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CCS Connections Spring 2021

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resources: Leadership in Sports, Tara Duggan and Mark Butler, Athletic Director, Cam

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CCS Connections Spring 2021

Serving Christ through Excellence in Academics, Athletics and Fine Arts

Spring 2021


In It Together I am a part of Generation X (those born between 1965-1980). While there are many exceptions, most Gen-Xers thrive on solitude. We enjoy quiet time. Actually, we find down time to be rejuvenating. We need it. We don’t mind being alone for a while. Of course, like anything else, we enjoy it until it is forced upon us. COVID has forced us into isolation beyond even our expanded threshold. Personally, Carol and I spent the entire Christmas break in isolation (me with COVID and her in quarantine). Having lost my dad over Thanksgiving, we could not be with my mom during her first Christmas alone. I know that many of you experienced similar and much worse situations including hospitalization and even death of loved ones. I have read that some people have not seen or touched another person for months and describe an inescapable dystopian sense. When “ordered” to be alone, I did crave contact with people. Even before COVID, our society was trending to be more alone than ever before. Some have described loneliness as an epidemic of Western society. Has anyone else felt it? It has been connected to mental and physical illness as well as a shortened life span. We were not made to be alone. Loneliness is the first problem God addressed in the Garden of Eden, and He declared it “not good.” We were designed to connect with God and others. Many find creating these bonds to be challenging. Marina Keegan expressed it this way in her essay, “The Opposite of Loneliness”: We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’mgrateful and thankful to have found at Yale, and what I’m scared of losing when we wake up tomorrow and leave this place. It’s not quite love and it’s not quite community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team. When the check is paid and you stay at the table. For eight years, my family has enjoyed the togetherness afforded by the greater Lancer family, and we will be forever grateful. The events of the last year have magnified the importance of thriving relationships. Plugging into a church family is critical. Leaning on the Lancer family makes sense. All that subscribe to the mission of our school must love each other through this time. We are in this together.

Shawn Minks, M.Ed Head of School another-person-in-3-months-because-of-covid-19

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Spring 2021 Issue —A publication of Cambridge Christian School Contents: Head of School. .............................. 2

CCS Feature

The Temporary Normal............. 4

Lower School

Social-Emotional Learning........ 6 We are a Blue-Ribbon School..... 7

CCS Alumni Feature

Jeremy Grunert ‘06 .................. 8

CCS Fine Arts

Presents “Our Town” ............... 10 Hail Lancer Pride/Band .......... 12

CCS Athletics

Q & A with Coach Walker ..... 13 2020 Fall Sports Wrap Up ...... 14

Advancement................................ 22

Donor Thank you.......................... 22

Connections , an outreach of Cambridge Christian School, is sent to you as alumni, family and friends of Christian education in Tampa. Connections is published twice a year to share information about the programs, activities, and people of Cambridge Christian School. Contributors Marty Hillier, Editor and writer, [email protected] Shawn Minks, Head of School, [email protected] Sceptre Staff Photographers Athletic photos courtesy of Elyse Garcia George Bringes, alumni parent, commercial art services, [email protected] Mail Marketing, Printing & mail services, 727-556-2500 Gentry Printing, Connections printing, 727-441-1914 Send address corrections and correspondence to

[email protected] or Connections, 6101 N. Habana Ave., Tampa, FL 33614 – 813-872-6744 Our Mission

Teaching outside the box includes getting outside whenever possible.

The mission of Cambridge Christian School is to glorify God in all that we do; to demonstrate excellence at every level of academic, athletic and artistic involvement; to develop strength of character; and to serve the local and global community.

Visit our web site to discover more. Spring 2021 - Connections | 3

CCS Feature

Educating Through a Pandemic The Temporary Normal

I f Marty McFly came back in his DeLorean to mid-March 2020, he’d most likely ask Doc to get him out as soon as possible. And who could blame him? In January of 2020 things were looking up. It was a new year, the economy was booming, and the future was so bright we had to wear shades (please excuse the barrage of 80’s

transitioned back to campus. We are so thankful for our teachers, who continue to balance their teaching to effectively reach both on campus and remote learners. Life on Campus- Classrooms look a little different these days as social distancing and mask wearing are required, as are breaks to take them off, and as much outside time as possible. Hand washing, sanitizing and cleaning protocols are all taken as seriously as the lesson plans. HBI students participate in class

references). Like another double-digit year of 1919, we quickly embarked on our own prohibition of sorts, as the freedoms we take for granted were now not only prohibited, but fineable. Many of us feared for our own health and for those of family members and masks, social distancing and “Zooming” became part of our everyday vernacular. For Cambridge administrators, this scenario brought about an immediate response as a plan was put into place to continue the good work of educating our students, while still keeping them safe. The Birth of HBI- Many ideas were considered regarding remote learning. Certainly, we were all aware of what it was, but bringing it to CCS to such a large degree, was, indeed, a new mountain to climb. As God would have it, we were blessed with a team of educators that quickly went to work on developing our Home-Based Instruction program, or HBI, as it is now called. Dr. Cara Lile and Mr. Nathan Stark are our HBI

discussions, and teachers have done an amazing job making home-based learners feel a part of the Lancer community. Events may be watched on campus or virtually, thanks to technology, so no one had to miss seeing the play, band or choir concerts. School spirit is still part of things, as even our Campus Store has adjusted to take phone orders from parents and snack orders from

students. One of the most important changes to campus life has been the addition of the Base Camp screening application and our school nurse, Darianne Altieri. Through the analytics provided from Base Camp, Nurse Darianne has been able to monitor changes and trends throughout campus and keep on top of illnesses, COVID or otherwise. Her calm and assuring

