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ChoicePT_Get Back Into a Safe Exercise Routine

Move to Live Y O U R R E S O U R C E T O M O V I N G W E L L A N D L I V I N G L I F E



It’s a new year, a fresh start, a clean page, a blank canvas, 2022 is OUR year!

Resolution (a noun): a firm decision to do or not to do something. Some call it an intention, a decision, an aspiration, a commitment, a pledge, a purpose, or an undertaking. Whatever you call it, there are a lot of them flying around this time of year. Especially after the type of year we just closed out. According to an online survey 188.9 million adult Americans (74% of the population) say they’re ready to better themselves in 2022. Health resolutions made up the majority with 46% of those people surveyed saying they’d like to improve their health in the upcoming year. Goal setting is great, I think it’s really useful to sit down and take some time to reflect on what exactly we’d like to improve. Unfortunately, some statistics report that the resolution failure rate is roughly 80%, and most lose their resolve by mid-February. Yikes! If you are one of those roughly 117 million Americans that would like to be healthier in the coming year (or if you have another resolution) human psychology principles can be applied here and hopefully help keep the wind in your sails until you reach that goal.

Instead of going to the gym maybe you decide that with your busy schedule it will be feasible for you to walk around the block 3 times weekly for the next month. Once that is accomplished you can set the next goal. Small goals that are obtainable help to build positive feelings, feelings of accomplishment and they help us to form habits. The best improvements don’t happen all at once, small, even tiny changes made consistently over time will build up to significant, lasting changes in the long run. If getting healthier is part of your 2022 plan but you’re dealing with nagging aches and pains that you’re worried may sidetrack your progress, we’re here for you! Give us a call and set up a time to speak with one of our Doctor’s of Physical Therapy that can help you identify where your body may be compensating which can be contributing to your aches and pains, with that knowledge you’ll be able to develop a work smarter, not harder plan to move well and live your best life in 2022!

Instead of saying, “I’d like to be healthier this year”...try to dig deep and ask yourself WHY do you want to be healthier? Do you want to be able to get down on the floor and play with your kids or grandkids (and not feel like 115 years old when you try to get up)? Have you seen a family member suffer from a chronic health condition that runs in the family (like heart disease or diabetes) and you don’t want the same for you?

Cheers to an awesome 2022! Joe

Do you enjoy exercising to feel good, look good, and have a stress management outlet and you’re worried that nagging lower back pain could stop you from exercising? We all have our individual goals, we just need to sit down and make sure they are specific to our individual situation. (Hint: once you dig deep enough into your “why” that you get some goosebumps, you’re probably pretty close)! Once you’ve defined your why, ask yourself: what is the very first thing I need to do to get closer to my goal? Usually, it’s not: “I need to workout 5 times per week for 60 minutes each day.” Think on an even smaller scale, you need to build momentum at this phase and you need to be successful.

INSIDE: • Get Back Into a Safe Exercise Routine with Physical Therapy • #Choose2GiveBack • Team Members of the Month • Exercise Essentials


2. Take it easy at first. If you haven’t been participating in the same type of vigorous physical activity you used to be accustomed to, it is important to begin with baby steps so that you are not adding extra stress or strain to your joints and muscles. When you push your body past its limits, you become more prone to injuries because your body is not prepared for those kinds of physical demands. A physical therapist can help you recognize your body’s limits and can create an exercise plan for you to get back to your physical goals. Start small in the beginning with gentle exercises and stretches, and build up from there! 3. Set a weight goal. The past year has caused many of us to lose some muscle mass and gain extra weight. With help from a physical therapist, you can set up an exercise regimen that will help you shed some pounds and maintain a healthy weight, taking off the added stress on your joints that may have developed. Your physical therapist will also customize an exercise plan for your specific needs. This plan may include stretching, aerobic exercise, weight training, or pain relief treatments if necessary. This will help in reaching your targeted weight and decreasing pressure on vulnerable parts of your body. 4. Be Sneaky. Yep, you read that right! This is your permission slip to be sneaky when it comes to exercise. Oftentimes, physical therapists recommend small changes to a person’s routine in order to make the adjustments manageable. Consider these changes to be “bite size chunks,” so that you don’t feel as if your entire routine has to revolve around working out, and you also aren’t throwing yourself full-speed back into a strenuous exercise routine.

For many of us, staying at home during this pandemic has caused a huge loss of progress in regards to working out at the gym and staying fit. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to more aches, pains, and discomfort than you might think! Your body, quite simply, was made to move. With gyms and exercise classes closed for so long, you may have some pain and soreness when you get back to your daily physical activity. You must understand the safest ways to get back into your exercise routine, so you can avoid injuries. At Choice Physical Therapy, we want to make sure you can get back into your normal exercise routine without developing any unnecessary aches and pains.

Follow these tips and feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions!

1. Always use proper form. Proper form could mean the difference between physical progress and developing an injury. No matter what type of physical exercise you are trying to get back into, maintaining your form is a crucial part of it! Your ability to safely perform stretches and exercises depends on you maintaining good posture and proper body positioning. You might find that your natural posture has changed a little bit because of a lack of physical activity. Our physical therapists can assist with improving your form during exercise by addressing any issues you may have while sitting, standing, twisting, bending, running, jumping, or lifting. They can show you the correct targeted exercises and stretches you can do to improve your current form and limit the amount of impact on your joints during exercise.



STEP UPS Stand on a step. Lower one foot slowly towards the ground. Keep your hips level! Step down and then off the step. Keep your knees aligned over your feet.




BOTH CLINICS! FEB. 7 TH - 11 TH , 2022


ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR ENERGY AND MOTIVATION? If so, call the clinic that is most convenient for you to reserve a spot with one of our PT’s!

Dr. Tom Plowinske, PT, DPT, OCS Dr. Gabe Battagl ia, PT, DPT

506 Campbell Avenue Troy, New York 12180 TEL: (518) 203-6761

290 Speigletown Rd Troy, NY 12182 TEL: (518) 279-2740

CONGRATULATIONS Tom & Gabe, our December Team Members of the Month!


END OF YEAR TEAM BUI LDING Another first for our CPT team! Thank you The Yard Albany for an excellent hatchet throwing experience, in downtown Albany!

In December, our team who went above and beyond for our Adopt-A-Family toy drive for Hope 7 Community Center! Hopefully Christmas morning was a little extra cheerful for the 9 little ones we were able to shop for!