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Summer 2022 Curriculum information leaflets

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1. New curriculum map Autumn Term 2019

diary Through this topic we will be linking our Geography and Science. This topic is designed to bui

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Spring term 2021 Curriculum information leaflets

diary Science In Spring 2, we will be studying different rocks, and investigating their properties b

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Autumn '21New Curriculum Map All year groups

Autumn '21New Curriculum Map All year groups Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Pa

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Curriculum maps autumn Abbey 2019 v2

diary Our topic is Planet Protectors. Through this topic we will be linking our Geography and Scienc

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Summer term curriculum maps 2020

carers to attend where children will have prepared a selection of healthy treats for parents to purc

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Curriculum Document

Curriculum Document CANTERBURY Curriculum Document Ma te ahurei o te rangatahi, ka arahi i o matou m

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Booths Autumn Magazine 2020

2 PRICE All information and prices are correct at the time of printing. Alcohol can only be purchase

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1. 2020 Autumn IBelongMagazine The Untold Virus Untold? By Kamille Simmons On December 31, 2019, the first coron

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Curriculum information Autumn 2020

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year Nursery 2020-21 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see

Communication and language Communication and Language is a Prime area of learning in Nursery. The staff model good communication skills throughout the day by talking to the children, asking them questions and giving instructions. The children are encouraged to talk in a small group and to make their needs clear through speech and gestures. Listening games and turn taking activities also help support this area of learning.

Our topic is Amazing Me!

This topic is split into ‘All about me’ and ‘Celebrations’. During the first half term we will focus on settling the children into their new surroundings; during this time we will talk to the children about their families, their likes, interests and experiences. This is a great way to start the new academic year as we all get to know each other and the children build excellent relationships with their peers and staff. During the topic ‘Celebrations’ we will find out about different cultural and traditional celebrations such as Diwali, Bonfire night and Christmas. We will also talk about familiar events such as Birthdays and weddings.

Phonics & early reading Early phonics in Nursery is all about developing their listening skills. This is achieved through activities such as going on a sound walk, identifying everyday sounds in the environment, listening to rhymes and joining in with nursery rhymes. We read stories daily and ask the children to choose a book they would like to hear.

Physical Development The children will be encouraged to be as

independent as possible and will learn about going to the toilet and washing their hands, personal hygiene and healthy eating. They will be encouraged to dress themselves and put their own coat on. The children are provided with many opportunities for movement both indoors and outdoors, we have a range of bikes, scooters, climbing equipment and a weekly Gross-motor session (PE).

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences For life skills children will practise dressing themselves by putting on their coats independently, getting dressed up in the role play area, they will be encouraged to maintain personal hygiene by practising the skill of washing hands and knowing the importance of being clean. Children will experience some fun activities from the bucket list which have been carefully planned. Soft skills are skills that are embedded every day routines and through Child Initiated Learning. This will include making decisions, leadership, creativity, being a good team player, accepting responsibility and developing communicating skills.

Personal, social and emotional development

Mathematics The children will begin to recognise numbers, patterns and shapes in the environment. They will become familiar with the structure of the day through using a visual timetable and discussions about what happens next. The children will use Numicon as apparatus for counting. We will sing lots of number songs and have plenty of opportunities for Maths through indoor and outdoor learning. Understanding the world Amazing Me is a lovely topic to start the year off, we will talk about similarities and differences between the children and their families, we will draw self portraits and learn about different parts of the body. During the topic Celebrations we will talk about different cultures, beliefs and practices. We celebrate and respect all Religions and cultures and will find out about the children’s personal experiences.

Expressive arts and design The children will be provided with lots of opportunities to explore a range of creative materials such as paint, play dough, foam and collage. We will name parts of our bodies through song and experiment with a range of movements through music.

During the first half term the children will become more confident to leave their Parents and Carers and go into nursery happily. Our Key-worker system will provide your child with a safe, secure and familiar adult to build a relationship within the early days. It is very important that your child feels safe and happy; we will read lots of books about settling into nursery and want to make them feel as relaxed as possible. Literacy We will be reading some of our favourite stories and will encourage the children to join in with repeated and familiar phrases. The children will look at books independently, beginning to recognise and discuss illustrations and familiar print within the environment. The children will engage in a range of mark making experiences in order to prepare their fingers for

Characteristics of effective learning The children are encouraged to be independent and think of ways to solve problems for themselves. We encourage the children to keep trying when they find tasks difficult and to feel proud of themselves when they achieve their goals. The children are given lots of opportunities to work as a team and make decisions together.

writing! They will enjoy drawing, painting, threading, play dough and much more.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 2020-2021 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see

Communication and language

Our role play areas are set up as a home corner and will be changed to link with the different celebrations. This encourages imaginative language and the confidence for children to act out their chosen roles. Children are learning traditional rhymes and songs to learn new words and their meaning.

