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Combined Council Orientation File

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Combined Council Orientation File




DeSoto Residents

Mayor & City Council

Municipal Judge Scott Kurth

City Manager Brandon Wright

City Secretary Kisha Morris-Perkins

Deputy City Manager Isom Cameron

Deputy City Manager Kristoff Bauer

SWRCC Director Tamara Bell

Fire Chief Jerry Duffield

Police Chief Joe Costa

Development Services Director Crystal Owens Parks & Recreation Director Chris Glover Public Utilities Director Louis Martinez

Human Resources Director Kathleen Shields

Finance Director Tracy Cormier

Chief Information Officer Tom Figert

Library Director Kerry McGeath


 Council-Manager Form of Government  All powers of the City are vested in an elective City Council which shall enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies, appoint the City Secretary, City Attorney, and Judge of the Municipal Court, and the Council shall also appoint the City Manager, who shall execute the laws and administer the government of the City.  The governing and law making body of the City of DeSoto shall consist of a Mayor and six (6) Councilmembers, known as the City Council


 Responsibilities  Preside over meetings of the City Council  Perform duties imposed by the ordinances and resolutions passed by the City Council  Entitled to vote, but no veto power  Sign contracts  Recognized as official head of the City by the Governor for enforcing military law and for all ceremonial purposes  With consent of Council, take command of the police and govern by proclamation during times of danger or emergency


 Selected from the six (6) Councilmembers at the first regular meeting following the general city election or any run-off elections.  Responsibilities  In the absence or disability of the Mayor, perform all of the Mayor’s duties


 Responsibilities  “All powers and authorities which are expressly or explicitly conferred on or possessed by the City shall be vested in and exercised by the City Council, provided however, that the Council shall have no power to exercise those powers which are expressly conferred upon other City officers by this Charter.”


 Appointed by the City Council, serves as chief administrative officer of the City.  Responsibilities  Proper administration of all the affairs of the City  Appoint and remove any officer or employee of the City, except those appointed by the City Council  Prepare and submit an annual budget and be responsible for its administration  Prepare and submit the end of the fiscal year financial and administrative reports

CITY MANAGER ( c o n t i n u e d )

 Responsibilities  Keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of

the City and make recommendations as necessary  Perform other duties as prescribed by the Council  Attend all meetings of the Council  Performance Reviews by the City Council in January and July


 Appointed by the City Council  Responsibilities

 Legal advisor of and attorney for all officers of the City  Represent the City in all litigation and legal proceedings  Review every ordinance before acted upon by the City Council


 Appointed by the City Council  Responsibilities  Give notice of Council meetings  Keep minutes of Council meeting proceedings

 Preserve and keep all books, papers, and files of the City Council  Serve as agent for civil process for lawsuits against the City  Custody of the seal of the City


 Appointed by the City Council  Responsibilities  Preside over the DeSoto Municipal Court  Hold court within the City  Follow all rules of procedure  Enter on the docket of the municipal court of record over which the judge presides appropriate notations of the disposition of each case  Have all powers and duties assigned by City Charter, City Ordinances, Texas Government Code, or the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas





Dear Friends:

The City Council and City staff are pleased to present the City of DeSoto’s Strategic Plan .

Centering on seven focus areas that include Building Trust, Image, Thriving Economy, Learning Environment, Engaged and Vibrant Community, Safe and Healthy Community, and Beautiful City, this five-year plan sets forth the City’s priorities and commitments for Fiscal Years 2021 through 2025. The Strategic Plan was carefully developed using input gathered through a community survey and conversations, internal staff engagement, and City Council and boards and commissions interviews. Our goal was to ensure that all City of DeSoto stakeholders were represented in the process. As we pivot to the implementation stage, we will regularly assess our performance to build on our strengths, adjust to new challenges and opportunities, and ensure continuous improvement. This Strategic Plan will serve as our blueprint for building a more vibrant, safer, educated, and healthier community. Work will be done within a guiding framework designed to help us meet the plan’s goals. You will find that equity is a common theme woven throughout this Strategic Plan. Therefore, our success will be measured by the positive impact we have on the lives of all DeSoto citizens.

Thank you for your ongoing trust and support. We are proud to serve this All-America City!


Mayor Curtistene S. McCowan (2016-2020) Mayor Pro Tem Kenzie Moore, III Kay Brown Patrick Nicole Raphiel

Andre' Byrd, Sr. Dinah Marks Candice Quarles



4 6 9

Mission & Vision Strategic Planning Process Framework

10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 23

Equity Statement Strategic Priorities • Building Trust • Image

• Thriving Economy • Learning Environment • Engaged & Vibrant Community • Safe & Healthy Community • Beautiful City Implementation



MISSION The City of DeSoto commits to provide, to its citizens, the highest standard of government services through constant productivity and persistent advancement, while fostering integrity, transparency, and fiscal responsibility. VISION DeSoto will be the model community for America, giving families and commerce the vision to come and a reason to stay.



STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Strategic planning is a process that helps leaders examine their organization’s current state, determine its desired future state, establish strategic priorities, and define key actions to achieve specific outcomes. The City of DeSoto initiated a strategic planning process to chart a clear path for the future, resulting in the completion of the City’s FY2021–2025 Strategic Plan. This five-year plan will serve as a roadmap for the City—translating vision and goals into actionable strategies that will guide DeSoto’s focus, efforts, resources and direction.

The strategic planning process was led by the consulting team of Vieve Enterprises, LLC. Their work with the City Council, internal staff and community stakeholders helped to gather insight,

reveal opportunities and identify paths forward. The City Council, boards and commissions, internal staff, and community members actively engaged in the strategic planning process, providing valuable insight and input into the Strategic Plan.

The planning effort consisted of the City’s vision refinement, an internal and external

assessment of the current landscape, City Council and community stakeholder interviews, City Council and internal staff surveys, and community conversations.

DeSoto City Council

The consultant led the City Council and internal staff in strategic planning sessions where they assessed the SWOC (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges) and developed strategic priorities, desired outcomes, and objectives. The staff developed corresponding initiatives and preliminary action steps as part of the implementation phase.


Finalization of vision

Key inputs review

Council survey

Finalization of themes and strategic priorities Determination of intended outcomes and objectives

Presentation and finalization of plan COUNCIL INPUT

t h

STRATEGIC PLAN Set vision Establish strategic priorities Identify key intended outcomes Determine objectives



• Mission and vision • Internal and

UNDERSTAND CONTEXT & VISION • What is the current state of our community? • What do we want our community to be (future state)?

external assessment (environmental scan)

• SWOC (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges)

STRATEGICALLY PLAN • What are our priority areas of focus? • What are our desired results? • What strategies and actions will most likely help us achieve our desired results? • How will we know if we are successful?

• City of DeSoto Strategic Plan (with strategic priorities, outcomes, objectives and initiatives) • Departmental work plans • Performance goals

ALLOCATE RESOURCES • What funding, staff and resources do we need to achieve our goals? • How will we allocate those resources toward our priorities?

• City of DeSoto

operating and capital budgets

IMPLEMENT PLAN & ASSESS PERFORMANCE • Did we achieve our objectives? If not, what can we do to improve? • How will we keep the public informed about our performance? • How can we maximize our impact and effectiveness? • How can we partner with stakeholders?

• Quarterly report outs • Ongoing communication • Continuous improvement • Performance evaluations • Collaboration and engagement



The City of DeSoto’s Strategic Plan consists of seven strategic priorities. Associated with each priority is a set of desired outcomes, strategic objectives and initiatives. The corresponding department work plans define specific results, and outline a course of action for achieving them.

Where are we going? What do we aspire to achieve?

Vision Mission Strategic Priorities and Outcomes Objectives

What do we do? Who do we do it for?

What do we want to achieve?

Where will we focus our efforts?

How will we achieve outcomes and measure performance? How will we deploy and

Initiatives and Metrics

Implementation and Performance Reporting and Evaluation

track it? How will we have accountability?

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strategic priorities are the high-level areas of focus for the organization. OUTCOMES Plan outcomes are what we hope to accomplish within each of the strategic priorities (focus areas). OBJECTIVES Objectives describe where we will focus our efforts. There are multiple objectives within each strategic priority. INITIATIVES Initiatives describe how we will achieve our objectives and desired outcomes.



The City of DeSoto is dedicated to advancing equitable outcomes and opportunities for peoples of all races and classes. Equity is both the means to create and sustain healthy communities, and an end that benefits us all. It is achieved when one’s race, ethnicity, or class does not determine how one experiences opportunities for safe and prosperous life outcomes. Equity is a core value of the City of DeSoto and must be embedded into all decisions, policies, and practices that guide the future of our community. In our pursuit of equal outcomes, the City of DeSoto Strategic Plan is presented with strategic objectives and initiatives that directly improve equity and with equity woven into its fabric to produce a safe and prosperous future for all DeSoto residents. The DeSoto City Council recognizes that to achieve the strategic objectives set forth, we must diligently apply an equity lens to better frame our work and to more fully achieve these important community goals. As a city government, we are uniquely positioned to reduce disparities through policy, intentional practices, transparency, and accountability. When we achieve equity for every historically marginalized race and class, DeSoto as one, unified whole will be “Soaring for Excellence!”



