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Cathedral Handbook 2017-18

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Cathedral School for Boys Faculty and Staff Handbook 2017-18

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Cathedral Handbook 2017-18

2017–2018 Handbook for Students and Families

2017–2018 School Calendar 2017

August 30


All Classes Begin / Class Photos Day ( full dress)

August 31


Individual Picture Day ( full dress)

September 12


Upper School Back-to-School Night

September 13


CSB Goes to the Ballgame (Choir Sings at Giants Game)

September 19


Lower School Back-to-School Night

October 2


Blessing of the Animals

October 9


Fall Holiday— No School

October 10


Teacher In-Service— No School

October 15


Cathedral School Sunday & All-Family Picnic

October 19


K–4 Parent-Teacher Conferences— No School K–4

October 20


K–8 Parent-Teacher Conferences— No School K–8

October 31


Halloween Parade

November 10


Parents Association Fall Bash

November 16


Kindergarten Sibling Screening

November 20


Cathedral School Day of Service

November 21


Grandparents & Special Friends Day ( full dress) Thanksgiving Recess Begins— Early Dismissal

November 27


School Resumes

December 9


CSB Christmas Concert & Reception

December 15


Lessons & Carols Service ( full dress) Dismissal Immediately Following Christmas Break Begins


January 3


School Resumes

January 15


Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday— No School

February 12


Parents Association Online Auction Begins

February 19-23


Winter Break— No School

February 26


School Resumes

February 26–March 2 Monday–Friday

Upper School Intersession

March 3


Parents Association Gala

March 22


K–4 Parent-Teacher Conferences— No School K–4

March 23


K–8 Parent-Teacher Conferences— No School K–8

March 30


Good Friday— No School

April 2


Teacher In-Service— No School

April 3-6


Upper School Outdoor Education

April 16–20


Spring Break— No School

April 23


School Resumes

April 28


Cathedral School 60th Celebration



Sports Banquet

May 28


Memorial Day— No School

June 8


8th Grade Play

June 11


8th Grade Class Day/4th Grade Graduation

June 12


Field Day

June 13


Graduation Rehearsal/Move-up Day/Student Council Fair

June 14


Graduation ( full dress)

Handbook Table of Contents

Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Statement of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Diversity Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Organization of the School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Tuition and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Adjustable Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 School Hours and Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Extended Day Program, Enrichment Classes, Break Camps, and Study Hall Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Family Communication with the School . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Information From School/Messages From Home . . . . . . . . . .10 Evaluation of Academic Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Approach to Learning Styles & Differences . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Social and Emotional Learning at Cathedral School for Boys . . . . 12 Dress and Uniform Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Cathedral School Code of Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Cathedral School Honor Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Computer and Internet Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Health and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Disaster Preparedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Books and Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Homework Policy and Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Drop-Off and Pick-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lunch and Snacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Visiting the School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Lost Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Fundraising and Sources of Financial Support for CSB . . . . . . .29 The Parents Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Special Events and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Mission Statement To provide an excellent education for boys at the elementary level.

To attract a diverse student body of strong academic potential.

To provide a school committed to intellectual inquiry and rigor, centered in the Episcopal tradition, respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs.

To develop social responsibility through exemplary programs of outreach and service.

To create a community bonded by open-heartedness, hope, compassion, and concern.

Statement of Philosophy Cathedral School for Boys, founded in 1957, strives to provide education in the best tradition of the Episcopal Church and in consonance with the Mission of Grace Cathedral. We believe that this education is derived from three main sources: the highest academic and personal standards humanely applied; building a diverse community united in its concern for the school and for the world; and an active engagement with religion and the spiritual dimension. Academically, the school sets high standards in literacy, basic skills, self-discipline, the joy of learning, and the pursuit of wisdom. We set equally high standards in civic and social responsibility that are demonstrated through good behavior, caring, mutual respect, truth-telling, honor, and good steward- ship of our world; and we emphasize these qualities in all aspects of school life. Art, music, drama, and physical education are integral parts of the curriculum. We prepare boys to enter demanding secondary schools confidently; we recognize that there are a variety of learning styles and paces among able students, and we try to teach accordingly. Teachers are able to focus on those learning styles that are boy-friendly—hands-on, active learning that allows for movement and vigor. We affirm the integrity of childhood and elementary curriculum and do not try to replicate secondary school studies. We believe that the School’s programs are affected by a talented, enthusiastic, and loving collegial faculty. These men and women are recruited and retained based on their professional skills, their willingness to model the highest standards in every respect, and their commitment to professional and personal growth. It is a priority of the School to provide funds and other support for that growth, and to strive toward competitive faculty compensation. We believe that our all-boy environment frees our students to explore the full range of their potential. Our awareness of the different learning styles, rhythms, and activity level needs of boys promotes an openness and flexibility in the program that allow for success in all areas of study. Personalities have the freedom to develop without gender stereotyping, and boys can inhabit all roles in social, academic, and aesthetic areas. Thus they develop a strong sense of self without the need for posturing and pretending. In an atmosphere where friendships are valued, and where cooperation and collaborative problem solving are practiced, boys are able to talk about their feelings freely. Being the recipients of empathy, understanding, and compassion, boys learn to become caring and compassionate people.

