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Cellino Law - February 2022

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Cellino Law - January 2022

2 tsp salt • 4 cups raisins • 7 cups flour • 4 cups canola oil Directions 1. In a large

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Cellino Law - July 2021

4 cup brown sugar Directions 1. In a bowl, soak wood chips in water overnight. 2. In a large bowl, m

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Cellino Law - August 2021

2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste Directions 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the c

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Cellino Law - December 2021

3 cups raisins • 2 tbsp hot water • 2 cups powdered sugar Directions CANDLES CELEBRATION JINGLE JOLL

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Cellino Law - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce • Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste • 4 small shallots, thinly sliced • 4 green onions,

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Cellino Law - September 2021

11 Why Compassion Drives Lisa King Meet one of our Senior Trial Attorneys 3 Johnson & Johnson Sunscr

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Cellino Law - June 2021

2 — and his wife keep him very busy. He is also devoted to CrossFit and watching the New England Pat

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Cellino Law - October 2021

services. I hope you’ve found this information helpful and will share it with the people you love. T

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Cellino Law - November 2021

2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste CIDER CORNUCOPIA FEAST GALES GATHERING

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Cellino Law - April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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Cellino Law - February 2022

February 2022 Adviso

As February rolls around, I want to wish all of you a happy Valentine’s Day. The Cellino family is feeling the love as we celebrate the birth of our newest granddaughter, Rossi. (Yes, she was named after her grandpa!) She is our second granddaughter and ninth grandchild in total, and we’re truly blessed to have such a large, loving family. For me, Valentine’s Day always brings back memories of grade school. You probably had similar experiences of making cards for your classmates. I always found the process incredibly exciting, and I’d get a big kick out of making and receiving cards. I don’t remember if there was any specific sweetheart I was pining for at the time, but I do remember the buzz and joy of exchanging valentines with everyone in the classroom. Of course, my perpetual valentine as an adult is my wonderful wife, Anna Marie. We’ve been together so long that it’s sometimes difficult to remember my life without her. We met many years ago, back in law school, when we shared a class. Anna Marie claims to have noticed me right away because I was apparently wearing an outrageously ridiculous shirt. It had some loud Hawaiian-type print on it, and she thought I was a real nut for wearing it to law school. Thankfully, it didn’t scare her off too badly. She approached me because the professor called on me as the first person in the class. When she heard my name, it sparked recognition. Anna Marie was also a CPA, and she had worked in an accounting firm with my sister. She introduced herself, and we became friends and eventually started dating. The rest, you could say, is history. I think we both knew we were right for each other very soon after meeting. About a year and a half later, we were married, and we quickly had six children in six years. It was a lot, but it seemed to work out for us. Those parenting days were hectic; the kids always had dance classes STILL THE ONE AFTER MANY YEARS, OUR LOVE HAS ONLY GROWN

or baseball practice, and we had a big whiteboard at the back of the house that outlined all of the activities and where we needed to be.

Looking back on it now, I'm amazed that we managed it without too many snafus. Anna Marie and I were lucky enough to work in nearby buildings in downtown Buffalo, which made things a little easier. Since we’d alternate picking the kids up from school, I remember us calling to report where we’d parked the station wagon, so the other could find it. We did have one major mishap that might have scarred one of our sons. The whole family was at a baseball game, and after it finished, we all loaded into the car and headed to a restaurant to eat. The server set eight places for us, and as we sat down, we realized that one of the chairs was empty. We’d left one of our kids behind on accident! It was a little like “Home Alone,” but not quite as funny. It was scary for everyone, but thankfully we found him quickly. Sorry, Ross! These days, Anna Marie and I don’t do anything particularly fancy for Valentine’s Day, but we do like to enjoy a quiet dinner for two. We have been married for 38 wonderful years, and I wouldn’t change all that time for the world. While it’s probably too optimistic to hope for another 38 years together, I do hope we get at least a couple more decades' worth of love and affection between us. Though I’m grateful for her every day, Valentine’s Day is just a reminder of how lucky I am to have Anna Marie in my life. I love her as much today as I did all those years ago, and I know without a doubt that life wouldn't be the same without her.

Cellino and the lawyers that have worked for him have recovered over $2 Billion in Settlements for their clients ––––-Ross Cellino 800-555-5555 1 $2 Billion

Keeping His Stick on the Ice

Sleep is an essential part of our lives, but it becomes even more important as we age, as it’s a necessity for healthy aging and staying energized. Ideally, everyone should sleep between 7.5–9 hours a night, but as we get older, this becomes much harder to achieve. Health complaints, minor disturbances, and a decrease in melatonin levels make it difficult for seniors to get a full night of sleep, which can cause irritability and fatigue. The Importance of a Good Night’s Rest QUALITY SLEEP PROMOTES HEALTHY AGING

Meet Attorney Dan Aiello!

Dan Aiello came to law by way of ice hockey. He has always loved the sport, and as a teenager, he refereed junior league games. Any call he made for a violent infraction triggered an automatic hearing. “So,” he says, “I had to defend my calls using the rules of USA Hockey from a very young age of about 16 in a quasi- court system.”

In order to combat these disturbances, here are a few things you can do to ensure you get enough sleep during the night.

Build an active daily routine.

Outdoor exercise and general movement every day is good for your body, but being outside and absorbing sunlight can balance and optimize your melatonin levels, which can help you fall asleep easier. On top of exercise, try weaving protein-rich snacks and meals into your routine. Foods like light meat and nuts can improve sleep quality, and dairy foods contain tryptophan, which is a sleep-promoting chemical.

