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Champion Firm, P.C. - February 2020

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Champion Firm, P.C. - April 2020

Champion Firm, P.C. - April 2020 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Inju

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Champion Firm, P.C. - March 2020

English-Ivy-Laundry-Detergent. 3. Say goodbye to paper towels. Paper towels are a mainstay in Americ

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Champion Firm, P.C. - May 2020

4 cups sugar, baking soda, salt, and 2 cups flour. Email your answer to [email protected] b

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Champion Firm, P.C. - January 2020

Champion Firm, P.C. - January 2020 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal In

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Paul Tafelski PC - February 2020

4 cup parsley Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp of butter with 2 tbsp of oliv

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Champion Firm, P.C. May 2019

champions-in-the-classroom to cast your vote. Voting ends on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, and the teache

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Champion Firm, P.C. - October 2019

2-inch pieces parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes. 4. Let cool for at least 30 minutes and mix i

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Champion Firm, P.C. April 2019

Champion Firm, P.C. April 2019 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Injury

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Champion Firm, P.C. September 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all fillin

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Champion Firm, P.C. August 2019

Champion Firm, P.C. August 2019 2675 PACES FERRY ROAD SE, SUITE 260 ATLANTA, GA 30339 Personal Injur

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Champion Firm, P.C. - February 2020


Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys hampion Firm, P.C.




I’ve never been the kind of guy who believes in fate. We make our own choices in life, and we get to choose how we respond to whatever life sends our way. That said, I do think some things are meant to be, like my wife, Julia, and me. To be honest, we should have never even met. She’s from Costa Rica and I grew up in a military town called Fayetteville, North Carolina, near Fort Bragg. It wasn’t likely that our paths would ever cross. Fortunately for me, Julia’s sister was married to a guy who was stationed at Fort Bragg. Shortly after Julia’s sister had her first baby, her husband was scheduled to go into a military training course, which meant that he would be gone for several months. Not eager to be left all alone with a new baby, Julia’s sister asked Julia to come up and stay with her for a while. Back then, I was a college student working part-time at a hardware store to pay for school. It just so happened that one of my coworkers lived right next door to Julia’s sister. When Julia came to town, we met through my coworker. We hit it off right away. Julia is this nice, down-to-earth person who makes you want to be around her. She’s stunning, but not pretentious, which I really liked. We started dating and got married right before I graduated college and went to law school. I knew Julia was the one because of how supported I felt when we were dating. I’d never been in a relationship with someone who didn’t just put up with my habits; she actually

seemed to like them. Julia was someone special. She made me feel good when we hung out that I just couldn’t let her go. Marrying Julia was the best decision of my life. I knew law school was going to be tough, and I didn’t plan on getting

married right before starting that ordeal, but I’m glad I did. Having Julia's support helped me

get through some of the tough parts of law school and make it to the other side.

Julia and I have been married for 15 years, and she’s still my favorite person to be around. We always have a great time together. At the end of the long day, she’s the person I want to see most. I thought I was crazy about Julia when we first got married, but I managed to fall more in love with her when our kids came along. We have two kids together, and she’s the best mom. It’s clear in everything she does how much Julia loves her family. This month, I want to send some love to my awesome valentine. Julia, you mean the world to me. Thanks for making every day something to look forward to. I might not believe in fate, but I know you were meant to be part of my life.

I love you!


–Darl Champion

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With Valentine’s Day approaching, stores are filled with chocolates, stuffed animals, and cards for significant others. Love is in the air! Even though you may not realize it, your kids may also be feeling the pressure. Crushes, dates, and broken hearts are part of their lives, too, but they may struggle to talk with you about it. Thankfully, developmental experts have weighed in on how to approach these important and delicate conversations. No Laughing Matter Judith Myers-Walls, professor emeritus of child development at Purdue, urges parents not to treat their kids’ crushes as silly. We may know these early expressions of love aren’t that serious in the long run, but to an adolescent, the emotions are very powerful. "They are very easily embarrassed about those feelings,” Myers-Walls observes, “so parents and other adults should be respectful and not tease about those issues.” Rather than make kids feel ashamed of these early romantic feelings, let them know you’re there to talk to them about it. Respecting Others Dr. David Anderson, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, believes it’s especially important to talk to adolescents about