BUILDING TRUST Increase public support by providing open two-way communication with greater transparency

IMAGE Define DeSoto’s identity, promote its uniqueness, and communicate effectively

THRIVING ECONOMY Grow a diverse and innovative economy with increased commerce and employment opportunities

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Cultivate an environment of learning and enrichment by supporting excellence in education, professional development, and job training

ENGAGED & VIBRANT COMMUNITY Provide access to community amenities that support arts, culture, sports, entertainment and retail for families, and proactively engage and involve the community

SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY Create an environment where residents feel safe, and have access to healthy lifestyle choices

BEAUTIFUL CITY Foster community pride by enhancing the natural beauty of our well-maintained city through use of art, sustainability and revitalization


BUILDING TRUST Increase public support by providing open two-way communication with greater transparency

Objective 1: Enhance citizen communication using multiple platforms

• Initiative 1.1: Create user-friendly, easy-to-navigate website • Initiative 1.2: Use social media to communicate timely and accurate information • Initiative 1.3: Create a positive image of the City using images and statements Objective 2: Create more transparent and two-way communication opportunities for Police Department policies and procedures • Initiative 2.1: Create a Community Police Advisory Committee (CPAC) to provide transparency and community input into Police Department enforcement activities • Initiative 2.2: Appoint all members to the CPAC involving City Council , DeSoto ISD, and DeSoto Police, Community and Clergy • Initiative 2.3: Provide regular training for CPAC members • Initiative 2.4: Conduct regular meetings of the CPAC to review Police Department policies and procedures Objective 3: Enhance financial and operational transparency and accountability • Initiative 3.1: Provide public meeting and online opportunities for the public to view and understand the use of City finances and resources • Initiative 3.2: Provide monthly videos with message from the Mayor on issues of high community interest • Initiative 3.3: Highlight exemplary performance, awards and recognitions Objective 4: Create additional opportunities to receive community input and feedback

• Initiative 4.1: Utilize HOA and community meetings to receive input and feedback • Initiative 4.2: Establish spring budget town halls for community Objective 5: Expand effective and equitable customer service

• Initiative 5.1: Empower staff to create extraordinary resident/customer experience when interacting with the community


IMAGE Define DeSoto’s identity, promote its uniqueness, and communicate effectively

Objective 1: Create a City identity and marketing and communications strategy to improve marketing and public relations efforts • Initiative 1.1: Create a consistent brand and marketing identity for the City of DeSoto • Initiative 1.2: Hire a marketing manager to manage the City’s brand identity and to create consistent City- wide marketing materials • Initiative 1.3: Update City-wide marketing campaign materials, website, and logo • Initiative 1.4: Promote City’s brand identity Objective 2: Create marketing messages and campaigns geared toward current and future residents • Initiative 2.1: Bridge the gap between the City’s external reputation and its internal reality • Initiative 2.2: Promote community strengths and values within our region and surrounding states • Initiative 2.3: Blend the image embodied in the identity statement into every aspect of future development in marketing City’s brand • Initiative 2.4: Create a modern City website • Initiative 2.5: Establish a style guide that crosses all communication platforms • Initiative 2.6: Promote a positive, proactive relationship with the media and social media • Initiative 2.7: Promote the City within targeted groups (e.g., minority professional associations) Objective 3: Enhance communication with the public through accuracy, consistency and frequency • Initiative 3.1: Engage the public and ask for citizen involvement in government City processes at all levels • Initiative 3.2: Promote a friendly resident-centric environment and seek resident perspectives across all departments Objective 4: Update All-America City designation

• Initiative 4.1: Assess feasibility for resubmission of the All-America City designation


THRIVING ECONOMY Grow a diverse and innovative economy with increased commerce and employment opportunities

Objective 1: Develop Hampton Road corridor as a unique gathering point (central hub) for community life, arts, culture and entertainment that includes multi-residential, commercial and mixed used development with walkable areas and art displays • Initiative 1.1: Develop a transition plan from Type A to Type B Economic Development Corporation • Initiative 1.2: Create an economic development policy for Hampton Road and other locations • Initiative 1.3: Market City-owned property on Hampton Road for redevelopment opportunities • Initiative 1.4: Create developer friendly regulations, standards for Hampton Road development Objective 2: Develop a master plan to promote balanced residential, retail and industrial development city-wide • Initiative 2.1: Create a master plan for Belt Line Road (Westmoreland and Cockrell Hill) to maximize commercial, retail, and restaurant development • Initiative 2.2: Update the land-use master plan to reflect a well-designed community that facilitates economic development, active living and healthy lifestyles • Initiative 2.3: Develop programs to focus/assist revitalization of struggling businesses • Initiative 2.4: Intentionally focus on and market Industrial Park • Initiative 2.5: Develop an impact fee policy • Initiative 2.6: Develop economic development policy Objective 3: Create, retain, and sustain the growth of quality and diverse businesses (commercial, retail, and restaurant development) • Initiative 3.1: Invest in Grow DeSoto Market Place • Initiative 3.2: Develop economic development policy describing incentive programs in targeted areas with a certain level of private investment Objective 4: Create an entrepreneurial-friendly environment to optimize the success of small, minority owned, women owned and historically under-utilized businesses • Initiative 4.1: Partner with entrepreneurial service providers to create and implement viable options for start-up (e.g., mentorship) • Initiative 4.2: Create and assess outcomes of programs that support entrepreneurship and optimize the success of small, minority owned, women owned and historically underutilized businesses


