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Delta Joining Form 2019

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agreement applies. I understand and agree - *ck here AQendance Research has shown that the Members w

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agreement applies. See page 2 for an example. I understand and agree -

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Delta Joining Form 2019

EVO Delta Membership Informa6on & Applica6on Form Mee6ng Frequency

There are 18 mee*ngs a year in Bath . These are usually: - a Wednesday in each month (breakfast) - a Tuesday of every other month (evening meal) Membership Fees

£199 per quarter, via direct debit £150 one-off joining fee

There is no VAT. If you complete this form whilst at your first EVO visit, you will save £50 off the Joining Fee of £150 . This is a one-off cost and is payable once an applica*on has been approved. The price for the quarter year (3-months), is just £199 . The membership fee is paid in advance via DD. Minimum Membership Period There is a 6-month commitment to the Group for Members. It takes *me for trust and reputa*on to be established - which leads to referrals and introduc*ons. Please note:: The agreement is a ‘rolling’ 6-month one and we require 1-month’s wriQen no6ce to leave. If you don’t provide no*ce, the next 6-month’s payment/agreement applies. I understand and agree - *ck here AQendance Research has shown that the Members who aVend each month’s mee*ngs get the best ROI and stay the longest. We want EVO to work for you! Trust is built and referrals are made via frequent aVendance. As of 2019, new Members who miss 3 mee6ngs out of the 9 in the 6-month period (without providing a sub), will be asked to leave the group and no refunds will be made. I understand and agree - *ck here

Please Sign & Date This Agreement

We like to keep things simple so prefer a simple agreement without legal jargon.

I ……………………………… ………………………………………… understand the terms of Membership - namely the fees, minimum commitment and minimum aVendance and no*ce period and commit to join EVO in the spirit of collabora*on and mutual support that forms the ethos of the group. I agree to make full payment for the joining fee and the minimum 2 quarterly bills in a *mely fashion (ideally by direct debit) and specifically understand and agree to the ‘rolling contract’ nature of the agreement and no*ce period required to leave the group prior to the minimum period ending. Lastly, I understand that business networking can some*mes take a while to ‘work’. As men*oned above, Members (and Visi*ng Guests) like to get to know new Members before sharing their contacts or making introduc*ons: and aVending regularly is a good indicator of a good Member, as is punctuality and prepara*on.

………………………………………… …………………………………………………. (CAPS PLEASE)

………………………….………………………………………………………….. (SIGNATURE PLEASE)