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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp March 2018

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • • 2 teaspoons lemon zest • • • Kosher salt Juice

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp May 2018

4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion,

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” 4 | 877-483-5020 Published by The Newsletter Pro . www.Newslet

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - April 2020


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - December 2020

4 tsp peppermint oil • 1 cup granular Swerve • 1 tsp flake sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven t

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2017

Athens-Tours to find the perfect guide for your trip. generating what would become many of the most

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, r

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp Nov 2017

january-soup-swap-gatherings-from-the-kitchn-214906. HOW TO HOST A SOUP SWAP How He Got Started: “I

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2020

26-10-31! | 3 Published by The Newsletter Pro . PRST STD US

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp March 2018




It’s Never Too Late to Start


in our six-week challenge. You’ll work with our amazing team and an awesome group of folks with the same goals to get into shape before beach season. Wouldn’t it be great to walk into the nice summer weather at the fitness level you’ve been dreaming of? Instead of dreaming about it, make it a reality.

You’ve heard me talk before about the high failure rate of New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions fail because we try to tackle them all at once instead of taking them one step at a time. It’s almost spring, and if you haven’t thought about your resolution since Jan. 1, you’re not alone.

Not only that, we’ll pay you to lose weight. Yep, you read that right — drop the weight, and we’ll pay up.

What’s even more awesome are the success rates we’ve seen with this challenge. We’re at the end of one of our challenges right now, and it’s amazing to see how when people show up and do the work, the rest follows. By week five, we’ve already seen people lose close to 20 pounds. At the end of six weeks, it’s not uncommon to see folks say goodbye to up to 25 pounds. Many of us think of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day as milestones for the summer. We want to look our best for these long weekends we might spend at the beach. We want to feel good about how we fit into our clothes and swimsuits. Start now with one of our challenges, and instead of stressing about how you look, you’ll be relaxing on the beach all summer long. We can’t gurantee your results will be the same as other participants, and they’ll vary based on what’s healthy for your body and the efforts you put in. But we know that if you invest the time into yourself, you will see a transformation, beginning with your mentality.

Here’s what I want you to remember all year long: Even if you didn’t get a good start at the beginning of the year, it’s never too late to make a change. Put the past behind you and focus on what’s right in front of you. If you didn’t start the new year as strong as you hoped, that doesn’t mean you get to give up now. Don’t let yourself off that easy. It’s never too late to start. There are still nine months left in 2018. That means you have about 270 days to work on your goals! It’s not time to give up — it’s time to get started! Next month, we’re kicking off our next Drop Pounds Get Paid Challenge for our boot camp members. If you’re disappointed with your weight loss progress so far this year, this is your opportunity make a change. Starting in April, you’ll participate

This spring, make the choice to put the past behind you and start again. Give us a call, come by the gym, or sign up online at to participate in the transformation challenge. Remember, now is the best time to start.

-Steven Hadley | 1

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Beth Anne’s Drive to Succeed

“I missed some workouts and got a text checking up on me. When I came back, I was told I was missed, and the coaches

Beth Anne is a prime example of where hard work and dedication can get you. She made her commitment to come work out in July of 2017 during one of our promotions. “I was at my biggest and continuing to get bigger,” she says. “Something had to be done, and I said yes with the intention of only taking advantage of the promotion.” Beth Anne is honest about the obstacles that had prevented her from reaching her goals: “My pride and my mind were problems. I compared myself to others in the room and wanted results in a week without putting in the work. I wanted to come in, do my thing, hide, and leave. I had a chip on my shoulder, thinking I would never get too involved or fit in because I was the fat girl and everyone judges the fat girl in class. I was embarrassed and wanted to be left alone. When the coaches came around to help me, I snapped at them.” Beth Anne soon learned that she could overcome those obstacles and reach her goals. She believes that Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp has helped her in more ways than one. She even shared a story with us about the turning point where she started to believe in herself:


and other members confirmed that. I finally opened up to a coach and told them that I was very insecure because I was the fat girl and could never be in a class with skinny girls. She told me they had all started right where I was, and I could not compare myself to others. We are all different, and the coaches were always showing modifications according to levels. I finally took my eyes off of the floor, looked up, and noticed all the different shapes and sizes in the room and that other people were doing modified exercises, too. “However, I was still going through the motions and not paying attention to form,” admits Beth Anne. “A coach noticed I was getting more comfortable and gave me a bigger weight to use. I politely declined, but she did it anyway and spotted me until I finished — she didn’t leave me. When I got up, I was stunned I had actually managed the bigger weight! “Next, I started asking coaches how to do things correctly. The coaches took notice, and they started showing me more. One day, the theme of the week hit me like a ton of bricks, and I started crying like a baby right there in front of everyone; what I realized was that the coaches really do care about us and are living out that mission every day. During the workouts, I recognized that the same people I judged as the ‘skinny gym people’ were encouraging me and giving me high-fives. I started saying ‘thank you’ whenever they showed me a better form. I started making goals and wanting to do better. “If those coaches were willing to invest so much in me, I couldn’t let them down. I learned that when someone believes and invests in me, I can move mountains! The coaches don’t just stand around and tell you what to do or sit behind a desk. They work out with you. They encourage you. They figure it out with you. Most of all, they love you. When I opened my mind, and looked up from the floor and got the chip off my shoulder, that’s when things started happening. And I actually developed so many incredible relationships with people of all shapes and sizes. “Because it’s not just a gym. It’s a family and a community dedicated to making you better. They encourage you to bring out your best, and if you don’t, they find a way to pull it out. They accept you right where you are and patiently help you get where you need to be.”


