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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2020

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2020 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER January 2020 Oregon Workers’ Com

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - August 2021

2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2022

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2022 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER January 2022 Oregon Workers’ Com

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - May 2020

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - May 2020 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER May 2020 Oregon Workers’ Compensatio

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - November 2021

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - November 2021 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER November 2021 Oregon Workers’ C

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - April 2021

2 cup brown sugar, lemon juice, and 3 tbsp water to a boil. 3. Reduce heat to medium and cook until

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - April 2022

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - April 2022 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER April 2022 Oregon Workers’ Compens

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - July 2022

2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional) Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 2. In a large pot over mediu

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - June 2022

2 tsp salt For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple, cut

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - June 2021

2 cups water. 4. Refrigerate 4–8 hours until tea reaches your desired strength. Strain and serve ove

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2021

Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER

January 2021

Oregon Workers’ Compensation | Personal Injury | Social Security Disability

1139 Exchange St., Astoria, OR 97103 • 503-325-8600 •

The Future Is Bright and Promising


When it comes to fulfilling our dreams, there’s a lot that could distract us from those goals. Unfortunately, for hundreds of thousands of people, 2020 was one large distraction. Over the course of every hardship last year, many people may have lost sight of their dreams. Yet, even if you’ve lost sight of them, I want to encourage you to not give up on the dreams you have. Jan. 13 celebrates Make Your Dreams Come True Day. I know that this holiday might seem like it’s telling people to accomplish their dreams in a day, but that’s not what it stands for. I believe this is a great holiday, as it reminds us that our dreams are not only important to us but that we should also keep trying to achieve them. It serves as a starting point. As we leave 2020 behind and look to the future, it’s a perfect time to turn our thoughts to those dreams once again. A dream is an idea — but it can’t stop there. If you have a dream you want to achieve, it’s time to get serious. Doing what you can to make sure your dream becomes a reality might be difficult.

Often, it requires the right mindset, determination, and planning to get started, but once you do, you’ll be on the right path to accomplish goals. Even the most difficult dreams can come true by taking these steps. The most important step in accomplishing any dream is to plan. Planning not only gives your dream a more concrete feel, but it also allows you to get an idea of how long it will take and what you might need to succeed. Whether that’s taking a vacation to another country, starting up a business, or writing a book, getting that first rough idea will help you in the long run. Even with the pandemic, you can still plan. If you want to travel, now might be the perfect time to start saving so that when traveling restrictions are lifted, you don’t have to worry about money. To get started, set some time aside to think about what your dreams are and start on a plan. I know that’s easier said than done. I have a hard time getting some free time in my own schedule, but what I’ve found that helps is to actually account for that planning. If you use a scheduling app, or even Google Calendar, to keep your day straight, open it up and find some time where you aren’t so busy. That could be in a week, even two weeks — no matter when that gap in your schedule is, jot down some time so you can plan for your dreams. Even if you can only spend 5–10 minutes on it over several days, it’s still better than no planning at all. The thing about dreams is that they aren’t overnight successes. Dreams like these can happen, but they are very rare. Usually, to accomplish things, it takes time and effort. All dreams can evolve from a figment of an idea and become a reality; all it takes is that first step.

As we enter into 2021, I want to encourage everyone to rekindle their dreams and make them shine.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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LET THAT FRESH AIR FUEL YOU 4 Tips to Make Getting Outside Easier

Hunkering down and waiting for the dark and chilly winter season to pass sounds pretty nice. But the reality is, if we deprive ourselves of time outside, we do ourselves a big disservice both mentally and physically. Staying indoors all day affects your energy and mood, which makes it hard to get anything done, so here are four easy tips to make it easier to get a little fresh air. 1. MAKE IT A PRIORITY. Getting outside means making the conscious effort to do so. If you want to reap its benefits, you have to decide to make it a priority in your day-to-day schedule. If you make the act important to you, you have more motivation to actually do it. 2. USE MORNINGS EFFECTIVELY. Waking up and getting the day started can be hard. But studies have shown that natural light helps decrease your melatonin production, which means you feel ready to face the day sooner. So, set yourself a second alarm to head outside and take a quick walk around

the block just after waking. Don’t even wash your face or grab coffee. Just get out there.

3. TAKE YOUR WORK OUTSIDE. If you’re working from home, take some work outdoors. Phone and virtual meetings are a great outdoor option, especially if you’ll just be an active listener and aren’t required to do any work simultaneously. Attach a note to your meeting reminders to get yourself set up outside five minutes before you start. 4. CREATE A SCHEDULE. It might feel strange to set reminders throughout the day to step outside, but you easily get wrapped up in activities and overlook breaks, and these reminders are exactly what you need. Start with 10-minute blocks three times a day. If you stick to them, soon you won’t need a schedule to get outside anymore. Winter weather may be cold, but even when you’re bundled up under a jacket and scarf, just 5–10 minutes outside can do wonders for your mood and energy for hours.

You Need to Know: Approaching Overpayments of SSI

RESPONDING TO OVERPAYMENT Depending on your situation, there will be different outcomes. If you believe you weren’t overpaid but still received a notice of overpayment, be sure to request a reconsideration. Through this form, you can explain why you believe you weren’t overpaid. If, upon receiving your SSI, you believe you were overpaid and you were not at fault, complete the Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery form. A waiver can also help you if you are unable to pay back the amount that was overpaid. REPAYING THE OVERPAYMENT In a situation where there has been an overpayment and the amount is correct, the SSA will require you to pay that amount back. There are several methods to repay it. In one option, the SSA will withhold the full amount from your benefits each month. However, if you cannot afford that, you can request a lesser amount be withheld. For SSI recipients, the amount withheld is typically 10% of monthly benefits.

