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Conner Marketing January 2019

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Conner Marketing February 2019 NOTES with Jay Conner Success FEBRUARY 2019 The Best Resources for Pr

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7, nor should they be. We all experience sad days and hard times, and pain should not be flippantly

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Conner Marketing January 2019

NOTES with Jay Conner Success



A few months ago, I shared a story about the lessons I learned about buying a house on Bridle Lane. In just six days, we went from having a motivated seller find my website to closing a deal that brought in over $60,000 in profit. During those six days, I spent only 1 1/2 hours of my own time working on the deal. As I said in the article, this was all made possible because I have managed to automate my team and my processes. But one detail that really stuck out to people was how we were able to bring the seller down from their initial asking price of $100,000 to the offer they took at $80,000. Making a successful offer on a house is essential in this business. The key is making offers that benefit you and the seller. In this article, I’m going to teach you a few strategies for creating a great offer on any house. Train Your Acquisitionist Right The first time you talk to a seller, your job is to determine if a deal is worth pursuing. Or if you’re me, that’s your acquisitionist’s job. My acquisitionist has been with me for 12 years. She knows how to get all the information we need on the lead sheet, talk about the possibility of seller financing, and negotiate down to the lowest offer. Your acquisitionist will also need to know how to handle sellers when they get upset, if they don’t like what they’re hearing. (There will be more on that later!) It pays to make sure your

“If we could get you all cash, without needing to get approved for a mortgage, without ordering an appraisal, and close within seven days, what’s the least you’ll take?” That question saved me $20,000 instantly as the seller dropped his price to $80,000. Including the Magic Question in your negotiation is really important for determining exactly where the seller stands regarding the value of the property. But it’s not the end of the negotiation. Next, send your contractor to the property to determine the cost of repairs.

acquisitionist is trained well. The Magic Question

When you or your acquisitionist asks what’s the lowest price a seller will accept, the number you hear first is rarely the lowest number that will end up on the table. When my acquisitionist first got on the phone with the Bridle Lane seller, he insisted that the lowest amount he’d settle for was $100,000. Then, she asked the Magic Question:

Continued on Page 3 ...

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Strategies You Need to Try in 2019 A NEWYEAR INDIGITAL MARKETING

Creating a successful marketing campaign requires foresight and adaptability — especially these days. Technology and consumer habits are rapidly changing, and using what worked in 2018 won’t necessarily be the right move in 2019. To help you determine your strategy for the coming year, here are a few rising marketing trends worth your consideration. Market With a Trusted Source eMarketer found that 30 percent of internet users have ad-blocking software installed on their devices, meaning that a big chunk of your audience will never see your online ads. But even users who do see online ads often don’t trust them. A 2015 Nielsen study found that consumers are far more likely to choose a company to do business with based on word of mouth, branded or editorial sites, and reviews. When planning your digital marketing strategy, learn how to incorporate these trusted sources in order to get your brand out there. Optimize for Voice Search How are you ranking on voice search? Asking Siri or Alexa to find something online brings up fewer results than searching through a web

browser. ComScore estimated that half of all online research will be done through voice search by 2020, which means that if your website isn’t voice-search friendly, half of your audience may never hear about you. Hubspot has some advice on optimizing your website SEO for voice search at voice-search . Say Hello to Chatbots We didn’t listen when science-fiction movies warned us, and now AI is taking over the world. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Programs like chatbots have become more sophisticated and are being hailed as the future of lead generation. Deployed on websites, through Facebook messenger, or even via text message, chatbots can answer common questions and shepherd visitors through your digital funnel. Start learning the basics about chatbots at . Technology continues to evolve and is constantly affecting the business world in new ways. As a result, it’s shaping up to be an interesting year in marketing. Keep an eye out for opportunities to incorporate these trends into your marketing strategy.

‘The Score Takes Care of Itself ’ Bill Walsh on What It Means to Be a Leader

The term “game changer” gets tossed around so much these days that it no longer seems to hold enough weight to describe a legendary coach like Bill Walsh. But how do you describe someone who quite literally changed the way football is played on the highest level? It takes incredible willpower to defy conventional wisdom and turn a struggling team into a powerhouse.

For Walsh, preparation for leadership begins by bracing yourself for the worst. A mantra repeated throughout the book is “expect defeat.” In business and in football, losses are just a fact of life; how you prepare for and respond to these crises will determine your team’s success.

But the most valuable element of leadership in Walsh’s eyes is how you treat the members of your team. You need to have the courage to let them know you believe in them. Using simple but earnest positive reinforcement, this legendary coach turned the 49ers into an incredible team, and the benefits show. Segments of the book contain anecdotes and reflections from players such as Joe Montana and Randy Cross, whose deep admiration for their former leader speak volumes. “The Score Takes Care of Itself” was published posthumously. Walsh’s son, Craig, did much of the legwork to piece this definitive portrait together. What we are left with is a truly insightful read from one of the most innovative, inspiring minds in sports history. It will be a long time before a book like this comes around again.

In Walsh’s memoir on leadership, “The Score Takes Care of Itself,” he explores the philosophy that guided him through his coaching career and led him to success. Working with award-winning author Steve Jamison, the two distill Walsh’s decades of experience into a comprehensive guide that can be used by coaches and CEOs alike. One theme throughout the book is the idea that sound fundamentals trump instincts. As Walsh aptly puts it, “Hearing someone described as being able to ‘fly by the seat of his pants’ always suggests to me a leader who hasn’t prepared properly and whose pants may soon fall down.” For long-term success, you have to have a game plan.

2 • • PO Box 1276, Morehead City, NC 28557

Cover article continued ... Last year, I made a deal on another house not too far from Bridle Lane. The after-repair value of the house was $175,000. The repairs were $80,000, and the seller started at $80,000. The Magic Question got him down to $65,000. But after looking at the numbers, the best offer for us was $20,000. My acquisitionist justified the offer, and he took it. The math makes the decision. You never know what a seller will attempt until you make the offer. Know What a Good Deal Looks Like After my contractor went out and crunched the numbers for the repairs on Bridle Lane, I used this >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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