Objective 5: Support affordable housing development and services that keep people in their homes • Initiative 5.1: Create first-time homeowner assistance program • Initiative 5.2: Consider expansion of the over-65 Homestead Exemption • Initiative 5.3: Create an emergency housing rehabilitation program • Initiative 5.4: Create a review process for evaluating requests for affordable housing developments Objective 6: Increase employment opportunities by identifying and enhancing workforce development initiatives through strategic partnerships • Initiative 6.1: Develop strategies to attract professionals in the medical, technology, legal, science and engineering fields • Initiative 6.2: Promote ongoing training and skills development. Influence the supply of jobs to support the availability of and access to middle skill jobs • Initiative 6.3: Assess regional workforce needs and engage in workforce development to meet those needs with an emphasis on developing opportunities for people of color and historically marginalized groups • Initiative 6.4: Influence the supply of jobs to support the availability of and access to middle skill jobs • Initiative 6.5: Enhance mobility options • Initiative 6.6: Remove barriers to employment Objective 7: Enhance partnership opportunities with Best Southwest, larger cities, private sector ventures and surrounding businesses • Initiative 7.1: Seek out established and unique venture opportunities • Initiative 7.2: Create a Best Southwest technology friendly environment for historically underutilized businesses • Initiative 7.3: Work with Best Southwest cities to create partnerships that bring development and prosperity to the Best Southwest region


LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Cultivate an environment of learning and enrichment by supporting excellence in education, professional development, and job training

Objective 1: Collaborate with DeSoto ISD to create strategies to increase the district’s academic performance and image to attract economic development and residents • Initiative 1.1: Establish Adopt-a-School program that fosters greater involvement by City Council members and City of DeSoto leadership and staff • Initiative 1.2: Develop recommendations from the City’s Youth Master Plan • Initiative 1.3: Participate in the Texas Municipal League Youth Advisory Council Summit • Initiative 1.4: Support youth participation in the Library Teen Advisory Board • Initiative 1.5: Reimagine and restructure the Junior Civic Academy to engage additional youth • Initiative 1.6: Establish a DeSoto Teen Council for youth engagement with Mayor and City Council • Initiative 1.7: Establish semi-annual meetings for staff and elected officials to review the status of strategic plan outcomes and plan for opportunities for collective goal achievement • Initiative 1.8: Student participation in Arbor Day Objective 2: Create a community of learning • Initiative 2.1: Work with national and international professionals and executives for mentorship and online training programs. Promote STEM with corporate learning and enrichment opportunities. • Initiative 2.2: Include learning opportunities in recreational activities (e.g., education signs along nature trails) • Initiative 2.3: Value and educate community on City of DeSoto’s history (e.g., Nance Farm) • Initiative 2.4: Provide multi-lingual communication on platforms and mediums Objective 3: Enhance the City’s workforce development • Initiative 3.1: Refine City’s internship/training programs to support job placement opportunities • Initiative 3.2: Incentivize businesses to leverage public and private partnerships that target technology training and professional development Objective 4: Strengthen relationships and partnerships with private and public schools, higher education institutions, business community and community organizations in the Best Southwest region to promote learning and enrichment opportunities • Initiative 4.1: Promote education information in the Library and Parks Department • Initiative 4.2: Establish a summer safety camp for DeSoto students with DeSoto Police and Fire Departments • Initiative 4.3: Establish mentoring and tutoring programs that leverage the skills and expertise of professionals, including retired educators who reside in the City


ENGAGED & VIBRANT COMMUNITY Provide access to community amenities that support arts, culture, sports, entertainment and retail for families, and proactively engage and involve the community

Objective 1: Develop a community engagement strategy that promotes citizen involvement in the local government and community • Initiative 1.1: Encourage future civic and community leadership development • Initiative 1.2: Rebrand and market Boards and Commissions to a new generation of residents • Initiative 1.3: Promote community conversations • Initiative 1.4: Conduct Mayor’s Quarterly meetings with HOAs • Initiative 1.5: Hold Business Roundtable semi-annually Objective 2: Expand cultural arts, events and amenities for all generations and people with different abilities • Initiative 2.1: Implement recommendations from the Cultural Arts Master Plan • Initiative 2.2: Promote family-focused events and entertainment • Initiative 2.3: Attract traveling festivals Objective 3: Support parks and recreation programs, services and facilities for all generations and people with different abilities • Initiative 3.1: Initiate next phase of Meadow Creek Park Master Plan to construct a natatorium/recreation center • Initiative 3.2: Implement recommendations from the Parks Master Plan • Initiative 3.3: Expand recreational opportunities and services for seniors Objective 4: Increase and diversify regional collaboration and community partnerships • Initiative 4.1: Organize a steering committee of staff/elected officials to identify opportunities to collaborate with Thorntree Golf Club • Initiative 4.2: Work with the ownership of the Thorntree Golf Club to maintain an attractive and well- maintained facility and neighborhood • Initiative 4.3: Strengthen relationship with NCTCOG, TxDOT, Dallas County, Inland Port and Best Southwest cities to enhance DeSoto’s transportation infrastructure


SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY Create an environment where residents feel safe, and have access to healthy lifestyle choices

Objective 1: Plan and build infrastructure to support healthy lifestyles, and enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety • Initiative 1.1: Increase walking and cycling paths, and improve connectivity to retail and commercial development • Initiative 1.2: Increase walkable neighborhoods and outdoor nature-based activities and trails • Initiative 1.3: Actively seek out regional and state funding for sustainability and environmental improvements in DeSoto and the southern sector Objective 2: Foster quality and transparency in DeSoto’s public safety • Initiative 2.1: Promote proactive crime prevention, community outreach and service excellence by Police Department • Initiative 2.2: Expedite the creation and operation of a mental health support services unit • Initiative 2.3: Implement and enforce community-based policing and policies • Initiative 2.4: Develop and promote Fire Department’s services focused on fire prevention and key service indicators such as response time and CPR save rates Objective 3: Develop and act on recommendations to ensure that all community members are treated fairly and equitably in the enforcement of laws and the adult and juvenile justice systems • Initiative 3.1: Explore removing the criminal history background question from initial employment applications for City of DeSoto employment opportunities and as a requirement for DeSoto businesses • Initiative 3.2: Review and consider changes to enforcement of marijuana-related offenses including possession of marijuana • Initiative 3.3: Provide regular reports to the City Council on accomplishments and outcomes of the Citizens Police Advisory Committee • Initiative 3.4: Implement, market, and review use of the occupational license program through the DeSoto Municipal Court


Objective 4: Encourage and support healthy eating choices

• Initiative 4.1: Encourage small business owners and restaurateurs to promote heathier choices by providing economic incentives (e.g., incentives tied to business or menu type) • Initiative 4.2: Work with local grocers to ensure availability of fresh foods • Initiative 4.3: Develop a “Healthy DeSoto” business attraction and recruitment plan to target larger chains and franchises • Initiative 4.4: Initiate a farmers market pilot program to include local vendors and food trucks Objective 5: Collaborate with partners to support programs, initiatives and services that promote physical health, mental health and longevity • Initiative 5.1: Establish a regional steering committee to investigate regional partnership to develop a mental health services unit • Initiative 5.2: Create a regional mental health needs report • Initiative 5.3: In collaboration with partner cities, develop a regional mental health action plan including an operating and capital budget • Initiative 5.4: Identify grant opportunities to support costs related to a regional mental health services unit • Initiative 5.5: Provide ongoing mental health training to DeSoto police officers • Initiative 5.6: Identify and recommend potential mental health diversion programs to regional partners • Initiative 5.7: Conduct a town hall meeting to review outcomes of DeSoto’s mental health services unit • Initiative 5.8: Develop a dispatch plan and policy for dispatching regional mental health unit services • Initiative 5.9: Conduct a town hall meeting to provide community education on mental health resources and assistance programs • Initiative 5.10: Work with a mental health service provider to provide education sessions for DeSoto residents • Initiative 5.11: Develop a 2021 community calendar focused on events and opportunities designed to improve mental and physical health • Initiative 5.12: Support the Domestic Violence Advisory Commission’s initiatives to reduce family violence


BEAUTIFUL CITY Foster community pride by enhancing the natural beauty of our well-maintained City through use of art, sustainability and revitalization

Objective 1: Continue City’s reputation as an epicenter for local art of all types

• Initiative 1.1: Brand DeSoto’s art culture as universal, welcoming of all types and cultures • Initiative 1.2: Increase the City’s focus on public art projects and opportunities for art beautification • Initiative 1.3: Host annual Light Up DeSoto for the holidays • Initiative 1.4: Review and obtain City Council approval of the Cultural Arts Master Plan • Initiative 1.5: Develop an implementation plan to include potential staffing changes and/or increases based on the recommendations of the Cultural Arts Master Plan Objective 2: Commit to city-wide sustainability and a reduced carbon footprint • Initiative 2.1: Create and execute a green energy and sustainability plan that reduces carbon footprint • Initiative 2.2: Use and promote green energy (e.g., buy electricity from renewal green producers such as wind, solar, geothermal) • Initiative 2.3: Evaluate tying sustainability to the professional rebranding of DeSoto as a City that actively promotes a healthy, environmentally friendly, and sustainable lifestyle • Initiative 2.4: Promote the benefits of sustainable practices to homeowners and businesses Objective 3: Maintain, enhance and preserve green spaces and trails • Initiative 3.1: Enhance promotion of parks and athletic fields • Initiative 3.2: Partner with nonprofit or community organizations to provide education and encourage preservation of green spaces • Initiative 3.3: Review the Parks Master Plan to identify future locations for community parks and trails Objective 4: Refresh and revitalize targeted areas in a modern, sustainable, environmentally friendly way

