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Conner Marketing May 2019

NOTES with Jay Conner Success

MAY 2019

The Bandit Sign Hack Attack

I f you’re a real estate investor, you’ve done bandit signs in the past. We all have! These simple, corrugated signs tell motivated sellers in your target area that you’re someone they can relate to, someone who will speak plainly and tell it to them straight. Homeowners in a stressful financial situation don’t want to be judged; they just want help. That’s why they’re happy to call the number on a bandit sign. The problem is “bandit sign” isn’t just a catchy name — in a lot of cities, these signs are, in fact, illegal. When I first started 15 years ago, I didn’t know that the city I was in didn’t like bandit signs, but I found out very quickly. After that, I started to use that strategy we’ve all employed, where you got out and put up your signs after 5 p.m. on a Friday and then take them all down on Sunday after 5 p.m. Wouldn’t it be cool to have bandit signs without committing any code violations? What if, instead of putting signs on roads, highways, or within city limits where they can get pulled down or cause you to be fined, you put them in a property's yard, where they will be left safe and sound? This month, I’m sharing my saner, safer, and more profitable strategy for bandit sign marketing, what I call the Bandit Sign Hack Attack. • Step 1: Scope out your target area for 50 vacant properties. You can do this by sending someone on your team to drive around and look for houses with overgrown grass, multiple newsletters in the driveway, mail spilling out of the box, or untouched phone books on the porch. Or you can buy a list of vacant properties. • Step 2: Hack attack! Put out your “We Buy Houses” signs in the yards of those 50 vacant properties, all in the same neighborhood. Be sure to put the sign close to the house or a tree, where it won’t be removed by a bank- hired lawn care service. This approach is great, because since you’ve placed your signs on private property, they’re totally legit! You won’t get in trouble with code enforcement. Add this kind of guerrilla marketing to your arsenal, and you can see some wild conversion rates. Who’s Going to Call? When you use the Bandit Sign Hack Attack, you’re going to get calls from three different sources: Bandit Sign Hack Attack

Homeowners — If the vacant property isn’t owned by the bank, you can expect to receive calls from property owners demanding to know why you put a sign in their yard. When you get this kind of call, you or someone on your team should say, “I’m so glad you called! I wanted to talk to you about buying your house for cash.” At this point, the homeowner tends to be a lot more receptive, leading to a pleasant conversation.

• Neighbors —Remember, you didn’t just put your bandit sign in one yard. You put them in 50 different yards all over a single neighborhood. The neighbors are going to see your signs everywhere while driving home and think, “Wow, this person is buying up all the houses.” They might not be thinking about selling right then, but when they find themselves in a motivated-seller scenario, they’ll call you. • Other Investor-Buyers — If other real estate investors call after seeing your bandit signs, make a connection and add them to your cash-buyers list. Once you get your next property under contract in that area, you now have the option to whole sale the deal to your buyer’s list. • Brand Yourself —Bandit signs appeal to motivated buyers because they are simple. You can’t really slap your logo on there and get the same results. However, you can brand yourself with the same basic layout and color scheme, so people who see your signs all over a neighborhood know they’re from the same person. • Obey Code Officials —The point of the Bandit Sign Hack Attack is to avoid code violations or having to deal with code officials. That said, if you get calls about bandit signs that aren’t on private property, be sure to follow the official’s instructions. Continued on Page 3 ... What Makes a Good Bandit Sign? Here are a fewmore things to keep in mind when using bandit signs:

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •

“Today’s Tip: The Powerful ‘Choice of Two’ Close,”

by Tony Pearl

2 • • PO Box 1276, Morehead City, NC 28557 "Mr. Seller, let's go ahead & set up a time when I can come out to the house, meet with you, take a look around, and get things worked out between us so that I can buy your house! Now, today is Monday...I can either come out later today, or would tomorrow be better for you?" Do you see how professional, authoritative, and still respectful that is? You're taking charge of the situation, yet still helping them to feel like it's their decision to make! From a psychological standpoint, this is HUGE. The next part of this is to continue doing it until you have something definite nailed down. Continuing this example, let's say the prospect replied with "Tomorrow would be fine." Then you would say, "Great! Now, would your prefer to meet in the morning or the afternoon? They say, "Afternoon sounds better" You say, "No problem. I have either 2:00 or 5:00. Which fits your schedule?" They say, "I think 5:00 is good." You say, "Perfect! I'll be there by 5:00 tomorrow afternoon, ok?" They say, "Ok!" And you have an appointment set. As I mentioned, this is very simple...yet powerful. For Today's Tip, you're going to learn a really simple yet powerful strategy for influencing people. Used correctly, this 'secret strategy' will help you set more appointments, get faster decisions out of people, and avoid a ton of frustration & headaches... while keeping things moving in your life and business. Ready? Let's Go… If you've ever done anything in sales, you'll probably recognize this technique. It's called the "Choice of Two" close. You can use this in just about any situation where you need someone to make a decision for everyone's benefit. It BasicallyWorks LikeThis: You simply give your prospect a choice of two options to choose from for making a decision. For example, let's say that you're ready to make an appointment to go meet a seller at the house they're selling... Most people usually like to ask something like "When can we meet?" But if you do that, there's no telling what kind of reply you'll get. They might just say something like, "Oooohhhh... I don't know... when's good for you?" or "Maybe next month." And that's just very, very WEAK!! AMUCH better way to handle it would be like this:

