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2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional) Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 2. In a large pot over mediu

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - June 2022

2 tsp salt For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple, cut

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4 cup of The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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pillow-talk) This package includes wristbands with heart rate sensors, small speakers, and various c

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2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - May 2022

Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER

May 2022

Oregon Workers’ Compensation | Personal Injury | Social Security Disability

1139 Exchange St., Astoria, OR 97103 • 503-325-8600 •

IF YOU’RE STRESSED, DON’T FIGHT IT ALONE How to Overcome Stress — Together

I know the past couple of years of the pandemic have been isolating and stressful for many. Unfortunately, this is bad news in more ways than one: Developing chronic stress can lead to increased risk of heart disease, heartburn, and many other health problems. So, keeping stress low is crucial as we age. Have you been experiencing tension headaches, back pain, indigestion, heart palpitations, poor concentration, indecisiveness, crying, irritability, or edginess lately? Don’t ignore the symptoms of stress — even if you’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle, stress might be taking a weighty toll on your well-being. But, luckily, you don’t have to seek stress relief all on your own. You might think it’s easier to keep stress to yourself, but that’s not true. In fact, it’s usually easier to manage if you allow friends, family, and even community relationships to help you through it. I have five tips for you on how to do just that. NO. 1: START OR JOIN A WALKING GROUP (OR ANOTHER ACTIVE HOBBY). Finding people to stay fit with can be one of the most helpful ways to relieve stress on a regular basis. Not only do you get fitness into your day, which can help improve your current and long-term flexibility, balance, and health, but you also spend time with a group of people who are interested in doing the same thing. You might be surprised by how easy it is to start a conversation and get to know people in walking groups! If walking isn’t your thing, try out other fit group activities like Pilates, yoga, golf, or tennis. NO. 2: MAKE TIME TO SHARE A LAUGH. Laughter isn’t just the best medicine — it’s a personal antidote you can share with your friends and family! Would it surprise you to know that laughter has huge benefits for stress relief and overall health? It releases endorphins, stimulates your organs, and releases tension in your body. Ask friends and family to watch funny movies, tell jokes,

or share hilarious stories. Likewise, don’t be afraid to try and make someone else laugh. Even a good-hearted attempt might be enough to get the laughter flowing. NO. 3: TAKE A BREAK FROM THE ROUTINE. Of course, we don’t want to surrender our healthy habits, but stepping away from our typical routine when we’re stressed can sometimes work wonders. In times of stress, we’re more likely to lose our cool, say harsh things, break down into tears, or shut down all communication. We may also be tempted to keep to ourselves, but remember that winding down doesn’t automatically mean you have to be alone. You can always “break away” by getting coffee with an old friend or reconnecting with family members you haven’t spent time with in a while. NO. 4: SHARE A MEAL WITH GOOD COMPANY. Whether it’s with family, friends, or fellow members of a church community, find ways to sit down and share a meal with people you care for. Not only does it feel good to be nourished together, but it’s one of the oldest ways human beings congregate, begin long discussions, allow chances to vent, and connect with one another. NO. 5: TAKE AN ART CLASS. We’re all a little vulnerable when we release our inner artist and take the chance to paint, color, or sculpt away our stress. That’s why art classes are an awesome way to meet new people and connect. Vulnerability allows us to see new perspectives of people and ourselves. You can even take art classes with current friends and family! It’s a great chance to pause a busy lifestyle, relax your mind, and do something creative. Every human being experiences stress, even those who appear the most carefree. If you’re stressed this month, just remember you’re never alone. I hope these ideas will inspire you to take action.

–Joe Di Bartolomeo | 1

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

Big Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking Paddle Your Way to Better Health

MENTAL BENEFITS • While canoeing

The weather is getting warmer, which means you can do more activities in the water. Canoeing or kayaking is an excellent way to get outdoors and be active. Besides looking at the beautiful scenery around you, taking to the water confers several physical and mental health benefits. PHYSICAL BENEFITS • Paddling can help improve your upper-body strength and muscle tone — because you’re using your arms to guide yourself through the water with the paddle. Paddling helps strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, and back. • You use your legs to balance, maneuver, and change directions in the vessel. In turn, this movement helps strengthen your lower-body muscles . • While trying to stay centered and balanced on the water, you will develop more core strength . Paddling helps work your lower back, abs, and oblique muscles. • It’s a form of cardiac exercise that will help your heart circulate more blood throughout your body. It will also improve your endurance , enabling you to go longer distances faster.

or kayaking, your body releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins from neurotransmitters. This will help boost your mood and self-confidence and improve your focus . • These activities can enhance your memory and learning ability . This is because it exercises your hippocampus, one of the largest portions of your brain that is responsible for verbal memory and learning. • If you have trouble sleeping, this activity can improve your sleep . Exercising during the day can make you naturally tired, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. • Since you’ll be in the sun, your body can produce more vitamin D . This vitamin is essential for strong bones and an effective immune system. Canoeing and kayaking are great outdoor activities to help you get your daily dose of physical activity and a mental health boost. So, enjoy the warm weather and be one with nature — this may be your new favorite summer hobby this year!


