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Campus Commons PT - May 2019

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Campus Commons PT - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.

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Campus Commons PT - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Campus Commons PT - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIO

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Campus Commons PT - May 2022

4 cup broccoli, chopped • • Cherry tomatoes, halved Sriracha hot sauce (optional) 8 eggs DIRECTIONS

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Campus Commons PT - May 2020

4 cup of the reserved water, Parmesan cheese, and pepper to the spaghetti. Stir until creamy. 6. Tos

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Campus Commons PT - September 2019

2 lbs. heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS Autumn

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Campus Commons PT - April 2019

2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to

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Campus Commons PT - July 2019

4-inch rounds 1 block feta cheese, cubed 1 bunch fresh mint leaves Salt, to taste EQUIPMENT • 1 pack

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Campus Commons PT - August 2019

Sciatica • Arthritis • Neck Pain • Knee Pain • Shoulder Pain • Balance Deficits • Problems Walking I

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Campus Commons PT - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably Par

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Campus Commons PT - May 2019



I don’t tell my wife nearly enough how much I appreciate her. With Mother’s Day coming up, though, I at least want to take the opportunity to try. In all aspects of my life, Tiffany is the glue that keeps us together, and she’s the one who keeps my family and my staff going in the right direction. She’s usually in the role of “scheduler” or “coordinator” because she’s so detail oriented. I really appreciate this because it’s the complete opposite of my personality. Because we are complete opposites, we complement each other. Tiffany can talk to anyone about anything, but I’m usually more reserved. I don’t say more than I need to say. In all the stories she tells, she never forgets the specifics. For her, every detail of the story is important. A while back, I saw a joke online comparing how men and women communicate using train tracks as a metaphor. Men can only communicate like a single set of tracks going in one direction, but women can pursue multiple trains of thought at once. I thought it was funny because that’s exactly how my wife and I are, and I absolutely love that about her. I love that even though we are different, those differences are complementary. I wouldn’t want to marry myself!

On top of that, my wife is incredibly empathetic. She’s a great nurse, and when someone is sick, she takes care of them. That kind of empathy is not one of my strong suits, and it’s something I deeply admire about her. A couple years ago, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, Tiffany was one of the main people who helped my mom through “WHILE IT’S EASY TO REMEMBER THE BIG THINGS MYWIFE DOES, I THINK IT TAKES MORE INTENTION TO APPRECIATE THE THINGS SHE DOES DAILY.” the early stages of treatment. Tiffany took a lot of pressure off of my brother and me. The whole experience had a huge impact on me because it was my mom, not hers. Don’t get me wrong, Tiffany and my mother have always had a great relationship, but the fact that she could put her life on hold to help with my mom’s treatment is something I can’t thank her enough for. She helped me through an incredibly difficult time.

While it’s easy to remember the big things my wife does, I think it takes more intention to appreciate the things she does daily. She’s always there for the kids. She takes all of them to their sports practices every day and makes sure their needs are met. It’s something she really enjoys doing. I don’t automatically notice every time she does the dishes or irons the clothes or takes care of billing and HR. She definitely has a full plate, and she never complains. This Mother’s Day weekend, the kids and I will probably make Tiffany a meal and really try to put the focus on her. We want to emphasize all the reasons we’re thankful for her — big and small.

–Mark Eddy

916-927-1333 1


A LOOK AT THE HEALTHIEST BUILDING IN NEW DELHI Imagine you are told you must leave the city you work and live in because it’s killing you. Hard to fathom, isn’t it? But this actually happened to Kamal Meattle, a researcher, activist, and New Delhi native, who was told by doctors that the city’s air quality was a threat to his health. His lung capacity had gone down 70 percent, and doctors suggested he leave New Delhi. Instead, Meattle chose to stay and find an innovative solution to his health problems and the city’s air quality crisis. New Delhi is no stranger to poor air quality. Sometimes pollution gets so bad it warrants a city-wide warning for kids to stay inside. Meattle, who studied engineering at MIT, turned to research by NASA and other organizations to address the issue. During his research, Meattle found that there are three common house plants that excel at removing dangerous chemical compounds, the rest of the building, is filled with areca palms, snake plants, and money plants. Today, the PBC is the healthiest building in New Delhi. 20 years after Meattle rolled out his plant-based filter system, the results speak for themselves. Employee productivity has gone up 20 percent. Respiratory problems have gone down by 34 percent, headaches

by 24 percent, and lung impairment by 12 percent, among other health benefits. Just stepping into Paharpur boosts your health: Blood oxygen levels go up by 1 percent after 10 hours in the PBC. Meattle has remained in New Delhi and is set on helping other Indian businesses replicate his plant-based system so they can grow their own fresh air. As he says of his decision to stay, “Either you are overwhelmed by the fact that there are so many problems and so many people, or you find solutions to help in any way you can.”