• Initiative 4.1: Incentivize and promote a modern “green” look and feel


Objective 5: Promote DeSoto’s pride in appearance • Initiative 5.1: Establish lines of communications with businesses and regularly ask them to clean up • Initiative 5.2: Conduct Fall and Spring Clean-Up events to coincide with the Great American Clean-up • Initiative 5.3: Actively promote the Code Enforcement Eyes & Ears Program • Initiative 5.4: Create a public relations campaign for cleaning up city streets and neighborhoods • Initiative 5.5: Evaluate landscaping options to promote a Beautiful City • Initiative 5.6: Promote and incentivize EDC’s Facade Improvement Program • Initiative 5.7: Market and enhance the HOA Matching Grant Program to encourage HOAs to maintain clean and beautiful neighborhoods • Initiative 5.8: Create a public relations campaign to double HOA involvement in the Adopt-a-Street Program Objective 6: Ensure well-maintained and attractive roads, streets, sidewalks, alleys and City property • Initiative 6.1: Ensure City property is kept clean • Initiative 6.2: Encourage beautification and cleanliness of entryways into DeSoto • Initiative 6.3: Update and enhance DeSoto monuments • Initiative 6.4: Obtain Scenic City certification • Initiative 6.5: Develop a naming policy for City Council consideration for street names, honorary street names, facilities, parks, streets, trails and other City assets • Initiative 6.6: Identify opportunities for corporate sponsorships on certain City facilities




IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN The Strategic Plan will help us focus on the City’s priorities, establish aligned efforts through Council goals and department work plans, and prioritize resources. We are focused on creating a robust implementation process that will: • Incorporate Strategic Plan goals and initiatives into the annual City Council Business Plan • Review the progress of the Strategic Plan goals semi-annually • Incorporate applicable Strategic Plan initiatives into departments’ annual department work plans • Base department head performance evaluations heavily on department work plan accomplishments • Share City Council Business Plan progress updates with the community through quarterly reports, posted on the City’s website • Invest in and align strategies from the Strategic Plan to the annual budget • Update the Strategic Plan as needed


Effective October 1, 2020

City of DeSoto, Texas

FY 2021 Business Plan

The City of DeSoto is guiding its future and development with a Strategic Plan consisting of seven strategic priority areas and objectives based on input from the City Council, City staff, and DeSoto residents and businesses. As part of the City ’ s annual budget process, key objectives and initiatives to be achieved over the next one to two years are identified and included in the City ’ s Business Plan for that year. Systematic attention to the long - term Strategic Plan and the immediate action Business Plan allows the City to dedicate time and resources to important community initiatives and drive advancement in the areas that matter most. City Council Vision Statement DeSoto is an All - America City, rich in history and educational opportunities, where people come to live, work, and play in a prosperous, attractive, culturally - inclusive community that is a destination for arts, family entertainment, and sports.

DeSoto ’ s Strategic Priorities

 Image  Building Trust  Thriving Economy  Learning Environment  Engaged & Vibrant Community  Safe & Healthy Community  Beautiful City


Define DeSoto’s Identity, Promote Its Uniqueness, and Communicate Effectively

City Work Plan

Business Plan Goal #1

1. Hire a branding and marketing firm to create a consistent brand and marketing identity for DeSoto | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Hire a marketing manager in the City Manager ’ s Office | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q1 3. Obtain City Council approval of a new City - wide brand identity, marketing campaign, and logo update | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q4 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 4. Overhaul the City ’ s website to a more modern and easy - to - use platform consistent with the City ’ s new brand identity | IT Department | Start FY 2022 Q1 | Complete FY 2022 Q3 5. Ensure City - produced materials are consistent with the City ’ s new brand identity | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2022 Q1 | Complete FY 2023 Q3 6. Organize a steering committee of staff and elected officials to review logo options and to make recommendations to the City Council | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4

Create a City identity and marketing and communications strategy to improve marketing and public relations efforts.

Increase public support by providing open two-way communication with greater transparency

Business Plan Goal #2 Create a Citizen Police Advisory Committee to provide transparency and community input into Police Department enforcement activities.

City Work Plan

1. Obtain City Council approval on all appointees to the Citizen Police Advisory Committee (CPAC) | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q1 2. Provide training to CPAC members on their roles and responsibilities, including training for new CPAC members to become familiar with the functions of the DeSoto Police Department | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 3. Conduct regular meetings of the CPAC to review Police Department policies and procedures | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4


Grow a diverse and innovative economy with increased commerce and employment opportunities

Business Plan Goal #3 Create an economic development plan for Hampton Road, Belt Line Road at Cockrell Hill, and general citywide commercial nodes.

