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Chiro1Source - December 2019

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Chiro1Source - December 2021

Chiro1Source - December 2021 MEET MY FAVORITE FAMILY HEIRLOOM The Tree Topper Even Barbie Couldn’t S

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Chiro1Source - December 2020

THE COLLECTOR’S DREAM SHOP: VINTAGE POINT Last but not least, no trip to Farmville would be complete

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Chiro1Source - August 2019

Chiro1Source - August 2019 How My Family Founded and Grew Chiro1Source FROM DOUBLE-WIDE TO NATIONWID

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Chiro1Source - September 2019

Chiro1Source - September 2019 How Chiro1Source Gives Back BUY A T-SHIRT, CHANGE THE WORLD 866.318.32

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Chiro1Source - November 2019

Chiro1Source - November 2019 How My Military Family Shaped My Life A TALE OF TWO HATS 866.318.3251 C

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Chiro1Source October 2019

Chiro1Source October 2019 Meet Chiro1Source’s Unofficial Mascots HAPPY ADOPT A SHELTER DOG MONTH! 86

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Chiro1Source - November 2020

Chiro1Source - November 2020 AH, THANKSGIVING — THE PERFECT DAY FOR BARBECUE! I know that I’m probab

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Chiro1Source - July 2020

Pack of starter electrodes, tens leads, 9Volt battery and instructions. Dual channel, adjustable pul

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Chiro1Source - July 2021

warning.html . Stay cool this summer and prevent heat-related illnesses by seeking shade or staying

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Chiro1Source - October 2021

Chiro1Source - October 2021 Bennett Learned to Swim! (Kind Of) 2021 OCT Our Family’s Crazy Trip to B

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Chiro1Source - December 2019

first. In the business world, it’s really easy to get wrapped up in all of the day-to-day dramas and forget there is more to life than what happens at the office. Kenny taught me that not only is it okay to relax and just be, but there’s beauty in that way of living, too. He was just 62 when he died, which seems young to me, but it doesn’t really matter how long someone you love lives — you’re never prepared to lose them. A Look Back at the Lives of 2 Incredible Men THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES

866.318.3251 DECEMBER 2019

During the Christmas holidays, movies, songs,

and glittery cards all emphasize the importance of gathering together with family

and friends to celebrate the season. It’s a beautiful message, but for those of us who’ve lost loved ones over the course of the year, it can be bittersweet.

I certainly wasn’t ready to lose Bobby Hodge, who was a close friend for seven years. For the last six months before he passed away, I went by his house at least once a week to spend time with him, and I’ll still treasure

every one of those minutes. Bobby was a successful businessman who traveled the world before he retired, and everywhere he went he made friends and treated every single person like they mattered whether they were a janitor or a CEO.

Just a few days ago, I heard the Maroon 5 song “Memories” playing and ended up stopping in my tracks to listen to the whole thing. The song is all about grief and moving on, and the lines “Toast to the ones here today / Toast to the ones that we lost on the way” really stuck with me. I started thinking about all the people who have made a lasting impact on me who I’ve lost over the years, and my thoughts settled on two great men who passed away in 2019: Kenny Brown and Bobby Hodge.

He had a real sense of grace about him, and that strength came early. More than 50 years ago, Bobby’s son was born with cerebral palsy, and he went against the times and refused to put him in a state facility. He and his wife decided they were going to care for their child as long as they could. Today, that little boy is 52 years old, and, for the last 35 years, he’s been heavily involved in our local Crop Hunger Walk, which raises money for the food insecure. It’s crazy to think that without Bobby’s unconditional love, there’s a chance none of that good work would have been done. This was the first year his son had to walk without him, and he went by his daddy’s grave to tell him he was still going to walk even though he wasn’t there. I know I’m going to miss Kenny’s steady hand and Bobby’s giving heart this Christmas, but I’m also going to make a point to treasure the incredible family I still have. Like the song says, “Toast to the ones here today / Toast to the ones that we lost on the way / 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories / And the memories bring back you.”

Kenny Brown was my mom’s partner for 10 years, and he passed

away about six months ago. One of the things he taught me that I’ll never forget is

the value of connection with people. Kenny was really into blues and rock music, and he loved to sing and play the guitar in his spare time. Through his

music, he was able to touch a lot of people’s lives and build relationships he never would have otherwise. He always talked about how important it was to have a passion, and, even if that passion isn’t your job or a moneymaker, it’s still vital to pursue it.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas! I hope you spend it surrounded by people you love.

-Josh Walker

I also always respected the way Kenny loved my mom, and how he always put her 1


Tips for Running and Jogging in Cold Weather RUNNING IN A WINTER WONDERLAND Maybe you love the majesty of a winter’s morning, or maybe you just hate the treadmill. Whatever your reason is for wanting to run or jog outside in the dead of winter, remember to take the proper precautions before stepping out. Runners face challenges during the winter that they don’t face any other time of year. If you want to experience the winter safely, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Learn How Fellow Chirop

Dr. Dan Davidson, the chiropractor who runs the Back Resort clinic in Salem, Virginia, has long been one of our best customers.

Warm up inside first.

He’s a real believer in our products and their ability to

If you’re planning on braving the snow and frigid temperatures, try to spend 10–15 minutes warming up before you walk out your front door. Cold weather naturally tightens muscles and joints, so stretching your limbs in a heated environment is a good way to ensure maximum comfort and minimum risk of injury when you’re running in the cold.

help patients. So this fall, he and Chiro1Source owner Josh Walker decided to join forces on a brand- new project for business owners, the “Source to Success” podcast. “We all have sources to our success, in life, business, and in health,” Dr. Davidson explains. “As doctors and health care providers, we’re trying to help

Wear shoes with traction.