like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, from the air: the areca palm, the snake plant (or mother-in-law’s tongue), and the money plant. Using these plants, Meattle created an indoor plant-based air filtering system that allows his building, the Paharpur Business Center (PBC), to cultivate all the fresh air it needs. Air entering the building is cleaned by a scrubber, then is filtered through the building’s extensive greenhouse to remove chemicals and bacteria. The greenhouse, and


A physical therapist and an athletic trainer may seem like two names for the same job. However, the responsibilities and qualifications for these positions come with just as many differences as there are similarities. Understanding what each of these types of health care professionals does can help you know where to go when dealing with a sports-related injury. As the name suggests, athletic trainers deal exclusively with athletes and highly athletic individuals. A bachelor’s degree and usually some additional certification are required to be an athletic trainer. They have a basic understanding of how the skeletomuscular system works, and their responsibilities include developing training plans and strategies for avoiding injuries. When athletes are injured, athletic trainers will assess the injury and communicate that assessment effectively to their patients, coaches, and doctors. A few places athletic trainers can work include schools, professional sports complexes, and rehab clinics.

Physical therapists are qualified to do much of what athletic trainers can

do, but their skills and knowledge are much broader. Physical therapists

have to complete several years of postsecondary education to become a doctor of physical therapy. They can diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries, and they have a much deeper understanding of how muscle and bone groups work together. Because they are medical doctors, they develop rehabilitation plans and work closely with patients throughout the recovery process instead of just assessing the injury. You can find physical therapists working in hospitals, private practices, nursing homes, and fitness facilities, among other places. At Campus Commons Physical Therapy, our PTs are highly qualified to diagnose and treat a wide variety of chronic pains and injuries. Give us a call today. 2


According to the CDC, 23 percent of all adults in the United States have arthritis. As common as the condition is, however, myths and misconceptions about it still abound. In order to properly address arthritis, it’s important for people to understand the facts of the condition. Below are some of the most common misconceptions about arthritis and the truth behind each claim. While the likelihood of having arthritis does increase with age, it is not the only cause of the condition. An estimated 300,000 infants, children, and teens have various arthritic conditions. Other factors that can make an individual more likely to develop arthritis include family history, a history of previous injury, and even obesity. Additionally, women are more likely to get arthritis than men. ONLY OLDER PEOPLE GET ARTHRITIS.

according to various studies. The sound is actually caused by bubbles bursting in a type of fluid between cavities of your joints, called synovial fluid, which reduces friction between the joints.


It is true that there is not a cure for arthritis yet, but if you are diagnosed with arthritis, there are ways to alleviate its symptoms. Losing weight can go a long way toward reducing arthritic pain, as well as staying active to maintain a greater range of motion. Some medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can decrease inflammation in addition to alleviating pain. Maintaining a healthier lifestyle in general by eating healthy and getting a good amount of sleep may also reduce the condition’s symptoms. Here at Campus Commons Physical Therapy, our experienced staff can give you the tools and training necessary to manage your arthritis. It doesn’t have to inhibit you from doing what you love. Give us a call today.


You might have heard this myth from family and friends who were grossed out by you cracking your knuckles. Even if some people find it annoying, cracking your knuckles doesn’t have any adverse health effects,



Inspired by


1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

Creole Seasoning Ingredients • 2 tablespoons paprika •

1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces

1/2 tablespoon garlic powder 1/2 tablespoon onion powder

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• • •

2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes

1/2 tablespoon cayenne or chili powder

1/4 tablespoon dried oregano 1/4 tablespoon dried thyme


1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes).

916-927-1333 3



601 University Ave. #185 Sacramento, CA 95825



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Celebrating Tiffany for Mother’s Day

The Healthiest Building in New Delhi

Athletic Trainers vs. PTs: What’s the Difference?

Who Gets Arthritis, What Causes It, and How to Treat It

Shrimp Sausage Skewers

A Healthy Snack


There are many different opinions on the healthiness of snacking. Some people think of snacks as processed foods with high calories, but snacks don’t have to be junk food. Depending on what snacks you’re eating, and how often, these little between-meal bites can be highly beneficial or detrimental to your overall health.

large meals a day. Individuals who are crunched for time, have particular health conditions, are athletic, or are trying to lose or maintain weight all benefit from healthy snacking throughout the day.


People snack when they’re hungry, but they also do it when they’re stressed, bored, or have a habit. When people snack on unhealthy junk food when they’re bored, the result is weight gain. An excellent way to avoid unhealthy snacks is to surround yourself with healthy alternatives. Fill your fridge and pantry with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and legumes. With those in your kitchen, you’ll have plenty of healthy options to choose from when you’re hungry.

People who have high cholesterol or diabetes can better maintain their cholesterol and blood glucose levels if they eat frequently during the day. For athletes, snacking helps distribute the consumption of nutrients their body needs throughout the day instead of all at once. This way, their energy levels stay the same instead of fluctuating with their meal times. If you find yourself in need of a quick bite, think clementines and almonds instead of chips and Pop-Tarts. You’ll still satisfy your hunger without jeopardizing your health or increasing your waistline.


Depending on your weight, fitness level, and medical conditions, snacking throughout the day can be more effective than eating three