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Comfort Family Dental - June 2022

2036 W. 95th St. Chicago, IL 60643 773-366-8718

JUNE 2022


No. 2: Try different types of toothbrush bristles, including silicone.

When it comes to oral health, dentists like myself understand that everyone has their own obstacles. The most common obstacle, however, isn’t having experienced cavities before all their friends in elementary school. It’s establishing a lifelong, comprehensive oral health routine (brushing and flossing) that is rarely interrupted.

My colleagues and I have heard many stories from confused parents of ADHD or autistic children who refuse to brush their teeth. Some parents go to phenomenal lengths to ensure their child’s teeth are clean, including brushing their teeth while they’re asleep! However,

If you experience depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, bipolar, and/or other mental health conditions, you may have trouble maintaining good oral care for many reasons. Perhaps brushing or flossing feels like a sensory overload or more painful (due to increased pain sensitivity). Or, perhaps, it’s already difficult to implement a routine with necessary daily tasks.

it’s rarely pure stubbornness that prevents ADHD or autistic people from maintaining their oral care. It’s also due to their heightened sensitivity to tactile stimuli (things that we touch or feel, including on our teeth).

“It’s rarely pure stubbornness that prevents ADHD or autistic people from maintaining their oral

While necessary, brushing and flossing can be a sensory overload. If you can

You’re not alone. It’s well-known in the dental community that people with mental health issues have a much higher risk of dental diseases. Unfortunately, this means they also have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, dementia, diabetes, pregnancy complications, and much more.

empathize with that, then it’s important to be patient with yourself. Try toothbrushes with different types of bristles, from extra soft nylon to silicone. These brushes can help ease you into more regular brushing so you can smile more confidently. To floss better and more frequently, try flavored floss (the traditional mint isn’t for everyone!) and/or a water flosser. No. 3: Eat well by including easy, low-effort healthy options.

care. It’s also due to their heightened sensitivity to tactile stimuli (things that we touch or feel, including on our teeth).”

That’s why I wanted to create a quick list of tips for anyone looking to improve their regular oral care routine — whether you’re currently struggling with your mental health or not. No. 1: Pick an ideal ‘prompt’ for your oral care routine. When you feel sleepy, your natural inclination is to lie down somewhere comfortable (e.g., your bed). Many habits, biological or not, are created after they’ve been “prompted.” Your oral care routine is no different. Make a plan that fits oral care into your life at a convenient time and place. Let’s say you choose to brush your teeth after (or even during) a shower. Eventually, showering will feel like a natural prompt to brush your teeth, and a small routine like that can provide large benefits to your mental and physical health.

Has your energy been low lately? If so, there’s a chance you’re struggling with poor nutrition. While your oral care routine greatly impacts your oral health, your diet impacts it, too. Poor nutrition can lead to all kinds of dental problems, including cavities, tooth decay, and especially with some eating disorders, even dry mouth. Luckily, nature has many foods that require little or no prep on your part. Apples, celery, and nuts can replace many unhealthy, sugary foods. These and more fresh, raw foods will help you build a healthier future.

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Second, try to explain that our bodies are an ecosystem — everything is connected. Just like an eagle can fly across a wilderness and eat fish from many different ponds, lakes, and rivers, blood and bacteria in your body can travel many places. Eating healthy food helps give their body’s ecosystem the materials it needs to strengthen and grow, just like plants need sunlight. However, your ecosystem is threatened all the time. Brushing and flossing teeth will help wash away bacteria and help relieve inflammation, just like how rain puts out a fire. Third, acknowledge inflammation can lead to lots of problems. Although it might seem like a small side effect of not brushing your teeth, constant low-level inflammation can develop into lifelong problems. Some bacteria induce atherosclerosis, the hardening of arterial walls, and this leads to blockages. Here’s an easy way to explain this: Without regular care, your mouth will allow too many threats into your body’s ecosystem, and it will not be able to care for itself. But, with the

It’s rare for children to feel inclined to take care of their teeth right away. Although we often talk in this newsletter about the scary realities of the mouth-body connection, the consequences (such as heart disease) can be intimidating, difficult to understand, or simply not motivating. So, if you want to educate your children on the mouth-body connection, here are a few ways you could go about it. First, try to teach by example. Believe it or not, kids will notice your commitment to good oral hygiene. If oral care is important to you, many will also naturally assume that oral care should be important to them. It’s not always easy, of course. Kids may challenge your reasoning or act lazy when it comes to doing it themselves. However, your example can go further than you think. When kids are away from their parents and wonder how they’re supposed to act, they may find themselves emulating their parents’ good habits. Take heart in that!

right habits and by seeing a dentist regularly, you’ll never have to worry about this.

At Comfort Family Dental, we know it’s never easy to introduce these concepts to kids, but it’s always worth it. We hope these tips help, and if you need help getting your child more comfortable with their dental care, just let us know. We’re happy to help!

