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Cedar Crest Chiropractic May 2019

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic March 2019

6 ounce butter or olive oil • salt and pepper to taste • 25 ounces salmon • 1 cup mayonnaise or sour

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2019

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon Baharat or other spice blend 1. Heat oven to 400 F

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic November 2019

2 tsp pepper • 5 cups raw cauliflower, chopped • 3 tbsp butter • 5 cloves garlic, minced • 2 tsp dri

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - September 2019

lawn items, etc. • Switch warm weather clothing for cold weather clothing. • Decorate the porch for

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic - April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic December 2019

2 tsp pepper and place in a large roasting pan. 2. In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, thyme, o

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic October 2019

2 cup basil, packed • 1 small garlic clove • 1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted • 2 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019

Cedar Crest Chiropractic February 2019 CEDAR CREST CHIROPRACTIC 1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown,

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic July 2019

2 lb. sliced bacon • 1 oz. butter • 1 lb. boneless chicken thighs • Salt and pepper to taste • 10 oz

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Cedar Crest Chiropractic May 2019


1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103 • 610-776-2005 • May 2019 Dr. Paul Braadt


remember her from my office, where she ran the front desk until her retirement at 79! On Mother’s Day, she would make breakfast for the six of us plus my dad, help us get ready for church, make lunch and the usual special Sunday dinner, clean up the mess, and make sure her hair and makeup were preserved throughout the flutter of activities. It was the Norman Rockwell ‘60s, if you remember. Finally, at the end of a busy day, she was ready to open her cards and smell the flowers! driven by compassion, faith, and a heart full of love for her family. She is the greatest mother and friend, and has instilled all those qualities in me. • Mom taught me commitment and to follow through when you say you’re going to do something, no matter what. She also wouldn’t let me quit music lessons. “I always wanted to play the piano!” she would say. • Mom taught me how to set a holiday dinner table with all the China, silverware, crystal, and linens. I asked my siblings how they view our mother. Here are a few of their thoughts: • Mom was the greatest teacher and was

Mother’s Day is a holiday that honors motherhood and is observed in different ways around the world. The origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans and even an early Christian festival called Mothering Sunday. Mother’s Day occurs in the U.S. on May 12 this year. This special day was created by Anna Jarvis as a way to honor her recently deceased mother. Jarvis conceived the holiday as a way to honor the sacrifice mothers make for their children. Traditions in America include showering mothers with cards, flowers, and other gifts. After gaining financial backing from a prominent Philadelphia department store owner named John Wanamaker, Jarvis organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration. Wanamaker turned it into a retail opportunity that attracted thousands to his store in Philadelphia. Jarvis, arguing that holidays were biased toward male achievements, started a massive letter writing campaign to politicians and newspapers,urging the adoption of a special day to honor mothers. As a result, in 1908, Woodrow Wilson declared Mother’s Day an official national holiday to occur on the second Sunday of May.

Happy Mother’s Day, Georgette! Michelle was 5 months old.

• When I think of Mom, I think of loving unconditionally and putting others first. She taught me to treat others as you would like to be treated and that tough times don’t last but tough people do. She would say “I think I see the sun!” on a cloudy day at the New Jersey beach. Of course, she taught me that family was the most important thing. As for me, I learned about the importance of persistence in the face of life’s challenges, the value of family and friends, hard work, purpose, and making the world a better place. So thank you, Mom, for all your hard work and all you’ve done to create the traditions that add joy, love, and quality to our lives. We all hold you in our hearts forever! I want to acknowledge the contribution that women make to all of us on a daily basis. Thank you, and Happy Mother’s Day!

In our family, I grew up with two grandmothers and my mother, Elizabeth. Many of you will

In knowledge and health,

Admiration on display

–Dr. Paul Braadt

Safe, Effective Healthcare Without Drugs & Surgery


Not all exercises are created equal. In fact, there is one form of exercise that is better than many others: walking. Harvard Medical School took a look at various exercises and concluded that walking is up there with swimming and tai chi in terms of health benefits. Regular walking can help maintain good cholesterol and blood pressure levels and keep your bones strong and healthy. One study showed that 40 minutes of walking every day helped people reduce blood pressure from hypertension to prehypertension, and then eventually to normal over several months. Walking can even keep many different kinds of diseases at bay, such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition to these physical benefits, walking daily can improve your mood and overall mental health. As simple and straightforward as walking is, it can be difficult for many people to find the time. Most experts agree that you need 30–60 minutes of physical activity per day, but the good news is that you can split those minutes up throughout your day. For example, you can take a brisk 20-minute walk in the morning before work, followed by another one at lunch and one more after dinner. Those 60 minutes also don’t have to be strenuous; they just need to happen. However, the more time you put into walking, the more you will get out of it. If you slowly increase your distance and speed, you’ll end up burning more calories and strengthening your legs over time. The great thing about walking is that it’s not particularly taxing on the knees, and you can move at your own pace. It doesn’t get any better than that! To get the most out of walking, schedule your walks for after mealtimes, especially the ones that come later in the day, like lunch and dinner. It’s a great way to aid digestion and burn calories — which can’t hurt your waistline! THE WORLD’S BEST EXERCISE