City Work Plan

1. Develop a transition plan to go from Type A to Type B Economic Development Corporation | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 2. Develop a land - use plan and market study for Belt Line Road and general citywide commercial nodes | Development Services | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 3. Create an economic development policy for Hampton Road to include a strategy for marketing City - owned land and an incentive policy to

encourage targeted economic development in the area| City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2022 Q1

4. Develop a city - wide economic development policy to include an incentive policy that encourages retail and restaurant development for

Belt Line Road and general City - wide commercial nodes | City Manager ’ s Office |Start FY 2022 Q1 | Complete FY 2022 Q3

Business Plan Goal #4 Improve affordable housing options and ownership

City Work Plan

1. Create a first - time homeowner assistance program to increase home- ownership opportunities for DeSoto residents | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 2. Consider expansion of the Over - 65 Homestead Exemption to improve seniors ’ ability to maintain homeownership in DeSoto | Finance | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2

opportunities for DeSoto residents.

Business Plan Goal #5

City Work Plan

1. Complete Phase II of City ’ s impact fee study currently underway | Development Services | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Organize a steering committee to include staff and elected officials to discuss impact fee policy decisions | Development Services | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 3. Consider policy decisions and obtain City Council approval of an impact fee ordinance | Development Services | Start FY 2022 Q1 | Complete FY 2022 Q2 4. Implement the collection of impact fees consistent with the Council approved policy | Development Services | Start FY 2022 Q2 | Complete FY 2022 Q2

Develop an Impact Fee Policy that has developers paying to expand identified infrastructure on new development.


Cultivate an environment of learning and enrichment by supporting excellence in education, professional development, and job training

Business Plan Goal #6 Coordinate strategic plans for DeSoto ISD and the City of DeSoto.

City Work Plan

1. Strengthen and support efforts to engage DeSoto youth.

• Develop recommendations from the City ’ s Youth Master Plan upon completion | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 • Participate in the Texas Municipal League Youth Advisory Council Summit | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 • Support youth participation in the Library Teen Advisory Board | Library Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 • Reimagine and restructure the Junior Civic Academy to engage additional youth | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 • Establish a DeSoto Teen Council for youth engagement with the Mayor and City Council | City Manger ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Establish regular quarterly meetings for staff and elected officials to review the status of strategic plan outcomes and plan for opportunities for collective goal achievement | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4

Provide access to community amenities that support the arts, culture, sports, entertainment and retail for families, and proactively engage and involve the community.

Business Pan Goal #7

City Work Plan

1. Conduct regular meetings with Thorntree Golf Club corporate ownership to explore partnership opportunities that will support an attractive and well - maintained neighborhood | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Organize a steering committee of staff and elected officials to identify opportunities to collaborate with Thorntree Golf Club | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q1

Work with the ownership of Thorntree Golf Club to support an attractive and well - maintained facility and neighborhood.


Provide access to community amenities that support the arts, culture, sports, entertainment and retail for families, and proactively engage and involve the community

Business Plan Goal #8

City Work Plan

Construct a high - quality natatorium and recreation center consistent with the Meadow Creek Master Plan.

1. Update the feasibility study for the construction and operation of a natatorium and recreation center at Meadow Creek Park | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 2. Organize a steering committee to obtain community input | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 3. Hire an architectural firm to design a natatorium and recreation center | Development Services | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 4. Develop construction drawings for the natatorium and recreation center | Development Services |FY 2021 Q4 | Complete FY 2022 Q4 5. Provide a report to the City Council and the public with updated capital and operating financial projections for a natatorium and recreation center | Finance | Start FY 2021 Q4 | Complete FY 2022 Q1 6. Select Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) | Development Services | Start FY 2022 Q2 | Complete FY 2022 Q3 7. Begin construction | Development Services | Start FY 2024 Q1 | Complete FY 2025 Q3


Create an environment where residents feel safe, and have access to healthy lifestyle choices

City Work Plan

Business Plan Goal #9

1. Explore removing the criminal history background question from the initial employment application • Conduct a City Council Work Session to discuss potential City and business - community policies related to the criminal background history question on initial employment applications | Human Resources | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 • Conduct a Town Hall Meeting to discuss potential policies related to criminal background history questions on employment applications | Human Resources | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 Conduct a City Council Work Session to discuss the City ’ s procedure for enforcement of marijuana possession | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 • Conduct a Town Hall Meeting to discuss City procedures for enforcement of marijuana possession | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 3. Provide a report to the City Council at a Work Session on the outcomes of the Citizens Police Advisory Committee | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q4 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Review enforcement of marijuana - related offenses •

Explore criminal justice reform for fair and equitable enforcement of laws for adults and juveniles.


Create an environment where residents feel safe, and have access to healthy lifestyle choices

City Work Plan

Business Plan Goal #10

1. Establish a regional steering committee to investigate regional partnership to develop a mental health services unit | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Create a regional mental health needs report | Police Department | FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q3 3. In collaboration with partner cities, develop a regional mental health action plan including an operating and capital budget | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q3 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 4. Identify grant opportunities to support costs related to a regional mental health services unit | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 5. Provide ongoing mental health training to DeSoto police officers | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 6. Identify and recommend potential mental health diversion programs to regional partners | Municipal Court | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 7. Conduct a town hall meeting to review outcomes of DeSoto ’ s Mental Health Services Unit | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q4 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 8. Develop a dispatch plan and policy for dispatching regional mental health unit services | Southwest Regional Communications Center | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4

Explore the development of a regional mental health services unit with partner Best Southwest cities.

