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Calapooia Family Dental - November 2019

4 cup vegetable oil • 8 cloves garlic, crushed • 2 sprigs rosemary • Kosher salt, to taste DIRECTION

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Calapooia Family Dental - February/March 2022

or chocolate chips. Each of these toppings is healthy and can stimulate a healthy mouth environment.

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Calapooia Family Dental - April/May 2022

card game Pretend you’re on an adventure in another country “Camp” overnight Perform a shadow puppet

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Calapooia Family Dental - March 2020

English-Ivy-Laundry-Detergent. 3. Say goodbye to paper towels. Paper towels are a mainstay in Americ

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Calapooia Family Dental - September 2020

2 inch up the sides. Prick it with a fork and brush with 1 tbsp oil. Bake until lightly browned, abo

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Calapooia Family Dental - July 2020

Calapooia Family Dental - July 2020 From Shingles to Fillings WHAT ROOFING AND DENTISTRY HAVE IN COM

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Calapooia Family Dental - August 2020

2 cup pasta water and drain pasta. Pour hot pasta into cream mixture and toss to coat on low heat. 6

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Calapooia Family Dental - June 2020

2 inches. He jumped right into the world record for “highest bar jump cleared by a llama.” “He’s a c

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Calapooia Family Dental April 2019


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Calapooia Family Dental - November 2020

4 cup unsalted butter, cubed • 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Pl

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Calapooia Family Dental - Dec/Jan 2022


Brian R. Summers DMD, PhD Patrick V. Hagerty, DMD

Calapooia Courier Dec/Jan. 2022

As a health care professional, I believe everyone has a right to be healthy — regardless of their circumstance. This belief has only grown throughout the years as I’ve done sedation dentistry at local hospitals for people with disabilities. I recently learned that many of our neurotypical patients don’t know this is something Dr. Hagerty and I do frequently, and since Dec. 3 was International Day of Persons with Disabilities, I knew I had to share this portion of our practice with all of our patients.

these patients can struggle to effectively and efficiently treat these kinds of patients.

We have been lucky to witness a lot of breakthroughs while doing our hospital

sedation dentistry work! I’ve heard from families that a patient has never opened their mouth for a dental professional like they did for me, while others have said they have never seen their loved one look so calm and comfortable in a dental chair. Those moments are very rewarding. The dental treatment we perform in the hospital isn’t different from that provided for neurotypical patients, but to alleviate pain and discomfort for someone who cannot communicate about pain like others around them do (or to help someone who was previously uncomfortable in these settings) is a great feeling. It’s a subset of dentistry that many general dentists and neurotypical patients don’t think about, but it’s monumental for our patients and their families. We often talk about the value of regular dental appointments in protecting a person’s oral and overall health, but for those who communicate differently than others, this can be huge. It can be the difference between living with pain and fully living. I’ve seen new patients who have been to neurologists, gastroenterologists, and other specialists for pain or discomfort, only to discover the cause was something as simple as an abscess in their tooth. I’ve had other patients who ended up being admitted to the hospital because of how bad their oral health had gotten due to lack of treatment.

Our team at Calapooia Family Dental has hospital privileges at Samaritan Albany General Hospital, Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital, and Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, where we examine, treat, and assist patients with disabilities. Patients with cognitive and intellectual disabilities can often receive better, more comprehensive care in these settings because we have the resources and tools to offer sedation dentistry. This allows the patient to remain comfortable while we examine and treat them.

Over the years, we’ve learned that many of our patients and their families travel from as far as Bend, Astoria, or Klamath Falls, because they struggle to find a closer dentist who can treat them. It’s incredibly humbling to know people are traveling that far for our help, but it also casts a bright light on the gaps found in general dentistry for those with disabilities. In a more typical dental setting, the opportunities we have at the hospital are not readily available. The noises can be a distraction, and the person we are treating may not have the communication skills we need to understand what’s going on. Furthermore, dental professionals who are not trained to assist those with disabilities or who don’t take the time to properly communicate with

No one deserves that.