Coordinators and have worked tirelessly to make learning from home nearly like being on campus. While there are still many areas to be improved upon, it allows for those families who choose it to learn from home. It has proved to be a valuable option, even for those students who are out sick, so they don’t fall behind. At the beginning of school, we had 94 students enrolled in HBI from both US and LS. Since then, almost 40% have

demeanor has been a blessing for students and families and a valuable resource for any of us who have health questions or need support during an illness. Faith- C.S. Lewis said, “Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties.” At CCS, we know that more than ever, our Lancer family needs to rely on God and each other. In the most isolating

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FAQs regarding COVID-19 from CCS

months of quarantine, Instagram was flooded with current students and alumni worshiping together, sharing stories, encouragement, and well wishes for the Class of 2020 and all our students. Our Bible department, led by Josh Callahan, posted devotionals and even Chapel services online. Our Ensemble, under the direction of Melissa Rawls, posted songs of worship. Our Head of School, Shawn Minks, kept a constant flow of communication and reminders of our reliance on He who is unchanging. Together, we supported each other and the hashtag #InItTogether really meant something, as Lancerville came together in a big way.

Nurse, Darianne Altieri. Q: What should I do if my child wakes up and is complaining of two minor symptoms? (For example, congestion and sore throat) A: If your child has two minor symptoms, they will receive a red X from our health app. A student that has two symptoms that are unexplained should be evaluated by their pediatrician. Prior to returning to school a doctor’s note should be provided to the school nurse that clearly states the child is able to resume school or identifies an alternate diagnosis. If you prefer to have your child tested for COVID rather than taking them to get evaluated, that is another option. A negative COVID test or a doctor’s note will allow them back on campus if they have not been exposed to an individual with COVID. Q: Over the weekend my child woke up with a runny nose. I was being extra cautious and took them to get tested for COVID-19. I still have not received the results, but they are feeling better now. Can they come to school? A: When an individual was symptomatic and was tested for COVID they need to remain off campus until the results are received. This will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Q: Is Cambridge going to change their protocol to align with the new CDC options for reducing quarantine? A: CCS still recommends completing a 14-day quarantine. CCS has adjusted our protocol to align with the CDC and Florida Department of Health’s new guidelines that provide options to shorten quarantine. If you are exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you will have to quarantine for 10 days. Your first day of quarantine would begin the day after you were last exposed. For example, if you were with the individual who tested positive on Tuesday and Thursday, your quarantine would begin Friday (the day after you were last exposed). If your child does not develop symptoms, you are eligible to get tested on day 6 of quarantine. The test must be a PCR COVID test and cannot be a rapid test. If the results come back negative, then school can be resumed right away. If you prefer to not be tested, then it is a 10-day quarantine. If your child develops symptoms during their quarantine then they would have to begin a 10 isolation period that would begin after their onset of symptoms. CCS Nurse Darianne Altieri

Today, our virtual Chapel services have begun to slowly have some in-person attendance. Students in Lower School can still be found praying at their desks, dancing, singing, and participating in different ways. More than ever, our motto of “preparing for college and life” rings true. While

life provides many ups and downs, the foundation of faith remains solid and steadfast. It is the most important preparation and an eternal legacy for generations to come. The Lancer Spirit- No one

could have predicted how quickly our students would adapt to the state of affairs this school year. Children have proven, yet again, to be resilient and joyful in the face of uncertainty and inconvenience. Second grader

Ryder Graves says, “Wearing a mask has not stopped me from learning stuff and playing with my friends. I would rather wear a mask and be here at Cambridge than be at home without a mask on Seesaw (learning platform).” Students haven’t been the only ones to deal with challenges. Our teachers have had to adjust to all new safety protocols, HBI learners, and the challenges that come with PPE and keeping everyone safe. It’s an enormous responsibility, and yet, our teachers have risen to the occasion, being an example to students and families of how joyful you can be despite circumstances that are less than optimal. Lower School teacher Cindy Nelms talks about how connecting with students is still the most important thing. “I was worried that by wearing a mask the students would not feel as strong of a connection with me as students have in the past. Thankfully, this has not been the case. Students can sense your love and commitment for them from the tone of your voice and your ‘smiling eyes.’ Watching these students navigate these different times with such a positive attitude has been a blessing. I love that I can still see their smiles behind their masks.” Connecting with families is still our goal. Using social media as a platform, CCS Lancer TV was born along with The Minks Minute, The Medical Minute and even a virtual gala that brought us all together to help raise funds for school improvements. With everyone’s participation, we met our goal, and then some. So, throughout these challenging times, and a school year scenario we never thought possible, it seems the hashtag really is true. Whether on campus or at home, we are in it together. We persevere. We are Lancers. Spring 2021 - Connections | 5


Social-Emotional Learning Community, Connections and Relationships at Cambridge Christian School

