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Coye Law Personal Injury - February 2019

orlando to submit your entry form before Sept. 30. There's no purchase necessary to enter or win! Ke

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Coye Law - Personal Injury - May 2019

Coye Law - Personal Injury - May 2019 COYE LAW Chronicle May 2019 Edition Wade Coye Attorney The Fut

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Coye Law Personal Injury - January 2019

2 cups strong espresso, cooled 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together egg yolks and

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Coye Law Personal Injury -April 2019

2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to

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Coye Law - Personal Injury - October 2019

No Fee for Personal Injury Claims • FREE Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims • FREE Legal Ad

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Coye Law - Personal Injury - November 2019

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Coye Law Personal Injury October 2018

spirits-meath- halloween-festival-2018. Fans of Halloween don’t need to look far to find somewhere t

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Coye Law - Personal Injury - September 2019


Chronicle September 2019 Edition

Wade Coye Attorney

How We Communicate

Navigating Talk, Text, Email, and More

physical mail is now a valued form of communication when, not so long ago, it was regarded as going the way of the dinosaur.

A few months ago, I talked about our new billboards. We decided to model them as text messages because that seems to be the most immediate and impactful form of communication today. People don’t always text for long back-and-forths or for official documentation, but I’m guessing when you have a message you need to get to somebody ASAP, you send it via text. It’s no different at our firm. We text each other all the time, and we’re increasingly finding that clients prefer to communicate via text for a variety of situations.

As email has grown out of favor in personal discourse, it’s become increasingly essential for business. To be a law firm in the state of Florida, you need an email address. That’s because official documents are now sent electronically. You can sign documents without ever picking up a pen. You can take photos with your phone to digitize text instantly. All of these advances have made email a very comprehensive form of communication, but it’s not necessarily the most efficient one. This brings me back to text messages. Texts allow us to convey information quickly and in a way we know will be seen as soon as the recipient is available. However, because it is informal, it’s not the best idea to reveal sensitive case information via text. Sometimes, the best text to send is one that says, “Call me when you get a chance.” Again, it’s all about understanding which method of delivery makes the most sense for a given message. All of this is to say that having different ways to reach out to one another is great, provided we use each platform mindfully and with a clear sense of purpose. As a firm, we love being able to text our clients if that’s what’s most convenient for them. But we also recognize that a text message isn’t the way to share every kind of news. In other words, it’s not that one communication method is inherently better than another, but rather that each has its own purpose. If we can’t see a client face to face for an important discussion, we’re going to want a video conference. If all we need to say is, “Things are moving along smoothly,” a text will suffice. We believe that meeting the needs of our clients includes speaking to them in a way that’s heard loud and clear. If that means texting you, we’re happy to do it. If that means sending a piece of mail by carrier pigeon, well, I guess we can look into it.

I remember a time when email was the hot new thing. If you wanted to send a message somebody would read, you sent it through email. My, how times have changed.

The technology we use to communicate always affects the way we speak to one another. Back in the 1800s, people wrote long letters that might not reach their recipient for days, weeks, or even months. Because of the delay, people would pour out the details of their life onto the page, writing paragraphs upon paragraphs about the big and small aspects of their existence. Today, that would be unheard of. I mean, honestly, when was the last time you composed a piece of interpersonal communication in paragraphs, let alone wrote it out longhand and sent it through the post? I’m guessing the answer is somewhere between “a long time ago” and “never.” Similarly, I remember a time when email was the hot new thing. If you wanted to send a message somebody would read, you sent it through email. My, how times have changed. In 2019, email feels antiquated. Most of the emails we receive on our personal email accounts are empty advertising we may never even open. The same way our physical mailboxes used to be inundated with junk mail, our email inboxes are now full of spam. In a reversal of fortune,

-Wade Coye


Stop the Spread Prevent Colds and the Flu With Kid-Friendly Teaching Tools

Ahh ... Ahh ... ACHOO! Hand washing and nose blowing are about as fun as … well, just that. It’s no wonder children don’t want to take time out of their busy play schedules to combat nasty germs. Instead

