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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - February 2019

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center February 2018

4-inch squares DIRECTIONS 3. Place tots seam side down on baking sheet. Bake for 20–25 minutes, usin

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Cornerstone PT & Wellness Center - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats 1–2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 teaspoons cumin DIRECTIONS 1. Place half

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 732-499-4540 Inspired by Food Network 77

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - January 2019

8 cup heavy cream • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 2 cups cornflakes • 2 tablespoons unsalted bu

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - July 2019

4-inch rounds packet of bamboo skewers • 1 block feta cheese, cubed • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves • Sa

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - February 2020

4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for ano

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - November 2019

2- inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - August 2019

2 cup Dijon mustard DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, coat lamb with 1 tbsp oil and generously season with sa

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - April 2019

CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - April 2019 APRIL 2019 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue Suite 1

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - February 2019



77 Brant Avenue Suite 101, Clark, NJ 07066 • • 732.499.4540

Cornerstone PT Patients


VIP Referral Patient of the Month!


Well, the Oscars are almost upon us, and I really couldn’t tell you who the nominees are. As I’m sure the parents reading this can relate, my movie selection is largely limited to what the kids want to watch. Personally, I don’t mind. The more films we watch together as a family, the more I find that my kids and I have very similar tastes. From when I was young, I enjoyed animated comedies that passed as kids movies back then. But the kinds of movies that are coming out today, like “The Incredibles,” are really impressive in both writing and animation. There are jokes and emotional beats that people of all ages can relate to, and the visuals are so believable it makes me wonder how the special effects we had in my generation were ever considered “realistic.” Now, whenever I try to show my kids classics like “Tom and Jerry,” all they can say is, “Wow, Dad, this looks so old!” I try to tell them how impressive it is that every frame of what they’re seeing was drawn by hand without the help of computers, but at the end of the day what matters to them is how the action looks on screen. There’s just no room for those old shows to compete. nominated by some academy of Hollywood elites, doesn’t matter to me.” “At the end of the day, the genre of the movie, or whether or not it’s been

I still have my favorites, though. When I was probably too young to be watching it, my uncle showed me “Smokey and the Bandit.” I can’t say I actually understood the plot — concepts like bootlegged beer and runaway brides are a little over the head of a preteen. But very little of that mattered once the car chases started. To this day, I love a good car movie. Whenever a new “Fast and Furious” comes along, you can bet my son and I are getting the Blu-ray. Now, according to my wife, I have a soft spot for romantic comedies. If believing this helps her justify putting on her favorite genre from time to time, then so be it. But with this newsletter as my witness, I deny any and all claims that I get “sucked in” to these kinds of films. I’m just a good listener and a supportive husband. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. At the end of the day, the genre of the movie, or whether or not it’s been nominated by some academy of Hollywood elites, doesn’t matter to me. What I find valuable is the way these films bring us together in the living room and let us enjoy a shared story. Our family is constantly on the move, from sports to time spent at the clinic. Those moments when we can slow down and spend time together off the field are important to me. So whether or not your favorite movie made the Oscar list this year, I propose that what you’re watching matters less than who you’re watching it with.

The best compliment we can receive is to have one of our patients refer a friend or family member to our practice. If you refer someone and we are able to take them as a patient, both you and the person who was referred

Thank You! will be entered to win a $25 gift card! It’s just our way of saying

–David DeLaFuente

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3 Tips to Prevent Raising a Picky Eater

“Coming to Cornerstone healed my ankle tremendously. I was afraid of never being able to come back to my favorite sport, field hockey. I wasn’t able to put pressure on my foot due to my injury for awhile. Utilizing laser therapy during my treatment sessions helped me return to field hockey much quicker than expected. Now I’m back playing field hockey like I never left. Thank you, Cornerstone!” –Tara S.

When you’re trying to feed your child, keep them healthy, and prevent them from becoming one of those weird adults with the stunted palate of a 2-year-old, it may feel like you’re faced with an uphill climb. Research shows that fussy eating may be as linked to genetics as it is to upbringing, not to mention the tangle of other psychosocial factors that can fuel a child’s inscrutable food preferences.

That said, there are ways to help your child foster a healthy relationship with food and encourage them to be adventurous eaters.

1. KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS IN CHECK. When a child first encounters a new food, they’re going to give it the side- eye. That’s natural. In fact, according to a 2003 study, it may take as many as 12 “exposures” to a new food for it to become familiar, much less something they want to eat. If you put too much pressure on them to eat every last bit of the new food, that particular food won’t fare well in their memories and you’ll have to fight those negative associations from then on. Instead, talk about the new food as you’re preparing it, involve your child in the preparation, and have them check it out on their own terms. Normalizing those Brussels sprouts is half the battle. 2. AVOID TURNING VEGETABLES INTO CHORES. You might think that offering your child a reward in return for finishing their green beans is a good way to make sure your child gets their nutrients, but it causes more problems than it’s worth. It just reinforces your child’s perception that the green beans are the “bad” food they have to choke down before getting to the good stuff. 3. MAKE A VARIETY OF DISHES. The more monotonous your nightly menu is, the fewer new foods your child will be exposed to, and the harder it will become to introduce healthy newcomers to the table. If your kids like green beans, great, but don’t start serving green beans with every meal just because you know those are the only veggies they’ll eat. Keep it varied and fun, and your kid’s palate will follow. You shouldn’t force your kid to eat food they don’t want to eat, but you shouldn’t cater too closely to their fussy habits either. Present them with a wide variety of the healthy options you want them to eat, and let them discover the joys of taste and texture as they grow.

