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Doctors Studio - May 2020

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Doctors Studio - June 2020 T H E S T U D I O EXCEPTION JUNE 2020 WWW.DOCTORSSTUDIO.COM 561.444.7751

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Doctors Studio - May 2020


MAY 2020




I was very young when I had my son, Liam. In many ways, he and I grew up together. When he was 12 years old and I was starting my first year of medical school, he had his first seizure. Within a year and a half, he was having hundreds of seizures every day, and he had dementia. He started high school with a bright future ahead of him, but from there, it was all downhill. His independence was quickly taken from him, and he was constantly under heavy medication in an attempt to control his seizures. The next several years of medical school were challenging. I was caring for my son, so I walked with him as he lost his sense of normal. In fact, he was forced to reinvent “normal” on a regular basis with each day harder than the next. By my third year of medical school, Liam had dementia, a complete loss of independence, and quite a bit of frustration to deal with in addition to hundreds of daily seizures. It was through the lens of rapid and dramatic decline that we saw, clearly, the limitations of medicine — not just the limitations of medical intervention but especially the emotional limitations of medicine. I realized that in scary situations like mine, practitioners are afraid they can’t help you. This fear leads to hopelessness. It is in the practitioner’s hopelessness that the patient feels abandoned. The feelings of abandonment are devastating and also motivating. Oftentimes in functional medicine, I am a last stop for people. Many of my patients have been to doctor after doctor looking for answers. When it’s the truth, I look them in the eye and tell them I don’t have all the answers for them. But I promise them I will be with them through it every step of the way. I’m not afraid of anyone or their illness. My patients aren’t coming to me expecting that I can solve their problem. They’re coming to me for guidance and counsel and to have somebody who

can be with them through it all. Liam was 23 years old when he passed away. My experience caring for him taught me that it isn’t the dying that is difficult; it’s the living. My firsthand understanding of that truth has been and will continue to be what drives the success of my practice. When Liam was sick, he had the best physicians in the world: the head of neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital and doctors at Dartmouth. But even they didn’t have answers. Through his journey with illness, we realized there are many different options out there, and because we were open to those options, we found some relief. Acupuncture, nutrition, meditation, and yoga were all helpful. I keep an open mind. If one of my patients told me they pray to a red rock they’d found in their backyard because they found Jesus in it, I’d pray to it with them. I don’t understand everything, and I don’t have all the answers. That said, my practice at Doctors Studio is rooted in science and biochemistry. Ten years is a long time to live with an illness that seemed to come on suddenly. Most physicians don’t really understand what it is like to be ill or to have a sick loved one, but I do. I understand the complexities of that journey. I understand what it’s like to have the most beautiful family and be the picture of health one day and then, the next day, to have that future taken from you. I earned that understanding through 10 years of caring for, and ultimately losing, Liam. We can’t control everything. That’s just the nature of the human condition. But we can control a lot more than we think we can, and understanding how to be an active participant in securing your own wellness is a powerful first step in taking that control.

I earned that understanding through 10 years of caring for, and ultimately losing, Liam.

—Dr. Lisbeth Roy






B efore COVID-19, the world was going about its business with the “normal” ebb and flow. But now that the unthinkable is actually unfolding, we are all just a bit paralyzed … at least many people I encounter each day are unsure about what is the right thing to do next in order to protect our culture and social way of life. We all agree that testing is a necessary tool in making decisions about the future. The simple fact is that the Food and Drug Administration approved rapid antibody testing for COVID-19, and those tests are available in many locations. You can do the test in the comfort of your own home or a participating provider can draw your blood at their office. The Studio team has made arrangements with a group that has over 6,000 phlebotomists throughout the U.S. This means that no matter where you are, it is likely that we can arrange an at-home specimen collection. The test can be done at any time of day and does not require fasting.



Right now, a pandemic is sweeping the globe. This isn’t our first pandemic, and it won’t be our last. If ever there has been in a time to be proactive in securing our own wellness, it is now. We owe that to our loved ones, our communities, and ourselves. When you go to medical school, you study medicine, which is ultimately about disease diagnosis and management. About 97% of every health care dollar spent in this country is spent on managing disease, not disease prevention. When your doctor runs your bloodwork, they’re not assessing your state of wellness. They’re doing disease surveillance. If disease is present, your doctor will know how to manage it. But in medical school, you don’t learn about wellness. If you create an environment of wellness, disease can no more exist than darkness can in a room with a light on. Therefore, assessing and bolstering wellness is the foundation of my practice. I teach my patients, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background, to cultivate a daily practice of wellness. When patients come in to see me, I begin by assessing their wellness, and then I build a targeted treatment plan that is designed to very quickly improve their baseline.

know can improve our lives: Eat whole, fresh foods. Get regular sleep every night and practice prayer or meditation. Get some sunshine, practice gratitude, and stay in touch with your community as much as possible. Wellness is the culmination of many small efforts; it is not a switch that we just flip on.

