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Campbell Wealth Management - December 2020

Follow us on: • (703) 535-5300 • 330 John Carlyle St., Suite 400, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

HowWill You Bring 2020 to a Close? Here we are at the end of the year. In some respects, it arrived far too quickly. In others, it felt like it took forever. It’s been a challenging year, but it’s also had plenty of highlights. As we come to the finish line, I’m thankful for the health and safety of my family, my team, and our clients. Codie, our youngest daughter, finished the first half of her sophomore year of high school. She also completed everything she needed to in order to get her driver’s license. The only problem is the licensing department at the DMV is closed, so she won’t be driving on her own until March. The good news is that she’ll have gotten a lot of extra practice by then.

Speaking of my family, people have been asking how everyone is doing. If you’ve been following the newsletter this year, you’ve noticed we’ve been focusing on a range of topics covering health, wealth, and fulfillment, and it occurred to me that I haven’t given a Campbell family update recently. Needless to say, everyone has been busy. Connor, our oldest son, wrapped up his first semester at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. As you may know, he’s a lefty pitcher and Charleston has a Division 1 baseball program. He’s quickly become one of their top pitchers. In October, he threw a 93-mph pitch! (Have I mentioned Connor is my retirement plan?) Carter, our middle son, finished his first semester at Radford University. They began classes in person, then after a week, they went virtual. As a result, he wasn’t having a lot of fun with his college experience. So, he decided to rush a fraternity, which I think was a good move. He ended up joining Delta Chi, where he was able to meet a lot of people. Since then, things have turned around — he’s having fun and he did well in his classes.

Kim, meanwhile, has taken point on a bathroom remodel at our house. She coordinated the contractors and got everything taken care of. On top of that, she’s done a great job juggling the family schedule with two kids off at college and one in high school — all in the middle of a pandemic! I certainly don’t envy her. It seemed like schedules changed every few weeks, but Kim has stayed organized through it all. As for me, I’ve been focusing on staying active. I’ve been using a climber and exercise bike. I also wanted to be more present with everyone — that had been one of my goals this year — but I’ll admit I fell a little short. While I’ve done well staying fit, I need to work on spending more time with the family. Looking forward, what do you want to accomplish in 2021? As you plan for the new year, don’t just create a list of goals. What are your outcomes? When you focus on the outcome, you have a greater chance of achieving a goal. It’s easy to write down a goal, but when you focus on the outcome, you’re better motivated to achieve that goal.

Here are a couple other things to think about as you plan and set goals and outcomes: Don’t set too many and don’t set them out of reach. The point of setting goals is to accomplish them. You can and should still challenge yourself, but you shouldn’t overwhelm yourself. That’s demotivating. If you aren’t sure where to start in setting goals, bring it back to health, wealth, and fulfillment. In terms of health (which includes nutrition and fitness), what’s one area you want to improve? If you need to get more physical activity, start by walking around the neighborhood once a day. Maybe your outcome is to hit 60 minutes of activity a day. Start small and work your way up. Or maybe you need to make some changes to your diet. Start with a salad every other day. Then work your way up to filling your plate with more vegetables until you’ve got a healthy portion size with just about every meal.

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Not Just a Corn Cob Pipe and Button Nose The Surprising History of the Snowman

The Schenectady Massacre Not all snowmen have an innocent history. In 1690, former Fort Schenectady in upstate New York was home to a remote Dutch settlement, which was under the constant threat of attack. Soldiers guarded the gates at all times because they were frozen open, but during a blizzard, they left a pair of snowmen to protect the gates while they sought shelter. That's when 200 French Canadian soldiers and Native Americans approached. Naturally, they were unfazed by the snowmen and ruthlessly invaded the settlement. Building a snowman seems like a simple and charming activity, but after learning about its surprising history, you might find those piles of snow seem a little more complicated and a lot more meaningful than before.

Building a snowman is one of the most picturesque winter activities, which is why snowmen have become a wintertime cultural icon. A snowman appeared on the very first postcards, was the subject of some of the earliest photos, and even starred in silent movies. Frosty may be a happy snowman now, but his ancestors have a much more varied — and sometimes dark — history. The Middle Ages Snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages. They were constructed with deep thought and great skill because, during a time of limited means of expression, snow was a free art supply that literally fell from the sky. These artistic feats were popular winter attractions for well-to-do couples who wanted

to get their fix of temporary art. Snowmen were often created by famous artists, including 19-year-old Michelangelo who, in 1494, was commissioned by the ruler of Florence to sculpt a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard. The Miracle of 1511 In Brussels in 1511, during six weeks of subzero temperatures called the Winter of Death, the city was miraculously adorned with hundreds of snowmen. The spectacle told stories on every street corner — some political and some demonstrating anger with the church, many too risque to speak of. For the people of Brussels, this Miracle of 1511 was a defining moment of artistic freedom. But when spring came and the snow thawed, the Belgians were left with damaging floods.

... continued from Cover

HEALTH ROAD MAPS: Achieve a Better, More Restful Night’s Sleep

With respect to wealth, maybe you have some goals or outcomes, but you aren’t sure where to start. Reach out to your wealth manager for a brainstorming session — or to discuss anything that may be on your mind. They can help you put together a road map for your wealth goals, or even help you establish new goals. If you’re not a client, you can always call us to set up a meeting to see if we’d be a good fit for you and your goals. As for fulfillment, go back to your bucket list. What can you do in 2021? What do you want to do? Pick out bucket list items you want to cross off in 2021 and put dates next to them. Use those dates to plan out your year. As we turn the page to another year, I want to thank each of you for having faith in us as we navigated the challenges of 2020. In the end, it was still a good year. Now is the time to plan for a better 2021. If you want to call it your reset year, do it. Figure out what you want to do to make 2021 an incredible year! And have a happy New Year!