Our topic is All About me!

Through this topic we will be talking about ourselves and celebrations linking all the areas of the early years curriculum. This topic is designed to encourage children to build relationships with others and learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others.

Phonics & early reading

Physical Development

Children will be learning new sounds every week. They will be encouraged to identify sounds in words and will segment and blend and read CVC words and tricky words during ‘child Initiated Learning’ (CVC words e.g. p- i-n, f-i-n). They will be encouraged to speak about what is happening in the illustrations of books and to comprehend the whole story.

In P.E. children will be using story to practise large and small movements, making them aware of the space around them, including jumping, hopping and skipping. They will be developing fine motor skills through different activities such as using Playdough, threading and using pegs and pegboards.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences


Expressive arts and design

Personal, social and emotional development

Children will practise dressing themselves during ‘child Initiated play’, P.E. and Forest School. They will be encouraged to maintain personal hygiene by practising the skill of washing hands and knowing the importance of being clean, which is particularly relevant due to COVID-19. Children will be giving us ides of what they would like to do on their bucket list. Soft skills are skills that are embedded in every day Child Initiated Learning and this will include making decisions, leadership, creativity, being a good team player, accepting responsibility and developing communicating skills.

Children are looking at ways to represent numbers from 1-20 using practical resources. Children explore numbers with numicon, counters and tens frames. Children will be learning new vocabulary to describe the position of an object and name and describe shapes.

In our music sessions the children will be learning to keep a steady beat and using body parts to make sounds. Children will be exploring different textures and colours by painting paper plate self-portraits, designing a firework display and making things with junk modelling.

Children will learn class rules, becoming aware of routine and boundaries. Opportunities will be given during ‘child Initiated learning’ activities where team work and independence will be encouraged. Circle time will allow children to express how they feel and share experiences.

Understanding the world

Characteristics of effective learning


Children will be talking about their box bought from home and will talk about people and experiences special to them. Children will be able to observe and make comments about nature and living things during outdoor learning .Cameras, phones, keyboards will be in the role play area for imaginative play.

Children use their own experiences through self-directed play to develop roles and pretend objects are things from their everyday life. Children are encouraged to curiosity to find and explore their new environment and focus on their learning for short periods of time.

Our ‘Talk for Writing’ uses language, pictures and actions to help children remember and learn each story or poem. Our poem ‘All of Me’ helps children develop a sense of rhyme, rhythm and alliteration. The story about our class bears gives examples of list writing for the children to mark make and practise letters.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2020-21 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see

Maths Time will be spent ensuring that the children have a secure knowledge and understanding of numbers within 10. We want the children to have flexibility in working with numbers to 10, allowing them to quickly apply this knowledge to larger numbers in the future. We will explore addition and subtraction within 10 and look at the different ways in which numbers can be partitioned, developing fluency in number bonds for all numbers up to 10. In all lessons the children will be encouraged to use equipment to support their learning such as Numicon, part, part whole models, 10 frames and number lines. We will also be building on learning from Reception, mastering basic 2D and 3D shape terminology and exploring patterns. Music In music, we will be looking at ‘Old School Hip Hop’. We will listen to and appraise a range of songs that use this style of music. The children will have the opportunity to identify the different types of musical instruments that are used within the song. We will also learn about how pulse and rhythm work together to create music which will help the children when composing their own rap.

English Our ‘Talk for Writing’ will kick off with the children learning and reciting a short piece entitled ‘Summer Holidays’. This should lead them nicely into writing their own piece of writing based on their recent summer holiday experiences. We will also be looking at the features of traditional tales such as ‘The Little Red Hen’ and will even try our hand at Christmas poetry writing as well! Throughout, we will be teaching the children the importance of finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and the use of adjectives in their writing. Our trip to the

Our topic is The Victorians.

Black Country Museum will provide us with an opportunity for some cross-curricular writing.