Even if you don’t book an appointment, though, you can cultivate wellness in your life by implementing the simple practices that we all

To learn more about how you can secure your own wellness, visit our website at



THE TRIFECTA TREATMENT Tapping Into Nature’s Secret O zone is created in nature by lightning to clean and disinfect the atmosphere. There are 40 years of research outside of the United States that support the medical utility of ozone. But still, if you Google medical uses for ozone, you’ll see that a lot of people consider it quackery. I hate to be controversial, but that is just not true. Ozone is quickly catching on as a popular treatment in the U.S. because its effects are so immediate and there are no known complications. Together, ozone and ultraviolet light are nature’s ways of cleaning and supporting the earth, and if our desire is to bring energy and cleansing support to our own bodies, we need to listen to nature’s choice. Ozone and UV light give your body the support it needs to complete its natural functions of cleaning and restoration. At Doctor’s Studio, we offer a treatment called The Trifecta. The treatment includes IV nutrients and minerals, ozone, and ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI). In 2017, Harvard Medical School professor Michael R. Hamblin published an article praising the efficacy of UBI as an alternate approach to infection control, both viral and bacterial. While UBI was widely practiced in medicine before the advent of antibiotics, it has been left largely unstudied since then. Dr. Hamblin’s paper is written with the directly expressed purpose of encouraging further exploration into this method of treatment because there is strong evidence that it works. UV light, minerals, vitamins, and ozone are all naturally occurring ways we can heal our bodies. They’re plentiful, they’re cheap, and there is little to no money to be made off of selling them. Our Trifecta Treatment taps into nature’s secret, and we hope you will too.


If everyone is tested and the people who are positive isolate until they are no longer contagious (14 days), then we will stop the spread. The problem with COVID-19 is that it affects people differently. Some people get sick and have symptoms and some do not. Know your COVID-19 status! I feel strongly that you need to take personal responsibility to secure your wellness! The necessary investments are of time, money, attention, and a commitment to keep moving forward toward your wellness goals. The Studio team will guide you every step of the way to wellness. We have created the Virtual Wellness Membership program to allow access to our services from anywhere in the U.S. There is no better time than now to connect with a wellness guide. Specialized testing, compounds, professional supplements, medical devices, and all other necessary elements are readily available through a remote, private video relationship.

We are here to serve you. Inquire about the Virtual Wellness Membership program to see we are a good fit!


3 561.444.7751





What 10 Years of Illness Taught Me About Medicine

Get Tested for COVID-19 Now!

Securing Your Wellness: A Proactive Approach to Health

Ozone: The Trifecta Treatment: Tapping Into Nature’s Secret

You’re Not on House Arrest

HOW TO GET OUTSIDE SAFELY Social Distancing Doesn’t Mean You’re Trapped

HEAD TO A PARK If you live near a park that is spacious enough to allow social distancing, get outside and exercise. Taking a walk and riding your bike by yourself or with others in your immediate household are great options, but you should not travel in groups of more than 10. Also, keep in mind that many states have closed playgrounds in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. In addition to your local parks, the National State Park Service announced in mid-March that it is suspending all entrance fees until further notice. Park officials hope to make it easier for the public to enjoy the parks that remain open, which are large enough for people to explore while maintaining social distancing. However, many parks have closed in response to the pandemic. To check for closures and to get more information, head to Keep in mind that while you’re outside, it is absolutely essential to use caution and practice all of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations, which can be found at Be careful and stay safe.

Many people think that to observe social distancing they have to stay inside, but that’s not true. People can leave their homes; they just have to be cautious when they do. In fact, getting outside to get some fresh air and stretch is good for your health. Dr. Roy Buchinsky, the director of wellness at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center, says that getting outside for a few minutes “increases serotonin and dopamine and makes you feel good.” During this time when anxiety is running high, taking a few minutes to step outside is incredibly beneficial for you and your family. Here are a few ways to get outside while practicing social distancing. STAY HOME FOR BACKYARD FUN Your backyard is a great place to get outside without coming in close contact with other people. Put up the family tent for a staycation and enjoy a few camping activities, like roasting marshmallows for s’mores, telling stories, and watching the stars. For a fun daytime activity, plant a vegetable or flower garden. If you don’t have a backyard, take yourself or your pet for a walk around the block, just be sure to maintain the proper distance — 6 feet — from anyone who has the same idea.



Published by The Newsletter Pro