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Chiro1Source - September 2019

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Chiro1Source - September 2020


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Chiro1Source - September 2021

Chiro1Source - September 2021 Meet the Chiro1Source Family! SOME LABOR DAY LOVE FOR MY TEAM It’s alm

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Chiro1Source - August 2019

Chiro1Source - August 2019 How My Family Founded and Grew Chiro1Source FROM DOUBLE-WIDE TO NATIONWID

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Chiro1Source - November 2019

Chiro1Source - November 2019 How My Military Family Shaped My Life A TALE OF TWO HATS 866.318.3251 C

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Chiro1Source - December 2019

And the memories bring back you.” Kenny Brown was my mom’s partner for 10 years, and he passed away

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Chiro1Source October 2019

Chiro1Source October 2019 Meet Chiro1Source’s Unofficial Mascots HAPPY ADOPT A SHELTER DOG MONTH! 86

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Chiro1Source - November 2020

Chiro1Source - November 2020 AH, THANKSGIVING — THE PERFECT DAY FOR BARBECUE! I know that I’m probab

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Chiro1Source - July 2020

Pack of starter electrodes, tens leads, 9Volt battery and instructions. Dual channel, adjustable pul

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Chiro1Source - July 2021

warning.html . Stay cool this summer and prevent heat-related illnesses by seeking shade or staying

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Chiro1Source - December 2021

Chiro1Source - December 2021 MEET MY FAVORITE FAMILY HEIRLOOM The Tree Topper Even Barbie Couldn’t S

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Chiro1Source - September 2019

How Chiro1Source Gives Back BUY A T-SHIRT, CHANGE THE WORLD


In 2015, the United Nations designated Sept. 5 as the International Day of Charity to remind us all that global poverty is the greatest challenge humanity

own businesses. It also runs a school in Leon; offers a radio broadcast focused on human rights, income and gender equality, environmental stewardship, and community action; and helps refugees from neighboring countries find a home in Nicaraguan society. CEPAD’s mission is close to my heart because I’ve been lucky enough to see its work up close. In 2016, I joined a group from my church on a mission trip to Nicaragua to work with CEPAD. During the week we were there, we built dozens of water filters for people in Nicagagua’s El Mango community and treated 250 patients at a pop-up health clinic. The water filters we build cost just $40 each, and we bought and assembled all of the parts on-site in Nicaragua. With just $5 of maintenance per year, they offer clean water to whole neighborhoods.


faces and that sustainable development won’t happen until we fight it and win. Here at Chiro1Source, we’re determined to do our part to help — one T-shirt at a time.

For every chiropractic-themed T-shirt we sell or give away, $1 is donated to a rotating charity. This quarter, those funds are going to CEPAD, a group helping people in rural Nicaragua break free from toxic cycles of hunger and poverty.”

While our main business is supplying chiropractors with

the equipment and supplies they need for their clinics, we started a brand, All 4 Chiropractic, that carries Chiropractic Apparel. It’s a new venture we’ve designed specifically to promote

chiropractic and give back. For every chiropractic-themed T-shirt we sell or give away, $1 is donated to a rotating charity. This quarter, those funds are going to CEPAD, a group helping people in rural Nicaragua break free from toxic cycles of hunger and poverty.

One memory in particular from my trip has stuck with me through the years. After we’d finished working one day, delivering 40 water filters for a single community, a young mother came up to me. She said, “You have no idea what it means to me to know that my children won’t get sick from drinking the water.” I’ll never forget the pride I felt at that moment. Even then, I knew the trip and what I saw in Nicaragua would have a major impact on my life. When I visited El Mango, it was in its fourth year out of five working with CEPAD, and the community had improved dramatically since year one. Because I saw that vitalization first-hand and love CEPAD’s “teach a man to fish” system of giving, I’m thrilled to be sending funds its way through our All 4 Chiropractic T-shirt campaign. Though I haven’t been back to Nicaragua since that first visit, I’d love to make a return trip with my wife, Marah, who’s just as passionate as I am about giving back. She’s done mission trips to Belize and Romania in the past and joined me to help out with hurricane relief here locally. If you would like to help the cause, please consider visiting or and pick out a T-shirt this month in honor of the International Day of Charity. If we can provide even one more water filter to mothers and children in need, I’ll consider the campaign a success.

CEPAD moves from region to region in Nicaragua every five years, helping with food production by teaching sustainable agriculture, bringing resources and fresh water to remote villages, encouraging leadership development, facilitating partnerships with organizations from across the globe, and offering microloans to women and children to help them train for trades or open their

-Josh Walker



A Thank-Y HA

How to Match Your Routine to Your Plate FINDING THE RIGHT WORKOUT FOR YOUR DIET What you eat and how your body performs are two intimately linked aspects of your overall fitness. That’s why distance runners carb-load on spaghetti before marathons and yogis skip breakfast before a 105-degree Bikram class. However, this nuance is easy to neglect in a world of fad diets and food trends that move at whiplash speed.  If you’ve jumped on the keto, vegan, or paleo bandwagons but are still slogging through the same workout routine, it’s time to take a closer look at your body’s needs and tailor your gym time accordingly. Here are a few tips for matching your diet to the optimal workout.  Keto This high-fat, low-carb diet is currently booming among athletes who relish the opportunity to chow down on pork rinds and cheese (a perk that comes at the expense of giving up chips, bread, and most fruits). Shape magazine recommends moderate- intensity workouts for people eating keto because they won’t have the ample supply of glucose the body relies on for high-intensity exercises like sprints and HIIT. On the plus side, if you go keto, you’ll burn more fat during cardio because you won’t have a store of glycogen to compete with it as an energy source. 