If your favorite running path is covered with snow and ice, you should consider finding a different route. But, if you can’t resist going down your beaten path, then you need to make sure your shoes are up to the challenge. If your running shoes have worn soles, then you’ll need to get a new pair with soles that will grip the ground better before stepping out on the ice. Regardless of how amazing your shoes are, remain vigilant about where you’re stepping.

patients tap into the source of their success. That one product, service, or at-home stretch can be the yeast in the bread that makes the whole thing come together.”

Dress down a layer.

The podcast, released in late November on SourcetoSuccess. com, offers listeners a new 15–20-minute episode every week. It covers topics specific to chiropractors, like how to use products to empower patients to take control of their health, but Josh and Dr. Davidson also dive into the broader strokes of

Yes, it is cold outside, but your body will naturally warm up as you run, just like it would with any other physical activity. Think of what you would normally wear to stay comfortable in the cold, and then wear one less layer when you’re running. Of course, you should keep other weather elements in mind as well, such as wind, rain, and snow, when you’re picking out your running clothes. Finally, if a day is particularly cold, snowy, or windy, don’t force yourself outside for the sake of your health. Sometimes, a good bowl of soup and a roaring fire can be just as physically satisfying as a run outside.






actors Grow Their Businesses and Empower Their Patients E YOU LISTENED TO OUR TO SUCCESS' PODCAST?

running a business, discussing communication, goal- setting, marketing, teamwork, vision, investment, and other topics entrepreneurs of all kinds can benefit from. They even invite other business owners and professionals onto the show and interview them about the sources to their success so that listeners can pick up tips. Dr. Davidson is an experienced podcaster, and produces a show for his clinic called the "Back Resort Podcast." He’s also a published author of more than 20 books.

By Offering These Grab-and-Go Devices! HELP YOUR PATIENTS STUFF THEIR STOCKINGS The National Retail Federation predicts that this year, Americans will spend about $730 per person on holiday gifts and treats. That’s a lot of money, and, in our experience, there’s plenty of room for chiropractors like you to cash in on a bit of it by offering people affordable, easy-to-use products that will improve the lives of their loved ones this holiday season. Marketed correctly, chiropractic devices can sell like hotcakes as stocking stuffers. Last year, one of our clients ordered more than 100 of our WalBalls — the trigger point therapy tools we featured in our September newsletter, which can be used in place of runaway tennis balls — and offered them to patients as stocking stuffers. They couldn’t keep the brightly colored, multiuse devices on the shelves! Another product that makes an ideal stocking stuffer is the Omni Massage Roller, which is basically a small massage ball in a roller cap. It’s perfect to market to couples as an effective, easy-on-the-hands replacement for shoulder massages. Even better, people in pain can load the device with topical cream, then roll it on the affected area to get relief. When they’re done, they can clean the device in a flash by running water through the hole in the bottom. The rollers come in all kinds of fun colors and are as attractive as they are effective. One client told us the story of a teacher who bought an Omni Massage Roller, loved it, and told her friends about it. Next thing the chiropractor knew, all of the teachers at the school were calling in with orders. Many of the chiropractors we work with will display one or two of these brightly colored devices in the treatment room where they can demonstrate them on patients after an adjustment or massage appointment. The display boxes are attractive on their own, but you can take your sales to the next level by bundling a WalBall and an Omni Massage Roller together in a festive drawstring bag. Patients can buy the bundle and simply drop it in a stocking — no wrapping required!

“I’ve always been very excited and enthusiastic about how products can empower patients, and how they can really help promote good home

care and self care. I think about it this way: When a patient comes in, they’re giving us their health baton for a short time. We do everything we can, but then we need to give it back to them and say, ‘This is your life, your health, your responsibility',” he says. To check out the episodes for yourself and learn the tricks that have helped other business owners succeed, visit today!

To snag an order of WalBalls and Omni Massage Rollers for your clinic before the holidays hit, call us today at 866-318-3251 or visit

866.318.3251 3



P.O. Box 28 Farmville, NC. 27828


A Salute to Kenny and Bobby 1 Tips for Running and Jogging in Cold Weather Have You Listened to Our 'Source to Success' Podcast? 2

Help Your Patients Stuff Their Stockings (and Turn a Profit in the Process) 3

Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Ideas 4

responsible for up to 40% of a business’s sales, and your unexpected holiday greeting could keep your business in mind as they go about their holiday shopping. Decorate your website for the season. Your customers are already in the holiday spirit, so why not indulge them with some seasonal trappings on your website? Festive holiday touches to your company logo or newwebpages recommending holiday gift ideas can go a long way to attract customer attention. You don’t have to be the flashiest display on the block, but showing off your holiday spirit will spread cheer and goodwill. Create gift card giveaways or incentives. Gift cards, even digital ones, are more popular than ever around the holiday season. In one survey, 43% of respondents said they planned on giving gift cards or certificates in lieu of other holiday presents. With 1 in 4 gift cards sold in the last four days leading up to Christmas, these ideal presents make the perfect last-minute marketing tool. Offer gift card incentives or giveaways for your loyal customers. They can make the perfect present for them and, in turn, your business. DON’T GET LOST IN THE BUSTLE 3 Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Ideas

If you haven’t capitalized on the holiday season for your business’s marketing campaign yet, don’t worry, because you still have time! Even if you’re still a long sleigh ride away from finishing

your own holiday to-do list, you can ensure your business flourishes this season with a few last-minute marketing ideas for the holidays. Send season’s greetings to loyal customers. Even if your Christmas or holiday- themed cards don’t mail on time, you can still send personalized emails or social

media messages to let your customers know you’re thinking of them this holiday season. Established customers can be



Published by The Newsletter Pro