Although our main topic this term will be The Victorians, to help ease the children back into school life we will spend the first few weeks on a mini topic entitled ‘All About Me’. This will enable us to really get to know the children and to create a safe and happy environment. Through this topic we will be linking our History, Art, Design and Technology. This topic is about comparing our present lives with those of the Victorians, looking at schools, work and homes. We will be using drama, books, the Internet, a Victorian dress-up day and a visit to The Black Country Living Museum to learn more about the topic and to explore the Victorian way of life. Our educational visit will be to The Black Country Living Museum – a great place for the children to develop their historical language, knowledge of the Victorians and their curiosity to find out more. (COVID-19 dependent)

Computing The children will be learning to understand that devices respond to commands and to understand that they can programme a simple sequence of commands into a programmable toy to send it on a route. They will also explore an on-screen turtle/Bee-Bot, navigating it around a course or grid, and will be encouraged to predict what will happen once the next command is entered. We will be discussing our SMART message on a regular basis so that the children become increasingly aware of how to use technology safely and respectfully. Science The children’s knowledge and skills will be developed through our unit of work on materials. It will provide opportunities to learn to identify a range of different materials, to differentiate between an object and what it is made from and to use appropriate vocabulary to describe what a material is like. Throughout the year, we will also be observing seasonal changes by tracking the life cycle of a tree and a bulb, over the four seasons.

History Through our topic of The Victorians the children will be developing an awareness of the past, using words and phrases related to the passing of time. Through looking at a range of sources, they will identify and discuss similarities and differences between the Victorian times and our way of life today. Aspects covered will include homes, school life, jobs and the way that people dressed. The children will be involved in a Victorian Dress-up day and our classrooms will take a trip back to the Victorian times.

PE Within our P.E lessons, the children are going to practise and master their basic movements. Some of these include running, jumping, throwing and catching. They will also be developing their balance, agility and co- ordination skills and begin to apply these within a range of activities. Additionally, the children will participate in team games where they will be able to develop simple tactics for attacking and defending. This will also allow the children to develop their team building skills as well as taking on leadership roles.

Geography Children will be introduced to different types of maps and why people use them. We will focus on identifying simple objects from a birds-eye view, and the children will then use practical resources to plot out a map of their own classroom. This will serve to develop their understanding of maps from a birds-eye view.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

Life Skills Knowing my full name Know when my birthday is Dressing/undressing, fastening buttons Knowing my left and right Bucket List Visit Black Country Museum Soft Skills Communication Accepting Responsibility Teamwork Creativity Leadership

Art & Design

Design Technology

Religious Education

This term we will be looking at developing our mark making skills. We will be looking at different grades of pencils and the effects that can be created using them. The children will also experiment with making marks using media other than pencil, such as crayons, biros and felt tip pens. We will be looking at some of the work of LS Lowry and using charcoal to recreate a Victorian townscape.

As we are learning about the Victorians, our DT lessons will be based around this topic. The children will explore and experiment with a variety of materials in order to create their own spoon doll. The children will begin with planning a mock of their design and label all the key features of their spoon doll. This will give the children to build upon their vocabulary as well as their knowledge on why spoon dolls were used and how they were created.

During Autumn 1, Year 1 will be discussing what people believe God is like, how they show their love for God and listening to parables from the New Testament. In Autumn 2 we will explore why Christmas matters to Christians and how and why we celebrate special times.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 2 2019-20 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see

Maths The children will be developing their understanding of place value, recognising the value of each digit in a 2 digit number and understanding the role of 0 as a place holder. They will apply this knowledge when comparing numbers using the < and > symbols and when solving place value problems. We will move onto using place value to help solve the operations of addition and subtraction using resources and written methods as well as showing their answers with different representations. As the term progresses, we will solve multiplication and division problems as well as recall the 2,5 and 10 times tables. Music Throughout the term, we will be finding the beat within songs, showing it using our bodies and percussion instruments. We will start off exploring a South African inspired music and move onto Christmas music after half term.