He enjoyed it, so he decided to become a lawyer. Although Dan went into personal injury right away, he began as a defense lawyer representing insurance companies. He gained a lot of insight and experience but ultimately found he couldn’t reconcile the work with his values. “When you’re working as a defense lawyer, you fall into the habit of thinking every single claim has to be defended or is fraudulent. That really bothered me,” he says. It angers Dan that insurance companies defend dangerous behavior, and he has deep compassion for his clients. “We have these things that bring us joy and comfort and passion. If my health is taken from me, and I can’t run with my daughters anymore, that takes away one of the pleasures I have in my life,” he says. “You can’t really put a price tag on losing something like that.” He uses his prior experience with the insurance companies to represent his clients better, and he prides himself on winning the best possible settlements. In particular, he notes one case where he recovered $2.25 million after a lawyer at another firm tried to resolve it for only $75,000. Dan has been married to his wife Danielle for almost 10 years, and they have two daughters together — Abby, age 7, and Emma, 4. “There’s a lot of gymnastics and dancing and screeching going on in my house,” Dan laughs. They also have a dog, Kiki, whom they rescued about a year ago. “She’s still making mistakes, but we love her anyway,” he says. He makes it a point to exercise every day, and he still finds time for his first passion, hockey, by skating with his daughters. At Cellino Law, Dan has found camaraderie he never experienced as a defense lawyer. Like his colleagues, receiving justice for his clients remains his driving force. “I want to do the right thing in the community,” he says. “It gives me satisfaction to help people — ultimately, to help my neighbors.”

Eliminate unhealthy substances.

Limit your intake of caffeine and sugar throughout the day — especially right before bed — for better rest. It’s also best not to drink anything about an hour before bed, so you don’t wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and disrupt your sleep.

Regulate your sleep schedule.

Keeping the same schedule for sleeping can reap immediate benefits. You will notice increased alertness during waking hours as well as enhanced memory and attention span. You may also start to feel tired around the same time every day, ensuring that you will actually go to sleep right on schedule. It can take time and patience to adjust to new habits to improve sleep, especially for the elderly. It won’t happen overnight, but the benefits that come with a better night’s sleep will have you feeling younger and healthier than ever before. If anything, you will feel more engaged and happier throughout your daily life.

2 Legal disclaimer. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Attorney advertising.


Have You Been Harmed?

Hernia surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed; each year, thousands of Americans undergo hernia repair. Hernias occur when a part of an internal organ or tissue bulges through a weak area of the overlying muscle. Surgeons employ several methods to repair the condition effectively. Often, the treatment includes the use of synthetic meshes. Synthetic meshes are used in 90% of hernia surgeries to strengthen a hernia repair and lessen the chance of recurrence. Currently, surgeons use over 50 different types of synthetic meshes. Manufacturers produce meshes that vary in material, thickness, additives, and manufacturing techniques.

adhesions, fistulas, abscesses, and widespread infection. These complications can be deadly and might occur early after surgery or years later. Many will require extensive treatment, including additional surgeries. Dozens of hernia mesh products have already been recalled due to these complications — some by the FDA and others voluntarily by the manufacturers. The recalled brands include Atrium, Bard, Ethicon, and more. If you or a loved one have suffered from complications after hernia mesh surgery, call the attorneys at Cellino Law. You don't need to know the specific mesh used — our team of experienced attorneys will identify your mesh product and fight for your rights to ensure that you and your family get the justice you deserve. There are no costs or fees unless we win a recovery for you. Call us today at 800-555-5555 to schedule your free consultation.

Unfortunately, some of them can be dangerous.

A significant number of hernia repair patients develop medical complications, many of which are reportedly related to commonly used polypropylene and other mesh products. Certain mesh products have been linked to chronic pain, inflammation, infection, weakening of surrounding tissue, adherence to underlying organs, rejection, mesh failure, and hernia recurrence. In addition, some synthetic meshes have been reported to change shape after being implanted. Some even migrate from their implanted location, causing damage to surrounding organs. Serious complications can include bowel perforation or obstruction, scarring,

Brain Break


Solution on page 4

800-555-5555 3


420 Lexington Ave, Suite 830 Manhattan, NY 10170

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 This Valentine’s Day, Ross Celebrates His Marriage 2 How Quality Sleep Can Promote Healthy Aging

Meet Dan Aiello!

Hernia Mesh Can Cause Harm to Recipients

Brain Break! 4 3 High-Tech Solutions for Long- Distance Couples

If you’re in a long-distance relationship or friendship, you probably think you’ve tried everything to stay in touch. Texting? Check. FaceTime? Check. Old-fashioned phone calls? Double check! But have you tried high-tech gadgets that can bring you closer without words? This year, consider treating your partner, or friend, to one of these three handy devices. While these items may be on the pricier side during most of the year, keep an eye out for any holiday sales! The Hey Bracelets ( These paired bracelets look like fitness bands, but they can do a lot more than count your steps! When you activate your bracelet, it will communicate with the band on your partner’s wrist through the HEY app and give it a gentle squeeze to let them know you’re thinking about them. The bracelets come in classic black or sleek white, are totally weatherproof, and can go for three days between charges. 3 GADGETS FOR LONG-DISTANCE COUPLES

Pillow Talk Wristbands ( This package includes wristbands with heart rate sensors, small speakers, and various cables — for you and your partner! When you sleep, simply wear your wristband and slide your speaker under your pillow. From there, the Pillow Talk app will broadcast your heartbeat to your partner’s speaker in real time! It’s the next best thing to sleeping next to each other. Friendship Lamps ( Like the Hey Bracelets and Pillow Talk Wristbands, these lamps come in pairs. One goes to you and one to your partner. Tap your lamp, and your partner’s lamp will glow to let them know they’re on your mind. You can even send different colors that communicate different messages. (For example, maybe you agree that pink means, “wish you were here.”) You can also sync more than two lamps to connect with additional people you love.

4 800-555-5555

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