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Chiro1Source - April 2022 And 1 Important Request! 2 Children’s Books to Read to Your Kids 2022 APR

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Chiro1Source - April 2021

Chiro1Source - April 2021 How a Terrible Decision Almost Cost Me My Eyebrows THE TALE OF THE FLAMING

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Chiro1Source - November 2020

Chiro1Source - November 2020 AH, THANKSGIVING — THE PERFECT DAY FOR BARBECUE! I know that I’m probab

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Chiro1Source - July 2020

Pack of starter electrodes, tens leads, 9Volt battery and instructions. Dual channel, adjustable pul

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Chiro1Source - December 2020

THE COLLECTOR’S DREAM SHOP: VINTAGE POINT Last but not least, no trip to Farmville would be complete

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Chiro1Source - May 2020


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Chiro1Source - March 2020

cold therapy products.” One thing that makes Core Products unique is many of its devices started wit

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Chiro1Source -June 2020

Pack of starter electrodes, tens leads, 9Volt battery and instructions. Dual channel, adjustable pul

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Chiro1Source - October 2020

disinfectant, effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, including MRSA, HIV, Staph and many o

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Chiro1Source - April 2020

Marah and I Continue Our State Park Passport Quest HEADING OUTDOORS FOR EARTH DAY

866.318.3251 APRIL 2020

When I was a kid, I spent as much time outside as I possibly could. I had the run of 8 acres and my father’s massive garden, and my

Carolina State Parks Passport. When you sign up, they send you a passport, and you get a stamp every time you visit one of the state parks. The goal is to hit milestones — they send you a little prize for every 10 parks you visit. I think they probably designed the passport for kids, but Marah and I love it! We’ve done something like 25 parks now, and it has been really fun. A lot of these parks are in the middle of nowhere, and I’ve enjoyed exploring parts of North Carolina I’ve never visited, even though I’ve lived here my whole life. All you need to do to get a stamp is go into the park, but Marah doesn’t feel like she’s earned it until she’s hiked at least a mile. Usually, we bring the dogs with us and take a hike that’s closer to 3 or 4 miles to really make the trip feel worth it. The mountain parks, like Stone Mountain State Park and New River State Park, are our favorites, but we’ve been to some neat ones near the coast, too. A lot of them are on rivers, which can make for beautiful scenery or, in late summer, enough mosquitoes and other bugs to make you go crazy. Out of all of the parks we’ve visited so far, a few really stand out in my mind. Not too long ago, we drove out to Pettigrew State Park, which is home to the second-largest natural lake in North Carolina. It was so windy that day I almost felt like we were on the ocean, watching the waves come crashing in. Another standout was New Year’s Day, when we took advantage of the First Day Hikes program and hiked through Merchants Millpond State Park and Dismal Swamp State Park. My all-time favorite state park experience, though, was last Earth Day, when Marah and I visited Elk Knob State Park. It’s a beautiful park in the mountains, and Marah and I took the dogs with us to enjoy the adventure. We ended up going on a really long, strenuous hike, even though it was a hot day. It wasn’t long before I was thanking God that we'd brought the dogs along! We each had one dog on the leash, and they pretty much pulled us the rest of the way up the hike. As tough as it was, the view from the top was worth it. We weren’t sure we’d make it down alive, but we did — and I’ve got to say, I had so much fun that I’d probably do it again. This year for Earth Day, we plan to earn another passport stamp. If you’re looking for a way to get back to nature, too, I’d highly recommend checking out nearby state parks. Just pick a park you’ve never been to, pack some snacks, your pets, and your partner, and hit the road. I promise you won’t regret it!

family would make the pilgrimage to Blue Ridge Mountains at least once a month. Looking back, I can’t begin to count the number of hours I spent wandering in those hills, investigating animal tracks, and digging in the dirt.

I’m not quite as obsessed with nature anymore (these days, I like to camp in hotels instead of on the hard ground), but I still love getting outside. Something about spending time there

helps me disconnect from the stress of running a business. All of this is to say that Earth Day, which is coming up this month on April 22, has a special place in my heart. Luckily, my wife Marah feels the same way, so to celebrate, we plan to continue the nature-related quest we’ve been on for the last two years: filling in all of the stamps on our North Carolina State Park Passport. North Carolina has 41 state parks, and to encourage people to visit them, the National Park Service came up with something called the North

-Josh Walker




Top Mental Strategies for Your Fitness Routine FINDING MOTIVATION ON THOSE TOUGH DAYS


A Chiro1Sou

Whether your New Year’s workout routine is finally embedded in your schedule or you’re still trying to make it happen, always remember that your mind is just as important as your body. On some days, you may feel like anything is possible, and on others, it may feel impossible to even get out of bed. Don’t worry, that’s totally normal! There’s no reason to feel ashamed if you’re struggling with gaining steam and motivation for your workout. Here are some mental strategies to help you get firmly into your routine this year and the years to come.

If you read the first edition of this newsletter, you probably remember that Chiro1Source started in a double-wide trailer where Josh and his father, founder Dr. Cecil Walker, lived in a maze of boxes until the company took off. This month, we sat down with Cecil to talk about those early days and the dream that got Chiro1Source off the ground.

Getting to the Gym

What’s the hardest part of working out? For most people, it’s not the heavy weights or the long cardio sessions — it’s actually stepping into the gym. Sometimes, people will wake up and think that the gym isn’t possible that day as they lay in bed. Some people will psych themselves out of working out because their time is limited, or they worry about how tired they’ll be after the workout (especially after or before a busy day). Instead of thinking of reasons you can’t or don’t want to go, focus your mind only on the task of getting there. Stepping into the gym will often give you the mental push to actually work out. It’s also best to leave the all-or-nothing mindset behind — a 45- or 55-minute workout isn’t required every single gym session. Life happens, and even if it’s a short exercise, your workout will actually energize you for the rest of your day.

