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Distasio Law Firm November 2019

Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death | Inside This Issue PAGE 1 It Can Happen t

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Distasio Law Firm February 2019

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Distasio Law Firm October 2019

Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death | Inside This Issue PAGE 1 A Great Time to

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Distasio Law Firm July 2019

Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death | Inside This Issue PAGE 1 Life, Liberty …

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Distasio Law Firm April 2019

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Distasio Law Firm March 2019

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Distasio Law Firm December 2019

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Distasio Law Firm September 2019

Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death | Inside This Issue PAGE 1 Everyone Needs

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Distasio Law Firm January 2019

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Distasio Law Firm August 2019

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Distasio Law Firm June 2019



JUNE 2019



(813) 259-0022 |


I firmly believe that one of my responsibilities as a business owner is to give back to the community our firm serves. There is no shortage of ways to do this, but I also think we have a unique opportunity to support charitable causes that don’t receive the attention of the national or international media. That’s not to say that donating money to major charities isn’t worthwhile; it absolutely is. I just think the onus is on us to make sure that smaller causes don’t go unserved. As a lawyer, I’m in a unique position to identify such causes. A large part of my job revolves around understanding exactly what the law states in order to protect my clients, who are regular people, against large institutions like insurance companies and unscrupulous elder care providers. In doing this work, I often discover ways in which the law is sorely lacking. One of those areas, at least in Florida, is car seat regulations. For whatever reason, the state has pretty lax measures when it comes to car seats. These loose laws don’t serve anyone and lead to injuries that could be avoided. In our state, the law requires children to use a dedicated car seat from birth through age 3. It also requires that children use booster seats from ages 4–5. That may seem like it is sufficient, but safety experts would beg to differ. Cars are

just not made for child-sized passengers, and that’s especially true when it comes to seatbelts. An improperly fitting seatbelt is better than nothing for sure, but it is not enough to protect the most precious cargo of all. According to KidSittingSafe, an online blog devoted to car seat safety, requiring a booster seat for children through age 8 could reduce serious injuries by up to 45 percent. Most car safety specialists recommend using one for children up to age 12. Imagine how many tragedies we could avoid if the law made it mandatory. Even if the laws were tightened, many parents still could not afford to provide a safe riding environment for their children. That’s where we come in. We want to help provide the safest possible riding environment for the children of Tampa, so we’re sponsoring a free booster seat giveaway . Supplies are limited, but we intend to provide as many families as possible with these vital safety devices. To qualify, you only need to live in Tampa Bay and fill out a form located on the following website: car-booster-seat-giveaway . All requests will be fulfilled on a first come, first serve basis. Our mission as a firm is “Making Communities Safer.” We do that in every way we can think of, from our daily work to special initiatives like this one. We’re a small firm. We may not have the power to lobby the Florida Legislature into writing better car seat safety laws, but we can

play our part in covering the gaps in the law and making the prospect of transporting young children a little less anxiety-inducing for parents. If you are in need of a booster seat for your child, we encourage you to head to our website and sign up for a free one. Nobody should have to decide between financial strain and keeping their children safe.

“Nobody should have to decide between financial strain and keeping their children safe.”



(813) 259-0022

The Truth About Meditation AN ANCIENT SOLUTION TO MODERN PROBLEMS This is the first step in every meditation session. Though often associated with the New Age metaphysical movement, meditation isn’t all about incense and healing crystals. Meditation is an ancient practice that strengthens your mental focus, and recent research suggests that it offers real solutions to modern problems. WHAT IS MEDITATION? Meditation has strong roots in various religious and cultural traditions, but anyone can find value in practicing it. The purpose of meditation is to strengthen your mind by promoting mindfulness, focus, and awareness. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

DOES MEDITATION WORK? It depends on what you mean by “work.” Will meditation allow you to defy gravity and hover above the earth? Probably not. But there are so many benefits that will leave you feeling lighter in another way. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that mindful meditation lowers stress levels, and patients who habitually meditate report less chronic pain. Another study published in the same journal found that regular meditation also fights depression. HOW DO I MEDITATE? Meditating is as simple as sitting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing for a few minutes. Whenever your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath. You don’t need to climb a mountain or pay for a week-long retreat to start meditating.

That said, there are plenty of resources that help beginners build a strong foundation for meditation. Popular apps like Calm or Headspace are available on any smartphone and offer guided courses you can start anywhere, anytime. You could also check online or at your local community center for group classes if you would like some in-person guidance. Meditation isn’t a magical ritual that will cure all that ails you, but plenty of research suggests meditation does provide tangible benefits to our mental and physical well- being. Maybe one day, meditation will be as commonplace as daily exercise.

KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS Stories of Businesses and People Who Make the World a Little Brighter

No matter where you read your news, we’re willing to bet the lion’s share is decidedly downbeat. Fearmongering garners cable news ratings, outrage is a surefire way to win social media likes, and furious debate plays better than nuanced conversation on most radio stations. With so much negativity out there, it can be easy to forget that the world is full of remarkable people who make it their mission to spread kindness and joy. Take a break from all the anger and enjoy these stories of gratitude, charity, and genuine human connection.

ROSA’S FRESH PIZZA PAYS IT FORWARD Selling a slice of pizza for $1 in a city like Philadelphia is already offering great value, but Rosa’s Fresh Pizza doesn’t just stop there. Through pure coincidence and the compassion of one guest, they’ve created a program that’s provided more than 100,000 slices of pizza to Philly’s homeless residents. A customer offered to buy a slice for the next homeless customer, founder Mason Wartman put the gratis offer on a Post-it, and a movement was born. Now, guests regularly participate in the program and the wall of Rosa’s is covered in Post-its. It’s a very fitting initiative for the City of Brotherly Love.

