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LewyPT: Tendinitis & Sports

PRAIRIEVILLE 14633 Airline Hwy Gonzales, La 70737 BATON ROUGE 8448 Siegen Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70810

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Kinetix: Tendinitis & Sports

Kinetix: Tendinitis & Sports NEWSLETTER Health & Wellness Newsletter 352-505-6665 KINETIX PHYSICAL T

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Breckenridge: Tendinitis & Sports

Breckenridge: Tendinitis & Sports N E W S L E T T E R How To Properly Deal With Your Tendinitis See

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MarathonPT: Tendinitis & Sports

small cucumbers • 1 tsp kosher salt • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 2 scallions finely chopped •

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Core Solutions: Tendinitis & Sports



Strength training is an important part of reaching your peak physical potential, but there are other health and wellness techniques to keep in mind while you’re doing so: 1. Limit your sitting. Get up every 30 minutes and walk around at work and home. Prolonged periods of sitting can cause muscles to stiffen up and become weaker. 2. Get up and move. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking for a short time every day. Movingwill help keep your muscles loose and will avoid losing their strength. 3. Nutrition and portion control. Keep your intake of food nutritious, at a comfortable level. Fueling your body with the correct foods will increase your energy andmake it easier to exercise.

4. Drink more water. Water keeps your body systems functioning at their optimum levels. This will also make exercise (and muscle recovery!) much easier. 5. Breathe. Work on your deep breathing techniques to increase oxygen intake and get your lymphatic system moving. 6. Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a routine so you go to bed and wake up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system, which controls several aspects of your body. 7. Take care of aches and pains. Don’t let any long-term problems linger. Get professional help at Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness by scheduling an appointment today!


INSIDE: • What Is Tendinitis?

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Athletes are naturally at an increased risk for experiencing injuries. This is not as a result of any particular health issue that athletes typically have in common. Instead, it isasimpleexposureequation.The more frequently you push yourself to try new things, to engage in physical activity, or to push yourself to reach a new goal, the more you are going to increase your risk for potential injury. On more days than not, the injury won’t happen, but as every athlete knows, it only takes one bad day — one day when fatigue throwsoffyour form justenough tocauseyourgait to be off, for you to feel a little distracted and not realize an obstacle is coming up, or just a fluke of a moment in which something goes wrong and you go down. What makes matters worse is the fact that many athletes attempt to push past the pain of their initial injuries, which often leads to those injuries becoming more severe. Workingwithaphysiotherapist isespecially important forathletes for this reason.Aphysiotherapistcanhelp identifypotential issueswithpostureor form thatmay increase your risk for injury, help identify potential injuriesas theydevelop,andassess theseverityofand

best treatment options for those injuries as soon as possible, so you always know exactly what your body needs to feel at its best. Understanding tendinitis. While there are some sports injuries that happen after a bad day, there are others that develop over time. Tendinitis is an incredibly common issue that causes pain to develop in the joints. This can impact the hips, knees, elbows or shoulders. Pain caused by tendinitis can impact everyday activities, making it exceedingly difficult to remain comfortable day to day or to remain active. Tendinitis can make simple activities such as picking up a gallon of milk or attempting to put something away on a shelf over your head incredibly painful and challenging. Unfortunately, when tendinitis develops, it often sticks around. This means that pain that beginsas frustratingandseeminglyminorcanquickly becomechronicand incrediblypainful.Workingwitha physiotherapist is the best way to address tendinitis pain early on, to improve range of motion and reduce theseverityofyourpainwithouthaving to turn topain medications.

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Tendinitis is a common issue among athletes because it develops as a result of overuse. While the average person may engage in standard physical tasks such as walking or typing, an athlete takes that repetitive behavior to a new level. Consider a tennis player, for example. In addition to running and jumping, a skilled tennis player will spend hours every week swinging the racket, and this could result in added wear and tear on the elbows and wrists, not to mention the shoulders. Every bone in the body is connected with muscular fibers called tendons. The tendons are flexible, allowing the body to move more freely by letting bones stretch apart or move in one direction or another. Tendinitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed. Swelling in the tendons can make movement painful and difficult. Typically, when pain is caused as a result of tendinitis, the pain is isolated at the noted areas of the body.This means that a tennos player may experience tendinitis in the elbow or shoulder, whereas a runner may be more likely to experience it in the Achilles tendon. In fact, this is why tendinitis in the elbow is frequently referred to as tennis elbow, while Achilles tendinitis is sometimes referred to as runner’s ankles or runner’s heels. Treating tendinitis. The best treatment for tendinitis is time. Unfortunately, this is something that many people are unable to give to an injury. When tendinitis develops, the best thing to do is to use ice and to relax that part of the body. Taking a few days off of practice or away from your workout may be sufficient, but in other cases, this may require a few days in a wheelchair or on crutches, with the bulk of your weight off of the affected area.

Working with a physiotherapist can help you identify the best treatment methods for tendinitis. Your physiotherapist can also help you identify the best range of motion and strength-building activities to reduce your likelihood of developing tendinitis. For more information about preventing or treating pain from tendinitis, contact us.

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Healthy Recipe


At Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health physiotherapists during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to go to Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury 1. Call and talk to your physiotherapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program


• ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes

• ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided

DIRECTIONS Blend raspberries,banana,almondmilk,3 tablespoonsalmonds,cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla in a blender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.