“I can vividly remember Josh coming in the door, and the only way he could get his trombone to where it needed to be was to carry it over his head because there were so many aisleways, mainly made from pillows!” Cecil recalls, smiling at the memory of teenage Josh. “It was floor-to-ceiling boxes of pillows.”

At the time, it was just Cecil and Josh against the world, working to make Cecil’s dream for Chiro1Source a reality. Before jumping into the chiropractic supply industry, Cecil spent 20 years running a chiropractic office. That’s how he realized there was a hole in the market for a chiropractor-run chiropractic supply business.

Pushing Yourself to the Limit

Studies have found that the most successful people share grit: the ability to work hard and endure even the most difficult times. Workouts will burn, and the motions may feel uncomfortable or even painful, so it’s crucial to have the grit to push yourself to the limit. Rather than give up, you should embrace the pain and see it as a sign you’re growing stronger. Adjust your inner vocabulary. Anything that seems “uncomfortable” should be reconsidered as “intense” but something you can work through. Of course, be careful of injury pains!

“I felt like a chiropractor was going to have a better feel for what a chiropractor would need than the arm of a medical supply house would,” he says.






Living in the double-wide with their product was cramped, but Cecil says sharing that experience with his son brought them closer together. urce Blast From the Past T OUR FOUNDER, CECIL WALKER!

“We would eat dinner in the bathroom, watch movies in the bathroom, play cards in the bathroom, and then at the end of the night, Josh would roll out a sleeping bag between the tub and the toilet and that’s where he’d sleep. I didn’t plan it that way, but as the business grew, we were still confined to that space,” Cecil says. “I think that’s what gave Josh such a vested interest in the company. A lot of second- and third-generation businesses don’t do too well because the kids don’t know the sweat that went into the first generation.”


When Josh eventually took over Chiro1Source, Cecil was proud to see him at the helm. Since leaving the company, 65-year-old Cecil has dabbled in everything from teaching horticulture at a women’s prison (see more on that in the

After our founder, Dr. Cecil Walker, sold Chiro1Source to his son Josh and Josh's wife Marah, he embarked on a whirlwind tour of new careers. Instead of retiring, he followed his passions and ended up working as a volunteer coordinator for a hospice, remodeling old houses, and even teaching horticulture at a women’s prison! At the prison, Cecil worked with 10 women for 28 hours per week. They had access to a big horticulture yard and a nice greenhouse, and with the help of a teacher’s assistant, Cecil helped the prisoners hone their green thumbs.

next article) to coordinating volunteers for a hospice. We can’t wait to see where his passion takes him next!

“We did a lot of ornamental stuff and different types of cacti in the greenhouse,” Cecil says. “My experience is mostly with flowering plants and plants you can eat.”

Earth Day is this month, so we thought it only right to ask Cecil to share some of his gardening expertise. If you want to get in touch with nature by planting a garden this spring, take these tips for a test drive. Tip No. 1: Invest in a small raised bed. “A raised bed drains better, and the soil warms up more quickly so you can plant sooner in the spring,” Cecil says. “When you build one, don’t build it too wide — you don’t want to compact the soil by stepping on it.” Tip No. 2: Start with simple plants. Cecil recommends filling your raised bed with plants that are edible, readily available, and easy to grow. His top picks are spinach and onions, but he says any lettuce will do, too. Tip No. 3: Skip the chemicals. Organic gardening is the way to go, particularly if you’re planning to eat what you grow. As Cecil puts it, “When you use chemicals in the soil, the chemicals don’t knowwho to kill, so they kill the good guys along with the bad guys. I relate it a lot to the body. I became a chiropractor because I didn't want to put chemicals in people’s systems. We aren’t designed to handle that, and it’s the same with the soil.”

Here at Chiro1Source, we know a lot more about chiropractic gear than we do about gardening, but we’ll try to answer your questions about both! You can reach us at 866.318.3251.

866.318.3251 3



P.O. Box 28 Farmville, NC. 27828

Josh and Marah’s State Park Passport Quest 1 INSIDE

Top Mental Strategies for Your Fitness Routine

Meet Our Founder, Dr. CecilWalker! 2

Earth Day Lessons From Our Resident Gardener 3 5 EasyWays to Reduce Your Business’s Carbon Footprint 4

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Business’s Carbon Footprint CELEBRATE EARTH DAY EVERY DAY

Usually, we hear about carbon footprints in the context of reducing our own impact on the planet. But did you know that businesses, not individuals, are actually the biggest polluters out there? Even when you add everyone on Earth together, their environmental impact hardly stacks up against big business.

2. Start an office composting program. If you already recycle, then go a step further and create a composting program to capture your food waste. Add compost collection bins to your office and check with your city about composting options. If your area lacks commercial compost, then an employee with a home compost pile might love to have extra scraps! 3. Swap out your plastics. Take inventory of everything your office uses and start making green swaps. Ditch plastic silverware in the kitchen and instead opt for a reusable set to save money and emissions. 4. Considerways to cut travel. Transportation accounted for more than 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2016. If you can limit the time you and your employees spend traveling, then you can decimate that total! Consider letting your staff work from home and start joining more meetings virtually. 5. Get your employees on board. When it comes to reducing emissions, nothing is more important than collective action. Don’t stop at making green changes in the office. Go the extra mile and explain the logic behind them to your employees. They might take similar eco-friendly steps in their own lives, creating a positive ripple effect. Together, you really can make a difference.

In a 2017 report, the CDP, an organization that discloses environmental >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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