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Working Off the Winter Blues


Key Components Cardio endurance, resistance training, and flexibility are all important. Cardio exercise focuses on pumping oxygen throughout your body, resistance moves with weights or bands build your muscle mass and strength, and flexibility work such as yoga or stretching can help reduce the risk of injuring yourself. All three of these types of workouts bring you closer to the goals you’ve set for yourself. Be sure to remember to go at a pace you’re comfortable with. Keeping these factors in balance with one another will improve your overall performance both in and out of the gym. Rest Days You might not know it, but resting your body for a couple of days is just as important as exercising. Your body will need a chance to heal and recharge after each workout. If you work out every day for weeks on end without resting, you increase your chances of injuring yourself because your body isn’t able to recover.

New Year’s is long gone, and some of you might have given up on your resolutions. Sure, the thought of working out more was appealing at first, and you were pretty active for a couple of weeks, but now you’re finding more excuses to stay away from the gym. This might be due to your lifestyle, your lack of free time, or because you burned yourself out by starting too strong and too fast. Here are a few pointers for anyone wanting to get back into their routine. Set Reasonable Standards One of the fastest ways to injure yourself is to bite off more than you can chew. Maybe you could lift over 250 pounds at one point last summer, but that was over six months ago. If you’ve taken a long break from your workouts, you don’t want to jump right back in where you left off. The No. 1 thing to remember is to pace yourself. Not exercising for a while — no matter how long — doesn’t stop you from being able to work your way back up. But be sure your workout has attainable and realistic goals. Start with something minimal – maybe just a few minutes a day – then bump up your intensity as you progress.

Zesty Zucchini Enchiladas


Lean for Life Workshop March 8 at 6:30 p.m. and March 22 at 6:30 p.m. Grocery Store Tour March 3 at 11 a.m. and March 17 at 11a.m. Fit Body Forever Results Physiotherapy Back Pain Seminar March 8 at 6:45 p.m. *All are encouraged to come and bring a friend or family member!* Results Physiotherapy Screenings March 22 from 4–6 p.m.


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2 teaspoons cumin

4 large zucchini

2 teaspoons chili powder

• • •

1 tablespoon olive oil or ghee

3 cups cooked, shredded chicken

1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups shredded cheese

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat oven to 350 F. In a large skillet, heat oil. Add onion, garlic, cumin, chili powder, and salt to taste. Stir to combine. Add chicken and 1 cup enchilada sauce. 2. Use vegetable peeler to thinly slice zucchini. Lay out three slices, slightly overlapping, and spoon chicken mixture on top. Roll the zucchini “tortilla” and place on baking sheet. Repeat until all zucchini and chicken is used. 3. Cover the enchiladas with remaining sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 20 minutes, and enjoy!

(Adapted from | 3

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

26037 CAPITAL DR, DAPHNE, AL 36526 877-483-5020




We’ve Got a Challenge for You


One Person’s Climb


Getting Back Into a Routine

Go Carb-Free for Dinner


Are You Keeping Up With Your Goals?


if you are learning a new skill, such as a foreign language for a trip next year, the resource you need may be an app on your phone. When you bring specific goals together with the necessary resources, achieving your dreams becomes more possible than ever before. You just have to take steps to avoid falling into the mistakes listed above. Set attainable concrete goals, track your progress, and check in with someone to keep you accountable. Since it’s been a few months, take a moment to review how far you’ve come since January. What do you need to do to make 2018 your best year yet?

Setting goals is the easy part. A lot of people say they want to lose weight, eat better, learn a new skill, or try a new hobby, but they don’t define their goals any further. Vague goals aren’t really goals at all. The best way to stay on track is to be as specific as possible. Understand what you need to do to accomplish your goals. Make sure you have access to the appropriate resources that will help you make progress. Resources come in all forms. Look to the people around you for accountability — your family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues. If you don’t want to involve anyone else, keep a notebook or diary to track progress. Or

March is the month of spring time and rejuvenation. It’s also the time when most people have forgotten about the resolutions and goals they set earlier in the year. Have you neglected or given up your goals? If you have, you are far from alone. Most people let their goals fall to the wayside at least by March, if not long before. It comes down to four simple reasons. 1. They set goals that were out of reach or unrealistic. 2. They had zero accountability.

3. They set abstract goals. 4. They didn’t track progress.

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