respecting boundaries. “One of the big lessons we want to be sending to kids at any age is that there are two people to consider,” he writes, explaining that adolescents tend to only focus on their own feelings and need to learn to consider how their crush may feel about them. This awareness might prevent them from overstepping someone else’s comfort zone. Respecting Themselves At the same time, kids and teens should know the importance of respecting their own feelings. Setting boundaries can be especially important when your child is confronted with an unwanted Valentine’s Day card or request for a date and feels pressured to reciprocate. “Boundary setting is imperative to learn during adolescence because it is a time of identity formation,” writes Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell in Psychology Today. “Healthy boundaries allow teens to feel respected, valued, and empowered to build positive relationships in their lives.” It also helps them handle uncomfortable social situations with grace and maturity. Crushes and first dates are a part of growing up, as is learning how to contribute to healthy relationships. Much like a first step or learning to drive, patient, loving parental support makes all the difference.

“When I called [Cherokee County Jail], I spoke with a supervisor who spoke to me as if I was aware that my son had died that morning. It was really strange to me. I asked, ‘What are you trying to tell me?’ He said, ‘Oh, you don’t know? Well, I’m sorry to tell you that your son passed this morning.’ And that was how I was informed of it.” Wanda’s son was picked up by the police due to a failure to appear in court. He was transferred to Cherokee County where there was a warrant out for his arrest. Three days later, he was dead. It was reported that Wanda’s son died from a preexisting illness. Knowing in her gut that there was more to the story, Wanda reached out to The Champion Firm to help find out what happened to her son. When Wanda’s son was arrested, the jail was aware that he wasn’t feeling well and put him under medical supervision. However, video from the jail showed Wanda’s son falling inside his cell. His legs shook as he lay on the ground, unable to get up again. A nurse employed by Cherokee County jail looked in the cell twice to see the man in clear respiratory distress, and Justice After Loss

One Woman’s Mission to Learn the Truth About Her Son’s Death

both times, she simply walked away. No one came to his aid until 90 minutes after he collapsed, but by then, it was too late.

Wrongful death claims are often filed after an accident, such as a car accident or medical malpractice, results in a person’s death. However, wrong death claims can also be appropriate when a person dies because someone else failed to act in a reasonable manner. Wanda’s son died of pneumonia because he did not receive the medical care he needed while in custody. In Georgia, wrongful death claims can only be filed by individuals who are related to the deceased. This includes spouses, children, and parents. Wanda was able to file a wrongful death claim after her son’s death and settle her case out of court. We were glad to be able to help Wanda find the truth and start recovering from a terrible loss. If you’ve lost a loved one under troubling circumstances, don’t hesitate to get help. Call 404-596-8044 to talk to an experienced attorney and find out if you have a wrongful death case.


Published by The Newsletter Pro |

We’ve entered the rainy season here in Georgia. While other parts of the country are still getting snow, we’re more likely to see rain until summer. However, just because our roads aren’t icy doesn’t mean they’re any less dangerous. When the roads are wet, during or after a rainstorm, there’s a greater risk of hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is when the tires of a vehicle are no longer in contact with the road due to a layer of water. Drivers can lose control of their vehicles when hydroplaning, resulting in serious accidents. Fortunately, you can reduce your risk of hydroplaning by practicing these safety tips. Down Came the Rain • Take care of your tires. Always keep your tires properly inflated. If your tire tread is wearing low, replace your tires immediately. • Choose your lane carefully. If possible, don’t drive in the outer lanes where water accumulates. Carefully avoid puddles and drive in the tire tracks left behind by the car in front of you • Drive safely! Hydroplaning usually happens at speeds over 35 mph. If the roads are wet, give yourself extra time on your commute to drive slower. Keep in mind that hydroplaning can also happen at lower speeds, so be sure to drive in a lower gear, take your car off cruise control, and avoid hard braking or sharp turns. How to Avoid Hydroplaning