Computing We will be developing an understanding of what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs on digital devices. The children will find out that programs work by following precise instructions. They will also look at how to create and debug simple programs. Alongside this, we will be learning basic computer skills, including how to log on to a computer, use a search engine and use a keyboard with greater confidence. Children will be shown how to access our homework platforms of Education City, Purple Mash and TTRockstars. Religious Education We will start the term looking at celebrations. We will explore different celebrations within different communities and discuss why they are important to some people. This will focus on the Christian, Muslim and Sikh faiths. The children will then move on to learning more about Islam, recognising what Muslims believe and discussing how the live. Science Our focus for the term is ‘Materials’. We will be identifying materials that can be changed by the actions of squashing, bending, twisting and stretching, and link these actions with the properties of the materials that allow them to be changed. The children will look at how the properties of materials make them useful for particular purposes. During the term the children will test a range of different materials for different purposes. English We will be using ‘Talk for Writing’ as a vehicle to assist the children in writing a range of text types. We will be kicking off the term with a postcard and the children will then move on to creating their own friendship story. In the second half of the term, the children will be producing a leaflet to encourage people to visit Scotland, followed by a focus on warning tales. Throughout our English lessons, there will be an emphasis on using sentences containing 2 adjectives, as well as the correct use of punctuation. Cursive handwriting lessons will also be taking place to ensure the correct formation of both upper and lower case letters.

Our topic is Super Scots

During the Autumn term, our topics are based around Scotland. In the first half term we will be finding out about the geographical features of Scotland. This will include discovering where Scotland is in the UK and its many human and physical features. The second half term focuses on Scottish traditions and the many things that make Scotland such a special place. We will be submerged in Scottish heritage during out Scottish Traditions day, where the children will carry out several activities including playing highland games, the work of Scottish artist Steven Brown and making our own class Nessie the Loch Ness Monster.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

History In Year 2 we will become historians in the second half term. As our topic is based on Scotland, we have lots of exciting lessons based around the history of Scotland. We will be starting the topic by looking at the lives of significant people in Scottish history. Additionally, the children will be finding out about what life was like for them and ordering events on a timeline in chronological order. In addition to this, the children will be learning the history of Guy Fawkes. The children will also be using different sources to find reliable information. Art & Design We will start with the children working in the style of the Scottish artist Steven Brown. The children will be experimenting with wet- in- wet and salt to develop their painting techniques, in order to create an under the water scene. They will also be celebrating Diwali by making and decorating a diva using clay. In the second half of the term the children will find out about and replicate the work of the Scottish artist, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. This fits in nicely with our Scotland topic.

PE The first half term, our focus will be on games in which we will be extending the children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. In the second half term, we will move onto gymnastics where the children will be travelling in different ways, making shapes and linking movements. Please ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school. We also ask that all children have their hair tied up and earrings taken out on PE days where necessary.

Life Skills Map reading Cooking Computer skills Debating Folding clothes Planning a journey/ route Bucket List Scottish Day Halloween Science Day Activity Day Soft Skills Decision making Communication Accepting responsibility Teamwork Creativity

Geography We will be using an atlas to locate countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom, then continuing to explore Scotland in more detail, including locating its main cities on a map. The children will also be developing their skills in using simple compass directions (N,E,S,W). They will be adding their own key to a map of ‘The Isle of Struay’ and will look at identifying the physical and human features of a place. In addition, comparisons will be made between Bearwood and the Isle of Struay (Coll).

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2020-21 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see


Religious Education This term we will explore what it means to be a good citizen in our community and find out about the values of different religions. There is a focus on Christianity, Sikhism, and Judaism some of the core morals of these three religions and some simple compare and contrasting. The topic of light allows children to see how light is important to these three religions in different ways. Children also touch upon humanism and how core morals and values may also be similar. French This is a new subject taught in KS2 (Juniors) and introduced in Y3. This term children will start to learn simple French phrases, such as greetings and numbers. The focus will be to develop the children’s confidence to enable them to be able to have a short conversation with their peers. By the end of the term they will have experienced lots of oral rehearsal for numbers 1-20, months, days and main colours.

English is based around the topics we are studying. Letter writing, Character description and a newspaper report will have links to our topic ‘All About Me’, which focuses on the local area and themselves. An adventure story will be inspired by our second topic of the term; Light. Fronted adverbials, a ‘BOYS’ sentence (conjunctions but, or yet, so) and 2A sentences (two adjectives before the noun).

Our topic is All About Me (Autumn1) Festival of Light (Autumn 2).


Through this topic we will be linking our History, Geography, Art and Design and Design Technology. ‘All about Me’ is focused on how I fit into the world. We will be learning about our local history and finding out about our geographical influences. Art will be focusing on self-portraits. Our Autumn 2 topic will be focusing on Light and will be including a variety of art and science lessons. In RE we will be looking at various religious festivals throughout the world.