By the time you file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you’ve probably already visited the doctor more times than you can count. So, it can come as a shock when Disability Determination Services (DDS) declares they need you to schedule a new appointment. These are called “consultative examinations.” So, why do they happen, and what do they entail? DDS orders a consultative examination when they feel your medical records are inconsistent or insufficient — or,

You can request your physician for the exam, but many doctors will decline due to the low reimbursement rate. Other times, a specialist is needed to conduct specific tests. DDS will send you to one of their contracted physicians in these cases. Some of these doctors are highly qualified, attentive, and objective. Unfortunately, others might have preconceived ideas about someone making an SSDI claim. When that’s the case, there’s little you can do to change their minds. We advise anyone attending a consultative exam to be honest and forthright. Do not lie or exaggerate symptoms, and if you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t guess. Any of these mistakes can be used against you later in court. Similarly, if the doctor asks you to perform tasks, do so to the best of your

ability. These doctors are excellent at spotting inconsistencies, and they will hurt you in court.

Unfortunately, a consultative exam usually does not support the claimant’s case. But the good news is that it’s not the only evidence available to present to the DDS. We will seek out second medical opinions on the test results when possible (again, this is why it’s important to do your best), and you also have your own doctor’s records and opinions backing you up. If you have questions, want to file an appeal, or are concerned about your consultative exam, Di Bartolomeo Law is here to help. We will be glad to review your case, help you understand your rights, and whenever possible, help you secure the benefits you deserve. Don’t suffer the confusing red tape alone — give us a call today.

sometimes, just because they’d like a second opinion. Unlike other medical exams you’ve undergone for your disability, the goal is not to treat you — it’s to assess your impairment level and decide whether you’re eligible for benefits.

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The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

Commemorating Mental Health Awareness Month When Injuries Go Deeper Than Physical Wounds

Whether you’ve been involved in a car collision, slip and fall, or workplace accident, recovery likely hasn’t been easy. You may have had a hospital stay, surgery, physical therapy, outpatient treatments, or a period of rest while you healed. But what about your emotional recovery? Mental health is just as important as the physical healing process to an injury victim’s well-being. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and while much has changed in recent years, many people still resist seeking or discussing the care they need. That’s a particular problem for people who have been injured. As many as 1 in 3 people suffer from depression after a serious injury, and almost 1 in 4 develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The numbers are worse among those who have suffered a spinal cord or traumatic brain injury. Mental health issues following an injury can have many causes. Long periods in the hospital or recovering in bed can lead to social isolation, a risk factor for depression. Similarly, persistent pain can

take a mental toll, finances can cause anxiety, and the trauma of the original injury can lead to PTSD. If the injury is long term or results in a permanent disability, the sufferer may also struggle to create a new sense of self that doesn’t involve their old work or activities. After an injury, set clear goals, try to remain optimistic, and rely on your support system. It’s important to avoid dwelling on the things you can’t change. Acknowledging and accepting your emotions is also critical — berating yourself for struggling is counterproductive. Many injury victims experience a period of grief, and you will need to work through it like any other loss.

But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can handle every mental health setback on your own. If you are having trouble concentrating, experiencing persistent sad or anxious thoughts, feeling rage or fear, or reliving the accident in your mind, visit your doctor and tell them what’s going on. They will listen to your symptoms and create a plan to help. Like every other part of recovery, overcoming a mental health issue won’t be easy — but it’s entirely possible with proper support and care.


One-Pan Baked Salmon and Veggies Inspired by

It’s asparagus season! Celebrate with this easy one-pan salmon dish for two. Ingredients

• 1 lb spring potatoes, halved • 2 tbsp olive oil (divided) • 8 asparagus spears, trimmed and halved

• 2 handfuls cherry tomatoes • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

• 2 5-oz salmon fillets • 1 handful fresh basil


1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. 2. In an oven-proof dish, combine the potatoes and 1 tbsp olive oil. Roast for 20 minutes. 3. Remove the dish from the oven and add the asparagus. Toss, and bake for 15 more minutes. 4. Remove the dish from the oven and add the cherry tomatoes. Toss. Drizzle with balsamic, then nestle the salmon fillets into the vegetables. Drizzle with the remaining oil, and bake for 10–15 minutes. 5. Remove the dish from the oven, garnish with basil leaves, and serve!

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103

What’s Inside


Overcome Stress —With the Right Help


Strengthen Your Entire Body! What to Expect at a Consultative Examination


How Injuries Can Affect Mental Health One-Pan Baked Salmon and Veggies


This Wallet Is Trackable and Protects Against Fraud


We’ve seen it all — smartwatches, smartphones, smart robots … but a smart wallet? The Parliament Wallet from Ekster is a fortress for your cash and credit cards, combating identity theft and protecting your cards against skimming. The wallet also comes with some pretty cool features and an affordable price tag!

each card carrier to cancel your card and protect yourself against fraud. And replacing your driver’s license and other ID cards? Forget

it! This smart wallet contains a tracker card so you can locate it by GPS. You can even call your wallet from your phone and vice versa and sync up your wallet with Siri, Google Assistant, or Amazon Alexa.

Designed for sleekness and minimalism, Ekster’s wallet is made of premium leather and is very thin, reducing bulk in your pockets. It features an “ejection” feature, perfect for helping you locate the card you are looking for on the spot. With this wallet, gone are the days spent fumbling and fat-fingering your way through your wallet. At the click of a button, your cards fan out in front of you and then return back to their safe, tucked-away position. If you’ve ever lost your wallet, you’re surely familiar with the stress of trying to locate it and the pain of calling

The absolute best part about this wallet is that built-in radio frequency identification (RFID) protection prevents pickpockets from stealing your >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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