When a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient receives an in-mail notice from the SSA stating that they have been overpaid, it’s bound to cause confusion and a little panic. However, overpayment of SSI is not unheard of, and there are a few ways to approach this situation. REASONS FOR OVERPAYMENT First, it’s important to understand how an overpayment can occur. There are many causes of an overpayment, including:

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A sudden increase of income A miscalculation from the SSA

A living status and/or marital status change A person is no longer disabled and continues to receive benefits

No matter which reason is behind the overpayment, it’s crucial that you take action upon receiving the notice. You will have 30 days to respond, either by paying the amount back or submitting an appeal or reconsideration form.

For additional information regarding SSI and overpayments, visit the Social Security website at

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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In 2006, a study was taken in São Paulo, Brazil, that involved 410 truck drivers. Of that number, 242 (59%) of those drivers reported having back pain. If we apply these statistics to the estimated 3 million truck drivers in the U.S. in 2019, the number of drivers who suffer from back pain is tremendously high. In fact, back pain is common among truck drivers, not just for the long hours spent behind the wheel but also the many tasks they perform. CAUSES OF BACK PAIN There are a number of causes that can create back pain for a truck driver. This includes poor posture, prolonged sitting, body vibration, lifting, and repetition of body movements. A driver’s duty includes moving and carrying heavy cargo and driving for long periods of time, both of which have drastic impacts on the body. Repetitive movements can wear the body down, creating aches and pains in the spine, knees, shoulders, hips, and other joints.

Then, when the driver remains in the same position as they drive, their muscles become tired, growing stiff and sore. Additionally, the vibration of the moving truck can make those aches and pains even more unbearable. PREVENTING BACK PAIN Luckily, there are a few things that a driver can do to prevent and reduce their risk of back pain. • Investing in a driver’s seat will not only reduce the vibrations of the truck but also provide extra support and padding. • Practicing proper posture is also a great way to reduce back pain. Avoid slouching or craning the neck, and be sure to keep the knees no higher than the hips. Adjust the driver’s seat if necessary.

• Planning for more regular breaks to stretch is a great way to help drivers move during their routes.

Incorporating a few simple stretches in day-to-day life will greatly reduce the chances of injuries and increase health. If you’re injured, suffer from back pain, and believe the injury was by no fault of your actions, call the Di Bartolomeo Law Office today at 503-325-8600.

Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole Inspired by


• 8 chicken thighs or drumsticks, lightly salted • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 tbsp all-purpose flour • 1 onion, finely sliced • 2 celery sticks, thickly sliced • 2 carrots, thickly sliced • 1 leek, thickly sliced

• 1 lb potatoes, peeled and cut in large chunks • 2 garlic cloves, sliced • 14 oz chicken stock • 1 sprig rosemary • Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped


1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and fry salted chicken on high until brown. 2. Transfer chicken to the slow cooker. Add flour and stir. 3. In the frying pan on high heat, fry the onion, celery, carrots, leeks, and potatoes until lightly browned. Add garlic and fry for 30 seconds. 4. Transfer vegetables to the slow cooker and add the stock, rosemary, and lemon zest. 5. Cook on high for 2.5–3 hours or until chicken is tender. 6. Check seasoning and add lemon juice to taste. Top with parsley before serving.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103

What’s Inside


Make Your Dreams Shine


Give Yourself the Boost of Getting Outside What Happens When You’re Overpaid SSI?


Does Your Back Hurt? You’re Not Alone Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole


Is the iPod Dead?

Is the iPod Dead? How America’s Favorite MP3 Player Fell Out of Favor — and Found a New Audience

Media outlets have been declaring the iPod "over" for years. In 2017, a USA Today article blared, "Say goodbye to the iPod era,” and a 2018 Reddit thread asked, "Why are iPods still a thing?" But, despite that lack of consumer confidence, Apple continues to sell brand-new Apple iPod Touches on its website for $199 and up, and it just updated them in 2019 — why? As it turns out, the iPod is now a tool almost exclusively for kids. When the first iPod MP3 player was released in 2001, adults went nuts for it, but these days, we can listen to music on our versatile smartphones, which have supplanted the iPod for most people. Young children, however, don’t necessarily have the smartphone option — and many parents don’t want them to. An iPod has become a gateway device: It’s the perfect way to give a kid the independence of listening to music on the go without exposing them to everything a smartphone has to offer. According to a Medium post by Yash Patel, the Apple iPod Touch has stuck around to serve this new audience because the pairing benefits both parents and Apple. There is a plethora of pluses for parents:

iPods have music and games to keep kids busy.

• Kids can stay in touch with their families using FaceTime and iMessage on an iPod, but they can’t call or text (as there’s no service plan). • A $199 iPod isn’t as big of a loss as its more expensive counterpart, the iPhone, if your toddler drops it in the toilet. For Apple, selling iPods brings in additional revenue, but there’s an even bigger perk. As Patel puts it, giving a kid an iPod “brings them into the Apple ecosystem, thus making them more likely to buy an iPhone when they are ready for an upgrade.” With a net worth of more than $2 trillion, Apple can afford to play the long game. If you’re interested in buying an iPod for your child but you’re not sold on the $199 price tag, we can’t blame you. Luckily, there are plenty of secondhand and refurbished iPods floating around the internet at deeply discounted prices. sells refurbished Nanos, Classics, and Touches with a 12-month warranty for as low as $40. Whether you’re shopping for your kids or just want to kick it old school, that’s a great place to start.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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