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DeSoto FY21-FY22 Budget Book

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DeSoto FY21----FY22-Approved-Budget

basis of accounting employed by the City’s fund types and account groups. • Revenue Summary by Major

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Communications - - 500 165,000 Capital Expenses - 6,400,000 Other $ $ 1,500 - TOTAL EXPENSES 71,525

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basis of accounting employed by the City’s fund types and account groups. • Revenue Summary by Major

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DeSoto FY21-FY22 Budget Book


ADOPTED FY20 2  -20 2  PLANNING FY20 2  -202 

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 GFOA Budget Achievement Award 2019 -------------------------------------------------- 9 Readers Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 City Officials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 1 3 Organizational Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 4 Location & History of Desoto -----------------------------------------------------------------1 5 Community Profile---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7 BUSINESS PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 5 Vision Statement/Goals & Objectives/Business Plan --------------------------------- 2 7 BUDGET MESSAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 7 Transmittal Letter----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 8 BUDGET POLICIES------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3 Calendar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 City Charter Requirements------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 6 Budget Policies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Basis of Budgeting and Accounting ------------------------------------------------------- 5 1 Financial Policies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 Debt Management Policy ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 3 City of DeSoto Fund Structure ------------- ------------------------------------------------ 7 5 Fund Structure Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------7 6 Position Summary/ Changes in Budgeted Positions ----------------------------------- 7 7 Adopted Budget Summary by Category ------------------------------------------------ -8 3 Explanation of Major Changes in Fund Balance --------------------------------------- 8 5 Combined Fund Statements---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 3 Revenue Summary by Major Type – All Funds ----------------------------------------- 9 7 Revenue Summary by Fund --- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- 100 Three Year Comparison of Major Expenditures – All Funds --------------------- -- 105 Expenditure Summary by Function /Fund -- -- ------------------------------------------- 10 7 Five-Year Financial Forecast FY 2021-2025 ------- - - ---- ---------------------------------10 9 GENERAL FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 1 Budget Summary-General Fund 101-102 ----------------------------------- 12 2 Property Tax Rate History Chart ---------------------------------------------12 3 Sales Tax History Chart --------------------------------------------------------12 4 Revenues by Category ------------------------------------------------------------------12 5 Expenditures by Department Summary ----------------------------------------------- 1 29 Administration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 1 Financial Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 4 3


Development Services ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 4 7 Parks & Recreation----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 5 5 Public Safety (Police) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 6 1 Public Safety (Fire) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 6 7 Municipal Court -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 1 Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 5 Information Technology ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 79 Human Resources------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 3 Use of Fund Balance--------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 7 Non-Departmental ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 88 Peg Fund -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 89 Budget Stabilization Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 1 COOPERATIVE EFFORTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 3 Southwest Regional Communications Center (SWRCC) ---------------------------- 19 5 Jail Operations------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0 3 SALES TAX CORPORATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 07 DeSoto Economic Development Corporation Budget------------------------------ 2 09 DeSoto Park Development Budget------------------------------------------------------ 2 1 5 PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 19 Public Utilities Fund Department Charts ---------------------------------------------- 2 2 1 Budget Summary-Fund 502 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 5 Meter Replacement Fund 503 ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 29 Equipment Replacement Fund 504 ----------------------------------------------------- 2 3 0 Utility Building Construction 505 -------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 1 Water & Sewer CIP Fund 508------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 2 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND -------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 3 Storm Drainage Utility Fund s ------------ ---------------------------------------------------2 3 5 Revenue & Expenditure Chart--------------------------------------------------------------2 3 6 Budget Summary-Fund 522 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 7 Equipment Replacement Fund 524 ----------------------------------------------------- 2 38 Drainage CIP Fund 528 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 39 SANITATION ENTERPRISE FUND ---------------------------------------------------------- 2 4 1 Sanitation Enterprise Fund s ------------- ---------------------------------------------------2 4 3 Revenue & Expenditure Chart --------------------------------------------------------------2 4 4 Budget Summary-Fund 552 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 4 5 Equipment Replacement Fund 553 ----------------------------------------------------- 2 4 6


HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 47 Functions Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund ----------------------------------------------------2 49 Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue History Chart -------------------------------------------2 5 0 Budget Summar ies -- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 5 1 DEBT SERVICE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 3 Overview-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 5 Expenditures by Category----------------------------------------------------------------- 25 6 Budget Summary-Fund 305 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 57 Computation of Legal Debt Margin----------------------------------------------------- 2 58 Per Capita Outstanding Debt------------------------------------------------------------- 2 59 A nnual Debt Service Requirement until Maturity Chart ----------------------------- 26 0 General Obligation Bonds----------------------------------------------------------------- 26 1 Certificate of Obligations ----------------------------------------------------------------- 28 3 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds ----------------------------------------------------------------- 297 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 299 Special Revenue Funds Overview Chart ----------------------------------------------- 3 0 0 ALL OTHER FUNDS--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 27 Maintenance and Equipment Replacement Funds Overview -------------------- 3 28 Maintenance and Capital Project Funds Overview --------------------------------- 3 4 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------- 3 49 Capital Improvement Plan Overview--------------------------------------------------- 35 1 Capital Improvement Program Anticipated Bonded Projects ---------------------- 35 2 Capital Improvement Program Summaries ------------------------------------------- 3 53 Capital Improvement Plan Streets ------------------------------------------------------ 3 55 Capital Improvement Plan Storm Drainage ------------------------------------------- 357 Water/Wastewater Master Plan -------------------------------------------------------- 359 APPENDIX-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 363 Budget Glossary-List of Acronyms ------------------------------------------------------ 364 Budget Glossary----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 365 Budget Ordinance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 375 Budget Tax Ordinance --------------------------------------------------------------------- 379 Bond Ratings and Investment Policy Summarization------------------------------- 382 Top Ten Taxpayers-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 383


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Distinguished Budget Presentation Award


City of DeSoto Texas

For the Fiscal Year Beginning

October 01, 2020

Executive Director


City of DeSoto Reader’s Guide FY 2021-2022 Budget The purpose of this section of the budget document is to assist the reader in his or her efforts to understand the City’s program of services for the upcoming fiscal year. Introduction This section contains a listing of the key city officials of the City – the City Council, City Executives and Managing Directors. There is a state map of Texas on which the location of the City of DeSoto is identified. Additional historic and demographic information about the City is contained in this section. Business Plan and Vision Statement The section contains the City Council’s Vision Statement, an expression of the ideal DeSoto envisioned by the Council members. The Statement of Goals and Objectives also includes the Business Plan, which lists the action steps planned by City staff to accomplish the twelve goals developed by City Council in conjunction with the Vision Statement. The Vision Statement and Goals were developed by City Council in a Council work session. City management and the Managing Directors developed the action steps listed under each of the twelve goals. Budget Message This document, developed by the City Managers’ Office, highlights the proposed budget and objectives to be accomplished during FY 2022 in the City’s major funds. Policies This section highlights the policies underlying the development of the FY 2021-2022 budget  Budget Calendar  City Charter Requirements  City Budget Policies  Basis of Budget and Accounting  Financial Policies Financial Analysis This section contains a comprehensive overview of the City’s financial position  Fund Structure – this document illustrates and explains the fund type and account groups utilized by the City of DeSoto. A companion document compares the measurement focus with the budgetary basis/basis of accounting employed by the City’s fund types and account groups.  Revenue Summary by Major Type – All Funds  Revenue Summary by Fund  Budgeted Expenditures Summary by Function  Three Year Comparison of Major Expenditures – graphically illustrates changes in expenditures by major fund type.  Expenditure Summary by Fund  Expenditure Summary by Function – All Funds


General Fund This section of the budget contains the following:  Budget Summary – an expanded view of financial >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16-17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74-75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80-81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98-99 Page 100-101 Page 102-103 Page 104-105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Page 137 Page 138 Page 139 Page 140 Page 141 Page 142 Page 143 Page 144 Page 145 Page 146 Page 147 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 Page 153 Page 154 Page 155 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165 Page 166 Page 167 Page 168 Page 169 Page 170 Page 171 Page 172 Page 173 Page 174 Page 175 Page 176 Page 177 Page 178 Page 179 Page 180 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 Page 185 Page 186 Page 187 Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198 Page 199 Page 200 Page 201 Page 202 Page 203 Page 204 Page 205 Page 206 Page 207

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