By Lower School Assistant Principal and HBI Coordinator, Dr. Cara Lile

C ambridge Christian School is committed to teaching the whole child academically, emotionally and spiritually. Without a commitment to a student’s emotional growth, the benefits of academics are diminished. Our teachers help our students be successful in the classroomand in life by incorporating relational skills and a strong emphasis on personal accountability into their daily curriculum. Social-Emotional Learning(SEL)emphasizes

establish positive relationships, andmake responsible decisions.” CASEL’s framework identifies five core competencies: Self- Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-making. Research supports that Social-Emotional Learning is key to successful student performance. At Cambridge, teachers infuse these skills throughout the curriculum to enrich

learning experiences for students. Teachers work to promote social and emotional development for all students by teaching and modeling social and emotional

the importance of community, connections, and relationships. With Social-Emotional Learning as the foundation of the classroom, teachers and students tend to feel more connected, which

skills, creating opportunities for students to practice those skills, and giving students opportunities to apply these skills in various situations. Community, connections, and

allows everyone to feel safe and secure before diving into academics. Thisdoesn’tmean that academics are deprioritized, it simply means that Social- Emotional Learning must be a part of theacademic learningplan. The Col laborat i ve for

relationships are the foundation of Cambridge, a commitment that doesn’t deprioritize content expertise, methodology, and pedagogy. Supporting students emotionally and preparing them for college and life is integral to our teaching philosophy and is the heartbeat of classrooms at Cambridge.

Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) , defines Social- Emotional Learning as “how children andadults learn tounderstandandmanage emotions, set goals, showempathy for others,

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We are a Blue Ribbon School

By Lower School Principal, Tracy Moss

T he National Blue Ribbon program was established in 1982 and each year recognizes outstanding public and private elementary, middle, and high schools from across the country. Several hundred schools receive the award annually, with more than 9,000 recipients across the country since the program began. The nominations are made based on student achievement and research-based indicators of school quality. Cambridge was identified as an “Exemplary High Performing School”, which means that the academic

emphasis on student growth. The National Blue Ribbon of Distinction is a prestigious award that exemplifies excellence in education. We are honored to be included in this select group of schools from across the country and give all the glory to God for this exciting recognition! As we look towards second semester, I am excited to see what God has planned for us! We are thankful for God’s faithfulness and guidance over the past semester, as we have faced some challenges, He continues to remind us to fully rely on Him. Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to provide the components to build a strong spiritual and academic foundation for our students.

achievement of our students, in the most recent testing year, placed Cambridge in the top 15% in the nation in reading and mathematics. Cambridge is one of 367 schools in the nation, one of 50 non-public schools in the

Proverbs 9:9 Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.

country, and one of 11 schools in Florida to be recognized in 2020. This is an acknowledgement to the high expectations and hard work of our students, staff and families and our shared Spring 2021 - Connections | 7

CCS Alumni Feature

Jeremy Grunert’s Creative Aspirations

L ike many teenagers, Jeremy Grunert ’06 worked at Busch Gardens during high school, but he never planned on making it a career. In fact, a “Themed Entertainment” degree didn’t even exist when he

huge presentation he worked on in Mr. Hickinbotham’s geography class that allowed him to work in a group and find a presentation style that worked for him. His participation in the CCS musicals also allowed him to see the behind the scenes work that goes on. After graduation, he moved on to a community college in Orlando while working at Universal Studios. It was there that he met a team of creative professionals that worked in the park and sparked his interest in a theme park career. He began taking courses in drafting, lighting and theatrical design. He introduced himself to the design team and “offered to sweep the floor, get coffee, or whatever they needed so that I could be in that creative environment. So, when the opportunity to work on the Harry Potter project came up, they

thought of me.” Once on the project, he met producers, directors, and creative people and was able to learn how things come together. After the project ended, he went back to school to get some more skills. Then he was offered a job at another expansion of the Harry Potter project called Diagon Alley, and then at the end of that project he stepped away from Universal to work at Thinkwell and moved to California. There he was instantly exposed to hundreds of projects including Universal Japan, Universal China, and invited to be the producer for the Warner Brothers World in Abu Dhabi, the largest indoor theme park in the world.

graduated. Little did he know that one day he’d have his dream job, working on designing some of the biggest theme parks in the world.

At Cambridge, Jeremy said that

being on the Yearbook staff for 3 years really helped him develop his creativity, design, and presentation skills that he would use extensively later on. In addition, he remembers a

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What’s next? Jeremy is currently part of the team building a third and largest theme park in Orlando called Epic Universe. As a producer, Jeremy is the conduit to put the team together. He brings the creative, financial and time management people together to help tell the story. “Working on billion-dollar projects is really

very similar to working on Mr. Hickinbotham’s project, just on a much grander scale.”

His faith was also impacted from the CCS experience. “I really appreciated that Mr. Grabill’s class was less preachy than I expected. It was presented like an invitation to learn more about my faith and reflect on my life and allowed me to grow on my own path. The core principles of how you treat others, take care of your neighbor and be respectful of others who don’t believe how you do really helped me in my professional environment as well. Taking care of people is something I felt and learned at Cambridge Christian School.” Myname is

the world. It would

exist within Harry Potter and be named Hagrid’s Magical Creatures. JK Rowling approved this “story- coaster,” and he went on to win his second THEA award for his team’s work. We asked Jeremy what skills were most important to his success. The answer may surprise you. “College was great to get skills, but relational skills and perseverance are most important. I feel so lucky that my parents sent me to Cambridge. The smaller school really allowed me to know everyone, know the staff, and be a part of everything. I was always exposed to different areas of interest and encouraged to develop skills and get out of my comfort zone. The CCS environment helped me be more relational, outgoing and grow personally.”