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Our belief that all people are children of God and citizens of a shrinking world leads us to develop as diverse a community as possible. We seek families of all races, creeds, and economic circumstances, subject only to their ability to take advantage of our program. A growing tuition assistance program, tied by policy to the tuition income, exists to effect economic diversity. We make every effort to ensure that all families feel welcome in the school community. Religious education includes exploring questions of meaning, purpose, and personal identity within the daily life and studies of the boys. Using the Bible and Anglican worship as starting points, we seek to assure literacy in the content and discipline of all major religions, recognizing the limitations of what is age-appropriate and the general sensitivity of the subject. We strive to open minds and hearts to the religious dimension of life, and to discourage uncritical dogmatism. The time we spend regularly in Grace Cathedral, with its soaring spaces and magnificent music, provides the boys with an opportu- nity to come together as a community in a sacred place of great beauty. The spiritual dimension of the school and its program adds immeasurably to the exploration of values, the development of character, and ethical and moral sensibilities. Clergy of many faiths lead worship from time to time. Some 20 or more of the boys sing in the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys, receiving a special musical training and religious experience. We are also committed to outreach beyond the tuition assistance program. This commitment is evidenced at present by programs of community service and charitable outreach throughout the entire school community. Finally, we believe that education thrives in a school where parents, teachers, students, and trustees know each other well, communicate comfortably and openly in an environment of mutual respect, and habitually laugh together. We are committed to remaining small in size but large in mind, heart, and spirit. Diversity Statement From Cathedral’s inception in 1957, our school has strived to be an institution that reflected the many neighborhoods of San Francisco. As the school has grown and matured, its definition of what makes a truly diverse community has grown and matured as well. Cathedral welcomes families and students of all races, faith traditions, cultural backgrounds, economic circumstances, and sexual orientations in our community. We greatly value as part of our boys’ educational experience the varying perspectives and learning styles, the richness of culture, the sharing of tradition, and the working through and resolution of conflict that comes from being a truly diverse community. It is through our understanding of others that we come to be at peace with ourselves. It is through our deepening understanding of difference and inclusion that we come to know and appreciate our commonalities. And it is through the sharing of our global perspective and rituals of others that we gain a deeper meaning and purpose. We believe that the School’s curriculum should represent the diversity of our community and give our students an opportunity to open their hearts and minds to a wide range of perspectives on history, culture, literature, and religion. To truly become critical thinkers in a global world, our boys need a strong foundation in the core subjects of mathematics, language arts, science, and technology. However, they also need a foundation in understanding the dynamics of human relationships, the values

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and traditions of various cultures, the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of others, and a way to live out one’s spiritual and moral values as they are challenged and questioned each day of their lives. We believe the curriculum and program is enriched by a diverse administration, faculty, and staff. The experience of every student is enhanced not only by the different perspectives that a diverse faculty can bring, but also from seeing himself and his experience mirrored in the larger community. The school is committed to achieving diversity in its hiring by using the resources available to locate and evaluate a wide range of candidates for each position. We believe economic diversity enriches the educational opportunities for all families, and is critical to the health of the school community. Toward this end, the school is committed to making the financial resources available to ensure a need-blind admission policy, so that economic circumstance will not be a determining factor in a child’s admission to Cathedral School. As we strive towards achieving these goals, we realize that they take commitment, time, patience, and understanding. We are aware that just as in one’s personal growth, where there is pain, there is oppor- tunity for growth; where there is failure, there is opportunity for redemption; and that accomplishment and success mean little if they are not shared with others. It is no different in the life of a community. We welcome the challenges and opportunities that the continuing dialogue will bring. Organization of the School The ultimate responsibility for the governance of Cathedral School for Boys resides with the Board of Trustees, whose members bring a diversity of talent and broad practical and professional experience assuring the school’s present stability, its development, and its perpetuation. Trustees are responsible for formulating policy and for establishing and maintaining the sound financial condition of the school. The Board appoints the Headmaster, who acts as chief executive officer and directs all day-to-day activities and operations necessary for the accomplishments of the school’s program. The Headmaster also oversees the appointment of teachers and staff members, the maintenance of educational and behavioral standards, and the administration of the operating budget. Cathedral School is a financially independent department of Grace Cathedral Corporation. The Grace Cathedral Board provides two trustees, approves new trustees, and approves changes to the by-laws. It does not initiate policy. The Bishop approves the appointment of the Headmaster and nominates him or her as a senior staff member of the Cathedral with the title of Canon Headmaster. The Dean is an ex-officio member of the Board and all Board committees. The Cathedral, School, and Diocese share facili- ties on the Close and contribute to their upkeep on an equitable basis. Admission Academic and personal qualifications: Cathedral School enrolls boys who will benefit from its values, purposes, and rigorous academic program, and who will contribute to its varied community life through their attitudes towards others, their sense of responsibility, and their active interest in learning.

