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Campus Commons PT - November 2019

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Campus Commons PT - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Campus Commons PT - November 2018

Campus Commons PT - November 2018 CAMPUSCOMMONS FINDING THANKFULNESS IN FEAR I hate failure. It’s no

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Campus Commons PT - November 2021

or goals. But do these services actually work? Since supplements aren’t regulated by the Food and Dr

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Campus Commons PT - November 2020

2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing the t

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Campus Commons PT - September 2019

2 lbs. heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS Autumn

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Campus Commons PT - May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme DIRECTIONS 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ing

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Campus Commons PT - April 2019

2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to

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Campus Commons PT - July 2019

4-inch rounds 1 block feta cheese, cubed 1 bunch fresh mint leaves Salt, to taste EQUIPMENT • 1 pack

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Campus Commons PT - August 2019

Sciatica • Arthritis • Neck Pain • Knee Pain • Shoulder Pain • Balance Deficits • Problems Walking I

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Campus Commons PT - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably Par

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Campus Commons PT - November 2019



more meaningful relationships. Healthy relationships, in turn, can have many positive effects on physical health. People in healthier social relationships have been shown to heal more quickly, have lower blood pressure, and feel less anxious, among other things. Additionally, if you’re in a romantic relationship with someone, expressing gratitude to one another can lead to greater trust in expressing concerns about the relationship. While expressing gratitude can be its own reward, it doesn’t hurt to know that being thankful can improve our physical health. This Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for. Not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for my health and the health of my family. I’m also thankful for the freedom my schedule allows me to spend time with my kids and be a part of their lives. This year was great for Campus Commons PT, most of which was made possible by our talented, dedicated staff and supportive clientele. Tiffany and I are grateful to all our PTs and all our patients who trust us to help improve your quality of life.

We all value gratitude and opportunities to be grateful for what we have. The fact that we have a major holiday at the end of this month all about giving thanks is testament to that. But did you know that practicing gratitude on a regular basis can also have positive effects on your physical health? Multiple studies in recent years have indicated a strong connection between gratitude and mental health, but an ever-growing body of research also indicates gratitude can benefit you physically. Remembering what you’re thankful for certainly isn’t a cure-all, but some researchers have found possible connections between gratitude and these key areas of health. BETTER SLEEP It doesn’t matter how good the coffee is in the morning — we need proper sleep if we want to be healthy. Getting the proper amount of sleep can protect you from developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and other health problems. However, sometimes, despite our best efforts, truly restful slumber eludes us. So, what can we do? Load up on melatonin and hope for the best? Hopefully not. Fortunately, evidence suggests that simple practices of gratitude, such as keeping a gratitude journal, can help people fall asleep more quickly, sleep

longer, and stay awake more easily during the day. While more exploration in this area of research is still needed, the preliminary findings show those z’s might just be a gratitude journal entry away. “WHILE EXPRESSING GRATITUDE CAN BE ITS OWN REWARD, IT DOESN’T HURT TO KNOW THAT BEING THANKFUL CAN IMPROVE OUR PHYSICAL HEALTH.” BETTER HEART HEALTH Our emotional heart certainly soars when we remember everything we have to be thankful for, but thankfulness might help our physical hearts as well. Multiple studies support the idea that practicing thankfulness can lead to improved heart rate variability and lower blood pressure. Also, evidence shows that people with heart problems who practice gratitude get better sleep, suffer less from depression and fatigue, and have more confidence in their abilities to take care of themselves. BETTER RELATIONSHIPS While this isn’t strictly a physical health benefit, practicing thankfulness can lead to deeper,

Thank you to all of you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

–Mark Eddy

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adding a rule where players have to draw something they’re grateful for. This will get your kids thinking beyond turkey and stuffing and give them an imaginative way to express their gratitude. Plus, who doesn’t love a good art contest? GUESS WHO? To play gratitude-themed Guess Who?, have each participant write down their name and something they’re thankful for on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl. Then, at the dinner

table, have each person draw a random slip and read what it says without saying the name while everyone else tries to guess who wrote it. While Pictionary may get your kids talking about what they are thankful for, Guess Who? will tune them into what others around them are thankful for too. PICK-UP STICKS Like regular pick-up sticks, the goal is to remove a stick from a haphazard pile without disturbing the others. However, by using colored sticks that represent different kinds of thankfulness — such as places, people, or food — you can make players think outside the box. This will ensure you get a wide range of creative, thoughtful answers whenever the kids pick up a stick. These modified games are great for helping your kids realize how much they have to be thankful for. Use these to spend some fun, educational, quality time with your family this Thanksgiving.

children about gratefulness. By planning some fun, gratitude-themed games, you can impart a valuable lesson and spend some quality family time together. Get your kids in the holiday spirit by adding a Thanksgiving twist to these classic games. PICTIONARY Want to bring out your kids’ creative sides? Pictionary is the perfect way to encourage artistic expression and grateful thinking. Try


