminded that I need to find my “why.” I was once told that if your why doesn’t make you cry, then it’s not your why. Creative rhyming aside, I believe we have to find the purpose and the reasoning behind our goals in order to achieve them. For me, my family is my why. I want to be around for my kids and my grandkids, and in order to do that, I have to take care of myself. Being there for your loved ones starts with taking care of yourself. How will you do that in 2020? I believe in you, and I hope you’ll join me as I strive to take care of myself this year.

Have a wonderful, healthy, and safe new year!

-Dr. Brian Summers

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •

Tips for Winter Camping


Hi, everyone! This is an exciting month because I’m about to

If you want to try winter camping this year, you can probably guess that staying warm and dry is vital, but that’s obvious if you want to survive. What if you actually want to enjoy the experience of being out in the elements in the dead of winter? It may sound extreme, but many people swear by camping in the cold — it’s an entirely different ball game. Keep these tips in mind for a cozy winter camping experience. Make Cowboy Coffee To make getting out of your sleeping bag in below-freezing temperatures a little easier, brew some cowboy coffee to sip around the fire as the sun rises over the mountains. First, place a pot of water over the fire until it boils. Take it off the heat and dump in 2 tbsp of grounds per 8 oz of water. Stir and let it steep for 4–5 minutes. Periodically tap the side of the pot a few times with a knife to help the grounds settle, or swirl the pot in a windmill motion to achieve the same effect with centrifugal force. Add a small amount of cold water to help the grounds settle to the bottom, then pour and enjoy! Bring Your Own Entertainment There more than likely won’t be any service where you’re going, and you’ll want to save your phone’s battery anyway. Since you won’t be able to be outside for long periods of time in the evenings, bring a book or some board games to keep you occupied. The winter nights are far longer than the summer ones, so you’ll need something to do in the hours before you fall asleep. Packing a good flashlight is also a great idea! Pack a Tent Heater High-quality cold-weather sleeping bags and pads are essential for winter camping, but a tent heater is a great way to go above and beyond to make sure you’re really comfortable. These portable heating units go the extra mile in keeping you warm and cozy in some of the most frigid conditions. Some heaters run on propane while others are electric, so prices and heat output vary widely, but if you find one that works for your trip and your budget, you won’t regret making that purchase. Whatever draws you out into the wilderness this winter, whether it’s ice fishing, hunting, or just a love of frosty trees and snow-capped mountains, give yourself every opportunity to enjoy that time as comfortably as possible. Who says camping can only be fun during the summer? THAT WILL CHANGE THE GAME

celebrate my first birthday! I’ve had a wonderful first year on this big blue planet, and I’ve been lucky enough to spend most of it with the best family a pup could ask for. My human sister and I play all the time, and I love watching my human brother — who’s a pup just like me — learn and grow. Of course, I’ve also had a great time learning the ropes from my canine big sister, Tessa.

For those who haven’t met her yet, Tessa is a Brittany spaniel mix. But for as fun as my big sis is, she has horrible dog breath! Listen, I enjoy some pretty tasty treats that you humans would find disgusting, but even I think Tessa’s breath is gross. My human dad, Dr. Brian Summers, has done his best to keep her mouth clean, but despite his expertise and best effort, Tessa’s gum disease needed extra support. This December, my family took Tessa to Reid Veterinary Hospital, where the staff used their canine dental expertise to spruce up Tessa’s gums and extract a few teeth. Just like some humans, Tessa’s teeth needed special treatment beyond regular brushing and care! Dr. Summers says that chronic bad breath like Tessa’s could be a sign of a larger issue in your mouth. While many signs of bad breath stem from poor dental hygiene, overly smelly foods, and dehydration, bad breath can also be a sign of acid reflux, gum disease, and periodontal disease. Apparently, your stomach acid’s tossing and turning with acid reflux can cause those fumes to waft up into your mouth! When it’s a larger dental issue that’s causing the bad breath, it’s usually due to ideal living environments for the bacteria and chronic, stuck-on plaque.

Tessa held on like a trooper, and today her breath is much, much better! We still keep an eye on it, and Dr. Summers believes she may need this intensive cleaning again. Like Tessa, you can find relief for your bad breath, too. Call up Dr. Summers and his team at Calapooia Family Dental to find out how, and maybe your pup won’t cringe at the smell wafting from your mouth!