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Applicants for admission are evaluated to determine their general aptitudes, competencies, and readi- ness to work within a rigorous program that develops strong academic potential.

This evaluation includes certain standardized and school-developed tests of academic proficiency for first through eighth grade applicants, and includes a full-day school visit. Kindergarten applicants are screened for developmental readiness, by appointment, in January and February. Admission decisions will take into account the applicant’s performance in the evaluation session, his history in previous schools, and information gained through informal, personal interaction with the family and the applicant. Submission of Applications: Each year a filing date is set for kindergarten applications. A priority filing date is set for applications for K through eighth-grade applications, but are accepted all year, depending on availability of space.

Preferences in Admission: In considering applications, the Admission Committee may grant preference to boys who have brothers already enrolled in the school, sons of alumni, and sons of faculty members.

Non-discrimination in Admission: Cathedral School for Boys does not discriminate among applicants on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origins, religion, or sexual orientation; the school welcomes children of all religions and creeds.

For complete admission information, deadlines, and procedures, visit the website at

Tuition and Fees Basic Costs: Each year, parents enter into a contract with the School for the enrollment of their son(s) and agree to pay the tuition fees as established by the Board of Trustees. These fees are payable according to the following plans: 1) in full by July 15; 2) in two installments, on July 15 and January 15; or 3) monthly through a tuition financing plan. Contact the school for further information. The tuition fees cover 80 percent of the cost of providing the program—including faculty and staff salaries, textbooks and essential instructional materials, maintenance of facilities and equipment, and various support services. The School has a vigorous fundraising program to generate the necessary additional income for the operations budget. The Headmaster is always available to go over the budget with inter- ested parents. Other Costs: Families will be billed separately for certain other costs their sons may incur in connec- tion with special offerings within the program (e.g., Extended Day, foreign language trips). In addition, families must purchase the required items of uniform dress for their sons, and from the fourth grade on, boys must have a binder and other ordinary school supplies, which they obtain at their expense.

Tuition: Tuition for all grades for the 2017–2018 school year is $31,200.

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Adjustable Tuition It is the earnest desire of the Board of Trustees that no boy who is qualified for admission should be denied the opportunity of attendance because of inability to pay the full tuition fees. The Board’s goal in establishing the Adjustable Tuition Program—which is funded, to a large degree, by the School’s endowment—is to create a student body that is reflective of the socioeconomic diversity of the community that Cathedral School serves. Families applying for Adjustable Tuition are asked to complete a confidential statement detailing their financial circumstances. They submit this confidential statement to the School Scholarship Service in Princeton, NJ, an independent agency that evaluates the information provided and summarizes it for the school.

Inquiries concerning Adjustable Tuition and requests for application forms should be emailed to the Director of Finance and Operations, Pierre Jospe at [email protected].

School Hours and Attendance Arrival:

Boys arrive at school from 8 to 8:15 a.m. Classes begin promptly at 8:15 a.m.; Attendance will be taken at 8:15 a.m. Departure for Chapel begins at 8:20 a.m.


2:30 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m.


First and second grade

Third grade and fourth grade Fifth through eighth grade

Early Dismissal Times: Kindergarten

First and second grade Third and fourth grade Fifth through eighth grade

Childcare on Early Dismissal Days: Please note that there is no childcare on early dismissal days (Grandparents and Special Friends Day, Lessons & Carols, and Graduation).

Punctuality: The School urges parents to assist in seeing that boys arrive early enough each morning to be in their classrooms at 8:15 a.m. Boys who are late for any reason should report to the Front Desk before proceeding to their classrooms. Parents will be notified if tardiness is recurrent. If a late arrival is anticipated, or it is necessary to be excused because of a medical or dental appointment, boys should bring an explanatory note with them to school. (Dentists and physicians will typically give their young patients such notes.)