School is back in session, but your child may be bringing home more than just random facts. Germs and bacteria that spread the common cold and flu are most prevalent in schools, but while these illnesses are strong, prevention is simple. Teach your kids how to prevent the spread of bacteria this season with these helpful tips. But Mommy Doesn’t Cover Her Nose! Kids learn more by watching what you do rather than listening to what you tell them to do. Get in the habit of covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and then wash your hands. Make hand sanitizer and facial tissues readily available in your home and be sure to wash your hands before every meal. In addition, stick to healthy habits when you do feel sick. Drink fluids, get plenty of rest, and seek medical attention when it’s warranted. If your children see you taking care of yourself, they will be more likely to do the same for themselves in the future.

of making these important steps a chore, make basic hygiene fun. Use fun songs to teach the proper way to cover a sneeze, or do a science experiment to teach your children about the germs that are spread through just one sneeze. (According to research, sneezes can travel anywhere from 19–26 feet at 100 miles per hour!) For crafty kids, let them decorate tissue boxes or hand sanitizer containers to give hygiene some flair. Soon enough, you’ll find them being smarter about their health.

As kids pack into classrooms this fall, germs will fly faster than this past summer did. Prevent the spread

of the common cold and flu by learning more tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention online at

The Scooters Are Coming And the Law Needs to Catch Up

Over the past year or so, the most talked-about form of transportation in major American cities has been the wireless scooter. These devices, of which Bird and Lime are the largest manufacturers, have arrived seemingly overnight in over 100 metropolitan areas across the country. They’ve created a media firestorm and cultural sensation nearly everywhere they go, but they also bring murky legal liability that riders should be aware of before they fire one up. With the scooters poised to arrive in Orlando sooner rather than later, it is important to understand the risks that are involved with scooting around town. Bird and Lime scooters are activated using a companion app that users download onto their phones. Through the app, you can locate scooters, activate them, and pay for their use. Like other similar apps and online services, the scooter companies ask users to agree to terms of service before creating their account. However, these terms could end up costing you in the event of an accident. While terms vary by company and state, most agreements place liability for injuries that result from operator error in the hands of the user. In other words, unless a scooter malfunctions, your insurance is paying for any injury you suffer while riding. Even

scarier, you may be forced to pay out of pocket for injuries or property damage to another party. When scooter riders are injured by another vehicle, as was the case earlier this year when a man in Tampa was struck and killed, legal responsibility is not clear yet. If you’ve ever signed up for Apple Music or Netflix, you know how easy it is to check the box saying you agree with the terms of service without having read a single word of them. In the case of scooters, which pose real-world danger, you should be much more careful. Whether or not you decide a ride is worth the risk is up to you, but you should be fully aware of the risks before you do. Injuries can result from any mode of transportation, from Bird scooters to Mack Trucks. If you’ve been injured in a transportation accident and need the help of an experienced attorney, call Coye Law today at 407-901-9135.


Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Staying Connected How to Keep Your Family Close in a Busy World

movie together every Thursday night, or going on a monthly getaway, make sure these traditions aren’t canceled. If your family doesn’t have many rituals, a great way to connect is to start some. Make Every Moment Count As cliche as it sounds, when you don’t have much time together, it’s crucial to be present for every minute of it. If you have a rare half-hour at home with one of your kids, make a point to spend it in the same room and try to start a conversation. If you squeeze in a romantic dinner with your spouse, turn off your phones before the food comes. Listening to each other without distractions will strengthen your relationship. Hug It Out Physical contact is vital for closeness. When you get the chance, hug your kids, hold hands with your spouse, and do physical activities as a family, like hiking, biking, or even playing group sports. It’s been scientifically proven that physical closeness leads to emotional closeness, so if you’re low on time, take advantage of that shortcut!