VIC MENSA LENDS A HAND TO THE FEET OF CHICAGO’S YOUTH Last summer, the Chicago PD engaged in a controversial tactic designed to lure thieves into a trap. They parked a truck in Englewood, an impoverished neighborhood, that was made to look like it contained sneakers and had been abandoned. The so-called “bait truck” enraged community organizers and civil rights groups who felt it was a gross misuse of police resources. It also infuriated Chicago rapper/ singer Vic Mensa, who decided he’d give the people what the police tempted them with. He parked an anti-bait truck on the same block the police did and gave away 10,000 pairs of shoes

to young people in need. Talk about turning a negative story into a positive one!

Each of us can find a way to spread a little kindness in our communities. In doing so, we often find that the world is a lot brighter than it appears on the news.

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And a Firm Helping to Combat It

Everyone expects the products they rely on for their jobs to work as advertised. When they don’t, serious injuries can occur. In some industries, those injuries can be devastating. Needless to say, American military personnel fall under the category of folks who face dire consequences when their equipment doesn’t work like it’s supposed to. Sadly, that’s exactly what happened with Combat Arms Earplugs manufactured by the 3M corporation.

solution to this problem: an earplug that allows low-level sound to pass through but keeps higher decibels at bay. From 2003–15, the U.S. military provided these earplugs to thousands of soldiers and service people on the front lines. The

Last summer, the government accepted a $9.1 million settlement from the company as a mea culpa for the fraud. Although the government was compensated for the purchase of the earplugs, the veterans who wore them were not. Because none of the money went to the people harmed by the false promise of Combat Arms Earplugs, it’s up to the vets themselves to take action. Even if a veteran already receives compensation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for hearing loss, they may still qualify to make a claim against 3M for its conduct. This money will help compensate for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages. If you or someone you know was a service member from 2003–15, used 3M Combat Arms Earplugs, and suffers from permanent hearing loss or tinnitus, Distasio Law Firm is here to help. Call us today at (800) 319-1877 to see if you or anyone you know qualifies to make a claim.

problem was that the earplugs did not work as intended. Even worse, 3M apparently knew they didn’t do their job, but that

did not matter to them. They continued to sell the earplugs to the

Combat zones are loud and chaotic. Hearing loss is one of the

most common injuries reported by deployed soldiers, and the effects last long after a tour of duty. On top of that, being unable to hear in the midst of an operation can result in serious bodily harm and even death. 3M marketed an innovative

military, even though they knew the product

was faulty. As a result, thousands of military personnel suffered avoidable

hearing-related issues.

Pet of the Month C O N T E S T




• • •

1 lime, halved

• •

4 lbs. chicken wings 1 stick unsalted butter, softened 1 1/4 tbsp Thai red curry paste

Extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Chopped cilantro for garnish

Go to

Like our page.

Post a picture of your pet to our feed (@DistasioFirm) by June 20, 2019.

• •

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup soy sauce

Check back on our page on June 25 to see the pet of the month winner.


inspired by 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. Rinse wings under cold water and pat dry. Season liberally with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Roast on a baking sheet for 25 minutes or until skin becomes crisp and brown. 3. Blend butter, red curry paste, honey, and soy sauce in a large mixing bowl. 4. Toss wings in butter mixture. Squeeze lime juice on top, transfer to serving plate, and garnish with cilantro. (813) 259-0022 3

• If your pet is chosen as the pet of the month, please contact our office at (813) 259-0022 to claim your gift card. The winning entry will receive a $25 gift card and will get to see their pet in next month’s newsletter.

Noodle, owned by Emma Hemness



1112 Channelside Dr. Ste. 5 Tampa, FL 33602

Auto/Truck/Motorcycle Accidents Personal Injury | Slip and Falls Pharmacy Medication Errors

ALF/Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death |

Inside This Issue


A Boost for Driving Parents


Take a Deep Breath


Kindness Is Contagious


A Corporation That Wronged America’s Heroes


Meet Our Pet of the Month


Father’s Day Chili Lime Chicken Wings


Are All Green Foods the Same?

It’s All Green to Me


You need to eat more green foods.

have recently noted that people who get most of their vitamin E from their diet tend to have a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s all the more reason to enjoy that avocado toast! EDAMAME Looking for a filling mid-afternoon snack? Skip the potato chips and help yourself to some edamame. These Japanese soybeans are a familiar sight on sushi menus, but they’re also readily available in the freezer section of your local grocery store. Edamame is delicious and a great source of protein, making it the perfect snack. WATERCRESS Step aside, kale; here’s the real queen of green. With more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and more vitamin C than an orange, watercress is one of the best greens you’re not eating. With all of these extra vitamins, watercress has been shown to improve heart health, bone health, and even act as an

No, this doesn’t mean green Skittles. Green vegetables comprise one of the most important food groups, and most people aren’t eating enough of them. But if you do decide to get more nutrients from green veggies, remember that not all greens are created equal. Dark leafy spinach is basically a superfood, offering protein, iron, vitamin A, and tons of minerals. Meanwhile, iceberg lettuce or celery may fill your stomach up, but they offer little to no nutritional value. Next time you’re at the grocery store, keep an eye out for these top-rated green vegetables that are both delicious and nutritious. AVOCADO They’re tasty, they’re trendy, and they’re great for your eyes. Avocados are a great source of an antioxidant called lutein, which improves eye health. They’re also rich in vitamin E. Researchers

antidepressant. Next time you need a pick-me- up, consider a watercress salad. Your whole body will thank you! Bad childhood encounters with canned spinach or steamed Brussels sprouts are why many people avoid green veggies. But the produce section is full of tasty, healthy options waiting to appear on your dinner plate and improve your well-being.

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