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Leaving School Early: When it is necessary for a boy to leave school before regular dismissal, parents should inform the homeroom teacher and the Front Desk as soon as possible by email or phone, of the required time for the student’s release and the reason for it. All students leaving early are to exit the building through the Sacramento Street entrance and must sign out at the Front Desk. Families must come to the Front Desk to pick up their sons. Staying After School: Boys may not stay at school after dismissal time unless they are enrolled in the Extended Day program, or they have permission to participate in a planned activity under the supervi- sion of a teacher or another designated adult. Study hall for students in fifth through eighth grades is available in the library Monday through Thursday until 5 p.m. Students may not leave campus unsuper- vised and return to after-school programs or sports practices. Absence From School: If a boy is to be absent from school because of illness, his parents should inform the school office by email or telephone before 9:00 a.m. the same day. If the cause of absence is a contagious disease (e.g., chicken pox, strep throat), the School requires medical confirmation that the boy may be readmitted to class without danger to others. If the cause of absence is a fever, the School requires the student to have a normal temperature (less than 99 degrees Fahrenheit without medica- tion) for 24 hours before he can return to school. Irregular Absences: On the theory that the fullest benefits of schooling are best derived through steady practice and application, and through daily experience of the lively discipline of learning, Cathedral School strongly discourages requests for students’ exemption from regular attendance. Parents must recognize that students removed from class for unscheduled holidays or for family trips and vaca- tions find it difficult to compensate adequately for the time lost and for the disruption of the routine course of their instruction. In the same way, teachers cannot fairly be asked to provide special school- work in advance for such irregular absences. The appropriate Division Director must approve any such absences. The Cathedral School Extended Day program is offered to families interested in additional care for their boys before and after school. Morning-care, after-care, and study hall operate throughout the school year. Morning-care, after-care, study hall, and enrichment classes will not be available on faculty in-service days. However, these will be available on Early Dismissal Days, except for Grandparents and Special Friends Day, Lessons & Carols, and graduation. Our program continues to grow and change as the needs of our community change. The program begins on the first day of classes and ends on the last day of classes. Outside of the school year, camps are offered to Cathedral families during winter and spring break. Childcare may be offered during parent-teacher conferences, community nights, and selected events. All registration forms will be available prior to these dates. Extended Day Program, Enrichment Classes, Break Camps, and Study Hall Programs

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Morning-care is available to all students at a minimal cost in kindergarten through eighth grade on full school days and early dismissal days from 7:30–8:00 a.m. Morning-care is billed at the drop-in child- care rate, which is rounded daily to the nearest 15 minutes. Exceptions to morning-care fees are made for siblings of choirboys and boys in morning band rehearsal. However, the Director of AfterSchool Enrichment must have written parental notification for these boys to be exempt from fees. The after-care program allows boys to interact with classmates and friends after school in a safe, fun, and relaxed environment. The after-care staff utilizes the school playground, daycare room, and Lower School classrooms for various free-play and directed activities throughout the year. The after-care program is available to students in kindergarten through eighth grade, Monday through Friday, from 2:30–6:00 p.m. After-care is billed at the drop-in childcare rate, which is rounded daily to the nearest 15 minutes. Study hall allows Upper School students the opportunity to study, do homework, read, and work together to complete projects. Monday through Thursday, Upper School students check into Library study hall at their dismissal. After 5:00 p.m., all Library study hall students will report to the after-care room until pick-up. Study hall will not be available during Outdoor Education week. Study Hall is billed at the drop-in childcare rate, which is rounded daily to the nearest 15 minutes. Students enrolled in after-care should be picked up prior to 6 p.m. at the Jones Street entrance. Late fees will be incurred for late arrivals. The security officer will inform the after-school staff of your arrival. You do not need to call prior to your arrival on Jones Street. Cathedral School will not release students to any unauthorized individuals. Please inform the Director of Afterschool Enrichment via email whenever someone other than the regular caretaker is picking up your son from daycare. Older brothers and carpool mates may retrieve younger boys. Please note that younger boys with earlier dismissal times should be registered with after-care until pick-up.

Break camps are offered during winter and spring breaks when there is sufficient interest. Details and pre-registration forms will be available prior to each camp.

After-school enrichment classes are offered during the year and are taught by Cathedral School staff, members of the School community, and professional instructors from around the Bay Area. Past enrich- ment courses have included: individual music lessons, martial arts, robotics, 3-D animation, LEGO engi- neering, gardening, movie-making, chess, coding, language learning through play, and more. Refunds will not be granted after the first day of enrichment classes. If the minimum enrollment for each class is not met, the enrichment class may be canceled before the first day of class. Please contact the Director of AfterSchool Enrichment, Cord Greene at [email protected] regarding financial assistance for morning-care, after-care, study hall, and enrichment classes.