When working on

a theme

park project,

every detail is managed, down to the path the guests walk through to get on a ride. His hard work and attention to detail did not go unnoticed. The Themed Entertainment Association gives out THEA awards, recognizing the top projects in the industry. Jeremy’s work at Warner Brothers World won this coveted award. Shortly after, Universal invited him to be a producer, so he came back to Orlando to work on adding the largest roller coaster in Spring 2021 - Connections | 9

CCS Fine Arts



CCS Fine Arts Presents Our Town

On November 6 & 7, the Fine Arts Department of Cambridge Christian School presented the great American play, OUR TOWN, by Thornton Wilder. In addition to the audience who saw the play “in person”, more than 1,000 people viewed it online. It is a timeless play; simple but profound and full of genuine sentiment. With two ladders, a few pieces of furniture, and a minimum of props, our young actors were challenged to show us value in the smallest events of life. In addition to the simplicity of the set, we chose to perform this meaningful play, during the complicated year of 2020, for several reasons. Practically speaking, it required a smaller cast, making social distancing easier. We rehearsed with masks, grateful to just be on stage again, until the actual dress rehearsal and performances. But also, this play gave the students and the audience a window to view the importance and value of everyday life and love and eternity, to take a fresh look at the blessings in this world, the simple things we so often take for granted. Joy Hotchkiss is a senior and has been part of the Drama program since middle school. She said, “The plays have helped me to form amazing relationships with my classmates, and have really given me a place where I feel that I belong. My final play, OUR TOWN, was particularly special because, even in the midst of a world pandemic, the cast was able to come together to portray the beautiful message of life and love.” Our objective in the Drama Department of Cambridge, is always to perform for “an audience of One”, our Lord and Savior,

Jesus Christ. This year we were especially grateful to have that opportunity during a difficult season, allowing our students to share their gifts in this beautiful and poignant production.

CCS Drama Teacher, Theresa Vath Spring 2021 - Connections | 11

CCS Fine Arts


I f you had the privilege of attending any of the home football games, you heard Dr. Toney Jr. and the CCS Lancer Band bringing the pep. His passion and love for learning has been felt around campus. The band has led the charge at our first two pep rallies, and often you will hear his solo trumpet at various CCS athletic events playing the fight song, even when the pep band is not scheduled to play.

Dr. Toney Jr. arrived at CCS with an impressive resume including a music education Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in woodwind conducting. Having conducted university bands, high school marching band, middle school, and elementary band, including orchestra, there was only one setting he had never taught in before, Christian education. He is thankful to be here. “What I most enjoy is the Christian culture of Cambridge. The foundation from which students and parents are working. The students are very well behaved and enjoy learning. It makes teaching fun!”

We will have multiple students participating in solo and ensemble competition February 12th and 13th. It will be a unique experience as it will be pre-recorded and students will virtually meet with the judges.” Dr. Toney Jr. has a passion for excellence while helping students find an appreciation for their instrument. There are big plans for the band program. “It would be my desire to see a comprehensive band program, concert bands with full instrumentation, increased participation


in the program with a jazz band and marching band.” We believe that with the foundation that is being

Connections are being made one with another. “This year has gone well in that the students like what is taking place. They are enjoying being a part of the band.

laid, our Lancer bands will continue the tradition of excellence.

By Dr. Austin Temperley, Upper School Principal

12 | Spring 2021 - Connections

CCS Football

T he first thing you notice when you meet Coach Chad Walker is his size. He is tall - really tall. The second thing you notice about Coach Walker is his demeanor. He is reserved, thoughtful and unusually focused. Director of Athletics, Mark Butler, explains, “He exhibits a professional, organized and intentional approach to his coaching. He is methodical and purpose driven, and everyone knows where you stand with him. He isn’t ruled by emotions and provides a steady, even leadership style that the players can count on and inspires confidence. Players are willing to take risks and know if they make mistakes, or if they do something great, it will be dealt with appropriately. He has safe team boundaries and that takes the pressure off the players and allows them to excel.” We sat down with Coach Walker to find out more about his philosophy, coaching style and those who influenced him most. CoachWalker Q: We still hear that people think student athletes must be part of a large program to get recruited by Q: How have the following been different for you in a Christian school: Parenting? Teaching? Coaching? A: I grewupwithmy grandfather as a Lutheranminister,

colleges. What are your thoughts about that position? A: Don’t believe that at all. If a student athlete excels, it doesn’t matter where they’re at. College coaches are able to evaluate athletes online, through film, in person, in a camp, or even visit campus. This year CCS athletes have played more division 1 prospects, than when I coached at Land O’Lakes in a division 6A program. Q: What has surprised you about CCS? A: That people aren’t that aware of the school.We seem overlooked. Q: Some say you run your program like a college program. Would you agree? If so, why is that your approach? A: Any successful program should be run the same way. We develop our athletes in the offseason, promote them to do 3 different sports (which is different than college.) Most of all, we have high expectations to try and develop them as the whole person. Q: How do character development and performance on the field go hand and hand? A: There is definitely a correlation. It’s important how they live their life off the field, to learn to be self-motivated, disciplined, etc. If it’s important to them to be respectful to teachers and those in the community, then on the field they are respectful to teammates and coaches and excel all around. Q: Being at CCS, faith is part of everything we do. How do you make sure it’s part of your program? A: We have a coach devotion every Sunday that is shared with players, coaches and parents.We have a staff coach’smanual on how to develop men through Christ. The player handbook has Bible verses, goes into detail about overall philosophies and ties it in to dealing with adversity and building a brotherhood on and off the field.

