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Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2019

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic March 2019

6 ounce butter or olive oil • salt and pepper to taste • 25 ounces salmon • 1 cup mayonnaise or sour

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2020

2 lbs boneless beef chuck, cut into 1-inch pieces • Kosher salt • 2 tsp chili powder • 1 tsp ground

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic May 2019

4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds • 1 teaspoon paprika • 4 tablespoons lime juice • Salt and ground black

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic November 2019

2 tsp pepper • 5 cups raw cauliflower, chopped • 3 tbsp butter • 5 cloves garlic, minced • 2 tsp dri

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - September 2019

lawn items, etc. • Switch warm weather clothing for cold weather clothing. • Decorate the porch for

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic December 2019

2 tsp pepper and place in a large roasting pan. 2. In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, thyme, o

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic October 2019

2 cup basil, packed • 1 small garlic clove • 1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted • 2 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019

Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019 CEDAR CREST CHIROPRACTIC 1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown,

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2019


START YOUR NEWYEAR HEALTHY! Keep It Simple 1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103 • 610-776-2005 • January 2019 Dr. Paul Braadt

E ach New Year’s people make resolutions to do better, get in shape, lose weight, get out of pain, and get healthier. At my gym, we brace for the rush of new members, knowing that by March the numbers will be back to normal. Many resolutions go unfulfilled, and most people don’t even bother to take the time to make them anymore. There’s too much confusion over what really works, and too many failures over the years can result in apathy on the subject of creating New Year’s resolutions. I think that keeping it simple and knowing what really works can cut through this lack of motivation, and help you create a lifestyle that keeps you healthy and full of energy, so you can chase your dreams. People are bombarded by an avalanche of misinformation fueled by vested interests — information such as “Cocoa Puffs are part of a nutritious breakfast.” Being blasted with so much imprecise information can unsettle anyone, and it might seem impossible to discern what is true, but it is doable. My interest is in getting and keeping you healthy, and that’s what I intend to do during 2019. My first goal is to get you out of pain. The physical stress from pain hurts and damages you over time. I work to identify the source of your problem rather than mask the pain with drugs. I continuously educate you on how a chiropractic adjustment works; why maintenance care is so important; and what the alternatives and risks are to using conventional drugs and surgery. There are lifesaving drugs and necessary surgeries, but

as a nation, we are overdrugged and have too many unnecessary surgeries.

My second goal is to address other health care problems you may have, such as digestive issues, inability to sleep, fatigue, and stress. And my third goal is to help you create and maintain a healthy lifestyle , so as you age, you’re not setting yourself up to spend the last part of your life in pain or disabled. Many people end up suffering from diabetes, heart problems, neuropathy, fatigue, and chronic pain because they didn’t lead healthy lifestyles. My aim is to steer you away from that path. So, how do you start working on a healthy New Year’s resolution? Just be willing to evaluate your lifestyle. Start by writing down what’s working and what needs improvement in two columns. For example, do you need to minimize your sugar intake, move your body more, get more sleep, or quit smoking? Do you need to get back on maintenance care? How about eating more vegetables and minimizing those starchy carbs? Is there a relationship that causes you stress that needs fixing? Is there a hobby that you’ve been meaning to start? Are you associating with friends who support you? Do you need to change jobs? What’s really important to you — what’s your dream? Be sure to acknowledge what you’re doing right. Then, look at the list of things that need improvement and pick just one area at a time to address , being careful not to overwhelm yourself. Keep it simple by setting small targets that you can achieve, and pat yourself on the back for each goal you attain while forgiving

yourself for the temporary failures that occur. Remember this Confucius quote: “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall.” As always, I’m here to partner with you to create a better 2019. Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!

In knowledge and health,

–Dr. Paul Braadt

Safe, Effective Healthcare Without Drugs & Surgery




personally helped many of you get healthy to lose weight , not lose weight to get healthy . Eating healthy fats, reducing sugar, not eating between meals, and balancing hormones naturally has been the key for me, my wife, and many patients I’ve worked with. Be sure to schedule your Personalized Nutrition Assessment ($75) to learn more about this approach to eating: Healthy Keto/Intermittent Fasting.

Chronic pain is a public health crisis addressed by increasing amounts of strong and dangerous drugs. The American Medical Association (AMA) has mandated that pain is a “vital sign” to be reduced at its most extreme with opioids, which, according to the New York Times, killed 72,000 Americans in 2017. That’s more people per year than auto accidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 40 percent of these deaths were from taking a prescription as directed. Chiropractic has been recommended in both the Journal of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the British Medical Journal as a safe and effective alternative, with higher patient satisfaction than drugs and surgery for spine pain and sciatica. Ordinary medical practice has not caught up to the science of Chiropractic. Blue Shield studies demonstrate that chiropractic patients use medical services 80 percent less often.


I try to get 7–8 hours of sleep every night. Going to bed and getting up at the same times is a great way to get into a healthy habit and condition your body into a rhythm. Turn off the media — especially the news — an hour before sleep to relax your mind, and don’t eat heavy foods a few hours before bed. Ask me to test you for an effective whole- food supplement called MIN-CHEX that has a mild calming effect on the body.



Once your pain is under control, maintenance care is like seeing your dentist regularly or changing the oil in your car. Taking the “mileage of life” off your spine makes you move better, resist disease, and reduce stress with less expense.

