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Core Solutions: Helping Arthritis Pain

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Core PTandSportsPerformance: Helping Arthritis Pain

4 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved • 2 tablespoons canola oil • Kosher salt and freshly g

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SportsRehab: Helping Arthritis Pain

slow-cooker-pumpkin-pie-oatmeal Patient Success Spotlight OCTOBER WORKSHOPS

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HealthcorePT: Helping Arthritis Pain n° 34745 - Level Hard Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: � Move w

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HealthActions: Helping Arthritis Pain

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WisePT: Helping Arthritis Pain

frozen blueberries • 1½ tbsp lemon juice vinegar • 2 tsp peeled & minced ginger • ¼ tsp sea salt • ¼

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Dynamic: Helping Arthritis Pain

4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. www.dynamic

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Orthosports: Helping Arthritis Pain

or cilantro and sprinkle with the chili powder. • 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans • 1 cup frozen mixed

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Core Solutions: Helping Aches & Pains

Ankle • The cause of your problem • A plan for what successful treatment looks like If you are havin

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Kinetix: Helping Arthritis Pain

rehab • Sports physical therapy • And many more!

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FyzicalCentralIllinois: Helping Arthritis Pain


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Core Solutions: Helping Arthritis Pain

NEWSLETTER Core Solutions Physiotherapy &Wellness Staff Spotlight MARCIA QUIROGA

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not at work? My favorite thing to do outside of work is going for hikes (preferably trails that have a nice waterfall) and doing yoga. How’d you get started with that? I got started with yoga in my 3rd year of college during my reading week. I wanted to make my free time productive so I joined a yoga studio near my house and stuck with it ever since! With hiking I’ve always done some since a young girl but it has increased the past 3 summers now that my friends are into hiking. We usually plan girl days trips to find and explore new trails every weekend. Why do you like to do it? I love doing yoga as it pushes my mind, body and soul every time I go. I see the progress and capability of my body and it motivates me to continue. Hiking is a great work out and provides a beautiful view at the same time. What’s it mean to you? Both activities mean a lot to me as it helps with my overall well-being. It allows me to escape the worlds everyday noises and just enjoy what nature has to offer and most importantly keeps me balanced. What’s your funniest, scariest or most exciting moment? My funnest/scariest moment was when I went cliff jumping in British Columbia. I

am by no means afraid of heights but standing off the edge of that cliff sure made me hesitate for a good 10 minutes. Finally I was able to put mind over matter and jumped off ! It was such a fun, scary and exhilarating experience all wrapped in one. I would definitely do it again ! Pets? I have two pets both are dogs (sorry to all the cat lovers, I’m a dog person :)) the youngest is Mya she is 3 and she’s an American Eskimo and havenese mix, the oldest is my boy Nemo he is 6 and he’s a full breed American Eskimo.


Make A Positive Difference In Your Life! HELPING ARTHRITIS PAIN

INSIDE: • Book Appointments Online • Sudoku Puzzle • FREE Arthritis Pain Analysis • Healthy Recipe

In a recent study, 83 patients with osteoarthritis were divided to receive either hands-on physiotherapy or a sugar pill that actually did nothing to help their pain without them knowing. The group that received hands-on therapy, had therapy to the knee, low back, hip and ankle as required. They then performed a knee exercise program in the clinic and at home. The group taking the sugar pill had just low intensity ultrasound, a form of deep heat, to the problem area. Both groups were treated at the clinic twice weekly for 4 weeks. Tests were done to measure how well the people were doing compared to their initial visit, 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 year later. The results were very impressive showing the patients who had hands-on physiotherapy, combined with specific exercises had significant improvements in their pain, mobility and function. By 8 weeks, patients were able to walk further and faster with much less or completely resolved