so faith has always been part of my life. At my first job I was called in and got in trouble for praying with the opposing team after the game. As a coach, being here and being able to talk aboutmy faith and its teachingswithmy players is so important. As a parent, bringing my daughter here and having the faith building aspect for her is a huge selling piece. I’m so happy to be in a place where I can say “Merry Christmas” and be with a group of people focused on building relationships through Christ. Q: You have a lot of connections with NFL players and coaches through the nonprofit you helped create. Tell us a little more about that. A: As of this writing, I’m in the middle of preparing to do a virtual (because of COVID) football clinic through our foundation called Lauren’s First and Goal that I’m part of and helped start in 2004. It’s led bymy friends John andMarianne Loose in honor of their daughter, Lauren, a pediatric brain tumor survivor. The Loose family started the foundation as a way to help other families who are battling childhood cancer. The foundationwill host over 2100 college kids and 400 volunteer coaches (175 are college and NFL coaches). Through our work, I’ve developed strong relationships with many coaches that are as passionate about this as I am. Q: We’ve heard from parents that you relate well to your players and their struggles. Why is it important for young men to be prepared for life beyond CCS? A: Certainly, there were times inmy life when I wasn’t as devoted as I could have been to my beliefs, times when I was tested, but rebuildingmy faith is important tome. I understand first-hand how the transition fromhigh school to college is tough and your faith can and will be tested. This is an important time in anyone’s life and so I take it seriously to reach out to these young men at this critical time and help them develop a strong foundation for college and beyond. Preparation for life is important, and that’s what CCS is all about. Spring 2021 - Connections | 13


Cambridge Christian School Fall sports during COVID-19 proved to be a challenge, however, they were handled with excellent care by our wonderful, professional, and caring group of coaches. Each coach, staff, and team met and exceeded the requirements in place for their protection andwas able to focus onworking to play their best each time they took the court, field, or course. Thankfully, we were able to complete the fall season without interruption. Here are some of the highlights of the fall sports 2020!

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FOOTBALL – Varsity football had a very successful season under new Head Coach Chad Walker and his staff. They completed the shortened season with a 9-2 record, and as a regional semifinalist, losing to eventual state semifinalist Seffner Christian in the FHSAA playoffs. On the offensive side of the ball the Lancers were led by sophomore Chris Stephenson who threw for over 2000yds and added 18 passing TD’s and rushed for 10 more. -Junior, Jaden Bivens and sophomore Kaden Brown led the rushing attack with Jaden racking up 595 yds and 11 TD’s and Kaden adding 481 yds and 8 TD’s. Chris also rushed for 387 yds and 10 TD’s. The Lancers leading receivers were senior Gavin Martinez (43 receptions, 766 yds, 5 TD’s), junior Pate West (34 receptions,

384 yds, 2 TD’s), and senior Preston Snider (16 receptions, 315 yds, 3 TD’s). On the defensive side of the ball the Lancers had several

standouts as well. The team was led

by senior Noah Kent and junior

Jaden Bivens who had 69 and 75 total tackles. Seniors Kyle Pierre and Cade Saunders led the team with 12. 5 and 12 tackles for loss respectively, and Pierre and senior Josiah Massie led the team with 5.5 sacks each. In the passing game, senior Chase Cregan was the teams lock down cornerback, and added 56 total tackles as well. The team intercepted the ball 14 times,

with senior Noah Froelich leading the team with 4. The future of Lancer football is bright with a great group of solid returning players. Chase Cregan, Gavin Martinez, and Josh Campbell were selected to the Hillsborough County Senior All Star game. The varsity football team also finished 3 rd (continued) Spring 2021- Connections | 15

in the Class 2A FHSAA Academic Team Championship with a 3.332 team GPA. The middle school football team, under the leadership of Coach Brian Willeke and his staff, led that team to a very solid 5-2 record. One of their signature wins was defeating Lakeland Christian 41-26! The team played well throughout the season and continues to prepare players to move up to the varsity level each year.


CHEERLEADERS –The Varsity cheerleaders, under Head Coach Rhonda Valido, did an awesome job this year cheering on our football team and working hard on their routines and promoting school spirit in our pep rallies.


Our cheerleaders mean so much to our program as they provide the spirit our school needs. They did a great job leading the pep rallies and making all our teams feel special. Our MS cheerleaders did an awesome job, under Coaches Janet Buck and Patricia Davis. Our cheerleaders provided the fans with awesome halftime routines and helped cheer on our team to victory! Thank you, cheerleaders, for all you do!


