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CompassX Group July 2018

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CompassX Group May 2018


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Wade Law Group July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme • 3 tablespoons raw honey • Salt and freshly ground

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Shannon Law Group July 2018

4 cup cilantro • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. Brush corn with 2

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Gibson Law Group - July 2018

Gibson Law Group - July 2018 DIVING DOWN WITH GLG JULY 2018 GIBSONLAWGROUP.COM (817) 769-4044 THE TU

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Realty One Group - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon olive oil • 4 ounces crumbled blue ch

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Dellutri Law Group - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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The Wedge Group - July 2018

forum Subscribe to Agency Growth Machine podcasts on iTunes or Stitcher today! • Failure — A Stupid

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Soto Law Group - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • Celery salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juic

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Synergy Therapeutic Group - July 2018

is money well-spent.” –Lindy P. occupational therapy to regain my strength. Since I broke my hand up

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Liberty Inspection Group - July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons raw honey 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepp

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CompassX Group July 2018


Inside This Issue Joint Decision and Launch Session Do Your Meetings Matter? By the Numbers What’s Your ONEThing? Summertime, and the Traveling Is Easy Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 stakeholder buy-in? You’ll need to ensure those same stakeholders are set up to collaborate and make critical, early decisions — the types of early decisions that can either initiate success or cost your special project dearly. Today’s executive is challenged with a project portfolio of increasing complexity and the ever more challenging matrix-based organization. Execution with just the right amount of support from other key executives has become so difficult. The “Goldilocks” scenario of “just the right amount” is challenging, to say the least. Too much involvement and your collaboration turns into a bloated bureaucracy; too little and adoption lacks. Budgets aren’t allocated, or shared resources are withheld. CompassX has a solution, and it’s named the JOINT DECISION AND LAUNCH SESSION (JDLS). JDLSs are seriously different than your typical project kickoff: Extremely interactive and inclusive to ensure those with sharp minds but quiet voices are heard Tackle tough decisions upfront with working ideas and possible solutions • •


Everyone has seen the start of a project. Excitement, energy, and purpose are all

purpose and create vision among collaborators can’t happen soon enough. And even the best project leaders don’t necessarily have the right tools to ensure this happens early enough to launch into the highest possible gear with the highest probability of project success. The CompassX team has collectively worked on thousands of projects, and we have discovered execution can be dramatically held back, stalled, or even misdirected, resulting in the erosion of that ever-important early energy, momentum, and collaboration. It is from the essence of this problem that our team formed the concept of the Joint Decision and Launch Session. No, this isn’t the name of NATO’s latest military exercise, but rather one of our most valuable workshopping methods.

high. But then comes the “what’s next?” moment, and it’s not an easy question to answer. There are often many possible next options. Good project leadership

can help mobilize, organize, and begin a path forward. But knocking down ambiguity to actually cement the

How do you launch a complex new project quickly, with a strong foundation of cross-functional

Continued on page 2 ...


The running joke on us consultants goes something like this: “You consultants must get bonuses for every meeting you set up!” Admittedly, we do often require many meetings, quite possibly an insane number. However, meetings are an essential part of any effective workplace collaboration. The question, then, isn’t how to get rid of ALL meetings, but rather how to make them more efficient and scaling back when appropriate. MATTER DISTILL, REDUCE “Is the meeting absolutely necessary? Is there a better format to conduct this discussion? Can we reduce the frequency of these meetings?” Be protective of your own time and be protective of others’ time. A brief email update with specific next steps can often move most items forward. See also this month’s book review on “The One Thing” under the heading “Subtraction.” TRIM ATTENDEES I’m quite certain it was a rule before Jeff Bezos made it famous, but the one- or two-pizza rule (invite only numbers that one or two pizzas can feed) is a great starting point for the maximum attendee size of meetings. Only invite the essential HOW TO MAKE YOUR MEETINGS Here are our team’s favorite ways to do that:

attendees and provide relief to others by inviting them as optional and explaining in the invite that a good set of notes will be sent out post-meeting. Trust me, they won’t be offended. Present a back- of-the-napkin cost per meeting when sizes get too large. BEGIN WITH BIG IDEAS Really, this rule applies to every form of communication other than a formal British tea party. Ask yourself, “What does a successful meeting look like? What are the one or two items I need to walk away with at this meeting’s conclusion?” Back into your agenda with big ideas and let the smaller items drop off or move into the “speed round,” the final five minutes of the agenda. And by the way, front-loading your meaty topics usually has a good track record for getting people to start showing up to your meetings on time. ENGAGE YOUR ATTENDEES There is likely nothing better to drive engagement than an old-fashioned task list. An action plan read-through before each meeting with the directly responsible individual’s name next to a task is powerful, decentralized, and motivating. It amazes

me how many meetings are held without a fast run-through of captured actions and a review of prior actions. Get folks to show up and on time — get creative with it. A prior manager of mine used a penalty jar to collect from the habitually tardy. The “7-minute rule” also can work: Start the meeting after seven minutes regardless of who is present. If a quorum doesn’t exist, the meeting gets adjourned. Engagement might be the single-most important aspect of efficient, productive meetings. A meeting should be just that. If you’re not expecting collaboration, don’t call it a meeting. Tell your staff you’re giving a presentation and they’ll come ready to take notes. But if you want to actually have a meeting, every participant should come ready and willing to engage with the ideas on the table.

See you in Room 3B!

