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Cimas Engage Newsletter: Nov 2019

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Cimas Engage Newsletter: Nov 2019

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Cimas Engage Newsletter: Nov 2019

November 2019 ngage

Conversation with Trevor

Upcoming Regulatory Bill

Prostate Cancer Awareness

New iGo hub opening

Recipe Watermelon Sorbet

Always\Incase Cover

Published by: Cimas Medical Aid Society

From the Editor’s Desk Welcome to the inaugural issue of a new and revamped Cimas Engage, which is intended to keep you updated on issues and events around your medical aid society. We hope you enjoy the read! appreciate that gift as we share some health and wellness tips. Our wellness programme, iGo, continues to grow from strength to strength and in this issue, we introduce to you the iGo Hub, which will offer a range of wellness-related services.

In this issue we update you on some of the challenges the Society is facing in the wake of the current economic crisis. Issues pertaining to your health and wellness are addressed, while at the same time we talk about some of the regulatory hot topics affecting the Society’s ability to provide you with certain services.

We celebrate the launch of iGo for all and the launch of our first ever iGo Movember Half Marathon and Men’s Fitness Challenge which was aimed at creating awareness of men’s health issues, particularly prostate cancer.

We celebrate our clinics receiving recognition at the Customer Service Excellence Awards last month, as they were judged first runner-up for the Health Services Award.

It is not all doom and gloom, as we have much to celebrate. Life itself is a gift more valuable than any and we take time to

Our aim is to continuously improve our service to our members. We hope that through this newsletter we will be able to keep you engaged and informed!

Rufaro Masunda Chief Marketing Officer

Cimas Engage


Cimas Chief Executive Vulindlela Ndlovu highlighted some of the challenges faced by the health sector and medical aid societies when he was interviewed recently by Trevor Ncube on the platform In Conversation with Trevor. Brain drain serious problem for health sector - Cimas CEO

He said Zimbabwe and other African countries needed to invest more in the health sector, if they are to reverse the brain drain that has resulted in this shortage of doctors and specialists.

Many Zimbabweans were going to other countries such as South Africa and India for medical treatment because certain services such as cardio procedures, some cancer treatments, kidney transplants and liver transplant are unavailable in Zimbabwe He suggested investing in the health sector to re-equip industries for manufacturing medicinal drugs. He pointed out that 30 to 40 years ago there was some serious drug manufacturing taking place in the country. Another challenge Mr Ndlovu said was access to healthcare services, due to the significant shortfalls medical aid society members faced between what service providers charged and what medical aid societies could pay. This arose from the fact that the cost of services had gone up with the depreciation of the currency but contributions to medical aid societies had not gone up proportionately. For example, he said, in recent months the cost of medical contributions has gone up at least three times while the cost of services had gone up about 10 times. One of the issues that Mr Ndlovu sought to set straight was the venturing into service provision by Cimas. He said the reason Cimas initially decided to venture into service provision was for the benefit of its members, who during the inflationary period found themselves with nowhere to access primary healthcare services.

One of the greatest challenges, he said, was the brain drain that Zimbabwe and other African countries are facing. It is a crisis, he said, that needs to be addressed urgently.

He said in Zimbabwe the doctor to patient ratio was 0,16 doctors per 1,000 patients and 0.03 specialist doctors per 1,000 patients. This is against a World Health Organisation benchmark of one doctor to 1,000 patients. In countries such as Germany, Netherlands and the United States of America there were between two and four doctors per 1,000 patients.

Cimas Engage


Mr Ndlovu also spoke on the provision of such services in the light of the proposed Medical Aid Societies Bill, which is expected, from references to it in the President’s recent opening of Parliament speech, to seek to stop medical aid societies from providing healthcare services. Were this to happen,, he said, this would create a monopoly by leaving service provision as the preserve of health practitioners. He said people should have a choice of where to go for health services. Cimas clinics, should compete in the market so patients and members could choose where to go. “Our view is that as long as you are not penalising people for going to a particular service provider over your own then I do not see where the conflict really comes from,” he said, responding to the suggestion that there was a conflict of interest in medical aid societies running their own health facilities.