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VOLLEYBALL – Varsity volleyball had a year of growth with a small and young roster, fielding 3 juniors, 3 sophomores, and 2 freshmen. Although their record did not show it, they played very well against solid competition and gained valuable experience that will benefit them as they go into next season. Some highlights of the season include finishing 3 rd place in both the Bayshore Christian Invitational and the Sarasota Christian Blazer Tournament. The


volleyball team also finished 9 th in the 2A FHSAA Academic Team Championship with a 3.664 team GPA. The JV volleyball team, under Coach Caroline Connor, worked hard and developed throughout the season! The MS volleyball team, under Coach Jenni Layman and Kenner Rodriguez, showed substantial growth in the fundamentals of the game! The future looks bright for Lancer volleyball!




GOLF – Boys golf was a great mix of youth and experience this season, and an opportunity for a lot of growth. The boys were led by senior Patrick Sullivan and junior Julian Montes, and have several promising freshmen in Brady Williams, Jack Temperley, JT Bast, Jake Moss, Dylan Russell, Michael Tenn, Grayson Fornero, Corey Griffore. Coach Piercefield and Coach Rydell led the team to several victories on the season and did a wonderful job of teaching and encouraging our golfers to continue to


improve throughout the season. They are looking forward to a solid group of golfers returning next year. Although there were not enough players to field a girls’ team, 8 th grader Emma Tobias did a wonderful job representing CCS on the course. She competed in several events as an individual and some matches with the boys with great results. She also competed as an individual in the district tournament placing well enough to qualify for a playoff but fell just short of being able to move onto the region tournament. Great job golfers!

Got School Spirit? Get all your Lancer gear at the CCS Campus Store.

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BOWLING – The boys’ and girls’ teams both bowled very well in a season of youth and growth. Under returning Coach Julinda Gallogly, the boys team finished the season with a 12-3 record and 3 rd place in the district tournament. Freshman Brent Farris qualified for states as an individual, finishing as one of the top 2 bowlers in the district tournament that was not on a state qualifying team. The girls team finished with a 9-2-4 record and placed 3 rd in the district tournament. Junior Irena Mesa also qualified for states as an individual, finishing as one of the top 2 bowlers in the district tournament that was not on a state qualifying team. The program is once again on the rise and 2021 should be a great season! Excellent job teams! CROSS COUNTRY – Cross country enjoyed another fine season with a very strong number of both boys’ and girls’ runners on the team under Coach William Steinle and Ray Friedman. The runners worked hard every practice and improved their times throughout the season, which included multiple runners that reached a PR (personal record) throughout the season. The girl’s school record was also set and reset throughout the season with a very competitive girl’s roster.


place team finish in the Seffner Christian Invitational with Elli Black and Caroline Lehman finishing 3 rd and 4 th . The Lady Lancers then finished 2 nd in the elite division of the North Port Invitational, with Elli Black finishing 2 nd individually. In the B3R High School Invitational

the team finished as team champions, with Elli Black as the individual champs as well. In the following Tampa Bay Private School Championships, the girls finished in 1 st place, with Elli Black as the individual champ and Maddy Spadaro finishing 4 th .

The varsity girls had a strong start to the season with a 2 nd

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The girls closed out the regular season as the CCC Invitational champs with Caroline Lehman as the individual champ. In the district meet the girls repeated as the district champions and Caroline Lehman winning the individual district championship. Up next was the region meet where the team finished as the region champs, qualifying for the state meet, and Elli Black won the individual region champion-ship. In the state meet the girls team finished in a tie for first place, but lost the tie break procedure, and ultimately finished as state runner up. Caroline Lehman finished as the individual state champion in a school record time of 18:07, with Elli Black finishing as the individual state runner up with a time of 18:28. We are also super proud of the girls for finishing as the 2A

FHSAA Academic Team Champions with a 3.946 GPA. Great job ladies! The varsity boys team also had a very solid season starting out the season with a 4 th place team finish in the Seffner Christian

Invitational, with Braxton Legg finishing 13 th . At the elite North Port Invitational, the boys

the team champs at the CCC Invitational, with Braxton Legg finishing 3 rd . In the post season, the boys won their first ever district championship, with Braxton Legg winning the individual district championship! In the region meet the boys went on to finish 4 th , qualifying

finished 7 th , and at the 3BR High School Invitational they finished 13 th . As the regular season wound down, the boys finished 4 th in the Tampa Bay Private

School Invitational, with Braxton Legg finishing 7 th

individually. In the season’s final regular season meet they were

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for the state meet for the second consecutive season. At the state meet the team placed 6 th with Braxton Legg finishing 21 st and Ryan Cano 26 th . The team also finished the 2A FHSAA Academic Team Championships in 7 th place. Great job guys! Middle school girls cross country had a successful season as well, finishing as the champions in the Tampa Bay Private School Championships, Bay Area Middle School Championships, and as the Florida Runners Youth Runners Association state champs. Elli Black finished as the individual champion in each of these events and set the FLYVA event 3K record with a time of 10:31. The Middle school boys also enjoyed success during the season with several solid finishes as a team in meets during the season. Kai Martin and Tony Gaskins had strong seasons with several top 10 individual finishes during the season meets. The future of Lancer cross country is bright.

