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Cellular Medicine Association February 2018

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Cellular Medicine Association February 2018


Cell Doctor News PRP and Sex A Quick Research Overview Vol. II February 2018 Improve Healing and Profits with Cellular Medicine

A Newsletter of the Cellular Medicine Association


You may find helpful a recording of a 16-minute lecture I gave to the International Society of Cosmetogynecology this past month. I lifted a few clips from the transcript and put them below. Hopefully, the ideas there will trigger ideas for you or motivate you to proceed with needed research. Here’s where to watch the whole lecture and read the transcript with links to the re-search mentioned: Transcript Some of the pathology that applies to the penis may apply to the clitoris, and maybe some of these women are suffering from actual genital histopathology, not just psychogenic problems. We have this one FDA approved drug now for female sexual dysfunction that's a psych drug, flibanserin. It's a useful drug, but obviously, we need much more and maybe we should think in terms of systems (and histopathology of the clitoris), like we do for the rest of the body. Here's some of the ideas about down-regulating autoimmune response. We have split-scalp studies showing that PRP helps alopecia areata better than triamcinolone—hair growth that comes in thicker. Here's rat studies looking at rheumatoid arthritis. What do we have in the genital space relating to autoimmune disease? We have lichen sclerosus. Dr. Casabona did some before and after pictures where you use stem cells mixed with PRP, and before and after pictures show improvement. Of course, that's two variables because you have stem cells and PRP. We took the same idea and just used PRP. Andrew Goldstein worked with me on this, and we had two blinded dermatopathologists. The protocol was biopsy, PRP, wait six weeks

later, another PRP injection, and then six weeks after that, another biopsy. Two blinded dermatopathologists out of George Washington University did not know the before or the after. We showed statistical improvement in both the histology and symptomatology. Here's our histology. You can see obviously, that's the same magnification and we're showing decreased hyperkeratosis.

this past January in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. You now have some science to go do this. One of our providers, Kathleen Posey, who's a gynecologist out of New Orleans, took this idea and then she said, "Let's do some dissection in the office of phimosis and combine it with the O-Shot® procedure”, and she presented this in Argentina, published it in the same journal, Lower Genital Tract Disease. Here's one of her patients, where you can intro-duce only about 1/2 a thumb into the introitus. It had been 12 years since she had had sexual intercourse, penis in vagina intercourse, with her loving husband ... 12 years. She was being followed by a dermatologist on high dose Clobetasol. Kathleen dissected it out in the office and then injected PRP ... 8 weeks later, she's hav-ing comfortable sex with her husband. She's now 3 years out. She's had to be treated with PRP, not repeat surgery ... PRP now, 2 other times a year apart to maintain that result. Peyronie's disease, another autoimmune disease ... This came out this month out of Wake Forest. Not only did their patient’s Peyronie's improve statistically using Priapus Shot® methods, but they also demonstrated improved erectile function by 4-5 on that scale of 5 to 25 that the urologists use. They also threw in one woman just for good measure, and showed that it helped her incontinence. They just tucked that in as an afterthought. End Transcript Here’s the entire 16-minute lecture, transcript, & links to research: –Charles Runels

Of course, if you look at the gross pictures, lady on the left, she has pain wearing blue jeans. The same lady (on the right) is back to making love to her husband. Women with lichen sclerosus invited me into their closed Facebook groups and I saw a post a few months ago that said, "I was sitting next to my husband, whom I love, last night. I was afraid to hold his hand because I was afraid he would become aroused and I'm bleed-ing and hurting today." That's what you guys are helping with our O-Shot® procedure. We published that research in Lower Genital Tract Disease. We extended it and we published



The Mystery of Orgasm and HowWe Can Help Part 2 of a 7-Part Series A video of this interview, in its entirety, may be viewed at the following webpage: about-orgasms

Charles Runels: So, when you say you helped them, specifically, what do they say is better about their life because their sex is better? I think you sort of said it already with relationships, but can you expand on that? Can you think of a story of someone, something someone told you about what happened with their life?

their relationship. I hear from patients whose life goes better when their sex life is better. They get along better with their significant other, just life is better when people are having good sex. Charles Runels: Isn't that interesting. I have people tell me that they're not as ... they sleep better, they think better, their work goes better. Do you hear

This is a good one to show to your patients. The 30-minute conversation touches on all of the following topics: 1. Medications that may interfere with orgasm 2. Surgical causes of problems with orgasm 3. Why gynecologists may avoid talking about sex 4. The best treatments for depression that won’t interfere with orgasm 5. Does hysterectomy interfere with orgasm? 6. Medical causes of problems with orgasm Partial Transcript Dr. Amy Brenner: That's what I used to tell people too. I think it's because in OB/GYN there's a lot of education going on by drug reps rather than doctors seeking out their own answers. Up until five years ago I didn't think there was a problem with birth control pills or SSRIs or sleeping pills, let alone what it does to your sex life. Charles Runels: So, talk to me — back to the sex part and the orgasm part, before we get into the details of the way you think about the hormones, the different medicines, because you just mentioned SSRIs, which to interpret for some of our people, so you're referring to some of the antidepressants. Before we get into the details, tell me more about some of the things that you hear women tell you about how orgasm problems, however you want to define that, interfere with their life. Either difficulty having one or can't have one. Dr. Amy Brenner: Well, I think just women's sex lives and their libido and their relationship with their significant other is a huge part of