He said service provision by Cimas began with the purchase of Medical Laboratories in 1985 at the request of the industry, when the pathologists who owned them were emigrating and there was no one left with the capacity to take over the laboratory. To date Cimas has eight laboratories countrywide. The first primary healthcare clinic was opened at a time when hyperinflation had started and there was no agreement between the medical aid industry and the health service providers on the medical tariffs.

As inflation went up, we found out that our members had no places where they could access services, particularly on the lower side of the scale and hence our new clinics were born. “We have 12 clinics now countrywide and they have in-house dispensaries, which by the way came in handy during the crisis that I highlighted earlier on when things started getting out of control and medicines were not that available and our members were able to access those medicines in the pharmacies and are still doing that”

Cimas Engage


Cimas, along with other medical aid societies, has welcomed the proposed establishment of a Medical Aid Societies Regulatory Authority, which could, given the right composition and a fair approach, benefit medical aid societies and their members. However, not only does the proposed composition of the Regulatory Authority exclude any participation by medical aid societies, while having several healthcare service providers on it, but it could result in medical aid societies being prevented from providing healthcare services. The President, in his speech at the opening of the current session of Parliament, stated that the Bill to be tabled in Parliament seeks to ensure that medical aid societies operate as healthcare insurers only rather than doubling up as healthcare providers. This is as a result of the lobbying efforts by some healthcare providers for medical aid societies to be barred from providing healthcare services, which they see as unfair competition and a case of conflict of interest. Medical aid societies have generally entered into service provision in order to ensure their members have access to affordable quality healthcare at times when quality healthcare has either become unavailable or unaffordable. Medical Aid Societies Bill could threaten Cimas’ service provision

service, due to a scarcity of resources. The Harare Haemodialysis Centre was opened at a time when there was no private dialysis service and public sector dialysis machines were out of service.

The right to health is enshrined in Section 76 of the Constitution. It is in trying to ensure that members enjoy this constitutional right that Cimas entered into healthcare service provision. Were medical aid societies to be barred from providing healthcare services, this would seriously disadvantage members and might undermine their right to health services. It would mean that Cimas would no longer be able to offer you affordable quality healthcare services covered by your medical aid card. You would have no option but to go to more expensive service providers, with the result that you would probably be faced with substantial shortfalls. You would no longer be able to obtain your medication from Cimas pharmacies. You are encouraged to speak out in making known the benefits of the healthcare services Cimas provides and in opposing the inclusion in the proposed Bill of any ban on medical aid societies providing healthcare services. If you have any contacts or influence among Members of Parliament or policymakers within the Ministry of Health and Child Care, it would be useful if you could explain to them the valuable service that medical aid societies are providing and urge them to oppose any restriction on them that the proposed Bill might seek to impose.

The first Cimas primary healthcare clinics, for instance, were opened at a time when public sector clinics were unable to offer a quality

Cimas Engage


Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate — a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.

When to see a doctor Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms that worry you. Debate continues regarding the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening, and medical organizations differ on their recommendations. Discuss prostate cancer screening with your doctor. Together, you can decide what’s best for you. Risk factors Factors that can increase your risk of prostate cancer include: • Age. Your risk of prostate cancer increases as you age. • Race. For reasons not yet determined, black men carry a greater risk of prostate cancer than do men of other races. In black men, prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive or advanced. • Family history. If men in your family have had prostate cancer, your risk may be increased. Also, if you have a family history of genes that increase the risk of breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRCA2) or a very strong family history of breast cancer, your risk of prostate cancer may be higher. • Obesity. Obese men diagnosed with prostate cancer may be more likely to have advanced disease that’s more difficult to treat.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. Usually prostate cancer grows slowly and is initially confined to the prostate gland, where it may not cause serious harm. However, while some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. Prostate cancer that’s detected early — when it’s still confined to the prostate gland — has a better chance of successful treatment. Symptoms Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages. Prostate cancer that’s more advanced may cause signs and

symptoms such as: • Trouble urinating • Decreased force in the stream of urine • Blood in semen • Discomfort in the pelvic area • Bone pain • Erectile dysfunction