Labor Day was set aside by our nation’s leaders as a time to celebrate the

men and women who keep our country ticking, and, even though it doesn’t get as much love as holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, I have to say it warms my heart a bit when it comes around each year. The day never fails to remind me how grateful I am for the people I work with. They put in an incredible amount of effort to keep Chiro1Source’s doors open and our clients happy. From the beginning, Chiro1Source has been a labor of love, and thanks to our dedicated team, it has stayed that way through the years. Across the board, they come into the office ready to work hard, help our clients succeed, and have fun doing it. It’s not an overstatement to say our staff is a happy family. We were a family business from the very beginning, when my dad Cecil and I helped with packing boxes and putting catalogs together, and we continued that way after he passed the business on to me and my wife. I’m lucky enough to work with many of my family members, including my wife, Marah, and my step-mom Julie, and my mother-in-law Karen.

Vegan Plant-based diets are generally associated with slow-moving exercises like yoga, but VegNews reports that short, high-intensity workouts are actually the best option for people who don’t eat meat or dairy. Choosing quick workouts means your body won’t use up as much protein (which vegans generally consume less of), and the ample glucose in a vegan diet is ideal for powering intense workouts like sprints, stairs, body-weight lifts, and CrossFit drills.  Paleo The paleo diet is unique in that it actually comes with its own exercise plan, though many paleo eaters probably don’t know it. According to Paleo Leap, “The paleo lifestyle emphasizes natural movement (preferably outside) over machine-based exercises and brief but intense strength training workouts over extended sessions of steady-state cardio.” Above all, paleo advocates advise listening to your body and choosing a workout plan that leaves you feeling good.




866.318.3251 2

u to Our Wonderful Team PY LABOR DAY!

I consider Randy family, too, even if he isn’t blood related. We hold each other to the same high standard, and I’m proud to say they take pride is providing the best customer experience.

So, in the spirit of Labor Day, I want to say thank you to everyone on the Chiro1Source team. My life wouldn’t be the same without you, and I’m grateful for all that you do!

-Josh Walker


Tennis balls are an old chiropractic and physical therapy standby for addressing pressure points, but, if you’ve used them in your practice, then you know they have their downsides. It can be difficult for patients to get them off the ground, and, all too often, they escape their grasp and end up bouncing across the clinic, disrupting other patients and causing some low-key mayhem. Enter the WalBall: an easy-to-use trigger-point therapy tool that can replace tennis balls for your patients. If you’re tired of chasing after the fuzzy yellow globes, this disk-shaped, bounce-free tool is for you. The WalBall was designed specifically to alleviate pain and muscular knots, and it has been proven to decrease pain significantly after just one use. It’s perfect for treating fitness enthusiasts or athletes dealing with tightness in their backs, shoulders, or legs. Chiropractors and massage therapists who have purchased the WalBall from us are already using it in their clinics to alleviate thumb strain, and they’re selling it to patients. The Walball’s compact design makes it easy for patients to carry the tool with them when they leave the clinic, enabling them to continue their treatment wherever they’re comfortable — at home, in the office, at the gym, or even while driving or showering. We already had several clinics that have sold over 50 Walballs in a couple of months and have seen great results.

If you’d like to ditch tennis balls for good and test out the WalBall for yourself, place an order today by calling 866-318-3251 or visiting

866.318.3251 3



P.O. Box 28 Farmville, NC. 27828


Buy a T-shirt, Change the World 1 Finding the Right Workout for Your Diet

Happy Labor Day! 2 Meet the WalBall 3

Automation Has Come to Small Business 4

Automation Has Come to Small Business LET THE ROBOTS DO IT

Running a small business means wearing many hats. More often than not, CEOs find themselves moonlighting as marketers, customer service specialists, human resources representatives, project managers, and just about any other job that needs doing. That’s why more and more entrepreneurs are exploring automation to free up their time and focus on growing their business rather than just keeping it afloat.

for their own organization. This quickly leads to miscommunication, conflicting schedules, and roadblocked projects. Thankfully, many basic functions of a project manager have been automated thanks to applications like Apptivo. With features to track tasks and submit timesheets, this scalable tool allows everyone to stay up to date on the logistics of business and make coordination a breeze. Response Time Is Everything Many small businesses hesitate to bring “bots” into customer-facing operations because they don’t want to lose their human touch. But humans are busy, and an unanswered request for a quote or a delayed response to a question will quickly give current and potential customers a bad impression. That’s why software like Keap exists. Keap allows you to send automated email responses at the first point of contact. This message can be as simple as an acknowledgment that their message was received and will be answered soon. The important part is your customers are reassured they are being heard. Far from making your business more robotic, automated tools allow your team to focus on what they do best. That means more time for thoughtful customer service emails, personalized interactions with customers, and well-executed projects. That’s something you and your clients will appreciate.

Automation on Your Level In the past, automated systems were solely within the purview of big businesses. Applications for organization were either too expensive or too wide in scope to fit the needs of smaller companies, but those days are over. Plenty of tools have been developed to help you and your team reduce workloads and run more efficiently, no matter your company’s size. Reducing the Chaos Unless your business is large enough for several project managers, chances are that every employee is responsible



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