Kyle J . Heppenstall Founder, Managing Director

... Continued from cover • Create and foster cross-

mitigate early risks, and create new paths forward Drive startup, MVP thinking Cement ideas and create meaningful actions Begin execution faster and more aligned

functional input, such that business units walk away

• •

feeling like true partners, not entrenched for future pitted battles against your causes Our clients benefit by learning to ... • Compress upfront decisions and the time to make those decisions • Bring differing perspectives together, reducing future political hurdles • Success-storm, increasing the volume of possible winning solutions • Harness the strengths of their matrixed teams • Uncover the unexpected,

By combining concepts from the areas of design thinking, organizational readiness, and countless project kickoffs, CompassX has brought to market a radical workshop that you should consider to rapidly launch your next project.

To learn more visit or email [email protected].



ONE Thing? BOOK REVIEW What’s Your Let the Rest Fall Away for Extraordinary Results


7 90 75

“What’s the ONE Thing you can do this week such that, by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?”

Seconds you have to make a first impression

Take a few minutes to ponder this question, because it holds the key to extraordinary results for your business. It’s the question Gary Keller, co-founder of Keller Williams Realty, asks in his nationally bestselling book, “The One Thing.” In it, Keller and Jay Papasan, vice president of publishing at Keller Williams, bring a fresh, results-driven perspective to the topic of time management. It’s the duo’s first book not solely devoted to

Percentage of a first impression based upon appearance, posture, facial expressions, and tone of voice — per Yale University psychology professor Marianne LaFrance

real estate, and their advice could benefit your company.

When Keller’s company was at a standstill, a life coach recommended he narrow his focus. When Keller saw how it had an impact on his business, he extended this approach to his employees, and production soared. What Keller discovers and lays out in “The One Thing” is the causal effect between a narrowed focus and extraordinary results. You need to fix your focus on One Thing that will drive everything else. Think about Apple: As they’ve diversified their products, they’ve continued to focus on one lead product — Macs, then iPods, and now iPhones — and with their One Thing at the top, they create Apple acolytes who are devoted to the entire line. IT TAKES SUBTRACTION, NOT ADDITION Keller fundamentally and wholeheartedly believes in trying to completely minimize multitasking. Humans are not computer servers. Most people in the workforce are trained to multitask, even rewarded for it. However, the greatest achievers choose to narrow their focus and try to reduce, if not completely cut out, multitasking. Most people create to-do lists; Keller recommends creating “success lists” and constantly reminding yourself to focus on “What should I be doing next?” not “What can I do next?” Keller uses the Paretto Principle, the “80/20” rule, as his starting point, but instead of stopping at the 20, he dives into the 80/20 of each subsequent 20, until he can answer, “What is the one thing I can do five years, one year, a month, a week, or a day from now, such that, by doing it, everything else will become easier or unnecessary?” IT’S NOT STATIC New technology and economic shifts might mean your One Thing changes in the evolution of your business. To grow and continue to see results, your team has to regularly ask, “What’s our One Thing?” THERE’S NO OVERNIGHT SUCCESS Keller emphasizes that it will take time to get to extraordinary results. It’s something we know but often forget. As you develop your One Thing, you’ll build the skills and knowledge that lead to a domino effect of big results. As Keller reminds us, “Extraordinary success is sequential, not simultaneous.”

Percent of the world who does not communicate in your same style or will not immediately bond with your natural communication style

2 5 0.4

Seconds experts believe a consumer takes to make a decision to purchase a product when walking down a grocery aisle

Seconds recommended in the book, “The 5 Second Rule” to outwit your natural tendency to procrastinate. A simple “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!” can help to override your next tough-to-tackle task

Seconds a 90 mph pitch takes to reach home plate

Check out “The One Thing” to learn more about Keller and Papasan’s approach and see how you can get extraordinary results for yourself.



300 Spectrum Center Drive Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92618 949.387.9111 | Issue: July 2018



U.S. Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was authored quickly, in about a month during the summer of 1776. It was written almost a year after the war broke out with Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author. The document was ratified on July 2, but the language was formally approved and signed on July 4, 1776.

EFFORTLESS TRAVEL, FROM YOUR DOORSTEP TO YOUR How Luggage Forward Does the Heavy Lifting for You As a parent traveling with young kids, you know how quickly your personal belongings multiply. It often means carting additional items through the airport and either jamming them into the small overhead compartments or spending the time and money to check them. puts the luxury back in travel. Born out of the simple idea that “we should all be able to enjoy the journey as much as the destination,” Luggage Forward offers door-to-door delivery service. Those traveling with young kids can use Luggage Forward to send some of their items ahead or keep non-essentials a few days behind to make for a much lighter load. In a word? Effortless. DESTINATION

The cost is about $100 per bag for a standard- sized bag you would check at an airport. When you factor in that most airlines now charge $25–35 per bag, you are looking at around $75 for the service. As a traveling parent or someone who requires more than a small carry-on, the service is well-worth the first-class feel of traveling without the hassle. Luggage Forward isn’t a new company; they’ve been around for more than a decade, but they’ve stayed relevant by utilizing technological advances. Thanks to strategic acquisitions and industry consolidation, Luggage Forward is one of the leaders of the luggage shipping industry. For customers, this can equate to better pricing and better results. Whether you’re sailing, flying, or just dreaming about your next vacation, Luggage Forward is there to take a load off you.

Travel stresses like these are exactly what Luggage Forward aims to solve. With the tagline “Venture far, carry nothing,” Luggage Forward

The service is relatively easy to use and is accessible through Luggage Forward’s website. You’ll enter some basic information, including the legs of your journey and the size of your luggage. You can even indicate if your luggage requires pickup from a cruise. From there, you’ll select your shipping preference. After you’ve submitted your order, an overnight envelope will arrive with tags and labels for your luggage. Place your bags outside your residence, vacation rental, or hotel front desk, and they’ll be picked up, shipped, and will arrive within 1–3 days at your destination or return location.