We all have a right to our health, and I’m honored to provide a piece of that to the patients we see — both neurotypical and those with disabilities. If you know someone who could benefit from our sedation dentistry services, please have them contact us today. We’re always happy to help them find a little comfort and foster a healthy smile.

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4 SECRETS TO FINDING TIME TO READ AS A BUSY PARENT When you think of reading, you might conjure up an image of yourself curled up next to a cozy fireplace, sipping on coffee, and reading the day away. However, with the hustle and bustle of daily life and raising kids, it’s tough to find the time to truly dive into a good book. We know it’s important to read to our children, but we forget how valuable it is for them to see us reading, too. Embrace Your Inner Bookworm



So, how can you fit it into your schedule?

‘Tis the season to set goals, and in just a few short weeks, it will be the season to give up on said goals. Most studies have found that about 80% of resolutions fail by February, and for many people, the reasoning has little to do with their willpower and more to do with the kinds of goals they set.

Don’t leave the house without a book. Whether you are waiting in the pickup line at school, at the dentist’s office, for your order at the coffee shop, or at your kid’s soccer practice, this downtime could be spent reading a chapter of your book. Schedule reading time. This one sounds quite silly, but as parents know, if you don’t make time for something, it won’t get done. Plan out 30 minutes of reading time each day to allow yourself to get comfortable and read without distractions. The trick here is to make sure you don’t cancel on yourself! Make it a family affair. Sometimes parents feel guilty when they take time for themselves that could be spent with their children. If this sounds like you, make time to read together — the kids read their books, and you read yours! Some days, this may last 10 minutes, but other times, they may stay captivated longer. Either way, you are creating healthy habits for your kids while getting in a chapter for yourself, too! Swap out the movies for books. Once the kids are tucked in after a long day, it sounds so nice to park yourself in front of the television with a cozy blanket and mindlessly watch a good movie or an episode of your favorite show. However, instead of watching TV for an hour, dedicate some or all of that time to reading. This way, you’re still making progress in your book.

This new year, set tangible oral health goals and discover just how achievable new year resolutions can be!

Impossible: I’ll floss after every meal. Possible: I’ll floss before bedtime.

Floss can reach the tiny crevices and cracks that toothbrushes cannot, making it an easy way to better protect your teeth. However, when dental professionals encourage you to floss, we understand this isn’t possible after every meal — nor should you have to! As long as you floss once each day, you can reap the benefits! And once you master flossing daily, you can build on this habit. Impossible: I’ll stop smoking on Jan. 1. Possible: I’ll reduce my tobacco intake in January. Smoking is a very dangerous habit for a number of reasons, including your oral health. Tobacco use increases your risk of oral and throat cancers, diminishes the integrity of your teeth and gums, and can discolor your teeth. But there is a reason why tobacco is addictive, and it’s not easy to quit cold turkey! To increase your chances of quitting for good, try lessening how often you smoke. Also, working with a medical professional can increase your chance of success. There are numerous products, both over the counter and by prescription, that can help you quit.

Impossible: I’ll stop eating sugar! Possible: I’ll limit my sugar intake.

In the same way that it’s difficult to quit smoking overnight, completely giving up on sugar is not feasible. For starters, eating sugar makes the human body want more sugar. And while sugar intake can be detrimental to oral health, our body needs it for survival — not to mention that it’s basically impossible to avoid it! So, instead of cutting your sugar intake, wean yourself off high-sugar foods, like processed snacks and sugary drinks; opt for oral-friendly sweets, like chocolate; and reduce how much you eat over time. Make your oral health a priority in 2022! If you would like additional advice on how to improve your smile, call us today to schedule your next appointment.

No matter how you make the time to read, you will be glad you did. Good luck and happy reading!



Have you ever wondered why dental X-rays are important and why dentists use them?