“Before I came to Cornerstone, I experienced significant knee pain, resulting in my inability to run, which is something I needed to do as an athlete. Now, my knee doesn’t hurt at all. My experience at Cornerstone was an excellent one. Thank you for helping me get back to running and playing sports.” –Morgan S.



Introducing a Special Massage Therapy Offer for February!

As candy hearts, stuffed bears, and every kind of chocolate bar imaginable line the aisles of stores during this season of love, finding the perfect gift to woo that special someone can be a daunting task. At Cornerstone Physical Therapy, we’ve got you covered. In honor of Valentine’s Day, we are offering a buy one, get one 50 percent off massage booking deal through the end of February . Impress your sweetheart with a massage therapy appointment, and book one for yourself at half the cost. What could be better than spending the day relaxed, rejuvenated, and refreshed with that special someone? Massage therapy is a commonly used form of alternative medicine that helps patients relieve pain, stress, and injury-related complications. This treatment has also been shown to decrease anxiety, blood pressure, stiffness, post-surgical swelling, adhesions, pain, muscle cramping, spasms, and tension. Furthermore, patients have also reported better sleep patterns after a massage appointment. Yet,

a little-known benefit to massage therapy is the impact it can also have on your relationship.

Studies show that massage therapy’s use of touch relaxes and releases tension in both your mind and your body, which stimulates a good feeling. This sensation is scientifically known as oxytocin, a chemical our bodies release when we feel safe and relaxed. Because of the rosy mood it induces, some psychologists have suggested that massage therapy can benefit relationships . At Cornerstone Physical Therapy, our full-service massage therapy practice includes a variety of options catered to suit each patient. We have options for a 30-, 60-, or 90-minute massage, and patients can also select a Swedish, deep-tissue therapeutic, sports, hot-stone, or peppermint scalp massage. Patients can also be treated to a hot towel foot scrub and aromatherapy. Our massage specialist, Margery A. Buttelman, LMT, targets each patient’s specific muscle condition, chronic pain, rehabilitation, stress elimination, and

overall wellness. Margery uses specific and specialized techniques to work tension out of various tissues, providing relief where the patient needs it most. Don’t phone it in with another stuffed bear and chocolate heart box. Treat yourself to some relaxation and impress someone else with a massage of their own at a discounted price by booking appointments at Cornerstone Physical Therapy through the end of February. Call 732-499-4540.


This Italian favorite makes for the perfect Valentine’s Day dessert. It’s easy to whip up and will make the holiday feel extra special.


• 6 egg yolks • 3 tablespoons sugar • 1 pound mascarpone cheese • 1 1/2 cups strong espresso, cooled

• • •

2 teaspoons dark rum 24 packaged ladyfingers

1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate shavings, for garnish


1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together egg yolks and sugar until thick and pale, about 5 minutes. 2. Add mascarpone cheese and beat until smooth. 3. Fold in 1 tablespoon of espresso. 4. In a small, shallow dish, combine remaining espresso with rum. Dip each ladyfinger into mixture for 5 seconds. Place soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a walled baking dish. 5. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture on top of the first layer of ladyfingers. Top with another layer of ladyfingers and another layer of mascarpone. 6. Cover and refrigerate 2–8 hours. 7. Remove from fridge, sprinkle with chocolate shavings, and serve.

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77 Brant Avenue Suite 101 Clark, NJ 07066 732.499.4540


INSIDE This Issue

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David’s Movie Picks


How to Raise Adventurous Eaters


Treat Your Sweetheart and Yourself



Prepare for an Adventure in Lapland

Into the Arctic Circle


If you’re eager for a new adventure in 2019, you’ll surely find it in Swedish Lapland. With trail systems that take you into the Arctic Circle, the northernmost region of Sweden is home to national parks, glaciers, reindeer, the beguiling midnight sun, and spectacular night skies. Though winters are cold, one benefit of traveling to the region in this season is to catch a glimpse of the night sky. The northern lights are visible from a few remote locations like Abisko National Park, one of the first established national parks in Sweden. Traveling to Abisko is an adventure in and of itself. From Stockholm, the fastest option is to take one of only two airlines that fly into Kiruna, then travel by train to Abisko. Despite the challenge of getting there, adventure-seeking visitors from around the world arrive each winter to experience the Arctic beauty. Winter attractions include ice skating, snowshoeing, and the Scandinavian sauna (this last one is a must any time of the year). Befriend a Scandinavian and you might be treated to some pickled herring or even a princess cake, a raspberry-filled dessert covered in marzipan.

Scandinavians cherish their public lands, and the trail systems are well taken care of. Hikers and backpackers can enjoy the stunning beauty in both late spring and summer, as well as a chance to see the midnight sun. Because of its far-north location, Swedish Lapland receives close to 24 hours of sunlight from June through early August. Between the boulder fields, mountains, and stunning glacial lakes, hiking here is a treat. While hiking, you may spot reindeer herds or lemmings (a small rodent similar to a hamster) racing around rocks. The Sami people have herded reindeer for thousands of years through this very land. In the summer, keep an eye out for blueberries, lingonberries, and the brightly colored cloudberries. Because of the Arctic climate, weather conditions can change quickly from sunshine to rain and heavy fog, so it’s best to dress in layers and bring wind and rain protection if you plan to venture into the backcountry.

The fantastic scenery of Swedish Lapland awaits you, no matter when you decide to take your trip. What are you waiting for?