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WE CAN HELP YOU: Be more productive at work. Prevent back and neck pain. Prevent further injury. Have more energy. Move better without pain.

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Didyouknow thatstandingburnsbetween .7 to .15morecaloriesperminute than sitting does? It may not seem like a lot, but by simply standing for longer periods of time,youcaneasilyburnmorecalories throughout theday.Sedentary lifestyles, suchas those traditionallyassociatedwithdesk jobs,can increaseyourriskofheart disease, obesity, or other serious health issues. However, investing in a standing deskoralternateseatingoptionatworkcanhelp ingreatlydecreasing these risks! What’s the best desk for you? Using a standing desk as opposed to a traditional sittingdeskhasbeenproven to lowerone’schancesofdevelopingcardiovascular disease,diabetes,andobesity.Nevertheless,standingdesksarenot foreveryone, especially those with joint or vascular conditions. You may be asking, “doesn’t standing all day long have its own implications?”The shortanswer is–yes.Anythingwithoutmoderationcanhave itspitfalls.Standing canboostyourenergy levels,concentration,andevenyourmood,but ifyouhavea traditional9-5 job,chancesare that levelofproductivitywilldissipateafterawhile. Standing for too long can cause you to run out of energy quicker and can take a tollonyourphysicalcomfort.Manymedicalprofessionals recommendadjustable desksforworkplaceenvironments,soemployeescanspenda largeamountof their day standing or stretching, with the opportunity to rest when they become tired.

standingoradjustabledesk foryourworkday, integrativesupportcanbebeneficial ineasingyourself into thenewsetting. In fact, thosewhoparticipated insomesort of integrative support program for their standing or adjustable desk stood for an average of 50 minutes longer each day than those who did not. Inadditiontothetypeofdeskyoustandat,ergonomics isalsoan importantconcept to keep in mind. Ergonomic laptop desks and chairs can promote proper posture and decrease the risk for back problems, while workplace design can make an impact on employee happiness, productivity, and well-being. Getassistancefromaphysiotherapist: AtCoreSolutionsPhysiotherapy&Wellness, we can provide specialized programs for making the most out of your work day. Ourprograms focuson integrativesupport forbeginninganewworkplace lifestyle, such as implementing a standing or adjustable desk into your daily routine. We canalsoprovideyouwith tipsand techniques forarranging thebestergonomically efficient area to work. Don’t let the stresses of work take a toll on your physical health! There are several steps you can take to improve your posture, strength, energy, and overall wellbeing throughout the workday. Schedule an appointment with Core Solutions Physiotherapy&Wellness today togetstartedonsome integrative lifestylechanges thatcanhelpbrightenyourmood,enhanceyourcreativity,and reduceyour riskof developing health issues while you are at work!

Making the most out of your work day: Studies suggest whether you choose a

SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9

P: (905) 939-9041 F: (905) 939-9638 P: (905) 584-6747 F: (905) 584-6787

HowWe Treat Sports Injuries

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a serious athlete, sports injuries are a fact of life. A twisted ankle or an aching back can usually be treated at home. But for those breaks and tears that call for immediate medical attention, or those pains that just aren’t going away, physiotherapy is often a critical part of the healing process. Common Sports Injuries Whether it’s an immediate, dramatic break or damage that accumulates over time, sports can do some serious damage. The workout-related problems we frequently treat include: Repetitive stress conditions. Arthritis and tendonitis often stem from sports moves like swinging a racket or throwing a ball. Joints and muscles can become inflamed in vulnerable areas, including shoulders, elbows, hips, ankles and knees. Torn tendons and ligaments. Those dramatic jumps, twists and stretches can result in equally dramatic “snapped” tissues, especially in the knees, shoulders and groin. Surgery followed by physiotherapy is often the prescription. Strained back. Sometimes that sore lower back pain just won’t go away with basic home care. In such cases, we’ll work with you to rebuild strength and flexibility. Fractures and breaks. When you have a bone injury during a game or workout, a trip to the emergency room usually results in a cast to promote healing. But as your bone is recovering, the muscles around it are weakening. physiotherapy helps to strengthen the affected area following a fracture. Rehab Therapy Some sports injuries require surgery or other medical procedures as the first line of defense. In fact, postoperative physiotherapy is key for transitioning back to normalcy. Similarly, when your injury requires a cast or some form of bracing, our team of physiotherapists will help you rebound from the diminished strength and range of movement that happens while the limb is out of commission. Prevention Athletes know that the best way to avoid injury or re-injury is to build

up strength and flexibility. Working out at the gym is great, but our physiotherapist will guide you through specific moves that help you avoid future injuries based on your sport and your specific build. We’ll also talk you through strategies you can implement when you’re back on the field. Get “Back on Track” ASAP Don’t wait to begin your sports injury recovery or prevention program. Our dedicated team of physiotherapists is trained in the specific art of dealing with sports injuries, and we’ll have you back to fighting form in no time! Contact us to schedule an appointment to get back to the sport you love as soon as possible.

SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9

P: (905) 939-9041 F: (905) 939-9638

P: (905) 584-6747 F: (905) 584-6787