Studies have proven beyond any doubt that sleep is an integral part of our lives and an important aspect of our everyday health. Harvard states that sleep is irreplaceable, especially in cases “like muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release [which] occur mostly, or in some cases only, during sleep.” They also share that “adequate sleep each day is very important for learning and memory.” By resting our senses for several hours, we can regenerate our physical and mental stamina for the upcoming day. But what happens when we can’t get enough sleep no matter how long we spend (or try to spend) in bed?

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder where you stop breathing during sleep — sometimes over a hundred times — and your body doesn’t get the oxygen it needs. If you are male or overweight, you may have a higher risk to have sleep apnea. However, this risk is far

from exclusive. There are over 200,000 cases of sleep apnea found each year in the United States. Anyone can struggle with a combination of loud snoring, loss of breath during sleep, insomnia, and overall energy deprivation. If untreated, it can worsen your blood pressure, ADHD, diabetes, depression, and be a source of consistent headaches.

Sleep Apnea and Your Family

Do you think you or a family member might be affected by sleep apnea? Whether in children or in adults, the disorder is characterized most by shortness of breath or a complete stop of breathing during sleep. If you suspect that a family member is affected, you can help spot symptoms by checking in with them once they fall asleep. If you suspect you or a loved one is affected by sleep apnea, contact our team at Calapooia Family Dental at 541.926.3689. For every outcome, there’s a wide variety of treatments that will benefit you or your loved ones’ short-term and long-term health.

Sleep Apnea and the Symptoms

There you are tucked in bed, trying to sleep. Perhaps you often wake up gasping or choking for air with a dry mouth and significant breathing difficulty. Or perhaps you sleep through the night, but you still feel exhausted in the morning with headaches and experience forgetfulness and drowsiness throughout the day.



A traditional New Year’s favorite in the South, Hoppin’ John includes black- eyed peas that are said to represent coins, a sign of prosperity for the coming year. It’s usually served alongside collard greens, which represent cash.


• 1 cup dried black-eyed peas • 5–6 cups water • 1 dried hot pepper, optional (arbol and Calabrian are great options)

• 1 smoked ham hock • 1 medium onion, diced • 1 cup long-grain white rice


1. Wash and sort peas. 2. In a saucepan, cover peas with water, discarding any that float. 3. Add pepper, ham hock, and onion. Gently boil and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until peas are just tender, about 90 minutes. At this point, you should have about 2 cups of liquid remaining. 4. Add rice, cover, drop heat to low, and simmer for 20 minutes, undisturbed. 5. Remove from heat and let steam for an additional 10 minutes, still covered. 6. Remove lid, fluff with a fork, and serve.

Inspired by Epicurious

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Brian R. Summers DMD, PhD Patrick V. Hagerty, DMD

1070 24th Ave SW Albany, OR 97321 541-926-3689

Making a Commitment to My Well-Being in 2020 Inside this Issue 1 2 Did You Think of These Winter Camping Tips?

Rose’s Sister Battles Dog Breath


How Sleep Apnea Could Be Affecting Your Family

Hoppin’ John


The Benefits of Hosting an Exchange Student

Hosting an exchange student in your home may not be something you’ve considered before, but there are many reasons why adding an international member to your family is great for everyone involved. Develop Understanding One of the most valuable traits we can learn is to be understanding of others. Learning about other countries and cultures offers an opportunity to be more receptive to the idea that, no matter how far apart people live or how much the languages we speak differ, at our core, we have a lot in common. Navigating life with this open mindset has far-reaching value that your entire family will benefit from. Cultivate Friendship Welcoming a new member into your home paves the way for new friendships to blossom. Even though the duration may often feel short, the friendships developed during an exchange are strong, and it’s not uncommon for host families and students to keep in touch for years after they’ve parted ways. Having friends in different parts EXPAND YOUR FAMILY’S HORIZONS By Opening Your Home to an Exchange Student

of the world is also convenient when it comes to travel — you might get lucky enough to have a nice place to stay when you’re in their neck of the woods! Broaden Horizons It’s not just your family that will reap the benefits of opening your home to an exchange student; the student has much to gain as well. They’ll immerse themselves in your culture and get to see how your community lives harmoniously together. You’ll play an important role in showing them what life is like in your backyard while gleaning important perspectives on what life is like in theirs.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •