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Carolina Family Estate Planning - October 2021

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4 cup panko breadcrumbs • 2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tsp lemon zest

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Carolina Family Estate Planning - February 2022 ESTATE & ASSET PROTECTION PLANNING NEWS FROM CAROLIN

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featured. YouTube can be a great outlet for children to learn and engage their creativity. They can

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Cary Estate Planning - October 2021

2 inch. 3. Bake for 16–20 minutes until golden brown. Cool completely. 4. Spread the peanut butter o

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Carolina Family Estate Planning - October 2021





STEP ASIDE BUCKET LISTS A Better Way to Envision Your Future

Nearly everyone has written down or, at the very least, thought about a bucket list at some point in their lives. These goals are usually far-fetched and may include accomplishments such as visiting various countries or experiencing once-in-a-lifetime adventures. This is the general issue with bucket lists: They’re great to dream about, but putting them into action can be difficult. I belong to the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and every year, our chapter hosts an annual retreat in which we run through a multitude of exercises and activities. More often than not, we do not have knowledge beforehand about the events or activities we will participate in. This helps create an intriguing experience for us and helps keep the experiences fresh. This year’s annual retreat was hosted in the small town of Saluda, North Carolina. There were many different exercises that we worked through during the retreat, but one of the more unique activities really stuck with me. Our facilitator had us create our own obituaries. It might sound morbid at first, but it’s more of a test of creativity than imagining the end. Since we had no idea what to expect coming in, we really had no time to prepare our obituaries. They gave us 20 minutes and told us to run with it. It was really a great opportunity to look not only at the things you have done with your life but also the things you hope to accomplish in your lifetime. While this may sound like a different way to create a bucket list, there’s much more to it. It requires you to be more intentional and think more about what you want to be remembered for rather than things you have experienced. We’re so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we never truly have time to reflect on our past or look toward the future. This was a great opportunity to sit back and take it all in. As awkward as it might sound, I believe this exercise is a great way to break the ice or get to know people just a little bit better. As the holidays approach, think about setting some time aside to participate in this activity with your family. You may be shocked to hear what kind of ambitions your loved ones have. You may even come up with ways to help them reach their goals.

We experienced a number of other activities that called for some reflection. We talked at length about making an effort to create personal values and stick to them. Many businesses hit the ground running and spend time creating corporate or business values to develop a company culture. You can create a much better environment and work experience for yourself by better articulating what your personal values are and finding ways to apply them throughout your workday. Of course, it wasn’t all classes and exercises at the retreat. We also made time for fun! Saluda has some beautiful scenery, and we took it all in as we ziplined and went on a whitewater rafting expedition. These activities weren’t for the faint of heart and created an exhilarating experience that allowed our chapter to become closer. If you’ve been stuck daydreaming about your future and what you want to accomplish, I recommend mock writing your own obituary. As morbid as it may sound, it’s a great way to understand your life goals a little better. It can also help push you to find ways to make achieving your goals possible. Next time you want to add something to your bucket list, see how your mock obituary might look instead.

• 1 –Jackie Bedard CAROLINAFEP.COM

Published by Newsletter Pro •

You might’ve heard about the toxic makeup controversy due to the No PFAS in Cosmetics Act recently introduced into the Senate. What’s the deal with PFAS (per- and polyfluoalkyl substances)? Are they actually dangerous? Here’s what we know so far. Study Finds Toxic Contamination in Popular Makeup WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH PFAS?

Prepping for the holidays is exciting and fun, but it requires tons of planning, cooking, decorating, and cleaning. To avoid getting bogged down while preparing for cheerful celebrations with friends and family, try these easy ways to get your house sparkling clean and ready to host. Roll the Ceilings When it comes to ceilings, especially if they are textured, thoroughly cleaning off dust, dander, and cobwebs can be challenging. When you use a broom, chunks typically go flying around and make a larger mess. However, if you whip out a painting roller, dampen it, and roll your ceilings just like you are painting, you are sure to get the job done! Socks on Your Hands Have you ever run a finger along a panel of your blinds and it comes up black? Blinds tend to be huge dust collectors. By throwing some socks on your hands, you can get back to clean blinds. All you have to do is find a pair of old socks, “glove up,” and dampen them. From there, if you grip each individual blind panel and slide your hand along the length of it, you will gather tons of nasty dirt and dust onto the sock. Cleaning Balls Utilizing tennis balls for your house chores may sound strange. However, when drying a bulky bed comforter in your dryer, adding a few tennis balls will ensure the stuffing does not gather all to one side. The balls help keep everything nice and even. Pillowcases and Fans Your ceiling fans collect all of the nasties — dirt, dust, bugs, and allergens. For an easy way to clean them without spreading all the grime around your home, turn to old pillowcases! Simply slip the pillowcase over each individual fan blade and then wipe. All of the debris will end up in the pillowcase itself. A clean home is the key to happy living and is paramount for hosting over the holidays. With these tricks up your sleeve, you are now a cleaning expert! YOU CAN USEWHAT TO TIDY UP?! 4 Deep-Cleaning Hacks to Prep for the Holidays

What does the research say?

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Sciences & Technology Letters revealed that over 52% of 231 popular makeup items, sold in American and Canadian markets, contained high levels of synthetic contaminants called PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” because they do not disintegrate easily in the environment or in our bodies. For many, putting on makeup is a daily ritual — which makes it extremely concerning that PFAS can bioaccumulate in bodies over time. Even worse, they have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, liver damage, decreased fertility, and hormone disruption. The most disturbing detail, though? Of the 29 products that contained PFAS chemicals, 28 did not disclose them on the product’s label. “Some of it could be unintentional, due to manufacturing issues, but there are several products where the levels are so high, they had to be intentionally added for something like durability or water resistance, because that’s what PFAS do very well,” says study author Graham Peaslee, a professor of physics, chemistry, and biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. Additionally, about 88% of the tested products failed to disclose any ingredients that would explain those chemical markers, despite the Food and Drug Administration requiring such explanations.

How do you avoid PFAS risk?

According to the study, the highest levels of PFAS were found in foundations (63%), waterproof mascara (82%), and long-lasting lipstick (62%). To get started, use the Skin Deep >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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