If you feel like you’ve hardly seen your kids since the school year started, you’re not alone. Americans are way too busy — from childhood onward, we’re always running hither and thither, packing in as many after-school activities, work-related meetings, and social engagements as possible. It’s a problem so pervasive that it has a name: time scarcity. Families feel time scarcity keenly after school starts in September, when children’s schedules explode with engagements. But all hope for close ties isn’t lost; there are ways to stay connected with your spouse and kids, even in an increasingly busy world. Here are some ideas from counselors, teachers, and psychologists who claim to have mastered the art. Remember Your Rituals Rituals make up the backbone of individual families and society at large. Most people wouldn’t dream of abandoning their holiday traditions, so why forgo the smaller rituals that bring families together? Whether it’s eating dinner at the same table each evening, watching a

Every month, we give a big shoutout to clients who gave us referrals. This month, we’d like to recognize ...

Coye Law Firm’s Referral All-Stars!

Lisa Dickey

Mary Johnson

Matthew Watts

Thank you for trusting us with your legal needs. If you have family or friends who could benefit from our services, please have them call Alex at 407-871-3811.


Have a


• 3/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano • 1/3 cup finely grated pecorino cheese • Kosher salt, for pasta water and to taste

• 6 oz pasta, ideally spaghetti or bucatini • 3 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed and divided • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1. In a large pot, bring 3 quarts of salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook, stopping 2 minutes short of desired doneness. Drain pasta, reserving 1/2 cup of pasta water. 2. In a large pan over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp butter. Add pepper and cook until toasted and aromatic, about 1 minute. Add reserved pasta water and bring to a simmer. 3. Transfer pasta and remaining butter to pan and reduce heat to low. Add Parmesan cheese and cook until melted, tossing pasta throughout. Remove pan from heat and add pecorino, continuing to toss until cheese is melted and sauce coats pasta. 4. Transfer to bowls and serve.

Inspired by Bon Appétit



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Why We Send Clients Texts

Teach Your Kids Flu Prevention

Liability in Electric Scooter Cases

How to Keep Your Family Close in a Busy World

Honoring the Canines of 9/11

• 24-Hour Accident Hotline • No Recovery/No Fee for Personal Injury Claims • FREE Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims • FREE Legal Advice to Your Motorcycle Organization • FREE Home and Hospital Visit

We’re here to protect you and your rights … and even your cellphone! Call the office today to find out how to get your free phone case and wallet combo! COYE LAW HAS GOT YOU COVERED!


The 4-Legged Heroes of Ground Zero In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets to clear rubble, offer supplies, and search for survivors. It was a powerful act of resilience in a deeply trying time, and while most of the individuals helping with the disaster stood on two feet, more than 300 canines also answered the call to service. Dogs of all breeds and backgrounds, including search and rescue dogs, police dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs, were brought in to help find and care for survivors in the wake of the destruction. They worked tirelessly alongside rescue crews as they searched through the debris. Search and rescue dogs and their handlers worked 12–16-hour days, searching for survivors and victims. They worked through dangerous conditions: Many dogs burned their paws as they dug through hot rubble, and both handlers and canines inhaled toxic dust. The task was both physically and mentally exhausting for the

dogs during their shifts. Some dogs that found deceased victims refused to eat or interact with other animals. Search and rescue dogs became increasingly stressed and depressed the longer they searched without any results, mirroring their handlers. It wasn’t uncommon for handlers to stage mock “findings” of survivors to keep the dogs’ spirits up. Fortunately, the sacrifices these dogs and their handlers made did not go unnoticed. Many dog owners were inspired to earn their search and rescue certifications after the events of 9/11, promising to aid in future disasters and hopefully lessen the impact of such catastrophes. After 9/11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals, both physically and mentally. Many of these studies wouldn’t be possible without the AKC Canine Health Foundation, so if you’re looking to give back this September, visit them at their website to see how you can help: .


Published by The Newsletter Pro .