What to Do if Your Car Hydroplanes Even cautious drivers can find themselves hydroplaning when the roads are slick. When this happens, it’s important not to panic. Here’s what you need to do to recover from hydroplaning: 1. Take your foot off the accelerator to slow down. Do not hit the brake! Braking suddenly can cause your car to skid completely out of control. 2. Turn your steering wheel into the direction your car is hydroplaning. This may seem counterintuitive, but turning into the skid realigns your tires and helps you regain control of your vehicle. 3. Wait until your tires reconnect with the road. This change will be obvious and signal that you’ve stopped hydroplaning. 4. If you need to recover, find a safe place to pull off the road. Hydroplaning can be terrifying. It’s okay if you need to take a few minutes. It doesn’t take much rain to cause hydroplaning. Even a thin layer of water can cause drivers to lose control. When the rain starts to fall, remember to practice extra caution if you’ll be out on the road.




Inspired by The Minimalist Baker

• 1 lb medjool dates, pitted (about 1 1/2 cups) • 1/2 tsp sea salt • Warm water

• 1/4 cup peanut butter • 1 cup bittersweet or dark chocolate, chopped • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted

Classic Date Night Package


The Champion Firm wants to help sparks fly during your next date night. That’s why we’re giving away a $50 dinner and a movie gift card from Fandango! To win, just answer this Valentine’s Day-themed trivia question: What’s the most popular flower to give on Valentine’s Day?

1. Using a food processor, blend dates and sea salt until dough can be formed into a ball. Slowly add enough warm water to mixture to thicken dough. 2. Roll dough into tablespoon-sized balls. Freeze for 20–30 minutes. 3. In microwave, warm 1/4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for another 20 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, in microwave, warm chocolate with coconut oil until melted. Stir well. 5. Coat balls in chocolate and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. 6. Top with additional salt and freeze for 30 minutes. Serve at room temperature.

Email your answer to [email protected] for a chance to win. Submissions must be received by Saturday, Feb. 29, to qualify. Congratulations to our December trivia champion, Marcia L. , who won tickets to see “The Nutcracker”!

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Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys hampion Firm, P.C.



M: 9AM—5:30PM, T: 9AM—5:30PM, W: 9AM—5:30PM, TH: 9AM—5:30PM, F: 9AM— 5:30PM


To My Valentine 1

2 2 3 3 4

Crushes, Valentine’s Day, and Parenting

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Case?

4 Steps to Recover from Hydroplaning

Date Truffles

Your Epic Adventure Awaits


GOZO, MALTA While Odysseus’ journey was perilous, he did enjoy one peaceful stop. Odysseus spent seven years on the mythical island of Ogygia, home of the nymph Calypso. Historians suspect that Ogygia was Gaudos, now modern-day Gozo, Malta. Gozo is home to the Ġgantija temples, which are older than the Egyptian pyramids. In addition to exploring its archaeological marvels, Gozo’s visitors can also enjoy snorkeling, horseback riding, and other memorable adventures. ITHACA, GREECE If you want to chart your own odyssey, make your final stop Odysseus’ home, the island of Ithaca. Covered in lush greenery and quaint villages, Ithaca is a wonderful place to relax at the end of your trip. Visitors can enjoy their morning coffee by a seaside cafe before lounging on a secluded beach for the rest of the day. It’s no wonder why Odysseus fought so hard to get back to Ithaca! With dozens of other islands to explore, the Mediterranean is the perfect place to plan your own odyssey — minus the mythical monsters, of course.

One of the oldest stories in Western

literature is Homer’s “The Odyssey.” This epic poem tells the story of Odysseus and his long journey home after the Trojan War. While Odysseus’ travels

were fraught with mythical monsters and magic, many of the

places he visited are said to be inspired by real islands in the Mediterranean. Even today, travelers flock to these islands looking for peace, adventure, and epic stories of their own. SICILY, ITALY One of the most popular stories in “The Odyssey” is the tale of Odysseus rescuing his crew from Polyphemus, a man- eating Cyclops. It’s said that Polyphemus made his home on what is now modern-day Sicily. Fortunately, there are no Cyclopes in Sicily today; there are only cultural festivals, world-class golf courses, and delicious food.


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