Every Athlete a Disciple

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Annual Fund 2020

2 Corinthians 9:11

hanksgiving be to God for you and the generosity with which you give to the mission of CCS! We praise God for working

2) augment the operational budget to meet more needs across all divisions, 3) support the tuition assistance program to help qualified families receive assistance for their child(ren) to attend CCS, and 4) allow CCS to give special attention each year to a specific and pressing area of need on campus. Because of your faithful generosity, we are pleased to announce that preparations are underway to begin planning for the fulfillment of the FY2021 restroom renovation project.With the funds raised we are planning to renovate 6 main restrooms on campus. Other restroom improvements will be planned for depending on donations of labor, materials, and additional philanthropic gifts. Stay tuned as we keep you connected with updates along the way!

in the hearts of so many to continually provide for the needs of Cambridge Christian School. At CCS, students not only become scholars, but are taught how to live out their lives and engage the world in the truth of God’s Word. Philanthropic support strengthens CCS as we continually pursue the mission of excellence and vision to develop defenders of the faith. Giving makes you an active part in shaping the educational experience received by students. Annual gifts 1) allow CCS to equip its teachers with continual upgrades in technology and curriculum,

Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to each donor during the 2020 calendar year listed below.

Donor List 2020 Anonymous

Isabel Burdge Nelson Burgos, Jr Wesley Burnham Rixie Burroughs Susan Burton Edson and Donna Bustamante Mark and Karen Butler Josh and Natalie Callahan Pam Cameron Timothy and Christy Campbell Genesis Cantres Peter Castle Bill and Rindy Chamberlain Demetrius and Nina Cherry Rewa Chisholm Marcus and Michelle Clapper Matthew and Natalie Clarie Graham and Shay Cochrane Mike and Maria Cochrane

Scott Couturier Garrett Cox Robert and Molly Creek Andrew and Ame Crimmins James and Holly Curbow Justin Dargahi Donald and Kristen Davis Amy Dayton Christina De Jesus David and Beth DeWeese Russell and Kimberly Dostal Armand and Phyllis Durrieu Theresa Eaton Justin and Robin Edmiaston Kevin and Amy Edmonson Billy and Tammy Edmonson Dean and Jane Elliott Peter and Jennifer Encinosa Timothy and Angela Falleur John and Aimee Feldman Joseph Ferguson Scott and Diane Ferris Jordan and Hannah Fogler Andre and Nataya Francis Luciano and Karine Franco Doug and Tabitha Free Sandra Frencher

Ron and Sabrina Frey Greg and Tricia Fullington Michael and Ashley Gagne Ed and Wanda Gamble Juan and Lucy Garcia Rick and Malissa Garcia Marc and Ana Garofani Lori Gartner Tony and Sheri Gaskins Mark Gasparino Cary and Ann Gaylord Jeremy and Jessica Geisel Ken and Kelly Ginel Janiece Golden Bily Gomez Brian and Kris Goodger Evin Graham Wyatt and Jane Graves Teresa Graves Michael and Amy Green William and Lacy Gregory Danielle Griffore Don and Ines Groen Travis and Amy Hafner

Calvin Harris Kathy Harrison

Duane and Amanda Hart Neal and Dana Hartley John Heller Russ and Leanne Henderson Armando Hernandez Daniel and Allison Hernandez Scott and Kristen Feazell Peter Hepner Douglas and Courtney Hershey Kevin Hickinbotham Marty Hillier John and Karin Hotchkiss Preston and Michelle Howard Steve Howze Corey and Emilia Ivy Glenn Jacobs Walt Jacobus Stephanie Jardin Dennis and Heather Jenkins Chris and Alena Johnson David Barnett and Connie Johnson

Richard and Lisa Abbazia Jeff and Heather Agee Edward and Winifred Agee Charles and Femmy Allen Ricardo and Sady Alpizar Angelo and Tina Antoulinakis Drew and Bonnie Appler Claudia Ardon Patrick and Malisa Arledge Marlos and Fernanda Barbosa Jake and Mary Beckel Ryan and Jennifer Bellomo Joseph and Carole Bennett Leonel and Michele Benoist Wesley and Emily Binder Bruce and Pamela Blagg John and Terri Blanchard Carolyn Blanton Patrick and Mandy Brockus Mac and Lori Brown Greg and Kellie Bryant

Joyce Coleman Caroline Conner Stewart and Margaret Conner Kevin and Brandi Cook Ryan and Erica Cortner

John and Carol Buck Chris and Janet Buck Anne Burdge

Carrie Hall Anne Hanto Callie Harris

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George and Rebecca Johnson

Shawn and Carol Minks E.J. and Beth Mirelez Pablo Molinari and Adriana Silvera Charlie and Mystie Moore Roberto Morales James and Janelle Morgan Jonathan and Meagan Morgan Evan and Tracy Moss Zak and Heather Moussa Kurt and Gina Mueller Natasha Munoz Elizabeth Myers Greg and Honoria Nadeau James and Birgit Nagy Stephen and Geeta Nancoo Cindy Nelms Brock and Susan Nichols John Oats

