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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp April 2018

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - April 2020


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp March 2018


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp May 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” 4 | 877-483-5020 Published by The Newsletter Pro . www.Newslet

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - December 2020

4 tsp peppermint oil • 1 cup granular Swerve • 1 tsp flake sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven t

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2017

Athens-Tours to find the perfect guide for your trip. generating what would become many of the most

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, r

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp Nov 2017

january-soup-swap-gatherings-from-the-kitchn-214906. HOW TO HOST A SOUP SWAP How He Got Started: “I

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2020

26-10-31! | 3 Published by The Newsletter Pro . PRST STD US

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp April 2018




A Little Patience, A Lot of Persistence


With fishing, you might catch 10 fish in the first 20 minutes, or it could take you until the end of the day to catch just one. Like a fitness program, sometimes it takes time to see results. You have to be consistent and persistent or you won’t get there. If you feel like you’re ready to throw in the towel, take a minute to re-evaluate. Ask yourself if there are things you could be doing better and what changes can be made to enhance your results. When I’m fishing and not reeling anything in, I’ll ask myself, “Can I slow down the retrieve or speed it up? Can I change baits? Should I move to a different area?” Evaluate your situation to find new angles you can tackle it from. Maybe the reason you’re not seeing the results you want is you’re working out too hard. Some of us want to work out to the max every day. Persistence is important, but you also need to give your body time to recover. If you’re working out every day and not seeing results, consider building in more recovery days. They’ll let your body reboot so you’ll be ready to work harder the next time. Or, perhaps the opposite is true — you need to ramp it up. If that’s the case, Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp and Fit Body Forever have more than enough opportunities for you. Come to a Lean Eating Class, Grocery Store Tour, or participate in a Challenge. We will keep you motivated throughout your fitness journey.

I know a lot of people enjoy basketball and baseball this time of year, but for me, spring means one thing: bass fishing season. I can’t wait for it to warm up enough to go out on the lake. Lori often joins me, and we usually fish in the same area where we got married. It’s a special spot for us.

Lori and I love to be outdoors, and that’s exactly what fishing is about. When it comes to bass fishing, there’s an added challenge that I enjoy. Unlike standard fishing, you’re not just waiting for the fish to bite — you are coaxing them into biting. You have to be persistent and focused to catch a bass. It takes patience to sit out on the water without a bite for two or more hours. The anticipation is part of what makes fishing so fun, but you’re never guaranteed a catch. You might be on the lake for the whole day without a bite, when suddenly, just when you’re ready to pack it in, you feel that fateful tug. Fishing, in many ways, is like starting a fitness challenge. You’re really excited to be out there, eager to make a catch, and ready to go all-in. But when results don’t happen right away, you get discouraged. When you reach that point where you’re ready to give up because you’re not seeing the changes you want, don’t give up. Consistency is a significant part of being successful. As long as you’re being consistent by showing up and putting in the effort, you’re moving toward your goals. Even if you’re not seeing results in the first two to three weeks, you have to maintain that consistency. It might take five or six weeks before you finally start seeing results.

Fishing for bass requires persistence, and so does getting in great shape. Both activities are all about persistence, patience, and consistency. Don’t give up just because you don’t see results right away. Stick with it, be adaptable, and you’ll get there. Our team will be there to cheer you on the whole way!

-Steven Hadley | 1

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After spending a winter cooped up inside with your family, there might be a little tension between everyone. Fortunately, it’s spring, and the warm weather, melting snow, and blooming flowers offer a good way to ease restlessness. This season, why not bring your family closer together by starting a family garden? A Learning Experience Nearly every step in the gardening process can be a learning experience for kids and parents alike. Begin by discussing where you should start and why, what supplies you’ll need, and the types of plants you want to grow. Gardening also offers opportunities to learn about science, ecology, and nutrition. Collaboration Gardening gives your family a chance to collaborate. When you’re stuck inside for long periods, you may be spending time together, but it’s usually not quality time. Working in a group to create and maintain a garden is a hands-on experience for everyone. It’s a chance to get the whole family involved with a single project, and you can literally share the fruits of your labor. Deciding on Plants When it comes to deciding which plants you want in your garden, there are many variables to consider. Do you want to grow edible plants, ones that have magnificent blossoms, or ones that are easy to care for? Flowers are a good start if you want a plant that grows a little faster; plus, they lend a pop of color to your garden. Growing vegetables is also rewarding, as the kids will take great pleasure in eating what they’ve grown. Other possibilities include sunflowers, blackberries, peas, and lettuce. You might be surprised at how willingly children eat their greens when they’ve had a hand in growing them. Family gardens can bring something new and fresh to your home. So, get outside, enjoy the sun, and discover the joys of plants and gardening.