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Family Communication with the School All families are encouraged to communicate directly–either with teachers, Division Directors, or the Headmaster–whenever there is a special reason to discuss their child’s work and progress. During the school year, some questions or concerns may arise, and a parent may wish to contact someone at the School. If the issue pertains to the classroom, the parent should first contact the classroom teacher in the Lower School or the subject teacher and/or advisor in the Upper School. If you feel that your concerns were not met satisfactorily, you should then contact the Division Director and finally, the Headmaster. It is always important that communication between parent and teacher remain respectful of the cooperation that is essential for the best possible outcome for each child. If concerns are related to larger issues within either the Upper or Lower School, parents or guardians can go directly to the Division Director. If concerns are more global, parents or guardians may then contact the Headmaster directly. A positive and constructive working relationship between the School and a student’s parents is essen- tial to the fulfillment of the School’s mission. Therefore, the School reserves the right to discontinue enrollment or to decline re-enrollment of a student if the School concludes that the actions of a parent or guardian make such a positive and constructive relationship unduly difficult or otherwise seriously interfere with the School’s accomplishment of its educational purpose. Confidentiality Trust between the School and families is of the utmost importance in effectively supporting boys throughout their social development. Often you may hear from your son about an incident in school involving another boy and upon asking him about the consequences he states that “nothing happened.” Please know that we as a school seldom share the consequences and support systems set up for students with other students or families. We believe these are private matters between the School and the individual family and handle them accordingly. Information From School/Messages From Home The School maintains a website that can be accessed at Most information about the School and upcoming events are available to the public, but links to specific classroom pages, rosters, and other private information are accessible only to the Cathedral School community. These areas are accessed by logging in with a username and password that are provided by the School. If you have forgotten how to log in or need assistance with accessing information through the Cathedral School website, please email [email protected]. The Cathedral School Bulletin, the weekly school e-newsletter, is emailed every week to all current fami- lies and is also archived as a resource on the website during the school year. This weekly Bulletin and other emails are an important way of keeping parents informed about school news, activities, special events, and other matters of interest. In addition, homeroom teachers in the Lower School provide regular updates about their classroom activities.

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Parents are encouraged to call or email faculty or staff at any time. All Cathedral School faculty and staff members have email addresses and are expected to check their email regularly.

Emergency messages should be left with the Front Desk for delivery to the classrooms. Similarly, parents who bring their son’s forgotten books or other materials to school should leave them at the Front Desk to be delivered at an appropriate time. Telephones at the Front Desk are not available for the boys’ use except in the case of illness, injury, or other serious emergency, or if there is a change in the athletic schedule. Phone calls for any other reason must be approved by a teacher. Cell phones should not be in use during school hours. Evaluation of Academic Progress Regular Reports: The Lower School academic year for grades K–4 is divided into three terms, each accompanied by progress reports. Upper School is also on a trimester schedule. Upper School boys receive report cards at the end of each term. These report cards include checklists evaluating Approaches to Learning and subject- specific criteria. Fifth graders do not receive letter grades, and will receive narrative comments in all terms. Students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades receive letter grades in each term, and narrative comments at the end of the first and second terms. Upper School Grading System: Achievement grades for sixth through eighth grade are shown in the conventional way, like letters, and indicate progress toward mastering the content of a given subject. They may be read as follows: A 93+ B+ 87–89 C+ 77–79 D 60–69 Testing: Standardized tests of aptitude and achievement are annually given in grades three through seven. These tests provide certain useful information on a boy’s performance in relation to both national and independent school norms and, more importantly, provide valuable help in the constant work of curriculum development. In addition, boys in the seventh and eighth grades take the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT), application for which must be made separately. Parents interested in the results of any of these tests and their significance are encouraged to discuss them in a conference with the Division Director or the Headmaster. Parent-Teacher Conferences: We have two formal conference days during the school year at the end of the first and second terms. Conference days are scheduled for parents to meet with teachers to discuss academic and social progress. These conference days are set aside to meet with parents to communi- cate your child’s progress. Teachers take into account multiple factors, including sibling conferences, when scheduling in order to allow for efficiency. For this reason, please be prompt and keep the confer- ence on the scheduled day. If possible, the School would like all parents/guardians to attend these A- 90–92 B 83–86 C 73–76 F < 60% B- 80–82 C- 70–72