Cimas Engage


Prostate Cancer Complications & Prevention

Complications Complications of prostate cancer and its treatments include: • Cancer that spreads (metastasizes). Prostate cancer can spread to nearby organs, such as your bladder, or travel through your bloodstream or lymphatic system to your bones or other organs. Prostate cancer that spreads to the bones can cause pain and broken bones. Once prostate cancer has spread to other areas of the body, it may still respond to treatment and may be controlled, but it’s unlikely to be cured. • Incontinence. Both prostate cancer and its treatment can cause urinary incontinence. Treatment for incontinence depends on the type you have, how severe it is and the likelihood it will improve over time. Treatment options may include medications, catheters and surgery. • Erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can result from prostate cancer or its treatment, including surgery, radiation or hormone treatments. Medications, vacuum devices that assist in achieving erection and surgery are available to treat erectile dysfunction.

• Choose healthy foods over supplements. No studies have shown that supplements play a role in reducing your risk of prostate cancer. Instead, choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals so that you can maintain healthy levels of vitamins in your body. • Exercise most days of the week. Exercise improves your overall health, helps you maintain your weight and improves your mood. There is some evidence that men who don’t exercise have higher PSA levels, while men who exercise may have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Try to exercise most days of the week. If you’re new to exercise, start slow and work your way up to more exercise time each day. • Maintain a healthy weight. If your current weight is healthy, work to maintain it by exercising most days of the week. If you need to lose weight, add more exercise and reduce the number of calories you eat each day. Ask your doctor for help creating a plan for healthy weight loss. • Talk to your doctor about increased risk of prostate cancer. Men with a high risk of prostate cancer may consider medications or other treatments to reduce their risk. Some studies suggest that taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, including finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) and dutasteride (Avodart), may reduce the overall risk of developing prostate cancer. These drugs are used to control prostate gland enlargement and hair loss in men. However, some evidence indicates that men taking these medications may have an increased risk of getting a more serious form of prostate cancer (high-grade prostate cancer). If you’re concerned about your risk of developing prostate cancer, talk with your doctor.

Prevention You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer if you:

• Choose a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Avoid high-fat foods and instead focus on choosing a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients that can contribute to your health. Whether you can prevent prostate cancer through diet has yet to be conclusively proved. But eating a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables can improve your overall health.

Cimas Engage


Healthguard Global Travel Cover

GTC members now have 24 hour service for emergencies Cimas has partnered with Medical Services Organisation (MSO) to provide Healthguard Global Travel Cover members with a 24 hour service in case of emergencies.

MSO provides assistance services and acts as an intermediary between insurance companies and healthcare service providers.

It has a 24 hour dedicated helpline that you could call in an emergency.

For each member who calls in, it assigns a case manager to ensure that the member is attended to. It also finds the closest medical service provider who will serve the GTC member as quickly as possible.

Cimas Engage


Our health and wellness plan, iGo, is now open to all our members, regardless of the medical aid package they are on. This means that if you did not formerly enjoy the wide range of iGo benefits, you can do so now. Among the benefits you could take advantage of there are discounts from several selected value partners. These includes discounts on gym membership at selected gyms, healthy meals at selected restaurants and massages, manicures, facials and detox juices at a chain of health spas. You now also have access to wellness coaches, a dietician, fitness coach and free fitness sessions. Your health is our primary concern. Our aim is to help you live long and live well.


Cimas Engage


Cimas will launch its iGo Wellness Hub next month at Borrowdale Racecourse. The health and wellness hub is a completely new concept. Cimas will be the first medical aid society in Zimbabwe to open one. The iGo Wellness Hub is intended to provide members with a full range of iGo health and wellness services all under one roof. Any member of Cimas, no matter what medical aid package he or she is on, will be able to make use of the Hub.

risk profile is like, enabling you to make lifestyle changes, if required, to lower your risk of certain diseases.

Counselling services will be available. There will be outdoor fitness and yoga classes. Wellness workshops and a wellness expo will also periodically be held at the Hub. \ You will be able to make use of the racecourse to exercise, go for runs and for your personal fitness programme. As you jog or run around the racecourse you will come across various challenges at different points along the route. Establishing the iGo Wellness Hub is an exciting and visionary move that Cimas hopes will help its members stay fit and healthy.