John and Kristin Rosso Sam Rowland Paul and Candace Rydell Molly Santiago Mary Saville Philip and Lisa Saviola Dino and Lisa Scanio Syera Schaffer Robert and Carol Schmidt Christopher Schmidt Ryan and Elizabeth Schneegold Richard and Melanie Scionti Liana Serrano Rick Shears Kevin Shifferd Brent and Melody Shiver Sam Shoup Tony and Rolanda Sirmons Celeste Sloat Carl and Dottie Smith David and Lisa Smith Ivonne Snow Luis and Jasmin Solano Casey Sommerville Michael and Katrina Spencer Will and Jennifer Staples Nathan and Julie Stark Jamie Staudinger Shane and Kylie Steed William Steinle Johnny and Kimberly Suarez Kevin and Lorraine Swigart Philip and Cary Swim Don and Rita Tanguay Austin and Sarah Temperley David and Jackie Tolley Hubert Toney, Jr. Brian and Jennifer Troiano Larry and Jessi Tucker Robert and Liana Turk Tony and Misty Umholtz Robert and Michelle Uzzillia Anthony and Rhonda Valido Jeremy and Brittany Vanderloop Teresa Vath Marines Villavicencio Norma Vitoria Hilda Waid Chad and Victoria Walker Sandra Watford

Will and Courtney Weatherford Kelton and Jennifer Wheatley

Koenig Martial Arts KOI Furniture and More LaPorta Family Foundation Mandy Electric Inc Michael’s Grill Mission BBQ Moore Dental Care MPA Plumbing Murray, Morin & Herman, P.A. Nabruzzi Trattoria Netwolves Network for Good Nu Vista Food Group, Inc. Oliva Tobacco Company Orange Theory of Carrollwood PDQ Phoenix Advantage, Inc Piccola Italia Bistro Pioneer Athletics Publix Super Markets, Inc. Quail Hollow Animal Hospital

Robert and Tara Johnson Zach and Katie Johnson Ida Johnston Stacey and Kelly Johnston Greg and Sharon Jordan Nazarena Kerkebe Joseph and Carrie Khoury Matthew and Jamie King Donnie and Cristina Kmiotek Darin and Elizabeth Koenig Paul Kralovanec Ken LaBrant Josh and Sally LaFave Blake and Karina Lanier Matt and Dara LaPorta Annelise LaRussa Kevin and Jenni Layman Joseph and Lindsay Ledo Jerry and Paz Leiton Jeff and Lisa Lekarczyk Steven and Melissa Lenardos Alex and Gretchen Leonovich James and Debbie Levesque Jason and Annika Lewis Brinsley Lewis Jeremy and Cara Lile Catherine Loughlin Sara Loughlin Sharon Lutz Michael and Danielle Macaluso Veronica Maldonado Casey and Danielle Mallants Patrick and Alexis Martin Gladys Martin Jason and Edith Martinez Pedro and Monica Martinez Derek Martin-Vegue Aaron Masaitis Mandy Matthews David and Nicole Maus Denny and Janelle McCarty Susan McDermott Jason and Jennifer Medley Scott and Elizabeth Meister Cynthia Mendoza Jaime and Tania Mendoza Michael and Tina Messina Melissa Merchant Corey and Alisha Meyer Marie Miller Andy and Abby Miller

Brian and Traicey Willeke Chris and Jennifer Williams Michael and Leigh Ann Woliver Yulien Yon Corporate Donors 2020 Anonymous Alessi Bakery Altieri Insurance Company Amazon Annabelle’s Fine Furniture & Interior Design Axis One Construction Co Bahama Buck’s Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bill Currie Ford Blanton Glass BSN Burger 21 Bush Ross, P.A. Carrollwood Country Club Centennial Bank Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen Chick-fil-A Clarie Law Offices Clean Juice Clinical Research Trials of Florida Costco Crayola Experience Cutco Deborah Grooms Photography Easidance Ballroom Edmonson Electric Elizabeth H. DeWeese DMD Evan R. Moss Company Fabian Food Service First Watch Glazier Children’s Museum Gregory Veterinary Clinic Grillsmith Hepner Architects, Inc Homebridge Financial Hotel Haya International Diamond Center Jeremiah’s Italian Ice JMH Signs Kendra Scott

Paul and Tara O’Grady Tito Ogunsola-Smith John and Lydia Oliva

Renee Panatex Curtis Parry, Jr.

Revelations Cafe Richardson Family Foundation

Thomas and Lisa Peake Alfredo and Yara Pena Ailenys Perez Michael and Kimberlee Perez John and Bonnie Peter Cheryl Pevitt Joseph and Maria Phillips Michael and Kimberly Phinney Stephen Piercefield Alan and Vanessa Pinales Derek and Michelle Piniella Sarah Price Stephen and Ada Provenzano Paul and Kimberly Purvis Lori Raffa Javier and Cristina Ramirez Neil and Gloria Ramlal Luis and Annette Ramos Chandler and Roslyn Rapson Robert Rasmussen Carl and Melissa Rawls Chris Resa Yuleisca Reyes Jeff and Erin Reynolds Steve and Anna Richardson Juan Rios

Romano’s Macaroni Grill Russell’s Western Wear Sacred Pepper Simply Decorgeous South Tampa Center for the Arts Sprouts Farmers Market State Farm Companies Foundation Tampa Bay Skating Academy Target Stores, Take Charge of Education The Bank of Tampa The Benevity Community Impact Foundation The Progressive Insurance Foundation Tijuana Flats Trinity Dental Designs United Skates of America Wildout Animal and Pest Removal Wright’s Gourmet Yogurtology YourCause

Maria Roberts Karen Robinson

Dave and Judy Watson Erik and Tiesha Watson

We would love to have you join the list of donors for the 2021 calendar year! To support Kingdom Education at CCS, make a your philanthropic gift a) using the return envelope included in this magazine or b) securely online at Spring 2021 - Connections | 23