Business Plan Goal #11 Develop and participate in programs to improve mental and physical health.

City Work Plan

1. Conduct a town hall meeting to provide community education on mental health resources and assistance programs | Fire Department | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 2. Work with a mental health service provider to provide education sessions for DeSoto residents | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 3. Develop a 2021 community calendar focused on events and opportunities designed to improve mental and physical health | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q1


Foster community pride by enhancing the natural beauty of our well-maintained City through use of art, sustainability, and revitalization

Business Plan Goal #12 Explore and consider the Community Cultural Arts Master Plan to focus on and support the arts and citywide events.

City Work Plan

1. Review and obtain City Council approval of the Cultural Arts Master Plan | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 2. Develop an implementation plan to include potential staffing changes and/or increases based on the recommendations of the Cultural Arts Master Plan | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2

Business Plan Goal #13

City Work Plan


Conduct Fall and Spring Clean - Up Events •

Increase community engagement for a Beautiful DeSoto.

Participate in the Great American Clean - Up 

Create a fall and spring clean - up plan to coincide with the Great American Clean - Up | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2  Conduct spring and fall clean - up events | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4

2. Promote the Code Enforcement Eyes & Ears Program | Police Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 3. Create a public relations campaign for cleaning up city streets and neighborhoods | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 4. Conduct a City - wide Arbor Day Event | Parks Department | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q1 5. Create a public relations campaign to double HOA involvement in the Adopt - a - Street Program | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q1 | Complete FY 2021 Q2 City Work Plan 1. Develop a naming policy for City Council consideration for street names, honorary street names, facilities, parks, streets, trails, and other City assets | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 2021 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4 2. Identify opportunities for corporate sponsorships on certain City facilities | City Manager ’ s Office | Start FY 20201 Q2 | Complete FY 2021 Q4

Business Plan Goal #14 Create a naming policy for City assets (facilities, parks, streets).



Updated July 20 20

DeSoto Economic Development Corporation

Location The City of DeSoto, TX, is located in the Central Time Zone in southern Dallas County. DeSoto is part of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, which consists of twelve counties and over 200 cities and towns, including Dallas and Fort Worth. The DFW Metroplex is home to over 7 million people and covers 9,2 86 square miles. Its economy is one of the healthiest in the country due to its central location, DFW International Airport and other transportation resources, 23 Fortune 500 company headquarters, and an extremely diversified economic base.


Highways DeSoto is strategically positioned to all major highway and Interstate connections in the DFW Metroplex.


IH 20, located less than a mile north of DeSoto, provides direct access to Tyler and Shreveport, east of the Metroplex and Fort Worth to the west. IH 30, accessible via IH 20 & IH 635, provides direct access to Little Rock. Loop 9 construction is being plated and will connect highways 75, 35, and 67 just south of DeSoto's city limits.


DeSoto offers 4 miles of frontage along the west side of Interstate 35E (NAFTA). IH 35E extends southward to Austin and San Antonio and northward to Oklahoma City and Kansas City. U.S. Highway 67 intersects DeSoto on the west at Wheatland Road and IH 35E to the north in Dallas. IH45, accessible via IH20 provides direct access to Houston.

Air Service

DFW International Airport

Dallas/Fort Worth International is ranked as the f if teenth busiest airport in the world and serves more than 6 9 million passengers with nearly 2,0 00 flights per day. DFW provides nonstop service to 63 international and 1 90 domestic destinations. Flying times to any major North American city takes less than four hours.

Dallas Love Field

by three

Dallas airlines (Southwest , Delta & Alaska Airlines ) offering passenger service to U.S. locations. Love Field is served

Travel Times All locations in DeSoto can be reached within 15 minutes. DeSoto is also easily accessible from all parts of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex via nearby major highways.

Dallas Executive Airport

Dallas Executive Airport is a public commercial airport serving local businesses. Facilities include a 6,451 ft. concrete/asphalt runway, fixed base operations and instrument landing system.



Travel Time

DFW International Airport

31 miles

35 minutes

Dallas Love Field Airport

18 miles

22 minutes

DeSoto Heliport

Dallas Executive Airport

5 miles

8 minutes

The DeSoto Heliport includes 35,000 SF of terminal/hangar space, accommodations for both large and small helicopters, Jet-A and 100LL available 24 hours at self-serve fuel island. DeSoto Heliport is 12 miles southeast of downtown Dallas and has easy access to all DFW business centers.

Downtown Dallas

12 miles

15 minutes

Downtown Fort Worth

32 miles

35 minutes

DeSoto Community Profile - Page 1