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conferences. If this is not possible, we ask that the available parent/guardian attends at the designated time so that all conferences may be concluded on schedule. If parents choose not to attend the regu- larly scheduled conference time and take this opportunity for a vacation, their conference time will be forfeited for that particular term. In Upper School, boys attend and facilitate conferences between their family and their advisor. Additional conferences may be scheduled throughout the year as the need arises, by request of either the parents or teacher. Approach to Learning Styles & Differences Cathedral School for Boys recognizes that there are many learning styles and needs among elementary and middle school students. We strive to remain current with the research concerning the different learning styles, rhythms, and activity levels of our students and to promote an openness and flexibility in our program that allows our students to succeed. Our learning specialists support the efforts of our students to meet and exceed the academic expecta- tions that the school establishes at each grade level. Typically, they provide support during the academic day through either small group or individual work. Because of the importance of literacy in our curriculum, we use an early intervention model in grades K–2 that incorporates reading and phonological support. If a student exhibits unique educational challenges, our staff may refer parents or guardians to outside professionals for comprehensive educational testing, counseling, or extensive one-on-one remediation. On occasion, the School may request that the family receiving such an outside evaluation share the evaluation with the School as a condition of enrolling or remaining enrolled at Cathedral School. Such information can help us better evaluate and potentially meet the learning needs of the student. Unless unique circumstances necessitate, we do not alter our learning standards. The academic performance of boys receiving learning support is evaluated by the same standards established for all students. We do make academic accommodations when appropriate and reasonable within our educa- tional setting. We also seek to use a variety of approaches to challenge those students who may benefit from extra or advanced work in certain academic areas. Social and Emotional Learning at Cathedral School for Boys Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is used in schools nationwide as an adjunct tool to academic learning. SEL is defined as “the process through which people learn to recognize and manage emotions, care about others, make good decisions, behave ethically and responsibly, develop positive relation- ships, and avoid negative behaviors. Such skills are critical components of the success of all schools.” At Cathedral School, we have always used SEL in various ways in our classrooms. Now we formally provide SEL tools and building skills with all boys in grades K–8. In the Lower School, kindergarten students talk about both attentive listening and appreciations, and also work through conflicts in their “Peace Corner.” Boys in the first through fourth grades have a 30-minute Friendship Group once per six-day rotation. In these groups, the boys have a chance to check in about their emotions and also receive a lesson on various SEL tools, such as using “I statements,” finding “win-win” solutions, and understanding boundaries.

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In the Upper School, the boys may participate in Community Circles, open sessions, and class meetings where they have the opportunity to share and provide support. These sessions provide a safe opportu- nity for boys to bring up challenges that may be occurring socially.

Dress and Uniform Standards Boys are expected to be neatly groomed and to wear a uniform to school. Jewelry and facial hair are not allowed, except when worn as a religious observance. Hair should not impede vision or be a source of distraction or disruption. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted and are determined at the discretion of the School. Parents and guardians are asked to help follow this policy by ensuring that boys are prop- erly dressed when they leave for school each morning. School ties and emblems may be purchased online and can then be picked up at the Front Desk. Uniform items may be purchased online from Lands’ End or Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company (590 10th Street or Fleece jackets may also be purchased through these retailers. The Parents Association holds Uniform Closet sales frequently. Please note that while the particular brand of clothing is not especially important, each item of uniform dress should conform in color and style to the standards specified below. For everyday wear, the school uniform consists of: • Light blue oxford shirt with a button-down collar; short or long sleeved. If you are ordering from Lands’ End, please note that the correct color is “Blue” and not “French Blue.” • Gray Dacron/cotton trousers (boys in kindergarten through fourth grade may wear short gray pants with knee-length socks; cargo pants are not acceptable). • All-black athletic shoes; these should be completely black, including logos, laces, soles, and any other visible part of the shoe. • Black or navy blue dress socks. (Visible logos are not acceptable.) • Black belt. • School tie (required in fifth through eighth grade; optional in lower grades, except for occasions calling for full dress uniform). In addition, Upper School boys must wear a blazer to all chapels. Used ties and blazers can be bought during the PA Uniform Closet sales. • Outerwear worn during the school day consists of a navy V-neck sweater or a fleece jacket which must be embroidered with Cathedral School’s insignia. Fleece jackets with the insignia can be purchased from Lands’ End. Dennis Uniform also sells fleece jackets, but a Cathedral School insignia patch must be purchased through the School and sewn on separately. No other outerwear is allowed during school hours. Boys may also wear a sleeveless V-neck sweater vest. Full dress uniform requires trousers that are either gray flannel or a woolen and synthetic blend. In addition, on dress occasions, boys wear either a navy blazer or a navy V-neck sweater and long sleeves. Both the blazer and sweater should have the school insignia sewn over the left breast. Insignia may be purchased through the website or at the front desk. Shoes should be black dress shoes for boys in grades third and up. Boys in kindergarten through second grade are not required to wear black dress shoes and may wear black athletic shoes (please see guidelines above for black athletic shoes); however, black dress shoes will remain optional for these grades for occasions that call for full dress uniform.