I was at a social event recently and was approached by a woman who knew I was a chiropractor. She told me that she was seeing a “spine specialist” for her long-standing back and leg pain. I asked her how that was going. “You know,” she said, “I have stenosis too.” I asked her again how that was going. “Well I’ve had X-rays, three MRIs over the past several years, several drugs that keep changing, several months of PT exercises, and I’ve just had my third epidural injection this year, and my next step is probably surgery,” she replied. So I asked her again how that was going. “Oh, I’m in pain all the time,” she admitted. I suggested that it might be a good idea to get a chiropractic opinion. “Oh no,” she replied. “It’s too late for me, and besides, I really like my ‘spine specialist.’” Over the past 38 years, I’ve heard some incredible stories of the different ways people have tried to get rid of their pain. I’m happy to say that I’ve helped thousands of people get out of pain, and some with up to four failed surgeries, chronic drug dependence, multiple injections, disabilities, and multiple attempts to get well. So, when is it time to see a spine specialist? First, here’s a little history on our health care system. Most Americans have been conditioned to see their family doctor when they have back pain. Drug therapy is the first option. If that fails, they are then referred to physical medicine or orthopedics. That means X-rays, physical therapy exercises, MRI, injections to the spine, and eventual surgery. Historically, chiropractic care has been outside this health care model. Have you ever recommended chiropractic care and got a negative response? Here’s why. In the 1960s, the AMA (American Medical Association) tried to absorb all therapies not related to drugs and surgery, like D.O.s (osteopathic doctors), or eradicate them, like chiropractic. For nearly a century, they launched a relentless plan to eliminate chiropractic. It was a trade war based on decreasing competition for financial reasons rather than to protect the public from unethical practitioners. Later, federal courts in Chicago stopped this campaign and found the AMA guilty of the most flagrant antitrust violations ever seen. However, some of this bad press stuck. Today, chiropractic is the third largest health care profession in the country behind medicine and dentistry. The AMA printed in its journal that chiropractic is probably the best initial treatment for spinal pain. It’s been proven to be less expensive, safer, and more effective, with a higher degree of patient satisfaction, than other therapies. Hospitals are now opening chiropractic departments. Most spinal pain is MECHANICAL in nature, not CHEMICAL. Look at people. They limp. They’re crooked. They can’t bend. They can’t get out of bed in the morning. They’ve stopped doing what they like because they can’t move like they used to. They feel old. This is not due to a lack of drugs in their blood stream; it’s bones out of place (subluxation) affecting their spine, hips, knees, shoulders, wrists, feet, etc. Unless the mechanics are corrected, how can they get well? When is it time to see a chiropractic spine specialist? FIRST! Please continue to share your success story with your family, friends and coworkers, and refer them to our office for help. They need to know what to do before it’s too late. Thank you for trusting me with your care and following my recommended course of treatment. My first goal is to relieve your pain, correct your condition, and then maintain your health into the future. My second goal is to address other health problems you may have, such as digestive issues, difficulty sleeping, etc. And my third goal is to help you create a healthy lifestyle through education so you’re not setting yourself up to live the last part of your life in pain or disabled. It’s a partnership and I’m always happy to help as needed.




How much protein do you need and what is the best source? • A good rule of thumb is 3–4 ounces of protein per meal. Your body can only absorb a maximum of 35 grams (5–6 ounces) of protein from a meal. • Consume grass-fed meats (vs. grain-fed) and organic poultry or at least eat the meats labeled “no hormones, antibiotics, nitrates/nitrites, preservatives, or artificial ingredients,” and “wild-caught” rather than “farm-raised” fish. • If you can consume dairy products, choose only organic dairy brands . Limit yourself to 3 ounces per day of whole milk cottage cheese, Brie, cream cheese, heavy cream, sour cream, or whole milk plain yogurt. Eggs are a great source of protein and amino acids. Check out . Eggs won’t increase cholesterol because they are loaded with lecithin, which is found in the yolk, so eat the whole egg . • Raw nuts and seeds are a great source of protein but only with your meals, if you’re doing an intermittent fasting eating plan (Healthy Keto/ IF). Pecans, almonds, macadamia, and walnuts are great choices, as are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Start with a 1/4 cup per day with your meal. Organic nut butters are also great. Don’t eat too many nuts as you may bloat from stressing your gallbladder, causing right shoulder pain. Let me know if you have any questions or have suggestions on what you’d like discussed in this Nutrition Tips column.