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your mind and body. One study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that the quality of your sleep is much more important than quantity if you want to feel rested. Since we all want to feel rested, what can we do at home to improve the quality of our sleep and get the rest we need? Listen to your body. This, above all else, is crucial to a good night’s sleep. Your body knows when it’s time for bed. Generally, you want to go to bed when you feel tired, whether that’s at 8 p.m. or 1 a.m. No matter the specific time, make a habit of going to bed at the same time each night. The more consistent you are, the better your sleep will be. Wake up naturally. Jolting yourself awake with an alarm or radio isn’t doing your brain and body any favors. It can be stressful on the body and even elevate blood pressure, which is not good first thing in the morning.

If you do need an alarm, consider a wake-up light. Wake-up lights mimic the sunrise, slowly brightening any room, waking you up in a natural, easy way. Kick the screen habit. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again. Looking at a screen — a TV, a computer, a tablet, a smartphone — before bed is detrimental to sleep quality. Light from these devices is disruptive to your brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a part of the brain within the hypothalamus. The SCN helps regulate your circadian rhythm and screen time before bed can throw off normal SCN function. Put your excuses for staying up too late to bed. Say no to “one more episode.” And all those emails? They can wait until tomorrow. Not getting enough quality sleep is harmful to your mental and physical health. When you can get into these three habits, you’ll soon find yourself feeling rested, refreshed, and on your way to improving another aspect of your health and wellness.

Kelly Campbell

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Herbalism: A Natural Solution

To Improve Your Digestive Health

Herbalism, a plant-based medicine, can be used to heal and improve your body’s functions. This medical practice is thousands of years old and dates back to the ancient Egyptians, but qualified herbalists continue to use herbal medicine today. Through the use of a variety of plants (roots, flowers, and leaves), herbalism can help improve digestion and provide other benefits for your circulation, mood, energy, and stamina. Digestion is an important part of your body’s functions. Poor digestion can result in diarrhea, constipation, nausea, heartburn, gas, or bloating. Other well-known conditions, such as Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), involve problems with digestion. Each of these symptoms and conditions can significantly impact a person’s well-being and daily life, but the proper use of herbs can help people reduce or ease these symptoms and support digestive health. The National Institute of Medical Herbalists states, "Many herbs are known to act directly on the digestive tract — bitters, for example, may stimulate acid and enzyme production, fennel and other aromatic herbs prevent bloating, but this is only part of the

story." If left untreated, poor digestion results in the inflammation of the digestive tract. When it comes to decreasing the risk of inflammation and other symptoms, a medical herbalist will consider a person’s total health when putting together the herbs needed for treatment.

Many herbs can help your digestive system function well and stay healthy. Here are a few you can include in your daily meals or use when you have an uncomfortable gut feeling, according to • To calm the nerves: chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender • To relieve cramping: ginger and fennel • To alleviate constipation: dandelion leaf and root tea For more information about herbalism and how it can benefit your health, visit the National Institute of Medical Herbalists at Would you like to be a Campbell Wealth Management Ambassador? Would you like access to exclusive CWM Ambassador events?

Happy Holidays!

All you have to do is refer a friend. Do you know someone who: • Wants to be better prepared for retirement? • Is looking for a second opinion regarding their portfolio? • Has gone through a major life event (death of a spouse, retirement, etc.)? Call us at ( 571) 800-6371 and let’s set up an introduction! If they are important to you, they are important to us.

From all of us at Campbell Wealth

Management, we wish you and your family the happiest of holidays! Here’s to a season of good tidings and getting the most out of your health, wealth, and fulfillment in the new year!

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It’s Time to Plan for Your Best 2021

The Surprising History of the Snowman

Good Sleep and Good Health Go Hand-in-Hand


Improve Your Digestion With Herbalism

Happy Holidays From the CWM Team!

Become a Campbell Wealth Ambassador!


Winter Road Trip Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Campbell Wealth Management, LLC (CWM), a Registered Investment Advisor. MAS and CWM are not affiliated entities.

A Driver’s Guide to Safe Holiday Travels Winter Road Trip Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

O n Sept. 24, 2019, more than 2.5 million people passed through TSA checkpoints at airports across America. On the same date this year, those terminals saw just 826,316 travelers — a nearly 70% drop. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Americans have been thinking twice about air travel, and this holiday, millions of would-be flyers will set out on road trips instead. Road tripping is a great way to avoid contact with a lot of people, but it can also be dangerous, especially in winter weather. Fortunately, you can take several steps to keep your family safe. Getting your car checked before you go, for example, can

save you a lot of hassle on the road, as can investing in a set of snow tires. It’s also smart to take precautions such as letting a friend or family member know your route, predicted arrival time, and where you plan to stop for gas along the way. Apart from that, one of the best things you can do is pack an emergency kit. AAA sells premade kits through outlets like Amazon, and you can find a basic kit with things like jumper cables, ponchos, rope, batteries, pliers, zip ties, and a first-aid kit at pretty much any Walmart or sporting goods store. You could even save a life by adding a few more essentials to your kit, like a blanket, snacks, and an extra cellphone charger.

At this point, you’re almost a safety black belt. But to take your kit to the next level for winter driving, there are three more little-known items you should stash in your trunk: a shovel, a bag of sand or cat litter, and an extra bottle of windshield wiper fluid. If you get stuck in a snowbank, the shovel will help you dig your way out without risking frostbitten fingers. The sand or cat litter will boost your traction if you sprinkle it around your wheels in an icy spot, and the extra wiper fluid will make all the difference if you run out during a snowstorm.

Once you’re prepared, crank up the Christmas carols and get driving!

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