The focus for this term will be learning about our ‘Amazing Bodies’ (including skeleton and organs) and what we need to do to be healthy including food tasting. Our topic of ‘Light’ will develop an understanding of how light travels, sources of light and reflections. Scientific working will enable children to make a skeleton model, food tasting, reflection of light and shadows.

Soft skills: Listening skills, Positive attitude, Conflict resolution

Life Skills: Develop an understanding of what a healthy meal looks like and to develop early carpentry skills, selecting and using appropriate tools safely.

Bucket List: To sample a range of exotic fruits and unusual vegetables. To design, make and evaluate their own wooden bridge structure. Subject to Covid restrictions, possible Birmingham Canal trip.



Children will be continuing to develop their sense of e- safety related specifically to email. Pupils will use a safe mail platform (2Simple) to learn about safe use, do’s and don’ts and email etiquette. Children will continue to develop their touch-typing skills using 2Type.

History Focusing on local history, we will be looking at the Black Country’s influence in the Industrial Revolution. We will be concentrating on learning about canals, bridges and the development of transportation over the centuries. James Brindley and Thomas Telford’s inventions will be used to look at how history shaped the landscape both in Birmingham and wider UK. This will help children develop a growing understanding of how a significant period in British history changed the world they now live in. Art & Design In Art we will be focusing on using a range of techniques, including sketching and painting, to create pieces of art based around ourselves. Children will use a six grid paper to help proportion the faces. We will also be exploring the Cubism movement with a lens on Picasso, Giuseppe Archimboldo to lead to a self-portrait in the style of Archimboldo. Skills include a range of pencils from soft to hard and a range of marks including cross- hatching with movements in the same or similar directions.


We will be consolidating the Year 2 written methods from the National Curriculum for addition and subtraction, as well as the mental strategies for addition and multiplication. Place Value will be the key element emphasised this term working on hundreds, tens and ones. Children will be exchanging hundreds for tens and tens for ones in subtraction. Another key focus this term will be ensuring that multiplication tables are learnt off by heart! It is expected that children will know their 2x, 5x and 10x tables, and these will be consolidated in the Autumn Term.

We will start by developing children’s geographical understanding of the children’s place in the UK, Europe and the World. We will then focus on the West Midlands area and find out why Birmingham is an influential city in the nation’s canal network. This will lead to pupils developing map work skills to use 4 co-ordinate grids. The map work will extend through canals into Europe and how the physical landscape has changed because of the canals.


Music lessons will be changed this year due to Covid restrictions. Following the guidelines we will be focusing on being able to identify the pulse of a piece of music and following the beat of a tune using body percussion. Simple musical notation will be consolidated primarily through the use of the Garage Band app on IPads.


In Autumn 1 we will be focusing on ‘Invasion games’, specifically handball. They will use a combination of different movements to play competitive games and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. In Autumn 2 we will be concentrating on gymnastic skills to improve basic movements including running, jumping, hopping, skipping as well as developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance.

Design Technology

3x and 4x tables will also be taught during the Autumn Term.

In design and technology we will be linking to our History topic by constructing bridges. Children will; design, make and evaluate a range of joints and shapes for strength. Using accurate marking, cutting and sawing the children will make bridges inspired by Thomas Telford and other Victorian industrialists.

It is advised that you regularly practise the times table with your child.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2020-21 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is Planet Protectors. Through this topic we will be linking our Geography and Science. This topic is designed to build on children’s understanding of the wider world and their impact on it. Children will recognise that they can make a positive impact to their future world, through choices and changes they make. This will allow children to develop their understanding, in Science, of how the environment impacts animals in their locality and the wider world. Through our mini topic of Russia, children will see the impact of these choices in other areas of the world. We want the children to be the change and make a difference now!



This term we will continue to develop our topics through a mastery approach, this will include place value to 10,000, addition and subtraction, perimeter and multiplying and dividing. The children will continue to use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to develop their fluency. There is daily opportunity for fluency and catch up for children. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning.

Children will be developing 3A sentence types, BA sentences, fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses, and a variety of others through the following text types: Book review, biography, explanation, narrative and letter writing. A continued application of spelling and grammar features will run throughout and development of a variety of punctuation marks and vocabulary.


Science Children’s knowledge and skills will be developed through units of work on Animals and their habitats and changing states. These units will provide children with an understanding of the animal kingdom, plant kingdom and their local environment. Children will gain an understanding of different materials and whether they are solids, liquids or gases. Scientific working through practical experiments, use and analysis of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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