1. In a pot, cook chicken thighs in lightly salted water or chicken broth for 30 minutes or until you can easily pull the meat apart with two forks. Remove meat and save broth. 2. Heat coconut oil in a saucepan. Add chopped onion and Tex-Mex seasoning. Stir continuously and fry until onion gets soft and translucent. Stir in broth and coconut cream. 3. Add diced rutabaga and simmer for 20 minutes. Add carrots and cook for 5 more minutes. 4. Mix with an immersion blender or hand blender and add salt and pepper. Add more water or broth until you reach desired consistency. 5. Top soup with chicken, roasted pumpkin seeds, paprika, freshly Protein is vital for good health. However, the amount of protein and source of protein matter. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and can be grouped into essential and nonessential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be made by your body and must come from your diet. Nonessential amino acids can be produced by your body. Protein is a powerful trigger for fat burning hormones, such as glucagon and growth hormones , if you don’t consume too much. Glucagon, unlike insulin, makes you thin and is triggered by adequate protein and exercise. Growth hormones build up cartilage and collagen. Without them, your joints and muscles fall apart, and you age faster. They regulate your energy between meals, are active at night when you sleep, and are also stimulated by protein and intense exercise. squeezed lime juice, and fresh cilantro. DIRECTIONS


Tex-Mex Pulled Chicken Soup


• 4 3/4-pound boneless chicken thighs • 2 cups water or chicken broth • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • 1 yellow onion, chopped • 3 tablespoons Tex-Mex seasoning • 1 3/4 cups coconut cream • 2/3 pound rutabaga, diced • 1/2 pound carrots, coarsely grated • 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds • 1 teaspoon paprika • 4 tablespoons lime juice • Salt and ground black pepper to taste • Fresh cilantro (optional)

Safe, Effective Healthcare Without Drugs & Surgery


LOGO Cedar Crest Chiropractic Dr. Paul Braadt


1028 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. Allentown, PA 18103

Hours of Operation: Mon: 3–6:30 p.m. Tue–Thu: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fri: Closed

Give Us A Call! 610-776-2005


PAGE 1 Celebrating Mother’s Day

PAGE 2 What Is the World’s Best Exercise? When Is It Time to See a ‘Spine Specialist’?

PAGE 3 Why Is Protein Significant?

Tex-Mex Pulled Chicken Soup

PAGE 4 Which Club Is Right for You?



you’ve always wanted to try pottery, look for a class at the rec center. It’s easy to find groups dedicated to just about any activity.

While it’s great not having your nose to the grindstone nine-to-five, leaving work also means leaving behind a lot of daily activities and social interaction. Eventually, having nothing but free time goes from relaxing to isolating, and that can be dangerous to your physical and mental health. When planning for retirement, it’s important to plan ways to stay active and engaged. Joining a new organization or club can be a huge benefit. Here are a few suggestions to help you stay active in retirement.

GET INVOLVED Think of the causes you’re passionate about and get involved! Animal shelters and soup kitchens are always looking for volunteer help. Book lovers of all ages can join their local Friends of Libraries chapter. To make a difference through politics, help with fundraisers or join an active campaign. If you want to stay closer to home, check out your local homeowners association. There are plenty of ways to engage with like-minded people while making a difference. TRY SOMETHING NEW Don’t know where to start when looking for a group to join? Start online! Try searching “groups for retirees” and see what comes up. You might discover a travel group and start planning your trip to Asia. Or maybe you’ll have more fun mentoring young people in your professional field. Don’t be afraid to spend your retirement doing something new! There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your alone time, but don’t let your alone time turn into a lonely retirement. Joining a group can help you broaden your social circle, stay active, and maybe even learn something new about yourself.

ENJOY YOUR HOBBIES Did you spend years dreaming about hitting the golf course every day? While it can be nice to spend some time alone on the green, consider joining a golfers club if you want to mix things up. Enjoy scrapbooking? Check for get-togethers at the craft shop. If

