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ConceptofMovement_Relieve Your Back Pain by Fixing Your Pos…

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ConceptofMovement_Relieve Your Back Pain by Fixing Your Pos…




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As a reminder: Your appointment time is held for you. Please understand that a missed appointment or late cancellation disables another client from accessing our services and hinders your treatment plan. As a result, all cancellations less than 24 hours incur an automatic fee of $35.00 billed to your account. No-show appointments will be charged in full for your missed appointment. As this is an automatic charge, if there is an exceptional circumstance that arises please speak with your practitioner.



• Poor Posture - A Common Issue • Staff Spotlight • At-Home Exercise • Patient Success Story

110 Bradford Street, Unit 1 Barrie, Ontario, Canada, L4N 3B1 Call Us Today at (705) 728-9333

MON-THURS | 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM FRI | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM SAT | 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

@ COMphysio

Relieve Your Back Pain By Fixing Your Posture

Did you know that approximately 3%of all emergency room visits tend to be the result of back pain or injury? Back pain is the most commonly reported area of pain, which can cause signif icant limits to one’s daily life. It is common for back pain to develop as the result of poor posture. If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to realize whether or not it is stemming f rom the way you stand, sit, and lie down. How do you maintain your posture throughout the day? Do you catch yourself slouching f requently? Do those last couple hours of the school or work day leave you hunched over and ready to leave? If you notice daily or very f requent aches and pains in your back, it is likely that your posture is to blame. When your posture is incorrect, it can cause stress on other parts of your body, resulting in pain, inflammation, or dysfunction. Fortunately, COMPhysio can help. If you have been noticing persistent pains in your back, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll determine the cause of the pain so you can get back to living your life comfortably! Poor Posture - A Common Issue Poor posture isn’t anything to be embarrassed about - very few people have perfect posture, and most people partake in bad posture habits in one way or another. We become so wrapped up in whatever tasks we are doing that we forget to think about the way our bodies are positioned. Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. Do you slouch at your desk? Do you lean forward to read emails? Do you hunch over your keyboard? These are all things that people do subconsciously, without even realizing the toll it takes on the body. Your posture affects how your body moves - whether you’re sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, or performing pretty much any other task throughout the day. Your posture may also change depending on what you are doing - perhaps your posture when you stand is perfect, but when you sit at a desk or lay down, your body begins to hunch and fold in ways that it is simply not supposed to. Poor posture isn’t due to laziness or apathy; rather, it generally has something to do with a physical weakness within our bodies. When we slouch our

backs forward while walking or hunch our shoulders over our keyboards at work, it is because we feel drained – our bodies literally get tired of holding us up. Even if you exercise regularly, it is possible that there are still a few weak muscles contributing to your posture that you may not even realize. The muscles in your shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic floor all play an important role in your posture. If even one of these is weak, your core will

be affected, and your posture may suffer. Posture Perfect - Find Relief Today!

Physiotherapy is a great way to regainnormal posture. At COMPhysio, our physiotherapists are experts in movement, and they are great resources to have when trying to achieve your physical performance goals. They will aid you in the improvement of your balance, stability, flexibility, and mobility, all of which will positively affect your posture. At your initial evaluation, your physiotherapist will conduct functional testing in order to identify which weakened areas of your body are causing your back pain. Afterward, they will create a customized treatment plan, tailored to your specif ic needs. Treatment plans typically include manual therapy and targeted exercises to alleviate pain and regain proper function. Additional treatments, such as ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation may be added as your physiotherapist deems f it. Your treatment plan will focus on improving your posture, increasing strength, and (most importantly) relieving your back pain. We know how hindering back pain can be, and we are ready to help you begin your journey toward long-lasting relief. Find out for yourself why physiotherapy is one of the most effective ways to address your back pain and start on the road to recovery and improved posture. Contact COMPhysio today to schedule a consultation and f igure out how physiotherapy can help make you “posture perfect!” https: // depth/posture-align-yourself-for-good-health/art-20269950 https: // multimedia/back-pain/sls-20076817



I have been going regularly to COMPhysio for physio over the past few years, and f ind all the physiotherapists to be thorough, professional and most of all helpful giving instruction for specif ic exercises as well as acupuncture. Daniel has been most helpful in this regard. The administrative staff are always there to help in a f riendly , welcoming manner. I also do regular exercise with a movement coach (specif ically Kevin). I was originally doing them at the clinic but since COVID-19, I have been doing them virtually at home, which is most convenient. I miss going to the gym at the clinic because they have a lot of really cool equipment. Kevin and Daniel communicate and put together specif ic exercises which will benef it my issues. I am restricted in terms of equipment but Kevin gets the job done with all the routines he puts together for me. I know if I were doing it myself, I would not push as hard. Kevin is kind, understanding and very encouraging. He knows his stuff! - Judy Hamill

(705) 728-9333

Big news: say hello, to our new name! We are launching a new name and logo, and as we start to refresh our look, we are here to explain why we decided to evolve it. Our first logo was created before the company launched back in 2011. It’s distinctive, strong, and the runningman resembles someone chasing after their goals. We love that about our logo, but what we have struggled with is our name, COMphysio Physiotherapy and Performance Therapy. It is really long and easy to get wrong. Our incredible community of patients coined the acronym COM over the years and we resonate with it and love it... so why not make it official!

Staff Spotlight

Bruce Martens Physiotherapist

Bruce holds degrees in Kinesiology (2001) and Physiotherapy (2004) f rom the University of Saskatchewan, both with Great Distinction. As part of his training in Kinesiology, he was

able to study for one year at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, at the School of HumanMovement. Duringhis university years, he was able to develop his skills as a personal trainer, and is currently a Certif ied Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Throughout his life, Bruce has been active in a wide variety of sports including hockey, basketball, indoor and beach volleyball, tennis, and golf, as well as cycling, running and strength training.

Over the next few months, you’ll see all of the visuals around COMphysio aligning with this new direction. It’s still us. We’re still Concept of Movement, but way easier to say, more consistent, and - we hope - more instantly recognizable.

Love, the team @COMphysio

AT-HOME EXERCISE Try this exercise to improve posture.

HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR ANNUAL INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE? An insurance deductible is the amount of money that you must pay before your insurance company pays for your medical services. If your deductible is met, your physiotherapy may not cost you anything. Patients with family plans or those who have hadmajor surgeries or have a chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. This means that the cost of physiotherapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan. If you are close to or have met your insurance deductible for the year, then now is the time to come in for physiotherapy! Are you feeling aches and pains? Need to work on your core? Let us help you get a head start for 2022.

Prayer Stretch While in a crawl position, slowly lower your buttocks towards your feet until a stretch is felt along your back and or buttocks. Good stretch if you sit at a computer all day

Exercises copyright of

Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing. CONCEPTOFMOVEMENT.COM