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Close Design Brand Deck

Modern Feng Shui + Interior Design = Conscious Design

M E E T T H E D E S I G N E R Leslie Close

Principal designer Leslie Close’s approach to each project starts with the foundation – the land the house is built upon. As a certified Feng Shui Consultant from the International School of Feng Shui, Leslie has a keen awareness for space, flow and material. She works closely with every client to make their home their sanctuary through conscious, sustainable design principles. Leslie Close began her career in corporate design shortly after completing her Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from The Art Institute of California San Diego. After several years of focusing on commercial projects in New York and Los Angeles, she began freelancing on residential design projects. The shift to more personal, custom projects allowed her the creative freedom and warmth she always wanted, so she left the corporate world and moved to Los Angeles to focus on residential design full time. Leslie is known for her timeless, minimal approach to design that simultaneously invokes an overall sense of welcome and geniality to anyone entering one of her interiors. Her design approach and philosophy results in open, flowing concepts that evoke an immediate sense of serenity to her clients – making home their true sanctuary.


MO D E R N , C O N S C I O U S D E S I G N About the firm

Conscious design is an awareness of the potential long- term and unintended consequences of what we design, and approaching every aspect of the design process with an intention to build more sustainable products and services. It is a first step towards building circular economies and creating homes that are supporting future generations – not taking away. With her minimalist influences and keen eye for appropriate trends, Close Design evolves everyday spaces – combining natural elements and efficient design into timeless, artful homes. Each project is delivered on time and on budget, while transforming the client’s home into an inspiring environment they long to come home to.


“I work closely with my clients to reach their goals for their home, even when it’s hard for them to articulate exactly what they want. It’s imperative I first understand and cultivate their style, and implement that into what will surely become their dream home. The core of a beautiful home is always in the atmosphere it creates, and should reflect the needs and desires of each individual or family.”

— L E S L I E C L O S E

WO R K P H I L O S O P H Y The Five Elements of Feng Shui

Every project, just like every client, is unique. Leslie works to understand her client’s needs and lifestyle to create a home that is supportive for their family. Feng Shui elements are added as little or as much as the client wants – but every project is approached from an eco-friendly sensibility and awareness for sustainable, natural materials.



Fire Used in the perfect proportion, the palette of fire can inspire enthusiasm and lift the spirits. Our designs tend to bring fire into the home through strategically placed hues of red, purple and burnt orange – although sparingly, as too many fire elements can bring anxiety into a space. When used in the right balance, spaces with fire elements can invoke joy and passion.

Earth Home should be your sanctuary, which is why incorporating elements of earth into every home is essential. Hues of terra-cot- ta, yellow, brown, and beige can bring a sense of unity, peace and security. Square, low objects such as tables can ground a space and bring a sense of stability. Our approach to incorporating these elements into the home also comes with a deep understanding of balance – and how each element plays off one another to assure harmony in the design.

Synonymous with life, growth and a connection with nature, wood is a part of every space we design. Not only through the furnishings, but through natural color palettes and the use of vertical architec- tural elements and features that insinuate growth. Hues of green are associated with wood, and we use these tones in our work to create spaces that are healing and invoke a sense of rejuvenation.


Water Water is an essential element in our work, as it can be incorporated in both a literal and conceptual form. Palettes of blue and black, fused with curved patterns and fluid shapes allow for a seamless introduction of water into the home. Rugs, wallcoverings and art work are all opportunities to incorporate this element that signifies abundance. In a more literal sense, we incorporate running water fountains inside the space. Water flowing towards the home symbolizes opportunities and abundance coming into your environment and life.

Metal Metal signifies clarity, and focus – so it plays an essential role in every home beyond it’s decorative beauty. Metal also assists with health, so it’s a design element we use throughout every space in a home. White, gold, silver, rose gold and grey are essential metal tones in our projects, in addition to the use of oval and rounded shapes to signify freshness and equality.


O U R S E R V I C E S Balance, Harmony, Passion


0 1 . Design Consultation + Feng Shui

0 2 . Interior Design Services

0 3 . Ground-up Build & Design Starting at the very beginning? We have you covered! Our ground-up architecture and design services will help bring your next home to life.

By the room, or for an entire home – Close Design offers comprehensive interior design services with or without Feng Shui incorporation.

Need design advice, looking to start a new project, or want to learn how to incorporate Feng Shui into your home? Hourly consultations are available to help get you started!

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O U R P R O C E S S Great design isn’t only how a space looks. It’s how it makes you feel.

01. Evaluate your unique needs and desires for your space.



Develop comprehensive proposal with space designs, finishes and materials.

Execute the shift in your new space.

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[email protected]


 858-722-2534