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Free dress: When activities dictate, uniforms will not be required. The following are acceptable items of clothing: Shorts, slacks, sweats, and jeans. Unsuitable items of clothing include torn jeans, cut-offs, torn shirts, and t-shirts with inappropriate messages and/or advertisements. Other necessary items of clothing include: Physical education shirts will be provided for boys in grades five through eight. They are reversible red and white/gold. Boys in all grades must wear black athletic shoes to P.E. class. These athletic shoes should be completely black, including logos, laces, soles, and any other visible part of the shoe. Cathedral School Code of Responsibility As embodied in our Mission and Philosophy, Cathedral School strives to hold our students to the highest academic and behavioral standards humanely applied. Our goal is to create a learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe, that challenges each student to be his very best, that allows him to take appropriate risks, and that supports each boy in his growth and development. This policy has been created with the understanding of the social and emotional development of boys and how the school, in partnership with our parents, can promote positive growth in our boys and their relationships.

To this end, there are certain responsibilities that we ask the students to fulfill and that help produce the unique environment at the School. Thus, we ask each student to BE SMART:

• B e responsible for actions • E mbrace differences • S trive to do one’s best • M odel inclusivity, courtesy, and sportsmanship • A ct honestly • R espect the property of others • T reat oneself and others with respect

Cathedral teachers and administrators foster these attributes by recognizing good behavior both formally and informally through their daily interactions with the students.

At the same time, we recognize that making mistakes and learning from them are vital to growing up. Usually, mistakes occur without any ill will. We treat most mistakes as “teachable moments,” when the teacher works with the student to understand the mistake, to take responsibility, and to become a better person through the experience. Sometimes, though, student behavior necessitates a response from the School. Because each circum- stance is different, we do not use a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, we develop our responses to meet the exigencies of each circumstance, the needs of the boy or boys involved, and the overall expecta- tions of the school community. Cathedral holds students accountable for behavior that is detrimental to the School, its students, and its faculty, and for conduct that violates the letter or spirit of this handbook. This is true for actions during school events, regardless of where those events occur.

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It can also be true for actions that are unrelated to school events and occur off campus. Cathedral does not monitor the private, off-campus actions of our students. There are occasions, however, when off-campus behavior (such as the inappropriate use of social media) undermines school relationships, compromises the health or safety of a Cathedral student, or is at odds with the values of the School. Typically, when such actions come to our attention, we will notify the parents of the boy or boys involved. It is our expectation that our parents will work with their sons, the school, and other parents to deal appropriately in responding to the behavior. However, there may be occasions when off-campus actions do necessitate a disciplinary response from the school, and we reserve the right to act on such occasions. Finally, a healthy partnership between the School and parents is essential in helping our boys grow and develop. This partnership begins with open and honest communication, as well as the assumption of goodwill of all parties. It is important for our students to see the School, parents, and faculty all working together for the good of our students and our school. Disciplinary Procedure In order to uphold Cathedral School’s expectations by clearly articulating all that we stand for, it is also helpful to outline certain behaviors that the School finds particularly serious. These behaviors include: bullying, verbal abuse, harassment, physical abuse, vilification or retaliation, dishonesty, possession of weapons, possession of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs (and knowingly being in the presence of those who possess these items), and unsafe or reckless behavior. While we recognize that all situations are unique and thus necessitate different responses from the School, we believe that discipline starts with the classroom teachers. If a pattern of behavior develops with a student and requires additional attention, the School will contact the parents or guardians to outline the School’s response. Our response is often developed with input from the teachers, the student’s advisor, the Division Director, and if necessary, the school counselor and/or the Headmaster. The School’s response may include the loss of privileges (recess, athletic participation, computer privileges, trips, after-care), in-school or out-of-school suspension, the creation of a behavior contract, counseling, outside professional evaluation, behavioral probation, and/or expulsion. In the Lower School, most disciplinary issues are handled directly by the classroom teacher. If patterns of behavior develop, teachers will communicate directly with parents and guardians to problem-solve ways in which they can support the student in improving his conduct. There may be an occasion when a student needs to meet with the Division Director. The Division Director will contact parents and guard- ians if the visit is the result of repeated behavior, if the action is severe in nature, or if he/she deems it necessary to involve families. The Upper School uses a process of disciplinary slips that are designed to communicate behavioral shortcomings to students, parents, and faculty advisors. Typically, disciplinary slips are issued on the day of the infraction, but no more than 24 hours after the infraction occurs. The faculty member issuing the slip will meet with the boy to discuss the infraction and the consequences outlined in the disci- plinary slip. If a boy receives a disciplinary slip, the boy’s parents will be notified and asked to acknowl- edge the disciplinary slip by either e- mailing the Division Director or by signing the slip and returning it to the Division Director the following day.