pain. Their joint stiffness, aches and mobility had improved by 55% compared to the placebo group who had no treatment. At one year, patients in the treatment group still were doing great in terms of less pain and more mobility. Other benefits included less need for surgery with only 5% of patients in the treatment group having undergone surgery as compared to 20% with the placebo group. In general, if you are suffering from osteoarthritis, especially of the back, hip or knee, physiotherapy decreases the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis and may delay or prevent the need for more invasive treatments, like injections or surgery. Isn’t it time you did something about your arthritis and pains? Call us today at Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness so we can make a positive difference in your life. Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good- bye to your aches, pains and joint stiffness. Annalsof InternalMedicine:February1,2000vol.132no.3173-181.GailD.Deyle, MPT;Nancy E.Henderson,PhD,MPT;Robert L.Matekel,MPT;MichaelG.Ryder, MPT;MatthewB.Garber,MPT; andStephenC.Allison,PhD,MPT,ECS

Call IN & Win!

Be the first 10 to call with the misspelled word and receive a $10 GIFT CARD Call In & Win Hotline: SCHOMBERG (905) 939-9041 CALEDON EAST (905) 584-6747 Misspelled Mania Edition


8 Appointment”. First time users will need to create a user account (which is very easy), then they can schedule appointments at their convenience! 3 9 5 Go to the homepage on our website,, and click on the link to “Schedule An


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n° 428278 - Level Expert

Sudoku Puzzle


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Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness includes another source to connect with our insurers. We will be offering a new service starting December 1st where we will be able to “direct bill” specific participating insurers. PARTICIPATING INSURERS

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n°45559 - Level Expert


Healthy Recipe

BROCCOLI SALAD Ingredients • 2 strips low-sodium bacon • 1/2 cup ice cubes • 1/2 medium red onion, thinly sliced • 1/2 cup buttermilk

Print sudoku

6 • Kosher salt & black pepper • 6 1/2 cups broccoli florets • 1/3 cup golden raisins • 2 tbsp salted sunflower seeds 3 6 • 1/3 cup reduced-fat sour cream • 1/4 tsp finely grated lemon zest • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

At Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health physiotherapists during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to get Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto acident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury 1. Call and talk to your physiotherapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program



9 Directions Combine the ice cubes, onions and 1 cup water in a small bowl. Let the onions soak for10minuteswhilepreparing the restof thesalad, thendrainandpatdry. Cook the bacon in a small nonstick skillet over medium-low heat until crispy, about 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel-lined plate to drain, reserving 1 teaspoon drippings for the dressing. Finely chop the bacon strips and reserve. Whisk thebuttermilk,sourcream, lemonzestand juice, reservedbacondrippings, 3/4 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Add the broccoli, onions and golden raisins to the dressing. Toss well, cover and chill for at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours. Season with additional salt and pepper.Transfer to a serving dish and top with the chopped bacon and sunflower seeds. Courtesy of: 2012 Television Food Network, G.P. 1 4 6 4 7 3 8 1 6 9 7 2 4 3


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7 Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For An ARTHRITIS PAIN ANALYSIS

2 6 9 WE CAN HELP YOU: Be more productive at work. Prevent back and neck pain. Prevent further injury. Have more energy. Move better without pain.

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n° 45619 - Level Expert


THE COMMUNITY GALA Core Solutions staff helped the Caledon East Revitalization Committee by attending The Community Gala in February. Caledon East Revitalization has hosted this Gala for 8 years raising over $240000 in almost 10 years. That money goes directlybacktodowntownCaledonEastbeautificationprojects such has banners, flags and all of the planted flowers that you have seen. Core Solutions Physiotherapy is one of many local supporters of CERC’s initiatives to help promote local shopping and making downtown Caledon East a great place to live, work and play. This is a photo of some of the Core family having a great time! ORGANIZATIONS WE SPONSOR We are sponsors to the following: • Circle of Friends Golf Tournament in Support of Breast & Ovarian Cancer (June) • Schomberg Fair (end of May) • Caledon Day (June 16th) • Caledon Soccer Club (June-August)