You don’t have to train for the Olympics to benefit. Walking, stationary biking, stretching, and some resistance exercises like light weightlifting, are really all you need to maintain basic fitness. Do something you like, and you’ll likely stick with it and have fun. Keep It Simple is our overall strategy. I’m here to partner with you, so let me know if you need help. Let’s all avoid being a statistic in 2019 and focus our attention on chasing our dreams, big and small!


Just eat right! I just returned from the first Healthy Keto Summit in Washington, D.C., where top medical researchers discussed the science of this approach. When 70 percent of Americans are pre- diabetic, and a growing number of people are put on drugs, including statins for cholesterol, it is becoming normal to expect disease. I’ve



MORE ENERGY NATURALLY! The Powerhouse of the Cell

Over my 38 years in practice, I’ve seen a lot, and very few things surprise me anymore. I’ve also developed more of a hard-sell attitude toward many “sure things” that come my way. But I found an amazing natural energy-producing product that I want to share with you. It’s called BOOSTme , and it’s an adaptogen . Adaptogens received their name because they are specific types of herbs that help your cells adapt to environments that are putting stress on your body. These herbs were developed by the Russians back in the 1940s. It was also found that certain people who had been using adaptogens for centuries were healthier and could work longer and harder with less fatigue than other groups studied. We all know that modern living can be stressful on your body. But what you might not realize is that the more sustained energy you have, the easier it is to handle the stress.

Some examples of environmental stress on your body are immune problems, anxiety, mood swings, harmful germs, brain fog, and chronic fatigue. Stress breaks down your cells, which causes aging, sickness, and disease. Inside each cell is a specialized structure called mitochondria . These energy producing “engines” make the energy you need to live. And just like any engine, they need “fuel” to burn. The foods you eat are turned into sugar, known as glucose, that fuels the mitochondria. If you follow the standard American diet, your body becomes overloaded with too much sugar. The cellular waste from this form of glucose combustion is toxic and inflammatory. This is the cause of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other health issues. Clean, high-octane fuel from adaptogens instead of sugar supercharges your mitochondria, so when you press the gas pedal in life, you get the horsepower you need. My family and I have been testing BOOSTme for the past year, and overall we’ve experienced more sustained energy and stamina throughout the day, improved sleep, and better moods. I encourage you to buy a pack on your next visit, and I’ll test you for proper dosage. You can also order online using this link:

There are more secret weapons to come in our next newsletter!


Vegan Roasted Red Cabbage

Ingredients While this recipe calls for the Middle Eastern spice blend called Baharat, you can easily substitute your favorite spices. As a bonus, this recipe isn’t just vegan; it’s also gluten-free.

• 1 medium red cabbage, loose outer leaves removed • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon Baharat or other spice blend 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. Cut cabbage into 8 wedges, leaving core intact. 3. On a lightly oiled baking sheet, evenly space wedges. Season with salt and spice blend. Directions

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • Roasted almonds, to garnish • 2 scallions, chopped, to garnish • Salt, to taste

4. Roast cabbage until softened and slightly browned, about 20 minutes. 5. Garnish with almonds and

scallions, drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil, and serve.

Safe, Effective Healthcare Without Drugs & Surgery


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PAGE 1 Start Your New Year Healthy! LOGO Cedar Crest Chiropractic Dr. Paul Braadt


1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103

Hours of Operation: Mon: 3–6:30 p.m. Tue–Thu: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fri: Closed

Give Us A Call! 610-776-2005

PAGE 2 Dr. Braadt’s Start-Your-Year Healthy Tips

PAGE 3 More Energy Naturally!

PAGE 3 Vegan Roasted Red Cabbage

PAGE 4 Why Start the New Year in Winter?

The Origin of New Year’s Day WHY JANUARY?

The month of January kicks off by welcoming the new year — there are countdowns, fireworks, and of course, the ball drop in a freezing-cold Times Square. But why? Why do we start our calendars when much of the U.S. is in the dead of winter? Why January? The short answer is Julius Caesar and Roman politics. The calendar had long been a political tool in Rome. Depending on who was in power, Roman pontifices would add or subtract entire weeks from the year, manually adjusting the term limits of elected officials. As you could imagine, this caused a lot of chaos, because months frequently slipped out of time with the changing seasons. After becoming emperor, Julius Caesar brought about some much-needed reforms. Inspired by the Egyptian solar calendar, Caesar fixed the Roman year at 365 days and instituted the leap year to keep months aligned with the solstices. He moved the new year from the spring to the day that elected officials traditionally began their year-long terms, Jan. 1. This choice carried spiritual significance, since January was named for Janus, god of doors and gates. What better month to celebrate new beginnings? Under Caesar and subsequent rulers, the Roman Empire expanded its reach, carrying its calendar with it. While much of Europe adopted Caesar’s calendar, New Year’s Day remained a hot-button issue for centuries.

Thanks in part to the spread of Christianity and to the colder conditions in Northern Europe, there was a lot of resistance to the January start date. Religious leaders saw it as a pagan holiday, and much of Europe chose to restart the calendar on March 25, during the Feast of Annunciation. Much of

Catholic Europe officially recognized Jan. 1 as the start of the new year after Pope Gregory reformed the solar calendar again, correcting certain mathematical errors made in Caesar’s day. There were still holdouts, however. In fact, England and its American colonies continued to celebrate New Year’s Day in March until 1752. So there you have it — we were very close to having our fireworks celebrations in lovely spring weather. Ultimately, the ubiquity of the Gregorian calendar won out, as the demands of our increasingly interconnected world made a shared calendar a necessity. So if you struggle to start your New Year’s resolutions this winter, blame Julius Caesar.