Dr. Amy Brenner: Well, I think I told you about this one patient that always comes to mind of... as a couple, I treated both the husband and the wife. Her exact words were, "You're the only person that's helped me. I haven't had good sex and

we've basically had a sex-less marriage just until you helped me because I was having pain with sex and it be-came this vicious circle of I had pain and I didn't want to have sex and it didn't feel good so I never did it. And it created emotional distance with my husband." With some things we did with hormones and the O-Shot® procedure for her and the P-Shot® procedure for him, basically they rekindled things and things were better than ever. Charles Runels: So, when you say rekindled, tell me more what that looks like in their house. What did it look like? Dr. Amy Brenner: Well, I guess for them it's not really rekindled, it was just started to begin with, because she basically said they had a sexless marriage because of issues with pain. Charles Runels: So, now they're having intimacy and they're happier together? Dr. Amy Brenner: Going to Cancun with just the two of them. End of Transcript To see the video and complete transcript of this interview, go to the following webpage:

those things? Can you elaborate on that or am I making that up? Dr. Amy Brenner: I think that the patients that are coming in, it's more of the negatives of things aren't as good because I'm not having good sex. Or I don't want to have sex or sex is painful. It can create controversy in a marriage. It can create disappointment and frustration. I'm hearing more of these are the negative things than that type of thing, of what's missing and please help me because it's not good. Charles Runels: And then after they get well, what do these women tell you that's different about their life? Dr. Amy Brenner: They may tell me I'm the best doctor ever. Charles Runels: Because what's happening in their life. I know they love you. Dr. Amy Brenner: Because we helped them and we're willing to look outside of the box when their other doctor may have said that's just part of getting old and that's just how it is.



or Having Rights to Vampire Facelift® and Saying "PRP Injections" Owning Tylenol® and Saying ‘Acetamenophen’

On your webpages, if you use the words “PRP Facelift” or “PRP Vagina Shot” and you do not use the words “Vampire Facelift®” or “O-Shot®”, then patients have no way to distinguish you from the person down the street who is charging half the price you charge, but doing inferior medicine, spinning yellow tops from the lab instead of using kits that are approved by the FDA for preparing blood to go back into the body. Yes, we do find, every week, people who are using the names of our provider groups and doing inferior medicine and charging inferior prices. We spend $20,000 to $50,000 on legal fees every month making these imposters cease using our names and quit fooling pa-tients into inferior care. But, potential patients can’t find you as a certified provider unless you use the names on your websites and advertising. If you owned the word “Tylenol” and used the word “acetaminophen” you’d be losing some of

by using the trademarked names in your writing and in your videos. One last tip…if you write “O-Shot® procedure” or “Vampire Facelift® procedure” ra-ther than simply “O-Shot®” or “Vampire Facelift®,” then the word “procedure” stresses the fact that we do more than just a “shot.” There’s a “procedure” for preparing the plasma, for activating it (or not), for patient selection, for standing behind our work, etc. So, most of the time use the phrase “P-Shot® procedure” or “Vampire Facial® procedure” so people appreciate there’s a process that’s specific and well planned. You still talk about the PRP and use those words, so people know what you’re doing. But, use the trademarked names for extra value and traffic, and we at the Cellular Medicine Association will keep working to keep our reputation sterling. Association will keep working to keep our reputation sterling.

your investment. And so it is if you’ve learned the methods and joined the O-Shot® provider group and call it “a PRP vagi-na shot” or any other name. We’ve secured literally millions of dollars in advertising with the various TV, print, and online venues. If someone googles the word “O-Shot®” after reading one of these articles, you want the search engines to point to your webpage and then you want potential patients to know they are in the right place. You do that

helpful tools

• Cellular Medicine Association:

• Log into the websites:

1-888-920-5311. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Chicago time [email protected] • Free marketing advice: (register for the “Sure Start”) • Update credit card for membership: Talk to us from 9–5 Chicago Time or leave CC number, expiration date, and security code on voice mail. 1-888-920-5311 • Schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Runels: • Find our next workshop with live models: • See our teachers from around the world and find a teacher with the expertise you most want to learn: • See our research and participate or refer patients for free treatment:

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• Marketing tools: Login to the membership site>Dashboard >Marketing • Consent forms: Login>Dashboard>Legal • Extra pearls and special problems: Login>Dashboard>Webinars • Weekly webinars with transcripts and recordings: and search posts to the mempership sites.




52 South Section St., Suite A Fairhope, AL 36532



table of contents

1 2 3

CMA Research Overview

The Mystery of Orgasm

Use the Trademarked Names For Extra Value and Traffic


Sylvia Sylvestri’s Best Marketing Pearl

Best Marketing Pearl Sylvia Sylvestri’s This month's marketing tip comes from Sylvia Silvestri RN...AKA Beverly Hills RN®.

Being able to provide new, exciting procedures and technologies can be an exciting part of your practice, letting your patients and potential new patients know what you’re do-ing can give them a peek at the excitement and they will come to see you to join the party. Using Instagram as a social media marketing tool is very effective and so easy... anyone in your clinic can do it! Just be sure you have a consent form if you show patient faces. Check out Sylvia’s upcoming classes at the following website (there’s a video at the bot-tom of the page where you’ll see Dr. Griffith telling the story):

Sylvia did an on-site training in Lenexa, Kansas in September of 2017 that could be in-structive for us all. Not only did she provide all of the training in the vampire procedures, botox and fillers, she also consulted with Dr Griffith regarding the social media and market-ing for the clinic. The power of Instagram can be a powerful marketing tool for your practice, if used consistently and properly. People want short, to-the-point photos and videos about events happening in the clinic. Items such as stock photos are not relatable and do not convert to much interest or interaction. Tip: As a case study, Sylvia recommended that her new students do a short Instagram story (30 seconds each day) as to what they were doing in the clinic. In the first eight weeks after the Sylvia’s class, Dr. Griffith’s clinic generated an extra $50,000 doing the pro-cedures she taught and they hosted a "Vampire Event" that took in over 25K at the event alone.