Business Partner Spotlight: Caledon Foot Clinic and Orthotics


Foot health is important because it is an important foundation to the rest of the body. It can have an affect on the back, posture, knees and body mechanics. Foot alignments can become your first sign of a more serious medical condition. Circulatory and nerve disorders, diabetes, and arthritis can show their initial symptom in your feet. We also tend to ignore our feet! What is a Chirpodist? Chiropody is defined as “the assessment of the foot, and the treatment and prevention of disease disorders, or dysfunctions of the foot by therapeutic, orthotic or palliative means”. Foot Clinic & Orthotics has highly-trained Chiropodists, certified by the College of Chiropodist of Ontario. We have a location in Caledon East and Kleinburg. Chiropodists can provide total nail and skin care, address foot and ankle pain, prescribe and fit patients with custom foot orthotics, compression stockings and orthopedic footwear. What do we treat? FCO - Foot Clinic & Orthotics provides full service to patients of all ages. We offer foot care that aims to help patients take control of their foot health, improve mobility and prevent foot-related complications such as:

• Diabetic care • Custom made bracing • Custom made orthotics • Acupuncture • Sports medicine • Compression socks

• Orthopedic footwear • Surgical nail and war procedures • Cortisone injections • Therapeutic laser therapy • Fungal laser nail treatment

SPECIAL OFFER: Saturday July 14th, 2018 Complimentary Foot Health Assessment at the CALEDON location - must book appointment time BEFORE June 30th, 2018.

• Ingrown toenail removal • Corns and callus removal

Call to book your foot assessment today! Caledon 905-860-1600 | Kleinburg 905-552-3668.


When you’ve just sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle, all you want is somepain relief. Ifpainkillersarehandy,youprobablypopacoupleof them. If not, you ask for some ice - or was that heat instead? To sort out this confusion, let’s see what they really do. Both ice and heat relieve pain and help recovery. How to use ice Ice is useful when you want to reduce swelling. For example, your ankle balloons up after a sprain. This is because blood and fluid collect rapidly, making it both painful and stiff. At this point, an ice pack helps to close off those tiny vessels. The blood flow slows down. Small nerves become numbed, so the pain reduces. The muscles also relax.The inflammatory reaction is slowed down. As a result, your ankle is less swollen and painful. Ice packs are very useful in bruises, strains and joint swellings. Use them for any acute swelling, over the first 24 to 48 hours (except back strains). Ice helps later too, while exercising the limb. Our friendly physiotherapists can show you how to make movements less painful and more flexible by using an ice pack just before or during exercise. How to make an ice pack Wrap a plastic bag of frozen peas or ice cubes in a thick cold wet towel. Place iton the injuredpart.Checkaftera fewminutes tomakesure theskin is not red, an early sign of frostbite. Generally, icing for 15 to 20 minutes is enough. Repeat every 2-4 hours. Our physiotherapists will help use ice properly for healing and pain relief. How to use heat Heatpacks,bottlesor infra-red lampscanbeveryuseful ifyouhaveamuscle spasm 48 hours after injury. Icing a muscle spasm contracts the muscle fibers, so they would hurt intensely. On the other hand, heat improves the circulation, soothes and relaxes the muscles by carrying away toxins and bringing inhealingoxygen.Heatcancomfortabackorneckstrain,especially if it has been persisting for some time. When you use a heat pack, wrap it in a towel and check the temperature so it doesn’t burn the skin. When not to use heat Don’t use heat if you have a painful, red or swollen joint. This increases circulation so that fluid collects, worsening the swelling and stretching or

compressing the nerves and surrounding healthy tissue.This makes it still more painful. You’d be better off icing it. When to use neither heat nor ice Whether you use hot or cold packs, be aware that you can damage your skin and deeper tissues by careless use. Don’t use it if you have an open or infected wound. If the circulation or sensation level is poor, as in diabetes, ice and heat could cause the skin to break down, get infected and worse. But in ordinary injuries, ice and heat provide inexpensive, non-toxic pain relief. Visit us for more help with using ice or heat. We’ll speed up your recovery and get you moving more easily.

SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 (905) 939-9041

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9 (905) 584-6747