... continued from Cover

No. 4: Be careful of your alcohol and/or sugary drink intake. When someone has a rough day, it’s common to offer them an alcoholic drink. This “prescription” may be best in very small doses, or not at all — it’s easy to go too far. Studies show that heavy drinking can lead to gum disease and even oral cancer. (“Heavy drinking,” in this case, is defined as more than the limit recommended by U.S. health officials: one drink per day for women and two per day for men.) Sugary drinks, such as sweet teas or carbonated drinks, can also create tremendous damage to your teeth. Along with creating enamel eating acids, did you know that sugar attracts bacteria that causes gingivitis and gum disease? And a high-sugar diet can causes your gums to recede and destroy your teeth’s protective tissues. Studies suggest that sugar has a negative effect on your mood long term. A 2017 study found that consuming a high-sugar diet can increase the chances of incident mood disorders in men, and recurrent mood disorders in both men and women. Plus, sugar weakens your body’s reaction to stress. It’s true that sugar can help you feel less frazzled for a little while, but that’s because it suppresses the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis in your brain, which controls your response to stress. This temporary relief may make you more reliant on sugar, raising your risk of tooth decay, obesity, and many related diseases.

No. 5: Eat less sugar, but taper off slowly. Everyone struggles to eat less sugar, but especially people with mental health conditions. Why? Much like withdrawing from addictive substances, withdrawing from your regular amount of sugar consumption can cause side effects, including:

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irritability confusion


Dr. Uma Naidoo, considered the mood-food expert at Harvard Medical School, explained to Healthline, “Evidence in [studies] shows substantial parallels and overlap between drugs of abuse and sugar.” So, if you already have anxiety, going “cold turkey” on sugar might not be the best solution. Try to slowly implement low-sugar options into your daily routine, like sugar alternatives and flavored seltzer waters. I truly hope these tips help you or a loved one. If you think it’ll help someone, share this newsletter and let them know they can call our offices at any time. Our practice would be more than happy to give them the Comfort Family treatment.

– Dr. Corie Rowe



We all know the feeling: Sometime after lunch, you become sluggish, spacey, and unproductive. Many of us instinctively turn to caffeine to power through the rest of the day, but that can cause another crash, not to mention sleep problems. But don’t worry — you aren’t doomed to an aimless afternoon. We’ve compiled expert tips to perk up and carry on with your busy day. Plan your work. All of our bodies have internal rhythms, and by now, you probably know yours. Typically, people peak mid-morning or in the late afternoon. But whenever your productive heights are, plan around them. Complete the detailed, creative, or difficult work during the times when your energy is at its best, and save your “busy work” or repetitive tasks for the lulls when you feel less motivated. You’ll feel better and get more done. Consume healthy foods and lots of water. Maybe you don’t have complete control of your schedule. That’s where a healthy snack comes in. We tend to crash in the afternoon when our blood sugar drops, usually due to consuming carbohydrates. Eating vegetables, fruit, and protein or fiber-rich foods will help pick up your energy without incurring a future dip. While you’re snacking, drink some water. A 2018 study out of Yale found that even mild dehydration

can negatively affect our brains’ ability to function, so don’t let your water bottle sit untouched. Get up and move. You’re not going to get over that slump by sitting in your chair. If you want to beat back fatigue, go for a walk, climb some stairs, stretch, or do some jumping jacks. Researchers have proven that exercise wakes up both your body and your mind. In fact, science says it will do a better job of rousing you than caffeine will. Best of all, it will help, not hurt, your ability to sleep at night.

Finally, set yourself up for success by going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting your necessary 7–9 hours of sleep. Our attention ebbs and flows naturally, so none of us can

be our best 100% of the time. But along

with these other tips, staying well- rested can help you pick up the pace. Take a Break

“Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends — they will never go out of fashion.” –NIKI TAYLOR




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2036 W. 95th St., Chicago, IL 60643 773-366-8718



5 Tips for Better Oral and Mental Health


How Do I Explain Oral Health to My Kids?


Beating the Midday Slump


Take a Break


Father’s Day Gift Guide


Massage Gun Massage guns are rising in popularity. To help Dad recover from soreness and injury or just a tough workout, a massage gun will do the trick! The best part is that they range in price, and you can even purchase one on Amazon! Apple Watch Strap Does the dad you’re celebrating own an Apple Watch? If so, help him customize it with a new Apple Watch strap. You can choose from many materials, colors, and designs so he can blend in or stand out as much as he wants. A New Cooler Men love their coolers — it’s a foolproof Father’s Day gift! Whether Dad loves to camp, fish, tailgate, go to the beach, or

barbecue in the backyard, he’s sure to appreciate a new way to store ice, drinks, food, or bait! Tool Bucket Organizer Is your dad a bit of a handyman? Help him get organized and never lose track of his tools again. Tool bucket organizers come in many forms and, again, can be purchased right online, making your shopping easy! Bluetooth Headphones or Speakers If your father doesn’t have Bluetooth headphones or speakers yet, he’s missing out. The opportunity to jam out wirelessly while working out, cutting the grass, doing hobby work, or just relaxing is effortless with this thoughtful gift.

Dad is a very important person in your life! Every year when Father’s Day rolls around, it can be tough to come up with the perfect gift, whether it be for your dad, a new father, your grandfather, or a father figure. Getting creative can be tricky, but this list is sure to help you with an idea or two for all different price ranges! Wallet Why not go really classic and opt for a thoughtful and practical gift? Most men’s wallets see a lot of wear and tear. After all, they’re sat on, toted around in pockets all day long, and sometimes forgotten about and sent through the wash. A new one just may be in order!