Fit Body Forever Husband and Wife: Bob and Cathy Cruthirds

“I started Fit Body Forever almost four months ago as a continuation of rehab after having knee replacement surgery. I couldn’t be more pleased with the program and the results I’ve had. The coaches have been great at designing and implementing a routine while always being aware of the issue with my knee, which has improved my mobility, strength, flexibility, and balance. “I’m pleased to say that, as a side benefit of regular exercise and working with the suggestions of “Precision Nutrition” they provided with the program, I’ve also lost the 15 pounds which I had accumulated over the last few years. I believe that the overall fitness that this program can help us achieve is vitally important to our quality of life as we age. “I’m approaching 69 years of age, and I should have started this several years ago. But am glad to see that it’s never too late to get involved with a winning program. Fit Body Forever should be part of everyone’s routine.” –Bob Cruthirds, Fit Body Forever Member “After completing physical therapy for a bilateral knee replacement surgery, my therapist advised me to start an exercise program to increase strength in my legs. My husband was already exercising at Fit Body Forever, so I decided to try it. My legs were very weak from the surgery, and I had not exercised a great deal in many years due to my knees. “Fit Body Forever has helped me strengthen not only my knees, but my entire body, as well. It is a work in progress, but one of my goals was to get up and down off the floor. Seven months after surgery, I was finally able to get down on the floor and back up; it’s not pretty, but I can do it. “I was determined to get stronger. It has been hard, but the people I work out with and the coaches have been very supportive and cheered me along the way toward my achievements. I can now get up and down off the floor. I have increased the weights I use. My stamina has increased. My legs are so much stronger. I have made new friends. “Fit Body Forever gave me the option to work at my pace and have versions of exercises that I could do. If you have a goal to improve your health, this is a great step toward accomplishing that.”

–Cathy Cruthirds

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Move Up in the Ranx


As one of our full-time Fit Body Boot Camp coaches, Cortnee is always looking to give members new opportunities to reach their full potential. Since she also creates the schedule for Fit Ranx, she found the perfect way to do that.

Cortnee enjoys challenging herself every day in her own workouts, which are toned down a bit while she’s pregnant. “I monitor how I feel every day and bring my individual best.” As some of you can relate, Cortnee acknowledges that she can be overly critical of herself. But when she knows she’s doing her best, it keeps her positive and motivated. “Today, I worked out before I started coaching. I’ll try a move, and if I can’t do it, I’ll try to do the next-best thing. I don’t like when people put limits on themselves before even trying. I’m not going to sell myself short.” Cortnee isn’t going to sell you short, either. She loves creating workouts that will challenge our members and make coming to Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp fun. If you’re interested in testing yourself and progressing through Fit Ranx, there’s no extra cost — it’s included in your Fit Body Boot Camp membership. “All you have to do is put in your time and effort,” says Courtnee. If you’re ready to test yourself and see how far you can go, talk to Cortnee or another staff member about Fit Ranx today.

“It’s so much fun,” Cortnee says. “There’s strength and conditioning to every test, and every level builds on itself. In level 1, you might see TRX rows; at level 2, there’s a harder version of those; and at level 3, you might be doing pullups.” For our members who want additional goals and to test themselves, Fit Ranx is a great way to do it.

Not familiar with Fit Ranx? The 8-level advanced-testing program challenges participants one level at a time. It allows them to put what they’ve learned in class to the test and see how fit and strong they truly are. “We have a man and woman working on level 7 right now; they are the furthest along. We have two people at level 6, eight people at level 5, and the rest of our Fit Ranx members are at levels 1 through 4.”

Roasted Asparagus With Lemon Breadcrumbs


Lean for Life Workshop Thursday, April 5 at 6:30PM Thursday, April 19 at 6:30PM


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1 cup panko breadcrumbs 1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped

2 pounds asparagus

1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

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2 teaspoons lemon zest

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Kosher salt

Juice of one lemon (not packaged lemon juice)

Freshly ground pepper 2 garlic cloves, minced

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425 F. Toss asparagus with 2 tablespoons olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on baking sheet and bake for 20–26 minutes, turning asparagus halfway through. 2. When asparagus is nearly done, heat remaining olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add breadcrumbs and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and fold in parsley and lemon zest. 3. Transfer asparagus to serving platter, drizzle with lemon juice, and top with breadcrumb mixture.

Grocery Store Tour Saturday, April 7 at 11:00AM Saturday, April 21 at 11:00AM

(Recipe inspired by Food and Wine Magazine) | 3

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26037 CAPITAL DR, DAPHNE, AL 36526 877-483-5020




What Fishing and Fitness Have in Common

Gardening: Bringing Family Together Success Stories In Cortnee’s Corner Roasted Asparagus With Lemon Breadcrumbs




The Message Behind Kindness Rocks



bright colors so that others can spot them. After the paint has dried, use paint pens to write your messages on the rocks. These can be as simple as one word or as big as an inspiring quote or verse. After you’ve written your message, use a clear nontoxic sealant to protect your artwork so it will be there when others find it. Find an outdoor space to leave your rock — maybe even in the original spot you found it. In a world that often seems dark, your message of kindness will serve as a beacon of hope for others. “One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.” –Gautama Buddha

kindness. She finds a rock, paints a kind message on it, and leaves it on the beach for others to find. And the idea has spread. As the project has grown, so have people’s stories about finding kindness rocks. When people find a kindness rock, they get a boost to their day, but they also feel inspired to pay the kindness forward. How to Make Your Own Kindness Rocks If you want to spread kindness, start with a few smooth 3- to 5-inch rocks. Part of the adventure is in finding the rocks, so take the time to explore outside to find them. Maybe take the kids for a trek to a nearby park or beach. Once you have your rocks, use nontoxic paint or spray paint to color them. Use

Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? You wake up late, you can’t find your keys, the kids aren’t ready, and the day continues to unfold in a negative fog. Those difficult days are the reason Megan Murphy started the Kindness Rocks Project. After her parents passed away, she found comfort in finding heart-shaped rocks and sea glass on the beach. She realized that these small tokens might make other people feel better, too. Megan’s friend, one of the first to pick up a rock Megan had left behind, sent her an encouraging message after finding it: “If you did drop this rock, you made my day.” Since then, Megan has inspired others with randomly placed messages of

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