Panoramic X-rays are taken from the outside of your mouth to give your dentist an image of the entire oral cavity. The machine will move around the circumference of your head in order to get a full picture. This type of X-ray shows your dentist all of your teeth, jaw bone, and sinus area, and it can also detect jaw disorders or any irregularities. Periapical X-rays focus on one or two teeth and are used to pinpoint the source of nerve pain. Finally, occlusal X-rays are used to study the bone structure of the upper and lower jaws in order to detect tumors or bone loss. How often should I get my teeth X-rayed? Oral health varies from person to person. In the past, it was recommended to get X-rays every year, but now the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that certain patients at very low risk of decay or gum disease can get X-rays every 2–3 years. You should get your teeth X-rayed more frequently if you have any current dental problems.

Dental X-rays are necessary in order to maintain good oral care. They allow your dentist to see between and inside of your teeth as well as give them the capability to inspect the full conditions of your roots, gums, jaw placement, mouth tissue, and facial bone composition. X-rays will help find and treat dental problems that may be invisible in a visual examination, such as cysts, tumors, bone loss in the jaw, and abscesses. If there are any issues, your dentist can tackle them before they become painful problems. How does a dental X-ray work? There are various types of dental X-rays that your dentist could use. The most common X-ray is the bitewing X-ray . These are taken with a bite plate between your teeth, and the X-ray machine is placed on either side of your face.

If you have further questions, allow our dentists at Calapooia Family Dental to help you out. Give us a call at 541-926-3689 to book your appointment!

Chicken With Lemon Herb Sauce


Healthy eating doesn’t have to be bland with this citrusy chicken!


• 1/3 cup and 2 tbsp olive oil, divided • 4 boneless chicken breasts • 1 clove of garlic, minced • 1/4 tsp salt

• 1/2 cup parsley, chopped • 1/3 cup mint, chopped • 1 1/2 tsp pepper • 1 lemon, for juice and zest


1. Preheat oven to 450 F. 2. In a large ovenproof skillet, heat 2 tbsp olive oil.

3. Season chicken with salt and pepper if desired and sear it in the skillet for 3 minutes on each side. Bake chicken until its internal temperature is 165 F. 4. In a blender, add 1/3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients until coarsely mixed. 5. Top chicken with sauce and serve!

Inspired by

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Brian R. Summers DMD, PhD Patrick V. Hagerty, DMD

1070 24th Ave SW Albany, OR 97321 541-926-3689

Do You Know About Our Hospital Sedation Dentistry? Inside this Issue 1 2 3 Oral Health Goals You’ll Actually Keep

Make More Time for Reading


Open Wide and Say ‘Ah!’

Chicken With Lemon Herb Sauce


Why Hobbies Are Important



Hobbies offer a social outlet. Some hobbies involve group activities, such as bowling, sports teams, book clubs, and even wine tasting. Connecting with others offers the social support humans depend on to lead a healthy and fruitful life. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find some great friends who share the same passions as you! Hobbies develop patience. When you take on a new hobby, you are tasked with learning something new. Whether you’re practicing a new instrument, learning a different language, or figuring out how to make jewelry, a learning curve is involved. Building new skills takes patience, a very important attribute for success. Finding a hobby that suits you may take some exploration and trial and error, but it is all in good fun! Make it your goal to try something new or learn a new skill each month until you find something that sticks. Once you do, you’re sure to find that hobbies are both enjoyable and enriching!

January is National Hobby Month, and since it falls at the beginning of the year, it’s the perfect time to try something new! Hobbies add variety to your life and ensure you aren’t just living to work, so to speak. The best way to find a hobby you enjoy is to be open to new things. Whether it’s gardening, reading, drawing, running, fishing, crafting, or even beekeeping, finding an activity you enjoy is important. Here’s why! Hobbies are stress relievers. Hobbies offer a healthy escape from your busy lifestyle by keeping you engaged in something you find pleasure in. Instead of just relaxing on the couch and turning off your mind for a bit (which is totally acceptable sometimes), hobbies allow you to remain mentally productive while winding down at the same time. Hobbies also provide eustress . Believe it or not, one type of stress is deemed beneficial: eustress. If you aren’t overly stressed and are feeling a little under-stimulated, a hobby can provide activity for both your mind and body to keep you feeling excited about life and ready to take on new challenges and adventures.


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