At Campus Commons Physical Therapy, we do everything we can to make sure our patients don’t have to live with chronic pain. Sometimes, however, traditional exercise and stretching routines don’t work to root out deep pain embedded in the muscles and joints. If this sounds like you, LightForce Laser Therapy might be something worth looking into. Laser therapy is a noninvasive procedure that uses a patented laser- massage treatment head to drive stubborn pain out on a cellular level. It’s a revolutionary alternative for anyone who has failed to alleviate their pain any other way. Some patients feel results almost immediately, but most notice their pain decrease after three to five treatment sessions. If you’re still not convinced laser therapy is for you, here are a few other reasons it’s worth checking out. IT’S SAFE AND PAINLESS. Each laser therapy session lasts only around five to ten minutes, and, as a therapist runs the treatment head over the afflicted area, patients should

only feel a soothing warmth. No part of the treatment should ever cause pain or discomfort.

IT’S AN FDA CERTIFIED ALTERNATIVE TO SURGERY OR OPIOIDS. If traditional physical therapy doesn’t seem to be working for you, don’t turn to painkillers or surgery first. Laser therapy is far less invasive and costly than either of these methods. At the same time, the FDA has certified the LightForce Deep Tissue Therapy Laser as the safest noninvasive option for treating pain available on the market. If you’re interested in Deep Tissue Laser Therapy but you still have questions or concerns, don’t worry. Just give us a call at (916) 927-1333, or shoot us an email at [email protected] 2


When many of us think of cardiovascular workouts, the first thing that comes to mind is probably running. Running is a great way to build up endurance, but it has drawbacks as well. The high impact nature of the exercise prohibits many people from hitting the trails or hopping on the treadmill. If you’re trying to keep your cardio fitness up without injuring (or reinjuring) yourself, check out some of these alternatives. SWIMMING Getting in the pool is one of the best ways to get a cardio workout because it has almost no impact on your body. Many times, injured runners use aqua jogging in the pool to keep their form and their endurance up as their body heals. But, whether you’re doing that or swimming laps, working out in the water teaches you breath control and works your entire body like few other cardio exercises can. CYCLING While it might not offer a full body workout like swimming, cycling is an alternative cardio exercise that allows

people to still workout outside. Cycling also offers a communal experience, whether you ride with a group of cyclists on the road or join a spin class. If you want to stay committed to working out, being accountable to a group is a great way to do that. THE ELLIPTICAL Out of these low impact exercises, this one mimics running form the most. But, since your feet don’t leave the petals, your joints don’t endure the same stress as they would if you were running. If you choose to work out on an elliptical, make sure you keep the resistance low to really get your heart rate going, so you get you the cardio workout you need. At Campus Commons Physical Therapy, we promise that with the proper training and care, you will get back to the activities you love. If you have any questions about what exercises you can and can’t do on an injury, give us a call at (916) 927-1333.



Inspired by


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2 slices sourdough bread 2 tbsp Dijon mustard

• •

2 tbsp leftover gravy

1 tbsp butter, room temperature

2 slices Swiss cheese

1/3 cup shredded leftover turkey 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce 1/3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing

Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.


1. Coat inside of each bread slice with mustard and a slice of cheese. Place turkey and cranberry sauce on one slice and dressing and gravy on the other. 2. Combine sandwich and spread butter on both sides. 3. In a panini maker or large skillet, grill until crispy and golden brown. 4. Slice and serve.

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601 University Ave. #185 Sacramento, CA 95825



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How Gratitude Can Improve Your Physical Health

Gratitude-Themed Games for Kids

Is LightForce Laser Therapy Right for You?

3 Low Impact Alternatives to Running

The Best Leftover Turkey Sandwich

Simple Ways to Stay Active


Being active doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every single day. An active lifestyle can be as simple as going for a walk around the neighborhood for a few minutes a day. There are plenty of ways to exercise during daily activities like shopping, spending time with your kids, or hanging around the house. PARK FARTHER AWAY. A lot of people will spend several minutes trying to find a parking space as close as they can to the entrance of a store. However, parking a little farther away will help you score a better parking space and make sure you get your steps in for the day. DO SOME YOGA. You don’t have to push yourself to your absolute limit in order to stay active. There are other, gentler ways to exercise than running 5 miles a day. Tai chi or yoga are excellent low-impact alternatives to keep your body fit and healthy. REDUCE TV TIME. It can be tempting to plop down in front of the television after a long day at work or after dinner, but you can also use this time to be active. Get the family together for a walk around the

neighborhood, take a few minutes to dance

to some of your favorite tunes, or do some light cleaning around the house.

PUT A SPIN ON DATE NIGHT. Forget dinner and a movie. Instead, try taking your date out for a round of miniature golf, indoor rock climbing, an evening stroll, a bike ride, or dancing. You’ll have more fun while doing your body good. GRAB A LEASH. Having a dog gives you plenty of opportunities to stay active. If you don’t have a dog, try asking a neighbor or friend if they would like their dog walked, start a dog-walking service, or volunteer at a local animal shelter. There are plenty of ways to make staying active a part of your daily routine! With enough creativity and motivation, you can turn any activity into an active one.