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The types of behavior that may result in a slip include: classroom disruptions, disruptions during school events such as plays and Chapel services, disrespect to students or staff, inappropriate language, dishonesty, misuse of school property or the property of others, violations of our Acceptable Use Policy, or violations of the Handbook for Students and Families . If a student receives three discipline slips in one semester, the Division Director will request a personal meeting with the student, the student’s parents or guardians, and the student’s advisor, and the student will serve an in-school suspension. Typically, students will be absolved of disciplinary slips in January upon our return from vacation. Bullying & Harassment There is no place for bullying at Cathedral School. Bullying occurs when a student or group of students repeatedly try to hurt, humiliate, degrade, or gain power over another student or group of students. Bullying also extends to actions online. Cyber-bullying occurs when a student repeatedly uses tele- phonic, social, or other electronic media to bully, belittle, or humiliate another. Bullying is different from conflict. Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Bullying is never acceptable. Bullying may amount to harassment when a student is targeted because of his actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, gender identity, sex, physical or mental characteristics, or because he is associating with a student or group with these perceived characteristics. Sexual harassment refers to any behavior of a sexual nature, whether intentional or unintentional, that is unwelcome. Students who have bullied other students will be held accountable for their behavior. Depending upon the circumstances, the student may also be asked to participate in our No Bully program of peer and staff counseling. Unless warranted by unique circumstances, Cathedral School does not report a student’s disciplinary record to other schools. Having said this, we encourage families to be honest with high schools that might inquire about their son’s disciplinary record. Behavioral Contract For student behavior that repeatedly falls short of Cathedral School’s expectations or for one-time actions that the School deems severe, students will receive a behavioral contract. Typically, this document is designed to clearly outline the School’s expectations moving forward and to support the student in his effort to fulfill those expectations. To this end, both the boy and his advisor, and other staff members, may be asked to participate in the creation of the contract. This contract will outline the School’s expectations and establish a specific course of action for the student for a defined period. The contract may also describe potential outcomes for the student’s failure to meet these expecta- tions. Additional behavioral issues that arise during probation could result in suspension, withholding a student’s re-enrollment contract, and in the most extreme cases, expulsion.

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Suspension Students receiving multiple disciplinary slips may be suspended for their behavior. However, Cathedral School also reserves the right to use suspension for individual actions that are detrimental to the interests of the School, other students, or the school community as a whole. Suspension can vary from in-school suspension, to suspensions outside of school lasting for a single day to a number of weeks. For in-school suspensions, the student will report to a designated room and be expected to complete his schoolwork for the day and a checklist of assignments designed to address the behavior that gave rise to the suspension. Out-of-school suspension is used sparingly and reserved for more serious offenses. Students who are suspended are not eligible to participate in school-related activities, such as athletics, that occur during their suspension. Students are responsible for all academic work missed while serving an out-of-school suspension. Actions that can lead to suspension include: making threats on or off campus to another student or community member, bullying, theft, extreme language, academic dishonesty, fighting or violence, disre- spect of teachers or staff, or any other action deemed by the Division Director or Headmaster to be serious enough to warrant suspension. Expulsion A student is expelled only in the event of a serious violation of community standards, or if a series of actions by a student indicates that he cannot abide by the rules of our community. While it is impossible to establish guidelines for every situation, in general, a student will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion if the student has engaged in the following acts:

• Possession of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol • Possession of weapons • Destruction of school property or the property of others • Repeated bullying • Physical violence or threats of violence to others • Breach of a behavioral contract or behavioral warning • Repeated behavioral infractions • Violations of the Behavioral Contract

Cathedral School Honor Code Cathedral School believes that integrity represents one of the most important qualities that a person can have. Honor is usually thought of in connection with a student’s academic responsibilities, but it involves more than that. It includes respecting the rights and property of others. All Cathedral School students should conduct themselves with honor and with integrity in both their personal and academic lives at all times. To this end, we ask all students to refrain from lying, cheating, or stealing.

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