Wellness coaching, fitness coaching and diet coaching by experts will be available at the Hub to any member by appointment.

There will be general risk profiling, whereby your general state of health will be assessed and you will be advised what your health

Cimas Engage

Cimas Engage



922 Dial in medical emergency

Cimas Rescue now has an emergency number. You can call an ambulance in a medical emergency by dialling 922 from your Econet number at any time of the day or night. After confirming the nature of the medical emergency and your location, Cimas Rescue will immediately despatch an ambulance to come to your assistance,. Although at present the emergency number is only available on Econet, Cimas Rescue hopes that soon it will be available on all networks. In a medical emergency time is of the essence. That is why Cimas Rescue has established its own emergency call centre that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You can now have your prescription medicine delivered to you by Express Medic for a fee of ZDL60 , courtesy of Cimas Rescue. If you have a repeat prescription, Express Medic will remind you when your medicine is about to run out and deliver your next month’s supply. Express Medic delivers countrywide. All you have to do is send your prescription to flightops @ or Whatsapp 0714612027 , confirm your delivery address and pay any prescription fees that may apply. The medicines will be delivered within two working days. Have your medication delivered to you

Please note that the 922 number is for medical emergencies only.

If you do not have an Econet line, you can contact Cimas Rescue on its hotline 24-2700070.

If you want to call about an issue that is not a medical emergency, you can phone on 24-2700085/6 or, from an Econet line, on tollfree number 08080300.

Cimas Engage


Healthy Bites Watermelon Sorbet

Cool as Watermelon Not only are watermelons 92 percent water, they are also full of magnesium, potassium and are very high in vitamin C, which is good for you. This super vegetable is also popularly used as a fruit, as it can be added as a naturally sweet component to desserts and salads. Whether fruit you consider it a fruit or vegetable, try out this quick and easy sorbet recipe today!

Ingredients • 6 cups watermelon, cubed • 1/2 lemon, juiced • 1/2 tablespoon honey

Instructions 1. Place watermelon in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. 2. Add the lemon juice and honey and blend until well combined. 3. Pour mixture into loaf pan or container and transfer to the fridge for 2-4 hours until solid. 4. Scoop into bowls to serve and garnish with extra watermelon as desired. 5. Enjoy!

Cimas Engage


Gifts \ of Hope It’s festive season and we are all gearing up for Christmas and doing our Christmas shopping. There are some less fortunate than us who have nothing. Challenge yourself to remember the less fortunate today and give something to at least one person. The most precious gift is the gift of giving, so make a difference in someone’s life this festive season. If you can, take a picture and share it with us. We would love to build a collage of happy faces. Send you picture to pr @ Happy Christmas shopping and happy thanksgiving! Remembering the blessing of giving

Cimas Engage


Cimas Engage


Milton Park 13 Rowland Square Milton Park, Harare Tel: 0242-797166 | 790183 | 790307 Cimas Healthcare Dental Rowland Square 13 Rowland Square Milton Park, Harare Tel: 0242-797166 | 790183 | 790307

Bulawayo 31 Jason Moyo Bulawayo Tel: 092 886239

Harare City East

111 Kwame Nkrumah Ave Cnr 4th Street, Harare Tel: 0242-705800 | 705799 705840 | 703513

Harare City West 175 Chinhoyi Street Harare Tel: 0242 – 771970 | 771977

Kwekwe No. 12A/B 2nd Street Kwekwe Cell: 055-225800-2

Makoni 16097 Unit G, Seke Chitungwiza Tel: 0270-31560 | 0270-31691

Highglen Shop 4 &5 Highglen Shopping Complex Highglen, Harare Tel: 0242-691813-5

Mutare 16- 8th Street Mutare Tel: 020 60828 | 69195

Manresa No. 1-2 Manresa Estate, Acturus Road Harare Tel: 0772146057-76 | 0242-459528

Gweru 1 -6th Street Gweru Tel: 054 229841-5

Masvingo No. 19 Hofmeyer Road Masvingo Tel: 039 – 2264800-2

Cimas Engage