Another beautiful aspect of this technique is that it establishes YOU as the authority, and that raises your status in the interaction. It’s important to know is that in sales, status is everything! If you have low status, you're not going to sell anything. You're just not going to have any success at all, because people will be looking down on you - sometimes with pity. If you're coming across as begging or supplicating in any way, you're done before you've even begun! So you've got to be the professional. You've got to take control of the situation and guide people through the process…Even when you don't really know what you're doing. Yes, you may have to "fake it 'till you make it" for a little while! But guess what? The more you do that, the more something truly interesting happens... Your confidence will grow. You'll feel better about yourself. And more people will treat you with the respect you deserve. So it won't be long before you don't have to 'fake it' anymore! Sound Good? Excellent! Let's continue with another example... Imagine that you're talking with a seller about which way you can do business - either rent with a lease purchase or buy with owner financing . They've been going on a while about this or that, and you feel like they're just about to give up because they're so confused. So you can ask them a choice of two close question, such as this... "Mr. Seller, let me ask you something. Would you rather I rent your house out from you or just buy it?" Many times, they'll come back with, "Well, I'd rather just sell it!" So you'd reply with, "Great, because I'd rather buy it!" Then you continue the discussion based on buying with owner financing, and go from there. Another Powerful Benefit Here’s another powerful reason why this works so well: The more you give them a simple choice of two to choose from, they'll be so focused on making a choice, they'll totally lose sight of the fact that they don't have to choose either one of them in the first place! They'll often fail to realize that one of their choices is to not do business at all...because that choice is not on the menu! Want An Example Of How To UseThis In Your Personal Life? Let's say you want to take your spouse, child, or even a friend out for dinner. Most people might ask something like, "What do you feel like eating for dinner tonight?" How often does someone actually come back with a prepared response because they already know what they want? VERY rarely, right?

Cover article continued ...

So then what happens? They'll say, "I don't know. What do you want?" And away we go...and not in a good way! So rather than do that, why not just take control of the situation by asking this ‘choice of two’ instead: "Hey, would you like Chinese or Italian for dinner tonight?" Your dinner companion will usually either pick one of those or possibly propose something different...which is fine, because you avoided the dance of indecision. Best of all, you won't go hungry. :) • More Examples of WHEN To UseThis Strategy • Here's a fewmore examples of when you can offer a choice of two options: • Making Appointments (Ex: Earlier in the week or later in the week?) • Making Offers (Ex: Close now or later?) • Choosing Which Method to Use (Ex: Lease Purchase or Owner Financing?) • Getting Your Kids to DoTheir Chores (Good luck!) • Helping a Buyer Reach a Decision onWhat to Do (Ex. Keep throwing your money away on rent or rent to OWN?) • Asking a Potential Private Lender if They Would Prefer Interest Accruing or Monthly Payments • Anytime You Name Options and Need a Decision (This one or that one?) • Making ANY DecisionWhereThere's Only a Handful of Options Remaining As you can see, the "Either...or" concept or language pattern is such a great and simple strategy to use for so many things. You're only truly limited by your imagination. So this concludes Today's Tip! What did you think about this? Can you see yourself using this simple strategy for both business and your personal life? Can you see how this will help you avoid indecision on the part of other people, and help keep things moving forward a lot easier? I can tell you from personal experience that this WORKS. Not only that, but it's FUN! So now it's YOUR turn. Give this a go & let me know your success. Last Tip: Practice and USE this EVERY DAY, and you'll be an extremely effective (and pleasant) persuader & influencer! In closing , let me ask you a question: Since you ARE going to use this strategy, would you rather start practicing TODAY... or would TOMORROW be better for you? ;) Until Next Time, Tony Pearl

• Avoid Sign Wars —You might not be the only real estate investor using bandit signs in your area. If you come across someone else’s bandit signs, don’t start or engage in a sign war. That just leads to extra stress you don’t need while trying to conduct your business. • Keep It Fresh —Go out and put up 50 new bandit signs at least once a month. This is how you enjoy a steady stream of fresh leads! When used correctly, bandit signs can be your secret weapon for getting new leads. Of course, this should just be one of many strategies you have in your arsenal. Ready to learn more? Then I have good news for you! I’ll be sharing more strategies and resources every real estate investor needs to know at my next live event on June 19–21. If you have questions about bandit signs, other topics covered in previous editions of the newsletter, or you’re eager to learn more about boosting your real estate investing business and getting more funding for your deals, then make plans to be at my Real Estate Cash Flow Conference. This three-day live event and Rehab Bus Tour is guaranteed to equip you with the know- how to make your real estate income dreams a reality.

Register at now! I look forward to seeing you there.

–Jay Conner

Have You Heard the Good News … As It Relates to “Seek & Ye Shall Find”

Matthew 21:22 "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. " 1 John 3:22 "… and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you."

Copyright 2018 Tony Pearl | All Rights Reserved BIO: Tony Pearl is a writer, speaker, copywriter, mentor, marketer, coach, musician, poet, ballroom

dance instructor, world traveler, father, fiancé, internet marketer, voiceover artist, and real estate investor. He’s also a Politically-Incorrect Insomniac with ADHD who specializes in adding massive value to people’s lives by helping them overcome limiting beliefs, have more fun, and make more money while improving lifestyles through investing in real estate! Go sign up for his FREE Newsletter at

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PO Box 1276 Morehead City, NC 28557



Use Bandit Signs Without Code Violations pages 1 and 3 The Powerful ‘Choice of Two’ Close pages 2–3 Don't Miss This Exclusive Mega- Money Event! page 4

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4 • • PO Box 1276, Morehead City, NC 28557

Published by The Newsletter Pro •